Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch. 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: I know this fic isn't getting too much support *sob* but I'm gonna update it anyways

Malik: No one likes me…

Author: Awwww *huggles* I love you though! *glares at readers* don't make my baby cry!

Bakura: Please don't get all emotional on me…

Author: Quiet you! Just because Internal Scars has more fans doesn't mean you can make fun of Malik!

Bakura: But I didn't… >< He can have all the attention for all I care.

Author: Anyways, Please R&R!! It doesn't hurt to take a few seconds to review!!! I want at least five this time!

Malik: Pretty please with a cherry on top?


Malik waited, nervousness chewing away at his body, as he sat in the physician's office, waiting for the test results. After the episode with that man, Malik had flown the coop, hoping he'd never see him again.

"I can't believe…that happened," he moaned to himself, rocking back and forth on his chair. Horrified by the fact that he had sex with come foreigner he immediately got tested for HIV, and now he's waiting for the test results.

"Mr. Ishtar?" a nurse came up to him, "the doctor will see you now."

"Thank you," he was ushered into an office where he sat again, waiting for the doctor to arrive. He began to fidget once again, "At least he didn't beat the shit out of me or some psychotic thing…" he pulled his arm cuffs back to examine his wrists, still raw from the ropes that tied him to the bedpost, "bastard…"

"Mr. Malik Ishtar I presume?" Malik glanced up to see a stern, middle aged man walk into and sit opposite to him, "I'm Dr. Granger, please to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you too sir," the Egyptian boy shook his hand.

"We got your tests back from the lab yesterday," the doctor held up his clipboard, sliding on his glasses in the process, "and I'm pleased to say that your tests came back negative."

A whoosh of air left Malik's lungs, and he slumped in the chair, "Oh Ra I'm so relieved."

"But tell me Mr. Ishtar, why would you so carelessly have sex without protection?"

The teen swallowed, "Well…you see…I…got drunk…and I followed someone home who I hallucinated was my lover…and…you know…"

"Son, you need to take more responsibility," the man stood up, "good luck to you in the future."

Malik nodded and left, completely embarrassed as he left the institute, at least he doesn't have and HIV. Getting onto his motorcycle he roared off home.

Ryou was watching television when Bakura stormed in, slamming the front door behind him, "Bakura! Calm down before you break something!"

"Fuck that!" Bakura threw himself on the couch beside his hikari, "three fucking days and Marik still won't answer the bloody door!"

"You really hurt him though…" Ryou rubbed his wild haired yami's back, "you should maybe give some more time."

"If he wasn't such a good fuck I would have just screwed the whole situation already!"

Ryou sighed, "That's exactly what I'm talking about Bakura! Do you care for him AT ALL? Or do you just want the sex?"

"I…" Bakura completely froze in the conversation; Ryou always had a way of making him really think and this was one of the times.

"Remember when he left that morning Bakura?" Ryou said gently, "You seemed to understand how upset he felt…I'm sure you do care for him, don't you?"

"Yes, I guess I do…"

"So don't just rant off these rude things Bakura…he's not like Malik…who just takes it…"

"I…" Bakura trailed off again, Ryou's comment hitting him hard in the gut, "I wish I didn't treat him like that…now he's out of the picture as well."

"He still calls Bakura…" Ryou's darker half turned instantly, "but I just don't let him talk to you…like you told me to…" Ryou looked down, "but I know he's hurt you as well, so it's a no win situation."

Bakura sighed, "He's still a gorgeous Egyptian to me…but I can't face him after the last argument…it was pretty bad."

"And I understand that Bakura. So until you want to face him, I'll talk to him instead alright?"


"Now you go on and try at Marik's again," Ryou gave his yami a gentle push.

"But I just-"

"Go again," the smaller boy pushed harder until Bakura was off the couch, "something tells me this time he'll open the door.

Bakura grinned and kissed his hikari on the cheek, "And you're always right." Giving Ryou a hug he left.

The pale hikari gently pressed a hand to his heart, which was squeezing with envious pain, I want to make you happy…but it hurts so much…He turned off the TV, no longer interested in what's on, but leaned back on the soft cushions to relive the kiss that his yami had bestowed on him.

He was rudely interrupted by the telephone. Snatching it off its hook Ryou pressed it to his ear.

"Hello? It's Malik."

"Malik!" Ryou shot upright, "How did it go? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Ryou…I tested negative."

"That's wonderful!" Tears of relief welled in Ryou's eyes; the young boy had been a wreck, worrying about his unrequited love for days, "just promise me that you don't pull off such a stunt again!"

"I won't Ryou I promise," Malik smiled into the phone, "you're so sweet Ryou…I'm still really surprised that you're still available."

He could hear a soft whimper on the other side of the line as the boy answered, "Even if someone wanted me…there's already someone I have set my sights on."

"Really? Who is it? Tell me."

Ryou paused, I hate getting into these situations! "Umm…umm…."

"Come on Ryou," Malik encouraged, "you've always been there to listen to my rants. Go ahead, tell me, I won't laugh and I promise that I'll try to be of help if I can."

"I don't know…Malik…I…" Ryou paused, "it's just…that…it's embarrassing."

"No it's not Ryou. I…Isis! Come on I'm using the phone can't you see? No it's not Bakura! It's Ryou! But…fine! Look Ryou…can I call you later? Isis needs to use the phone and she's in a bad mood right now…OK!!! Just give me a minute!"

Ryou laughed softly, "That's fine. Call me when she's done; and maybe we can start discussing about your visit."

"That'd be great. I'll talk to you later then…OK!! DEAR RA!! ISIS!!!" The line went dead. Ryou gently placed the phone back into the receiver, "You're the one Malik…that I love and have my sights set for…you and Bakura…"

Bakura walked calmly up to the apartment building, staring up to where Marik's window should be, "Ok…now or never."


The tomb robber jumped at the sounds of Yugi's voice behind him, "Oh…it's you."

The shorter teen frowned, "Just me? Thanks a lot"

Bakura smiled and patted Yugi on the head. He'd grown fond of the little hikari; the boy showed kindness to him even despite all he's done to him; hell Yugi's even protected him against his yami. "Not that kind of way Yugi; just the good-it's-not-a-serial-killer kind of way."

"Oh I see. So why are you here? I've noticed that you've been coming here for over 3 days already."

"Marik's being an ass, and it's kind of my fault…so I'm trying to…ugh…apologize."

"Why would you two get into a fight?" Yugi cocked his head, "you two rarely talk to each other, especially since Malik moved away."

"Well…we… let's say we got a good fuck out of each other."

Yugi squeaked, blushing, "Don't tell me these things!"

"Well you wanted to know," Bakura smirked.

"Yea well…anyways…I've got to run. Yami's beginning to get pissed at me for…well…talking to you and Ryou's not here to help me if he freaks out so…"

"I understand. Come by sometime; Ryou's been a little lonely lately. Summer vacation's here and I don't even know why he's always acting so depressed." Yugi nodded and ran off. Bakura snorted to himself, "I actually had a decent conversation with someone other than Ryou, Malik or Marik…interesting." Amused with himself he entered the building and headed up to the 10th floor, where the Egyptian yami was.

Marik was on his sixth beer, and still not too drunk when Bakura knocked, "Who in hell is it? Fuck off, I don't want to talk to you."

"Marik, open this door, now!"

"Fuck off Bakura…"

"I'll blow it down."

"Sure you will…"

"MARIK!!!!" Bakura roared, startling the neighbours outside. Then there was a long period of silence. Marik thought the wild haired thief was gone until he heard a very feeble sounding, "Please."

That was a start. Marik dragged himself off the sofa and unlocked the door, letting Bakura in, "What in Ra-hell do you want? Hurry up then leave! I don't want anything to do with you."

"Marik…" Bakura heaved a sigh and sat down, "I…" he stumbled over his words; he hates apologizing, "I just…got pissed…when you called me a bitch that morning…"

"You should fucking well know how I refer to people, even bed partners!"

Bakura clenched his fists and continued, "Well…Malik didn't…so I'm not used to it…and…I know I shouldn't treat you the same way…I shouldn't have treated Malik that way…so I'm…sorry."

Marik looked up in shock, "Did you just fucking apologize?"

Bakura mumbled, "Yes…"


"Damnit! Don't ask me these things!" Bakura's words flew out of his mouth before he could calm himself down, "Icomeallthewayhereforhtepastthreedaysjustsoyouwon'tbefuckingmadatmeandnowy oupestermewithquestions!!!Ilikeyoudamnit!!!!"

Marik paused, "What did you say?"

Bakura rolled his eyes in annoyance, "I….like…you…."

"That's more like it," Marik strode over, "let's start fresh then shall we and forget this little incident?"

Bakura grinned, "Now you're talking!"

The two pressed into a wild kiss, their mouths sloppily sucking at each other, their tongues licking anything that was available. Clothes were torn from each others bodies and the two young men barely made it into their bedroom before they proceeded to engage in their sexual activities.


Author: Well I have to end it off like that cause well…I felt like it…

Malik: This fic feels totally random…are you really trying to put thought into this?

Author: Yes I am! *huggles* I want to make this a good fic for you…

Malik: Flattery will get you nowhere…

Bakura: psst…he's lying…

Malik: *glares*

Author: Anyways, please review!