Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / RG Veda Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss by a Rose ❯ Mornings ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2~ Mornings

By: Arctic_kitsune_gypsy

Disclaimer: As in 1st chapter you know I what I don't own


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The bright light from the sun was shinning in my eyes waking me from my peaceful slumber.

"Gosh how long have I been asleep?" I looked over at the clock. "2:00PM... NANI, I OVERSLEPT. Ah oh well." I looked up the stairs and saw Edward running down the steps on all fours. She jumped in Hiei's sleeping bag and kept on poking him in the cheek.

"Ah, stop, stop it. Get away..." he woke up and saw Edward next to him and screamed a bloody, ear piercing scream.

"Ed says Hi!" and she kissed him on the lips. Hiei jumped out of his sleeping bag and ran straight to the bathroom to vomit.

"What the devil was that?" Kurama asked.

"Hiei." I said.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Yuske asked me. I pointed over at Edward who was dancing around in Hiei's clothes,

"Her." Well he didn't have to wake me up from me perfect sleep." Jin shouted

"Don't be mad at him. Even I would of did what Hiei did if Ed did what she did to Hiei to me." Aska stated.

"Well youse got a point there." Yuske stated. I got up and stretched over in a back-bend, every guy was looking over at me with a questionable look on his faces.

>How did she do that< Yuuske thought

>Ouch< Kuwabara thought

>Impressive< Kurama thought

>Wow she's like one of those dolls that are rubber and you can bend them in any position you want< Jin thought.

While still in the in the back bend I asked every one if they wanted some breakfast. Hiei was walking out of the bathroom and when he saw me in that position he ran back in the bathroom. I did a kick out and hit my left foot on the coffee table, really hard.

"OW, OW, OW." I screamed.

"What's the matter?" Kurma asked with a concerned look on his face. Holding my foot gently not to cause any pain. Everybody flocked over to see what was wrong, `cept Hiei who was still in the bathroom, and Edward who was still dancing around in Hiei's clothes.

"Will you be ok, Setsuna?" Aska asked putting he hand on my shoulder.

"Yea. I think so." I told her. Kurama helped me up and carried me to the kitchen on his back, He got me to a chair in the dining room and sat me down carefully, got another chair and lifted my left leg carefully on the chair. He ran to a miniature refrigerator to grab a bag of ice. He came back with a bag of ice and lightly put the bag of ice on my ankle.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. I'm in pain." I told him. He removed the bag of ice and touched my ankle, "Does this hurt?" he asked me. I winced at the pain, and nodded my head,


"Maybe I should take you to the hospital?" Kurama told me.

"Sure." I stated.

"Let me get some clothes on and I'll take you."

"Alright" I said. Hiei finally came out the bathroom.

"What happened to her, fox?" Hiei asked Kurama.

"I believe she sprained her ankle. Hiei I want you to look over her while I go get some clothes on." Kurama told him.

"Hn, whatever." Kurama ran off to get some clothes on and everybody started talking to me making me feel like a baby.


"Come on Setsuna let's go to the doctor." Kurama stated and carried me out to his Rendezvous in his arms, and put me in the back seat. When we finally made it to the hospital. The woman sitting at the desk looked up and saw me in Kurama's arms.

"Let me guess, you 2 are newly weds and you wanted to know if she's pregnant with your 1st kid." The nurse said happily.

"Oh no, were just here for her ankle." Kurama told her.

"Oh, but I tell that you really care for her."


"Your eyes show the love that you have for her. I tell that she really cares about you too because of her eyes. Hey look I can take care of you 2 right now for free." The nurse whispered to us

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea, but don't tell anybody. I'll pay your bill." The nurse spoke very softly.

"Why" I asked

"Because later on, you are gonna become very close. I can tell because of you both would protect each other even if you life depended on it."

"Sounds good enough for me." I said. She walked out of the office and opened the door and motioned us to come in. We walked to a room and she told Kurama to lay me down on the table.

"I've got to go get your data files. Just hold on one minuet." The nurse walked out of the room, Kurama walked over to the table and placed a hand on my forehead.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Mhm." I spoke softly. He brushed my bangs back and brushed his lips across my forehead. The nurse walked back in,

"I'm so stupid, what's her last name?" The nurse asked laughing.

"Meioh" Kurama stated.

"Ok, thanks." The walked out the room again.

"That tickled." I said softly.

"Hm, it did." He asked me.


"This'll make you feel much better." He bent down and kissed me on the lips in a passionate way that made me want to stay like that forever. When he heard the door opening he broke the kiss and quickly sat in a chair.

"Welly, welly, welly. She's in perfect health and she has never broken any bones. What's wrong with her?" the nurse asked. I let Kurama do all the talking.

"I think that she just sprained her ankle. I'm not exactly sure." Kurama told her.

"Leme get some x-rays to make sure that what it is and it's not a broken. Miss Meioh, is that alright with you." The nurse asked me.

"Yea sure and Meyrl don't call me, Miss Meioh call me Setsuna." I told her.

"Hm, sure. You two now come with me." Kurama picked me up and carried me to the room with x-rays. After the x-rays were shot my ankle wasn't broken it was just sprained, exactly what Kurama said.

"That was an amazing. How did you know that diagnosis?" Meyrl asked Kurama.

"Because this is what happened to my mother just not in the same way."

"Oh. Well, huh, wow. Leme guess, you're a doctor." Meryl asked.

"No, but me and Setsuna are training to become one." Kurama told her.

"Oh, well you could become on right now is the way I see it. Now let me just rap her ankle in a bandage to keep it stable. Don't let her walk on her left foot or it will not heal properly. Here I'll give her these crutches so she'll be able to walk around without you carrying her around." Meryl said handing the crutches to Kurama.

"Wait, I just want to carry her out to the car." Kurama said brushing his nose up against my cheek.

"I'll carry the crutches out to the car." Meryl spoke. Kurama picked me up and I threw my arms around his neck. Meryl looked over at me,

"Setsuna come back in about two weeks so I can check up on your ankle." We got to the car and Kurama gently sat me in the front seat of his car. Meryl laid the crutches on the backseat's floor.

"Nice, good lookn' car. I see you both look good in it." Meryl said laughing. She was waving to us when we drove away.

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Youko- Finally the second chapter

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- Shut up! I don't see you writing any stories

Youko- *runs over to her and beats the shit out of her with a pillow*

Youko- Heh! Finally, she's out. REVIEW I COMMAND YOU TO!

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- I ain't dead yet! Please review.