Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Wands & Demons 2: Hostile Takeover ❯ the tranformation part 3 ( Chapter 6 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Yu Yu Hakusho (I fixed the repeat chap so there ya go)
Hermione was shaking like mad and held the gem with slightly trembling fingers she looked almost prone to dropping the gem but she steadied her hand and put the gem to he palm. The forest green gem immediately sunk in and disappeared, Harry felt the same sensation that he had felt when Neville transformed; it felt like Hermione was now some sort of energy source and to be wary of that energy. She then winced slightly but showed no further signs of pain as her skin turned a pail green and her hair turned forest green and it had small strings of sun yellow flowers here and there that grew out of her actual skin. Then the transformation stopped and she looked around and examined her green skin and hair through now green/brown eyes. She seemed a bit creped at her skin color and then tried to pull one of the strings of flowers but she gave a small whimper and stopped, Harry guessed it was like trying to pull a clump of hair out and must of hurt to do so. She then looked over at a tree and ran her hand lightly down the trunk, either there was a group illusion of they all saw the tree shudder slightly and shift like a cat when it wants you to pet it more. Hermione was a bit creped and backed away from the trees and looked a bit unsure of what had happened, then Algernon said "well it is evident that you are now a plant demon, or sprite as some call them, but since they operate mostly on instinct you will have many instincts to work with, that is why you touched the tree like that". Hermione could only nod and she glanced at the ground as if ashamed that she was operating on instincts but now it was Ron's turn to transform so Harry stopped worrying about Hermione and concentrated on Ron.
Ron was holding his gem as if it would explode he kept brining it to his palm but stopping and taking it away as if their was an ongoing mental battle within, by now it had to be close to midnight and after transforming into a demon and running away from a hoard of demons run by the evilest wizard of all time Harry was starting to get tired and hoped Ron would hurry up and decide weather he would turn into a demon or not. Then he made his decision and with a set face put the gem to his palm, the gem sunk in and Harry felt the familiar sensation of Ron emitting a strong energy and to be wary of it. First their was little physical difference but then Ron began to feel like he was giving of heat, and soon the physical differences began to show themselves, first his shin turned gray and his eyes turned red like Hiei's, then he grew slight fangs that were gust long enough to be visible with his mouth closed, his ears pointed but the Ron screamed in agony and grabbed at his skin that was turning a blackened color with red lines crisscrossing all over his blackened skin. He fell to his knees and whimpered in agony as his skin turned to lava and he began to give of heat that was rapidly becoming unbearable, his hair simply was incinerated and became a literal flaming hairdo. The ground he collapsed on was covered in leaves and twigs and they were catching on fire and creating a ring of charcoal around him. Hermione looked like she was about to run away because her new instincts insisted that she stay away from fire at all costs. Then Ron stopped whimpering and his pain seemed to vanish, he stood up and looked at his molten skin in aw and just seemed fascinated by his now molten complexion.
Then Attica whistled in aw and said, "wow, that must of hurt, it's not everyday that you become a walking lava pit, I surprised that his clothes didn't fry up, but he is obviously a lava demon". There was a mummer of agreement among the demons and they all stood there in silence until Parko landed into the clearing in a flash that startled most everyone. She just looked around before jumping up into a tree and latching on with her clawed feet, hung upside-down and folded her wing/arms aver her and seemed to go to sleep almost instantly. They all watched her do this and when she stopped Algernon said "well it is evident that it is time for bed, now to change back into humans you concentrate on a mental image of yourself, create a picture of yourself in your mind, you should turn back into Ningens, the gem should wind up in your hand for later use, and the next transformation, but after you change back, find a good spot and get to sleep, after the next 3 days you will have Spirit Energy coming out of your ears".