Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch. 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Well…this fic ain't doing as well as Internal Scars…but what the hell, if I got reviewers that say they want another chapter, I'm gonna make another chapter.

Bakura: Soooo lucky…why can't Internal Scars be slow so that she won't update… T_T

Malik: No one loves me anymore…

Author: *Pat Pat* sure they do; and Bakura, don't wish or I'll write another one starring you…hehehehe… Anyways! On with the next chapter! Please R&R, somebody, anybody!


Marik bit Bakura violently on the shoulder, drawing blood, and then proceeded to soothe the wound with his tongue. He relinquished the metallic taste as he hands roamed underneath the pale thief's shirt.

Bakura moaned in pained pleasure as he raked his fingernails down Marik's tanned back.

The wild haired Egyptian gasped in pain as the sensitive areas where the carvings were on his back got scratched. "Fuck you," he gritted as he grabbed Bakura's hair and pulled him into a forceful kiss.

Bakura responded, wild and passionate as their tongues caressed one another, each one battling for domination. Moving to dirty tactics, the thief suddenly jerked down his head and bit down upon Marik's lip.

Marik screamed slightly as Bakura sucked vigorously on the cut, nibbling on it for more of the tanned boy's blood. Bakura lifted his head and grinned sadistically at Marik as the other turned away quickly, holding his hand to his mouth the stem the flow of blood, "Don't think you're going to fuck me anytime soon you dirty slut."

"Who are you calling a slut?" Marik growled as he picked up the smaller boy by the collar and threw him across the room, and then pounced on him, "I think you're being a little hypocritical here." He straddled Bakura's hips, grinding the robber beneath him enticingly as he removed his shirt, "Look who's the slut, and who's the master, don't you think it's a little obvious?"

"Oh too obvious," Bakura replied as he thrust his hips upwards and Marik toppled over. With honed skills, Bakura was soon sitting on Marik's chest, facing the boy's groin. Leaning over he shoved his ass forcefully into Marik's face as he unzipped his pants with his teeth.

Marik was fighting to turn his head away, struggling for air, unable to move nor get up with Bakura's behind planted on his head; with his arms, which were free, he clasped Bakura under the arms and attempted to move him with what strength he has left with limited oxygen. The white haired boy then wiggled forward onto his chest and the Egyptian gasped in mouthfuls of air, his lower body shivering as his entire skin waist down met with air. Seeing that Bakura's behind was moving up towards him again, he lifted head back and Bakura's ass caught in the crook of his neck in an awkward position. When he spoke his voice came out in a strangled croak, "You'll pay for this you asshole."

"Can't wait."

Marik drew in a sharp breath as his entire penis was engulfed in something warm and wet; "Oh…" he clenched and unclenched his hands as Bakura worked his mouth up and down his shaft, while his hands fondled the velvety sacs at the base.

He could feel Bakura grin as the boy withdrew and blew on his saliva coated erection. He heaved, not wanting to give the thief the satisfaction of seeing him in pleasure, "I know you like it you dirty Egyptian," Bakura said as he nibbled on the tip, "and I'll have you screaming for more by the time I'm done."

"Keep dreaming…" Marik's breath cut short as Bakura resumed his movements, the boy's jeans rubbing painfully against his chin as his butt twitched from his actions. Every so often Bakura would sit on his airway, cutting his oxygen supply for moments at a time, and Marik angrily knew that the thief knew all too well what he was doing.

Bakura continued to suckle up and down Marik's manhood, his pink tongue massaging it as he moved up and down, stopping at the base to lick the skin that connected his testicles, before moving back up to play with the tip, "You know you like it," Bakura said to the hardened organ, "Why don't you just give up and come for me?" He then took the whole thing into his mouth again, his teeth grating along the sides as he pumped Marik up and down with his mouth.

When Bakura bit down on the tip of his erection Marik let out something that sounded like a strangled moan as he emptied himself inside the thief's inviting mouth. He could feel Bakura's cheek muscles tighten around his member as he swallowed the white liquid. He brought his head back up and turning around he said with a smirk, "Looks like someone lost this round."

Marik growled, panting as he suddenly flipped Bakura over, landing heavily on top of him, "But I'm not losing the next one."

Bakura got the wind completely knocked out of him; while he was stunned, Marik rapidly removed the rest of the young man's clothing, and taking off his own shirt as well, he pressed down against the pale body, "You didn't get me to scream, which is something I'll have you do instead." The Egyptian then brought his head down and clamped his teeth to Bakura's nipple, and pulled at it.

Bakura gasped and writhed as Marik withdrew, but not enough to let the other boy free, and moved to his other nub while his fingers stroked the swollen flesh, toying with fascination as it hardened to the touch. "Son of a bitch…" Bakura chewed on his lip, trying not to give in to the other's demands. "Wait til I get free…"

"Which won't be for a long time," Marik shifted his weight, still keeping Bakura effectively pinned helplessly to the cold floor as he ran his tongue down his stomach, pausing to dip the pink muscle into the boy's navel before moving on. He stared with lust as Bakura shivered and goose bumps appeared on his skin, "You are one damned sexy bitch." Marik rubbed himself against Bakura's thigh, feeling himself erecting again at the contact, "Time for you to scream for me." In one fluid motion, the tanned boy plunged himself, dry, into Bakura's entry.

Bakura did scream, he screamed until his voice went hoarse as the stinging friction tore his opening, "Ra…!" it felt like hell yet all the more enticing at the same time. Blood lubricating his penis, Marik began to pump rapidly in and out of Bakura, without waiting for the other to adjust.

"Fuck you to all eternity," Bakura gritted out between gasps as he arched to the movement.

"I'd be happy to fuck YOU to all eternity," grabbing Bakura's pale legs, Marik forced them apart and getting onto his knees, he sped up his movements even faster and pounded mercilessly into the thief's body; the sounds of pained moans and pants like music to his ears.

Bakura's hand moved down and he began to masturbate himself in attempt to heighten the pleasure further, "You damn Egyptian," he panted as he body shook with each thrust.

Getting into the action, Marik became more and more fiery, snatching up Bakura's legs and dragged the boy towards him as he slammed himself against the other body until he burst with a full release.

Lights flashed behind Bakura's eyes as he climaxed, sticky fluid sliding over his hands as he ejaculated. He moved it out of the way just in time for Marik to crash on top of him, panting heavily. The tanned boy's heartbeat thundered against Bakura's chest as he lay on top of him. Slowly bringing his hand up to his lips, Bakura smeared his seed onto his mouth, "Kiss me you fucker."

Marik complied, his own lips and tongue working to taste all of Bakura's sweetness as they lingered in their deep kiss. As he pulled away he gasped out, "Looks like we're even this time."

Bakura arms snaked around Marik's head and he pulled him down to meet his forehead, "Just watch Marik. Next time I get the fuck."

"Anything you say sweetheart," Marik mocked as they got up, still holding onto each other's sweaty bodies as they dropped onto Bakura's bed and promptly fell asleep.

Ryou finished clearing the dishes and had placed them in the cupboard when he could hear loud bumping noises followed by gasps and cries upstairs. Flushing with embarrassment he quickly grabbed his cup of tea and scooted down to the basement where he couldn't hear them.

Sitting down on a fluffy sofa he sighed again, and took a sip of his tea, "How come no one loves me? Everyone tells me how lovable I am, how sweet, kind and wonderful I am…so how come I'm alone?" As he thought these words he sniffed, and a few tears dropped onto his hand. " I love my yami, I love Malik, hence I love his yami too…they all treated me so well…Bakura would protect me from bullies, Malik treated me like his best friend next to Bakura, and Marik would always make sure to compliment me… I love them…but they have each other…even now…that Bakura and Malik are separated…Malik's voice…he only wants Bakura still…" he sniffled, tucking his legs underneath him for comfort, when the phone across from him rang.

Wiping his tears away he answered, "H-hello?"


The pale haired hikari's heart stopped when he heard who was on the other line, "M-Malik? Why are you calling?"

"Same reason why I always call," the boy sounded miserable on the other end, "but let me guess Ryou, you're so loyal to him that you'll just deny me again…"

Ryou's heart squeezed in pain as he heard the sarcasm dripping from the Egyptian's voice, "I'm sorry Malik…I really am…but this time, Bakura's busy, and I'm not lying. We invited your yami over because he was still depressed about your departure so he's entertaining him right now…catching up on old times."

"I was wondering why I felt Marik so happy through our link, thanks for making him happier, and sorry for upsetting you…I didn't mean it…really…" Malik faded off, and all Ryou could hear was breathing on the other line.

"It's alright…really," Ryou reassured the other boy, "I'm just not in the best of moods right now."

"Nor am I to tell the truth," Malik was overjoyed to actually have a conversation with the white haired teen, "things going ok at your home though?"

"More or less…but we miss you Malik. Why won't you just come back?"

"It's not that easy. My family is here and Isis has this belief that I should stay in Egypt to help Yami should he ever come…"

"But if you were here you could just go with him," Ryou protested, "Bakura's grumpy because he never has anything to do. Marik's sad and…" he paused, "I'm lonely without you too Malik, you're one of my closest friends."

The young Egyptian boy felt touched at Ryou's words, "You're really sweet Ryou; I'm surprised that no one has hooked you yet."

"I'm surprised too…" Ryou answered softly, "but I'm not really looking," he chirped out, a little too cheerfully. "Anyways, we're tying up the phone bill…this IS long distance after all…but send me an email or something, or call me again; maybe on a break you can come and visit."

"Yea, I hope so. I'll see you Ryou."


Malik gently placed down the phone back onto its receiver and slumped on his bed. So Bakura DID miss him after all, maybe things aren't as bad as he thought…and Marik WAS sad without him, which he found touching because his yami actually cared, and Ryou seemed to really want him to move back. Maybe in the next break he's got he'll fly back and visit…

He was just wondering how in the world did Ryou and Bakura managed to get Marik so ecstatic, as he could feel it through their link…

Ryou knew he shouldn't be feeling sorry for himself but as he drank his tea, Malik's words were playing over and over in his mind, "You're really sweet Ryou…"

Whimpering to himself, Ryou comforted himself by rocking back and forth on the couch, "Why can't you love me too while you're at it…"


Author: MWAHAZ! I got another done! Blah…that was so off the top of my head…and I suddenly broke out in hives in the middle of the chapter… ><

Bakura: I actually like this fic…eheheh

Malik: I sound cool angsty…

Ryou: Wow…I'm so uke…

Marik: I'm so hot…

Everyone: ><;;;

Marik: What did I say??

Author: Anyways, please review…I'm plotting out the story now in my head and whoa…it's going in many directions…