Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 2: Reikai Tantei ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki, Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 2: Reikai Tantei

Walking down the halls, Kagome was quiet, not making a sound. Head down and arms hanging limply by her side, she let a single tear fall from troubled golden eyes. She wore her trademark dragon hide tube-top. It clung to her upper body like a second skin and came to a stop an inch above her belly button. Made with dragon hide, it was the color of the dragon’s skin. She didn’t kill dragon’s for her clothes but when one of the dragons did die she simply skinned them. She wore matching dragon hide pants, that fit to her like tight leather. Leather was another popular favorite with her. Her boots were knee-length and had an inch heal. She wore silver bands with flowing cloth attached to her upper arms. And as usual her hair was pulled into a tight french braid. Upon a silk band tied around her neck hung a pale pink jewel.

The Shikon No Tama.

Only she and Kikyo had the ability to hold the jewel without being corrupted. But it seemed Kikyo didn’t need the jewel to become corrupt. All she needed was Naraku. Kagome would have chosen Inuyasha for her sister if it was a choice between the two. Naraku had been trying to overthrow their family for centuries. He’s always failed. So he figured to get the throne by marriage into the royal family, Kikyo.

His plan once again failed. Seeing as Jigoku would have disowned Kikyo faster then you can say hell. So he resorted to kidnapping two other heirs. The two girls. With no real power. How pitiful.

Conri watched his mistress walk down the desolate hallway. ‘Beautiful. He thought to himself. There wasn’t one person you would ask that would tell you Kagome-hime wasn’t beautiful. Men wanted her, vied for her attention and women envied her. Who couldn’t?

The only one who didn’t see it was Kagome. Either she was truly blind to her own beauty or she didn’t want to see it or believe it. Sighing quietly, but not quiet enough. It caught Kagome’s attention. As she turned she drew her katana and had it at his neck within the time span in which he sighed. Arms raised non-threateningly and he bared his neck, a sign of submission and trust. Lowering her weapon cautiously she laid a gentle kiss above the pulse in his neck.

Conri was far from ugly, he was in fact very attractive. Long waist-legnth black hair done in cornrows. Skin so dark it was almost the same shade of black as his hair, so dark ebony his veins showed purple underneath muscled skin. High defined cheekbones and a slender body, with eyes the color of milk chocolate. He wore a black tank top and leather pants also black.

When Conri felt the kiss upon his neck he immediately greeted her in a similar fashion. It would have been considered rude and possibly insulting to have just ignored her greeting. Kagome very rarely gave greetings in such a way and the time’s she did give greetings in the formal way were very few and far in between not to mention there was always the risk she would rip your throat out. Kagome drew back after Conri laid a kiss behind her ear and above her pulse, she nodded at him and stroked his cheek in an affectionate way. Like one would a lover.

“What brings you to me Conri?” came the soft, purring, contralto voice belonging to Kagome.

Of all the women Conri knew only Kagome had that deep sexy purring contralto voice that seemed to match the rest of her. Kagome was the kind of woman who could fill her eyes, body and voice with that sexual and sensual promise and be entirely unaware of doing, but she could also be very aware of it and that’s when it got dangerous. She was not someone you would want to mess with under any circumstances.

She was dangerous.

In the true meaning of the word.

“Your father wishes to speak with you Kagome-sama.” Replying softly to his mistress. He and Sirus were her personal guards. She was completely against the idea and treated them coldly for the first year until they were injured to protect her, even though she was more then capable of protecting herself. She softened. Drastically.

Nodding her consent, she took hold of the arm Conri held out as she expected and allowed him to escort her to her father, Lord Jigoku’s study. He knew she wished to know about Sirus, so he answered her unasked question.

“Sirus, was told by Lord Jigoku to get the firearms and other weaponry from the armory and fire-safe rooms.” Conri filled her in.

Kagome frowned, “I was not aware of this development. What is the need for more firearms and weapons? Is there to be another battle or war soon that I should know about?” Kagome demanded.

“Not that we are aware of milady. Your father was very...vague on his reasons as to why more firepower and other weapons were needed.” Conri said, “Besides you, have already, no doubt armed yourself with firearms such as your 9 mm Browning Hi-Power and other various artillery among yourself have you not?” he questioned.

Kagome sighed, “Of course i have, I have my 9 mm Browning Hi-Power, derringer, battle rifle and my 10-gauge shotgun-” Kagome continued on as if he wasn’t just staring at her slack jawed in shock, “no one can be overarmed in a battle against Naraku. Just the fact that he’s arisen again caused me to open up some of my personal weapon storage rooms. Who cares about fighting fair, i’m willing to use guns and whatever else I may have at my disposal, you never know with Naraku.” Kagome went on.

“Of course Lady Kagome, better to be safe than sorry, I suppose.” Conri replied after regaining his wits.

“What’s the point of having a gun if you don’t use it.” Kagome stated with a small nonchalant shrug. After all it wasn’t as if she was speaking any falsities.

Shaking his head at Kagome, he wondered where all of her weapons were. Under that long black duster coat she was wearing, where they always were. Of course no one else would ever know she was armed under it. Who knew how many blades she had on her. As well as other weapons. If you could call them weapons. Most who’ve seen them had died. And the few who managed to live and didn’t die were lucky, either that or she loves or respects then. Or belongs to her.

“Do you have any idea why Jigoku-sama is summoning me?” Kagome asked.

“No Kagome-sama, I do not.” Conri answered looking down at the princess. “I just know he is also summoning your brothers.”

“Hm. Well, let’s not keep him waiting, Jigoku-sama is not known for his patience.” Her voice filled with silent disgust and amusement at her ‘fathers’ expense.

“No, he’s not.” Smiling softly, Conri led her down the hall.

As the two walked down the hall Sirus watched from his position above them. He sighed quietly to himself and went off towards the weapon room to complete his task and return to Kagome’s side. There was no doubt in his mind that she knew he was there. He raced towards the armory eager to be back in his mistresses presence.

When they arrived at Jigoku’s study Kagome knocked twice, briskly on the large cherry wood doors after dismissing Conri. Jigoku’s deep resonating voice called from the depths of the room.

“Come in Kagome.”

She did as bid and entered the large study. The desk was cluttered with papers and other documents and old papyrus and scrolls centuries old. The walls were lined with books and he currently sat at his desk with Hiten and Bankotsu sitting in front of him. Bankotsu wore black leather pants and a sheer black t-shirt, both fit him like a second skin. His black hair braided down his back revealing pointed ears pierced once on each side. Hiten wore black leather clothes all the time, in fact almost all of them did. Hiten wore black leather pants and a black leather vest that laced up in the front.

“Now that you’re all here, we have some things to discuss.” Jigoku said bringing the three siblings attention to himself. Nodding Kagome curled up on Bankotsu’s lap much like the cat’s she controlled. All waited for him to speak, neither really trusting or liking him. But he was after all their father, what could they do?

The three of them were extremely close, they used the ‘touching’ factor as an advantage. Kagome’s good at playing their ‘lover’ and well, I’m sure you can imagine how it could go from there and what people would think. They’re not incestuous, mind you. Not that any one of them would really mind, or care anyway. Even humans are incestuous on occasion. For a purpose. Sometimes. For example if the were into incest it wouldn’t be looked down upon in hell. It is in fact encouraged. To keep the bloodline’s pure. Besides, it’s not like they were sexually interested in each other.

Touching is a comfort to them, a sign of love and trust. Of union. Bankotsu’s arms wrapped around her tiny waist, it was so small Bankotsu could touch his own sides with his arms around her, if he wanted. Hiten busied himself by petting her long braid and holding her small hand in his own larger one. The three stared at him, waiting for him to speak. All of them could be almost eerily patient. As long as they got their way.

“The news of Naraku’s uprising was quite a surprise to us earlier, but we can’t rush into battle head first with no plan. We know that he is a conniving bastard and will use less then honorable tactics. But two can play that game.” Jigoku began, “Kagome, You have the most experience with Naraku. What do you suggest we do?”

Kagome had become tense and still when he first started speaking.

Lifting her head, her eyes were carefully shielded, she spoke quietly, “Naraku, is manipulative. It will be hard to go against Naraku. For that reason alone. He knows of many of our generals and guardsmen. If we really want to beat him we are going to have to introduce some new players to the game. “ Kagome continued, “Kikyo gave him much information to our secret’s and strategies. We may have developed more but even then it’s still risky. I say it’s time we ask for some....assistance from the other realms. Makai will definitely want in on the extermination of the half-breed. Perhaps now would be the time to call upon the debt that Reikai owes us.” Kagome finished.

“Is that really necessary?” Hiten asked looking down at his younger sister skeptically before seeing her very serious expression.

“Yes.” Kagome said her voice clipped.

Hiten nodded. He remembered how much pain Kagome had gone through, all the suffering. It took two years for her to recover from her physical wounds and two more just to get her to speak to them. Bankotsu and Hiten along with a few others never gave up, they were always there by her side, offering comfort and love.

“I shall go to Makai to speak with the Taiyoukai then.” Jigoku rose.

“Ban, Hiten and I shall go and visit Koenma.” Kagome spoke rising following her brothers lead. As the exited the room Conri and Sirus stood behind and to the side of her, flanking her like good bodyguards.

They were going to have a great deal of fun with Koenma, they were sure of that. The boys knew that Prince Koenma of Reikai had a ‘thing’ for their little Hell’s Angel. Not many people didn't. They were going to get a kick out of this and possibly get to kick his ass. They sure hoped so.

~*~In Reikai~*~

Prince Koenma of Reikai sat there in his seat nervously twiddling his thumbs. He had no idea what to do. Naraku was back and rising in Makai. The Lord’s of Makai were no doubt going to throw a fit and come back at Naraku with a vengeance but it wasn’t the Taiyoukai’s vengeance he was worried about. It was the underworld’s. One princess in particular. One very sexy Hell’s Angel-hime in particular.

The very fact Naraku was back after so long was unnerving in it’s own right.

“Botan, get the Reikai Tantei. All of them.” Koenma told the bubbly grim reaper. Botan bounced off through the portal to collect both the Reikai teams. Yusuke’s team and Sanzo’s team.

“What’dya want now toddler?” came the rough voice of one Yusuke Urameshi.

“Yusuke...This next mission could mean the end of all worlds, quite literally.” Koenma spoke up in his teenage form, “That is why I am combining both your team and my other team for this mission. The other team consists of four members just like yours. “

Anything Yusuke was going to say was cut off by Botan coming in with four men trailing behind her. One blonde hair, violet eyed, one with scarlet hair and eyes, another with brown hair and golden-brown eyes and the last with brown hair and green eyes. Three of them were hanyous and the other was a monk from what they could tell.

“Sanzo, Gojyo, Goku, Hakkai. Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara.” Koenma said gesturing to each person as he said there names, introducing him as the teams sized each other up. Before he could get another word in a deep male voice interrupted.

“I hope were not interrupting anything, if we are then that’s just too bad for you.”

Koenma stilled as did Botan, they both knew power when they felt it. But Koenma recognized this energy signature. The reikai tantei were on guard facing the shadowed wall where the voice came from. Out from the shadows stepped one figure. Hiten. He wore black leather pants and black leather boots that went up to his thigh. He wore no shirt baring his tanned well built body showing off his abs and nipple rings. His long dark braided hair fell over one shoulder and his crimson eyes glowed darkly. He grinned showing off his sharp canines. He was armed with his thunder pike held loosely in his hands.

“Prince Hiten...What can I do for you?” Koenma asked nervous.

“Is that any way to greet royalty Koenma?” Came another slightly softer voice.

Bankotsu stepped out into the light wearing tight leather pants as well and smaller boots that went to his knees. He wore a leather vest that was open in the front showing of an expanse of tanned muscled skin. He had his baby Banryuu with him. Strapped across his chest were a bunch of throwing knives. He smirked at them showing off a fang.

“Prince Bankotsu...”Koenma trailed off, “Does that mean Hell’s Angel is here...” He was cut off by a deep sultry laugh from the shadows before he could finish. And in that moment he knew. He knew exactly who it was.

“Hello Koenma-sama...Long time no...see...” Kagome stepped out drawing gasps from many.

She was still dressed in her dragon hide tube-top showing off a pale expanse of toned abs, and her dragon hide pants that looked painted on. Her boots were thigh-high and she tossed her knee length braided hair over her shoulder showing off her pointed pierced ears and drawing their eyes to her delicate features and sharp golden eyes. Not to mention that pouting mouth, her lips the color of freshly spilt blood. She grinned a wicked grin and sauntered up to her brothers. The one thing the three had in common besides there long raven hair and taste for leather clothes was the mark on there foreheads. The mark was that of a diamond , a four-pointed black diamond outlined in silver. Hiten had a thunder bolt going through his, Bankotsu had a sword going through his and Kagome had a pink orb in hers.

“We, the Heir’s of Hell have come to collect the debt in which Reikai owes to us.” Kagome stated formally.

“Of course...whatever can I do for you?” Koenma said eager to please her.

Kagome narrowed her beautiful golden orbs and looked at the men on Koenma’s team. She nodded her head towards them. “They’re fighters?”

“Yes.” Koenma said hesitantly not quite sure he wanted to know what she wanted with them.

“Any good?” Kagome asked examining them from head to toe.

“Yes.” Now he was suspicious.

“We want permission to resurrect anyone that we deem fit. Anyone that could help us win this upcoming war with Naraku. We want free passage through all the worlds for the high royals and our guard. We want warriors.” Kagome said pausing.

“Lend us your Reikai Tantei for the warrior’s part and the rest my father will be here to discuss shortly.” Kagome said.

“Done.” Koenma said sweating slightly. Kagome nodded her consent and her pleasure.

“This one is Yusuke Urameshi.” Koenma said giving him a gentle push towards her.

Kagome grasped his upper arm and circled him. He was well built, she’d admit that about 5’10, not to bulky but not puny either. He had chocolate brown eyes and dark black hair with a green sheen to it. His face was all angles and masculine as was his body. There was nothing feminine about him. Kagome rated his power as decent to high class. Not high class compared to her and her brothers though. She nodded.

“He will do good.”

“This is Kazuma Kuwabara, just call him Kuwabara.” Koenma said. Kuwabara ran to Kagome, knelt down and said, “Will you be my girlfriend pretty lady?” Kagome raised an eyebrow and smacked him sending him into a wall parallel to where she was standing.

“Not smart...perhaps we can do without that one...” Kagome said, Bankotsu and Hiten nodded there agreement.

“But as long as he is strong enough, i’m sure we can all suffer through his stupidity for a short while.”

Kuwabara was tall, towering over Kagome by a foot. He stood at 6’4 and was all bulk. He was ugly. That was the only word that came to mind when Kagome looked at him. That was the nicest word she could think of. ‘Perhaps his hideousness will distract our enemies into gaping at him long enough for us to attack. *snort* Or maybe they’ll just kill him.’ Kagome thought to herself.

“Shuuichi Minamino a.k.a. Kurama.” He walked up to her and bowed.

“Avatar.” That one word made him still. He looked up into Kagome’s eyes and gold clashed with green. “Your body may be human but your soul is split. One is human and the other is demon. Do explain.”

“My body houses the soul of the bandit Youko Kurama.” Kurama said licking his lips slightly. He was having a hard time controlling Youko’s instinct to claim the lovely woman. Or rather jump her bones.

“You are very strong and powerful.” Kagome said and caressed his aura calming him immediately.

He stood tall compared to her at his height of 6’0. He had long crimson locks and emerald green eyes. Kagome caught sight of the Kitsune spirit, Youko, in her mind’s eye. Long silver hair and fox ears and molten eyes, a darker shade of her own gold. Both in demon form and human he was well built. A real pretty boy. She was not quite sure what saved him from looking utterly feminine. His facial features were pretty but if you were to look at the body you would never mistake him for a female.

“Hiei Jaganshi.”

“Ah...Finally someone I recognize, the Forbidden Child.” Kagome replied when Hiei was in front of her.

“Why did you not accept the invitation to join our little entourage in hell Hiei? We would have made it worth your while...”Kagome purred in his ear before nipping it slightly. He was perhaps the only man she knew shorter than herself at 4’11. He wore all black and his long dark hair defied gravity with the white star burst in the center. His crimson eyes followed her warily before she stood in front of him a small smirk planted on her lips, barely noticeable.

“And these are my other Reikai Tantei.” Koenma said drawing Kagome’s attention away from Hiei to the others.

“Sanzo Genjyo.”

Sanzo was a blonde haired violet eyed bad ass. He was muscled nicely, had traces of holy power within him. And he used a gun. Kagome liked him already. Many of the Reikai Tantei preferred to use old fashion weapons, it’s great and all but it’s good to know how to use a gun as well. So many of the newer demon gangs are starting to use guns. It’d be a pity to be shot by one of the new gang’s before you could even get within distance to use your fists or other weapon. He stood dressed in black leather pants and a black leather tank top.

“Gojyo Sha.”

Gojyo had long scarlet colored hair and the same scarlet eyes. He wore a blue tank top and brownish gold colored pants that fit him very well. He had a somewhat perverted grin on his face. Kagome grabbed his wrist and turned it over so she could see the underside of his wrist. The dark black claws that adorned her pale fingers seemed so dark against Gojyo’s wrist. Everyone but Hiten and Bankotsu were confused as to what was going on. She licked the underside of his wrist and stepped toward him and looked into his scarlet eyes.

“Don’t smoke so much Gojyo-san, it leaves a bad taste.” Kagome said her voice all sultry. “And, No sex while on this mission. The women of our realm will kill you in an instant if you come onto them as you were going to come onto me. Just a warning.” Kagome said and glanced pointedly at Kuwabara.

He was speechless.

No one could blame him.

“Hakkai Cho.”

Hakkai had short brown hair and deep green eyes. He seemed to fit the part of monk better then Sanzo. He had on brown dress slacks, a white dress shirt with a green something and he had a dragon sitting on his shoulder. He also wore a green head band and arm guards much like her own, that Kagome approved of but everything else had to go. Kagome almost shuddered at what he was wearing. It was ugly. It wasn’t just ugly it was Hideously Ugly. How could anyone wear that? He may be the most respectable and probably well mannered one but how could Anyone wear that? Kagome thought to herself.

Kagome simply circled him once and sent him to the corner in which the rest of the Reikai Tantei resided. Bankotsu and Hiten must have been thinking the same thing because Kagome could see them wincing as Hakkai walked past them, Kagome could barely contain the snicker that so badly wanted to escape. Hiten couldn’t stop the horrified sound that emerged from his throat and Kagome smirked.

“What in the seven hells are you wearing?”

Kagome and Bankotsu stood next to each other holding hands. Well more like gripping each other’s hands so tight they turned white with the effort not to burst out laughing. Hakkai turned to look at Hiten and raised a dark brown brow. Kagome’s lip’s twitched. The rest of the Reikai Tantei were watching on amused. ‘What’s wrong with his clothes?’ Koenma thought to himself and redirected his attention back to what was going on with Hiten and Hakkai.

“What is wrong with my clothing Hiten-sama?”

Kagome would have bet he was just trying to be polite.

“It’s...so...Ugly.” Kagome bit her lip to restrain herself. Bankotsu nuzzled her hair to hide his smile. It was never good to burst out laughing for what may seem like no reason in front of people, makes them wonder about your sanity. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Goku however were not doing as good a job at keeping there amusement inside as the rest of them were. They very openly revealed there amusement.

Kagome turned and observed the Reikai Tantei completely aware that the Lords of Makai and possibly there generals and heirs would be arriving soon. She turned back to her brother when she heard the cackling of his thunder. She shot a bit of her flames at him to calm him down. The last time he got angry, well let’s just say the reason he was angry for was fried, fried to a crisp. There weren’t even any ashes to clean up.

“What did you say?” Kagome demanded, wanting to know what got her brother all riled up.

Hakkai looked away in shame, Kagome’s eyes narrowed and started to glow slightly in warning. Kurama decided to try and smooth things out. He glanced at Kagome and for a moment forgot how to speak.

“He said that at least he wasn’t wearing Barbie meets Bondage.”

Kagome’s eyebrow hiked up, “Hiten is not a woman none the less a Barbie.”

Then she caught herself.

“What the hell’s a barbie?”


Yusuke and Kuwabara burst out laughing and Kagome’s eye twitched. ‘What the fuck are they laughing at?’

“Barbie is a female doll that you can dress up and shit.” Yusuke said proudly.

“Why so proud?”

“Because I knew and you didn’t.” Now he was confused.

“You are proud that you know about a doll that you dress up and shit?” Kagome asked amused, “You ningens, so odd.”

Kuwabara restrained him and Kagome looked at him curious inside.

Perhaps he wasn’t as stupid as she first thought.

Now to address the matter that was Hakkai.

“My brother simply meant, Hakkai, your clothing would be, inappropriate where we are from. You would be heavily criticized amongst, well, everyone. We have to change your wardrobe.” Kagome said smoothly.

“You would match more earthy tones, browns, greens, gold's.” Kagome said mostly to herself. After smoothing things over with the reikai tantei she proceeded to stroke her brothers hurt ego. A man’s hurt ego could be deadly. Honestly. Cooing to him, telling him how sexy and wonderful he was. How many women desire him, that he did not look feminine and Hakkai did in no way mean to imply that he, Hiten, was a ‘Barbie in Bondage.’ The rest just watched on amused at the scene, Bankotsu adding his two cents in sometimes but was otherwise content to watch and amuse himself with Kagome’s long braid.

“Who is the last of your reikai tantei? My father and the others will no doubt be here soon.”

“Goku Son.”

Goku, a cute brown haired, golden-brown eyed half demon, his smile was more of a cute grin. Kagome’s eyes softened immensely, immediately. His innocence reminded her greatly of Yura before she’d died. Innocent and not. He’d seen horrors, done things beyond imagination and he managed to keep that innocent look. She envied him. A monkey demon? Or something along the lines. Standing at 5’7 he was small for a demon but he had a nice body.

Backing up so they could see the entire room the three royals of hell disappeared into the shadows. Reikai’s people were located on the right side of the room and her father and the Makai royals were just stepping through the portal from Makai.

Now...The show would truly begin.