Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Explanations ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

`A stalker," Yugi thought miserably as he lay limply on his bed. `How, of all things, could Yami think of me as a stalker?'

The amethyst-eyed teen had been there on his bed with the same thoughts repeating in his mind silently ever since he forced himself to climb up the stairs after Yami and his friends had left.

`Why'd they leave me like that? Ryou? Malik? Why did you go when you said you were my friends? You took that picture of me when our yamis were still with us so how could you agree with them. I bet they're laughing at me right now." He thought with despair, closing his eyes.


Yami sat around the table laughing with the rest of his friends. He looked at Ryou and Malik and smirked. "You two were just feigning dumb right? When Bakura asked you if you knew Yugi was a stalker?"

Ryou and Malik nodded with smirks of their own adorning their own faces. "Of course we were," Ryou laughed.

"Did you really expect us to be so naïve? We only acted like that so Yugi would trust us. You were also right, Yami. He never had a lover; he made up that story so people would feel sorry for him." Malik explained.

"We've heard so many times before it was starting to get unbearable for us. Thank the gods you said something first though before we exploded on him. I might've actually felt a little guilty for telling the guy we lied to him all this time about being his friends." Ryou told them before the group erupted into laughter once more.


Yugi sat up in bed rubbing his eyes frantically, trying to force himself not to remember what he saw.

"Calm down, Yugi, it was only a dream." He told himself, panting for air. "It doesn't mean anything at all." He rubbed his once more before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and going downstairs. "All I need is food and something cold to drink, maybe a movie and I'll be as good as new."

Passing his dresser he glanced at the picture that lay on it. It was another of the pictures his friends had taken and Ryou, Bakura, and their yamis were in it too. Feeling tears come to his eyes he picked up the frame and carried it with him downstairs as he stared at it.

`I wish Yami were here right now. At least then I might know what I could do to make things right."


Ryou and Malik followed close behind Yami as they walked beside Bakura and Marik silently. They glanced at each other for a second before Malik sighed deeply and sped up until he was standing in front of Yami with his arms outstretched.

"This is wrong, Yami and you know. Yugi's too innocent to be a stalker and he wasn't lying about having a lover. We all had one, Yugi, Ryou and I, but we lost them. Besides, Ryou and me didn't come with you because we believed you. We came with you to try to convince you he wasn't a stalker. It's a long story and we doubt you'd even believe us if we told you."

Yami glanced back at Ryou and sighed when he saw the white-haired teen nod back him, confirming what Malik was saying.

"Very well then," Yami said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Tell us your story and we'll decide whether we believe you or not."

Malik sighed in relief and motioned for them to follow him. He led them to the park where they could sit down and be comfortable, glad that nobody was around to overhear. He started by telling the three of the Millennium Items and that each one had a special power. "The three of us had items that were destined to be ours. Mine was the Rod, Ryou's the Ring, and Yugi's the Puzzle…" He went on to explain about the spirits that were resided in their items and what had happened to them after they'd had the strange dreams that told them the yamis had to leave for their own lives' sakes. At the end it was so silent you would be able to hear a pin drop.

Finally, Bakura was the first to say something. "I see now how you found it hard for us to believe you. The story was a bit farfetched for some people, but I believe you. I trust my friends and even though I've known you just short of a couple months I can tell you're telling the truth."

Ryou smiled and looked at Marik and Yami.

Marik smirked. "It does explain a few things though. Like how Yugi knew about Yami and wasn't exactly very surprised to see we looked alike in so many ways. Also how Yugi seemed so comfortable when he jumped into Yami's lap earlier too."

Malik smiled at him and the four of them waited for Yami to say something.

The crimson-eyed teen stood from his spot on the bench and glared at the four of them. "You're all ridiculous beyond imagining!" He spat. "That is the most ludicrous excuse for a stalker I've ever heard. I wouldn't be surprised that you two are stalkers as well. I don't know about you two," he snarled at Marik and Bakura, "but I'm leaving. You two can hang around these weirdos all you like, but don't expect me to join you at any time!" He turned on his heel and all but marched away from them in his anger.