Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gathering of the Sadistics ❯ The Flaming Sword of Death ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, South Park, DragonBallZ, or any other anime or "real life" people I happen to throw in.

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Rando, and Freiza are the only people still strapped to their table/seat thingies. The lights are still on and the Barny song is still playing.

~~~evil person's glass hideout lair...thing~~~

Malik: *still behind the safety of the glass, watches Cartman chase Kyle and Stan around the room*

Marik: *chanting* Blood, blood, blood...etc.

Malik: *shoves a piece of popcorn in his mouth* Maybe I should give him a flaming sword...

Marik: *smiles at his counterpart*

~~~out of evil person's glass hideout lair...thing~~~

Kyle/Stan: *still running away*

Cartman: You Will Respect My Authority!!! *suddenly finds that his baseball bat is a burning hot flaming sword, the Flaming Sword of Death* What the...? *evil grin*

Kyle: *stops running* Holy shit, dude.

Everybody: *stares at the Flaming Sword of Death*

Rando: Now that's impressive.

Stan: *stopped running when Kyle did* How'd you do that, Cartman?

Cartman: *fake exasperated sigh* What can I say, guys? I've always had talents.

Kuwabara: *strapped to a table seat thingy where Naraku used to be* Big deal, I've got one, too!

Hiei: It lacks art.

Kikyo: *startled by Kuwabara's sudden appearance* Kaahhh!

Kuwabara: You take that back, shrimp!

Rando: Now who the hell is he?

Kyle: No you don't, fat ass! I bet somebody gave that to you.

Cartman: You will respect my authority!! *chases Kyle while swinging the Flaming Sword of Death*

Kyle: Kaaaahhhhh! *runs away*

Kuwabara: I am the great Kazuma Kuwabara!! *looks Kikyo straight in the eye* I'm sorry if I scared you, pretty lady. *big cheesy grin*

Kikyo: O.O Ummm...that's okay?

Inuyasha: *punches Kuwabara in the head* Stay away from her, ugly.

Kuwabara: @_@ Okay.

Hiei: Hn, that big oaf there is Kuwabara. He's a baka ningen.

Rando: *eyes widen* Hey!! I've seen him before! I crushed his puny body in my fingers!

Kuwabara: *laughs* Yeah, and then Urameshi beat you with his elbow.

Rando/Kuwabara: *laugh good naturally*

Rando: Yeah, yeah, those were some good times.


Ryou: *ignores Freiza's sudden outburst, as does everyone else* He seems like a decent fellow... ...Why is he here?

Hiei: You seem like a decent fellow, why are you here?

Ryou: *in mind* Because I'm the light of my psycotically evil counterpart.

Hiei: *in mind* I can hear you, baka.

Bakura: *in soul room, aka mind* Hey! I can hear, too. Hiei, you and I could conspire together and no one would ever know.

Hiei: *in mind* What do you have in mind? ...No pun intended.

Ryou: *in mind* Umm, guys, leave me out of this okay?

Bakura: *in mind, unfolds evil plot to Hiei*

Hiei: *chuckles, almost inaudably*

Kikyo: *eyes Hiei suspiciously*

Cartman: *stops his assult on Kyle* I TOLD you guys already! We were sent here by an incredibly insane sadistic psyco to gather energy so he can harness it in a bomb to destroy the world! *rolls eyes* Geez. *continues persuit on Kyle*

Elder Toguro: *tries once again to form his normal body, but can't do it because of the Barny song, nobody notices or cares*

Hiei: And I already TOLD you I'm not buying your bull shit story.

Cartman: *charges at Hiei, enraged by his remark* You will respect my authority! *swings Flaming Sword of Death at Hiei*

Hiei: *catches the Flaming Sword of Death in his bare hands and pries it out of Cartman's grasp*

Cartman: God damn it!

Kyle/Stan: *fall on floor laughing*

Inuyasha: Keh.

Hiei: Hn. *throws Flaming Sword of Death over to Kuwabara* Take care of this.

Kuwabara: Kaaahhhhhh! *nearly gets cut in two by the Flaming Sword of Death, instead it cuts the bonds off of his right arm* Oh. Cool. *breaks free, grabs onto the Flaming Sword of Death, and makes it disappear using his amazing Kazuma Power Of Love*

Rando: *quietly* Psst! Hey, Kuwabara!

Kuwabara: Huh? *looks at Rando*

Rando: You think you could get me out of here?

Hiei: *glares at Kuwabara* Don't even think about it, baka. *tortures Rando*

Rando: NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!! *makes futile plees, and then starts struggling*

Random Borg guy from Star Trek: *appears out of nowhere* Resistence is futile. *disappears back into nowhere*

Everyone: O.o?????

Kikyo: That happens a lot around here.

Hiei: *snears at Kikyo* It was only twice.

Inuyasha: *growls*

Kikyo: You really don't like me do you, Hiei?

Hiei: *sarcastically* What gave you that impression.

Kikyo: You are a demon. I will enjoy sending you to hell. *aproaches Hiei with her hand outstretched*

Hiei: *feigning terror* Oh no!!! Anything but the hand!

Inuyasha: *is slightly miffed by Kikyo's statement on demons*

Freiza: *looks at towlie* Do you know the muffin man?

Towlie: The muffin man?


Towlie: Who lives on Drery Lane?

Freiza: Muffin Man!

Towlie: ...You wanna get high.

Rando: Ohhhhh...now Hiei's gonna get it.

Cartman: Ten dollars on the bitch.

Kikyo: *glares at Cartman*

Cartman: What?! It was a compliment.

Bakura: *from his soul room* Be careful, Hiei, she's a priestess. ...Aim for the sensitive areas.

Ryou: *in mind* Bakura!!!

Hiei: *prepares to fight*

Kuwabara: *stands between Hiei and Kikyo* I can't let you hit a girl, Hiei.

Hiei: Get out of the way, baka.

Ryou: Kuwabara's right, fighting is foolish. Let's all sit down to some tea and crumpets.

Freiza: ^__^ Tea And Crumpets!!!

Hiei: *ignores Ryou and shoves Kuwabara aside*

Kuwabara: Hey!

Hiei: *advances on Kikyo*

Kikyo: Die, Hiei!!! *reaches hand out once again*

Hiei: *takes Kikyo's hand and twists it behind her back, and slaps her silly*

Bakura: *in soul room* Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Inuyasha: Keh, she deserves it.

Kikyo: Inu....ya...sha!!!!

Inuyasha: *eyes soften, thinking* That damn sylable pronunciation!!! Gets me every time... *speaking aloud* Alright, Hiei, you'd better stop now.

Hiei: *still slapping Kikyo silly* And how are you planning to stop me?

Bakura: *in soul room, laughter has turned manical* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Inuyasha: Keh! *reaches to unsheath Tetsiaga, but it's not there* ...oh shit.

Ryou: *averts his gaze*

Kuwabara: Hiei!!!!!

Hiei: *stops, a sadistic grin on his face* Don't worry, baka, I wasn't going to kill her. *ironic smile* But I will enjoy sending her to hell. *a black aura surrounds him*

Kikyo: *crawls into a corner and weeps*

Kuwabara: *decides to try a different tactic* Oh, come on, Hiei. Is she really worth that?

Hiei: *powers down, thinking* The baka has a point. She isn't worth my dragon. *speaking aloud* Hn. *sits down on his table/seat thing*

Stan: He, he, he. *holds out hand*

Cartman: God damn it. *gives Stan ten dollars*

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Mantis16: Well! Nobody died this time. I decided not to kill Kikyo, well, not just yet anyway, she's just too much fun to torture and ridicule. I'm open to suggestions. What do you want Bakura and Hiei's evil plot to be, who do you want to die next, who do you want to randomly appear next, which anime character would you like to see strapped to a table/seat thingy? Hell, you can evil tell me what color blood you'd like to see spilled. I want suggestions from you, damn it!! Enough with the author having to be creative with their own story crap!!! ... ...Anyway...I hope you liked this chapter. ^_^