Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Flames of Love ❯ In Which Arguements Occur ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Flames of Love 6:
In Which Arguements and Takeovers Occur
Author's Notes: Good evening boys and girls. Here is the semi eagerly awaited squel to the stories A Ghostly Love one of my DBZ stories, and Demon Beloved one of my Yu Yu Hakusho. So it would be a good idea to read those two stories or else you will be so lost. The URL's for those stories are
A Ghostly Love: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1015512
Demon Beloved: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=738534
Also this story takes place one year after A Ghostly Love and five years after the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho story. I did not know what age Shura was at the end of YYH so I am guessing on the age. So without further ado I present 'FLAMES OF LOVE'!
Panthera looked down at the arenea floor completely startled by what she was seeing. She turned to glare at her father only to see that he was has completely shocked by the appreance of this woman and the being with her.
'Does father really not know who this woman is?' she thought. 'So dad actually isn't that desperate with not allowing me and Hiei to get married. That's actually a good sign. What is going on down there?'
Panthera frowned and leaned forward to get a better look at the two women that had just shown up. This should be an interesting conversation that was for sure. She closed her eyes and expanded her senses so she could get a clear vision of the conversation and the feelings that were invovled. She opened her eyes and narrowed them in anger the new female wanted to do something with Hiei and she knew exactly what it was. This woman wanted Hiei for herself. Panthera smirked to herself and her eyes flared red for a brief moment. If this woman wanted a fight then Panthera would be sure to give her one. She would enjoy doing it has well it had been awhile since she had a good fight against someone new. She craved a good fight at this moment she chuckled if this woman made one wrong move she would join her friends.
Kurone watched the princess out of the corner of his eyes and smirked to himself. His princess was a skilled fighter and would use her new skills to fight for her friends not to mention show her moves in front of her future mate. He would have laughed if it wouldn't have gotten him in trobule his princess could take down almost anyone except her own father and the lords of the Makai. Her powers in healing and various other things had earned her the nickname/title 'Priestess'. Which she had at one time threatened to do, run off and become a priestess for the Elemental Stones. They were stones that could be used only by the choosen females, by for the time being since there were no choosen females they lay dormint and unpulsing.
It was written that soon they would choose their "hosts" one would say, he could only hope that would be soon. This woman would cause a problem and something told him that they would need the help of The Keeper of the Elemental Stones whoever they happened to be. Wouldn't it be ironic if the princess happened to be one of them. A brief flash of red and a pale coloring caught his attention he saw the princess moving forward toward the arenea.
"Oh shit," whispered Mukuro taking notice has well.
By the time Panthera had landed her transformation into her milatary outfit. The outfit was the same color has her dress except was tight pants and a tight tank. It was outlined with gold thread her armor was in two pieces. One piece covered her chest enough to protect her heart, while the other piece was like a skirt that covered her lower boby enough to protect her reproductive organs. Her hair flowed freely down her back but was kept out of her eyes be a golden head protector that came from out of a red ruby that appeared at her forehead open on will the metal stretched out around her head and then up covering her head from harm. The fun had just about begun, now all they needed was the future Rekai Queen. Then they could really have some fun.
"Who the hell are you?!" demanded Babi-sa when a new female appeared before them.
"I am Princess Panthera of the Fire Makia (part of Makia where the Fire Demons reside)," said Panthera coolly. "Daughter of King Flareics and his Queen Raven. I am the future ruler of the Fire Makia! I am a descendent of Mother Nature. You will not be allowed to harm this land."
"Brave words little one do you have the power to back them up?"
"More power then you could ever imagine," said Panthera moving into a fighting postion.
"Let's find out then shall we Baa!"
"What's wrong afraid to fight me for yourself?" asked Panthera cocking her head to the side.
"I am a lover not a fighter," said Babi-sa.
"Don't you mean your a prossy not a fighter?" asked a female voice from the side.
Babi-sa whirled to the side has Juri and Koto standing to the side. The two Demons leapt up into the air and ribbions formed around them when they disappeared the two girls were in simallar clothing has the princess but in lighter color of red.
"What the hell?!" asked Yuusuke.
"We're members of the elite guards of Fire Makia," said the two girls together.
"Don't we look cute!" shouted Juri grinning.
Everyone sweatdropped at this and Yuusuke and the gang fell over along with the annoucer.
"This has got to be some sort of joke," said Yuusuke his eyebrow twitching. "Hiei you know anything about this? Hiei?"
Turning to look at Hiei Yuusuke realized that the Fire Demon was way to busy eyeing the assests that Panthera had to offer. Yuusuke snorted and smacked him in the back of the head.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" demanded Hiei.
"Oh nevermind," muttered Yuusuke.
"Damn damn damn damn," said Keiko banging her head against Botan's.
"Please stop that Keiko-chan," said Botan sweat dropping.
At that moment the arenea floor exploded and everyone turned to see Koenma, Catterina, and their Reikei Senshi standing there.
"That is enough!" shouted Koenma.
Auth or's Notes: Sorry this to so long to get out ya'll had a writter's block and a viral infection and I have been busy with school hope you liked the chapter and has always thanks for reading.