Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Flames of Love ❯ Flames of Love 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Flames of Love 5:
In Which Our Heroes
Have A Brief Conversation With Babi-sa
Author's Notes: Good evening boys and girls. Here is the semi eagerly awaited squel to the stories A Ghostly Love one of my DBZ stories, and Demon Beloved one of my Yu Yu Hakusho. So it would be a good idea to read those two stories or else you will be so lost. The URL's for those stories are
A Ghostly Love: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=438237
Demon Beloved: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=738534
Also this story takes place one year after A Ghostly Love and five years after the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho story. I did not know what age Shura was at the end of YYH so I am guessing on the age. So without further ado I present 'FLAMES OF LOVE'!
Koenma frowned and stared up at his father, with Catterina and their daughter beside him in a neat row. The three of them stood straight and tall waiting for instructions on 'who', 'what', 'where', and 'why'. They hoped that he would have a reason for the earthquack that had just happened. The larger man looked down at the three of them from over the rims of his glasses and frowned slightly. All three of them looked up back up at him calmly. He knew that if he told them then his son and daughter-in-law would go forth to check it out with the Rekei Senshi. He frowned and turned to look at his granddaughter then the corners of his lips twitched upward. He couldn't help but love the bundle of energy. Even though she was half Demon she was kind and gentle much like Panthera.
He sighed giving up the three of them could break anyone down without saying a word.
"Fine," said Enma sighing in defeat. "I will tell you what happened earlier this morning."
He frowned when Koenma and Catterina exchanged glances of happiness.
"Don't get smug damnit!" he snapped. "I am telling you this because it is important and could be dangerous if nothing is done about it. Now our hell and the hell of another Earth have somehow managed to merge."
"Another Earth Enma-san?" asked Catterina softly. "What other Earth?"
"There are several Earth's in different times and places. I have no idea how we merged with one yet and your mother is working on that has we speak. The fact is that now both Earth's are now joined. I want you to go to the other Japan and get the Reikei Tentei bring the Senshi while you're at it."
The three of them turned to leave but Enma stopped them, "Granddaughter you are to remain with me!"
"Hai Grandpa-samma!"
The girl scrambled up his leg and sat on his lap looking almost like a flea. Koenma and Catterina stared at the father for a minute before looking toward Enma who nodded at them and motioned for them to leave. Which the two did after awhile and on their way down the hall Koenma's hand brushed the button signaling for the Reikei Senshi. Catterina frowned has the loud sound blared down the halls causing her ears to ache slightly.
"I hate that damn siren," muttered Catterina has they entered their training chamber.
Koenma just chuckled and tossed her the chest armor she wore now. It covered her upper chest, stomach, and shoulders the armor was light wieght and bendable allowing freer movement of the body. Yet the armor was also strong so that nothing could go through it and harm the person wearing it.
"Yeah well things could be worse I am my dad could have asked for the warriors above the elite again."
Cat rolled her at her mate remebering the higher pitched sound for those soilders. It took her a week to regain her hearing after that.
"Don't remind me husband," she growled.
Koenma smirked and tripped her onto the floormat, he then straddled her and pinned her onto the floor. The exact same spot in which they had concived their daughter after a long sparing match.
"How much time do we have?" asked Cat smirking at her mate.
"Time enough they seem to be so slow getting to the meeting room sometimes besides they can stand to wait for awhile," smirked Koenma back.
Cat smirked and dug her nails into his hair pulling his face down to hers. He drew back and smirked before diving down to take possesion of her neck.
Kai walked up onto the platform surprised by her entrance.
"Who are you?!" he demanded.
"I am the daughter of Biddidee," said the woman. "My name is Babi-sa and this is my creation Baa."
"WHAT!" shouted Kai. "How is it that I don't know about you?!"
"I guess you should have kept a closer eye on this planet," smirked Babi-sa. "Instead of screwing your little whore."
Kai's eyes flashed dangerously and his mouth tightened.
"Your just like your father and brother," he spat.
"I know and I am so proud of myself," smirked Babi-sa.
Yuusuke exchanged a look with Kurama and Kuwabara.
"Looks like we need to interevene," muttered Yuusuke.
"Indeed it looks like Hiei is making his way forward has we speak," said Kurama nodding.
"Let's go help the man then," said Yuusuke has he and the others stood up.
"Yuusuke-kun where are you going?" asked Keiko.
"To help Hiei and put a stop to whoever these women think they are," said Kuwabara grinning.
"Becareful Kuwabara-san," said Yukina.
"Don't worry we will be fine," said Kuwabara grinning.
"That's none to reassuring," muttered Keiko crossing her arms over her chest has the three boys jumped down to the platform to join Hiei.
"Listen lady," said Yuusuke. "I don't know who you are and to be perfectly frank I really don't care. What I do care about though is that you ruined some great fun."
"Boy do you know what your doing?!" snapped Veggitta coming up to join them followed by the others.
"Shut up old man!" snapped Yuusuke.
"What the fuck did you just call me?!" roared Veggitta.
Babi-sa smirked, "Wise words little boy."
"Listen lady I have beat Demons stronger then you so you don't scare me in the least," said Yuusuke.
"You have beat Demons?" asked Kai shocked.
"Of course you are looking at the Reikei Tentei from our world," smirked Yuusuke.
'The Reikei Tentei," said Babi-sa to herself. 'How interesting.'
________________________________________________________< br> The Reikei Senshi stood around the meeting room waiting for the Prince and Princess of the Reikei to enter. They had been waiting for ten minutes.
"Where are they?" muttered one of them a male with long black hair.
"Who knows," said their leader shrugging. "They are young and probably enjoying a brief moment of bliss before this battle begins."
"How apt of you to assume such a thing," said Koenma coming up behind them.
Quickly all the Senshi lined up and bowed low.
"Seat down all of you have much to talk about," said Koenma moving with his mate to the round table and helping her to her seat. "We have a situation has some of you know the hells of this world and another world have merged. This could be dangerous, it is best that we work quickly and try to figure out what is going on. I do not want any innocence invovled or endangered. We will go to were the enemy is and work quickly and quitely to destory it! Do I make myself clear?!"
"Hai Koenma-sama!" shouted the Senshi standing up has one.
"Good," said Catterina sternly. "Let's move out and get this done has quickly has possible!"
"Hai Catterina-sama!"
The Senshi moved toward the door and seperated. When Catterina and Koenma moved foward they formed a tight circle around them and together they all made thier way to the mortal world. When they reached the mortal world, Koenma narrowed his eyes and scanned the surronding searching for the famillar escence of his Reikei Tentei. He finally found them off in the distance.
"Come with me I found them!"
"Hai Koenma-sama!"
The group took off in the direction of the Reikei Tentei not knowing that by the time they got their it might already be too late to stop the direction the fates of the heroes were headed.