Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ YuGiOh goes to Hogwarts! ❯ The Yamis meet Lord Voldemort ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Bah! There's got to be a way out of this Shadow Realm!!” a voice shouted.
“Calm down Yami Marick….we'll figure out something soon…” said another.
The two Yamis: Bakura and Marick are wondering around the dark purple abyss of the Shadow Realm. They've been wandering around after they were defeated in the Battle City tournament. There's no sign of life or any kind of exit. They're trapped in the Shadow Realm for eternity…..or are they?
“Argh! I can't believe I lost to that damn Pharaoh! When I get out of here, I'll make sure that the Pharaoh and my weaker side will pay for this!!”
“Are you almost done shouting at yourself?!?! Getting angry at your failure will not get you anywhere!!”
“Would you shut up!! After all, if you hadn't failed that duel, I wouldn't be in here!!”
“Oh so now you're blaming me for you damn failure!!!”
As they argue over whose fault it is, they didn't realized or even hear that a black portal is forming next to them. Took them long enough before they realized that there's an exit just a few feet away from them.
“What in the world…..?” Bakura stared at the portal for a while. Why is there a portal in the Shadow Realm?? There's suppose to be no way out. Questions are forming in Bakura's mind, except for Yami Marick, who's so excited to see that there's a way out.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! There's the exit!! I'm finally free!”
“But wait!! This could be a trap!!” Bakura exclaimed.
Unfortunately, Yami Marick didn't listen and jumped into the black portal and disappeared.
“Great! If something happens to both of us, I'm going to make sure that this is his fault!!” Bakura said angrily, then he quickly jumped into the black portal and it disappeared behind him. It didn't take long as he collapsed onto the ground, hitting his head on a large stone.
“Oww…..what the hell is this large stone doing here?!”
“It's not a stone, you dimwit. It's a grave stone,” Yami Marick replied.
Bakura stood up and quickly scanned the area. It still looks like the Shadow Realm, with a few exceptions. The sky is still dark purple like the Shadow Realm, but it appears that they landed in a graveyard.
“And we're not alone….” Yami Bakura added.
Bakura is right. Suddenly, black-cloaked figures appeared out of nowhere and they are surrounding the Yamis. Marick could see bloody crimson eyes in the cloaked figures.
“I'm sensing a lot of dark magic in these figures…” Marick said quietly.
“Same here….if I die, I'll blame you…” Bakura replied.
“There's no need to blame each other gentlemen,” a dark eerie voice.
The Yamis turned around and saw a taller black-cloaked figures walking closer. They were about to fight, when the figure raised his right hand.
“Please, I'm not here to fight.”
“Oh really?! What makes you so sure that we can trust you!?” Marick snapped.
“Even though I despise him, I have to agree. How can we truly know that you're not here to kill us?” Bakura said calmly.
“Then what's the point of summoning you both?” the figure asked.
“What do you mean by that?” Marick asked.
“I was the one that made the portal in the Shadow Realm. I was the one that helped you both escaped from wondering through the dark chasm for all eternity,” the figure said.
Marick and Bakura looked at each other in confusion, then they turned to the figure.
“Who are you?” Bakura asked.
“I have many names, but everyone feared me as Lord Voldemort.”
“Lord Voldemort, huh? For a skinny pathetic-looking weakling, you sound very powerful.” Marick commented.
“That is why every witch and wizards in the whole world feared me…”
“Except for us…” Bakura replied.
“Enough chit chat. I have a couple of questions I want to ask you, Voldemort..” Marick said.
“And what is it??”
“For starters, where the heck are we? I don't think we're in the Shadow Realm, right?”
“No, we're not. We're in a concealed location where I lay hidden, until I regain my true powers.”
“And what happened to your `true powers'?” Bakura asked.
“I was defeated by…”
Rage is building up as he thought about it. He couldn't stand how he got defeated by…
“A boy…”
“A boy!?” Marick exclaimed. Then, Marick and Bakura started laughing at him. They couldn't believe what they had heard. That's even worse than being defeated by the Pharaoh and his group of friends.
“HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Sounds like a little kid stood up to a bully!” Bakura laughed hysterically.
“Yeah! And to think, witches and wizards feared him!! What were they thinking!?” Marick said.
They couldn't stop laughing. They're on their knees laughing so hard. Voldemort's rage grew even more.
“This is not funny! This is an outrage!”
“No, this is not funny…….it's pathetically funny!!” Marick exclaimed and kept on laughing. Few minutes later, they both stopped laughing and stared at the enraged Voldemort.
“Alright, onto my second question: Why do you summon us?”
“Because I want to form an alliance between us. From what I heard, you've been defeated by the so-called `Pharaoh' for world domination, am I right?”
“That is correct,” Marick replied.
“And I was defeated by a mere boy wizard name Harry Potter.”
They both snickered, but the Yamis nodded in agreement.
“But if we work together, we could finally defeat our enemies and we can take over the world and gain unlimited powers!” Voldemort exclaimed.
“I like the sound of that.” Bakura said.
“Me too. But I don't understand how our enemies are connected to each other. Why summon us in the first place?” Marick asked.
A smile formed on Voldemort's face. “Do you know the school known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?”
The two Yamis shook their heads.
“This is a school, hidden from the outside world, where many young people learn magic. Only a few are chosen to go to school and learn the arts of magic.”
Voldemort explained about the school, but Bakura began to feel impatient.
“Yeah yeah, but get to the point already” Bakura said.
“I have placed some spies in that school, and they learned that some interesting students are going to attend the school, but not as first years, but as sixth years.”
“Ok…..and what's so special about them?” Marick asked.
“I think you both know them well. Does Yugi Motou, Seto Kaiba, Marick Ishtar, Ryou Bakura, and Joey Wheeler ring a bell?”
Their eyes widened as they hear their names.
“Those fools!! What…how…..why!!!” Marick stammered.
“It appears that Albus enlist those losers to the school..” Bakura said angrily.
An evil, sinister smile formed on Voldemort's face.
“If I help you defeat your so called losers, you have to help me defeat Harry Potter.”
“And are we going to get from this?” Bakura asked. He doesn't like to work for free, even though it means defeating those he hate.
“If you give me the death of Harry Potter and help me gather souls for my power, I can give you both the deaths of those losers and the Millenium Items.”
“So, you heard about the Millenium Items, huh? Not a lot of people know about the items, except for the Pharaoh and his pathetic friends” Marick asked.
“Yes, I learned quite a lot about them when I attended that school.”
The three of them smiled. They have formed an alliance, an alliance that will surely help them gain power and destroy those who are in the way. There so much they have to plan, if they want to crush they're enemies.