Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 3: Royals of Makai ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki, Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, I also do not own Bevis and Buthead or Dumb and Dumber.

A/n: In the profile’s the classes are from 1-10 10 being the highest class. This scale is based on the royal’s of hell’s class system.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 3: Royals of Makai

Bankotsu and Hiten lounged on the pure black throne of hell. It was eight feet across. More then enough room for the three to stretch out and relax. The cushions were a deep crimson red with black oriental designs. Hiten and Bankotsu were stretched out on either side of Kagome who was laying back against the pillows and cushions. It was more of a big pile of pillows rather then a throne. The area of the cushions was about 15 feet. All three were touching in one way or another.

With all the power that would be brought by the lords and whoever they brought, they needed to soothe each other’s nerves. They once again changed there attire. Now all of them wore there own ‘fighting outfits’. They needed to make an example of themselves, show the taiyoukai they could be just as good, if not better then them with there fancy clothes. Hiten wore a black and red fighting gi with yellow thunder bolts. Next to him lounged two dragons, both in smaller forms. One a brilliant gold and white with red eyes and the other was dark green and pale green with blue eyes.

Bankotsu’s fighting gi was similar to that of Hiten’s. It was black and blue with a lighter shade of blue shaped like ice spears with a shadow of wolves. Neither of them wore any armor. Next to bankotsu sat two wolves the size of horses, both with gray fur and one with some white spots. Both had dark gray eyes.

Kagome was wearing a tight body suit with a slit over her stomach so it revealed some flesh. Her suit was printed with gold and red leopards. The black body suit had a low neckline making the top look more like a bikini top, there were no sleeves on the suit and it had a racer back. She too wore no armor but did wear arm guards. Black wings protruded from her back, folded neatly twitching once in a while in annoyance. Around her neck she wore the Shikon no Tama, to finish off the effect the top half of her hair was up in a bun and the rest of her hair fell to her knees. Laying against Kagome were two siberian tigers, both as you know, white with black stripes. One had green eyes and the other had blue. Giants as these cats were they needed comfort, reassurance and were being soothed by Kagome as she stroked each one’s fur. Calming them immensely.

Exchanging uneasy glances right before the Royals of Makai and there generals took seats after coming through the portal created by Jigoku-sama. Five taiyoukai, each of which brought two generals with them along with there heirs, if any.

Name: Lord Ansem, Taiyoukai of the Northern Lands

Age: 38 demon years, 380 human years

Physical Features: 6’5 with thigh length silver hair and tarnished golden eyes.

Mate: Aria (deceased in child birth)

Relatives: Sephiroth (eldest son), Riku (youngest son)

Demon Type: Elemental; Thunder.

Class: 7

Disposition: Manipulative, a real Asshole.

No one really liked Ansem, especially not those of hell. Hell had a bit of trouble with them, some misunderstandings. If Hiten could use one word to categorize him it was asshole. He could think of more unsavory words for both him and his second born son Riku but preferred not to say it.

Name: Sephiroth, Prince and Heir of the Northern Lands

Age: 21 demon years, 210 human years

Physical Features: 6’4 with thigh length silver hair and green eyes.

Mate: None

Relatives: Riku (brother), Ansem(father)

Demon Type: Elemental; Thunder

Class: 7 1/2

Disposition: Cold, Judgmental, and Dangerous

Out of the three royals of the northern lands Sephiroth was the most tolerable to hell. He was the only one they could stand. Kagome, Hiten and Bankotsu even gave him a little respect. After all, anyone who can kick both his father and his brother’s ass deserves respect. Especially since they despise Ansem and Riku.

Name: Riku, Prince of the Northern Lands

Age: 19 demon years, 190 human years

Physical Features: 6’0 with silver hair three to four inches past his shoulders in slight spikes with light blue eyes.

Mate: None, was involved with Kagome 4 years ago

Relatives: Ansem (father), Sephiroth(brother)

Demon Type: Elemental; Thunder

Class: 7 1/4

Disposition: Traitor, Manipulative, Asshole-jr.

If there was one person the three siblings hated more than Ansem it was Riku. Riku had hurt Kagome four years ago, when she was 14 and he was 15. He betrayed her, telling his father things that she wanted kept secret. She trusted him and found herself fooled again.

Name: Kageromaru, General of the Northern Lands

Age: 23 demon years, 230 human years

Physical Features: 5’4 with mid-back length white hair and crimson eyes

Mate: None

Relatives: Juuromaru (brother), Naraku (‘father’) and Naraku’s incarnations

Demon Type: Unknown, specializes in speed and blades

Class: 6 1/2

Disposition: Quiet, Dangerous, Tricky

Kageromaru and Juuromaru were once offspring of Naraku but with the help of Kagome and Ansem they freed them from Naraku. They both remain loyal to Ansem no matter how much they dislike him.

Name: Juuromaru, General of the Northern Lands

Age: 23 demon years, 230 human years

Physical Features: 5’11, lilac hair to his waist and blue eyes

Mate: None

Relatives: Kageromaru (brother), Naraku (‘father’), and Naraku’s Incarnations

Demon Type: Unknown, specializes in strength and speed

Class: 7

Disposition: Quiet and Deadly

Another thing most don’t know about the two brothers is that they eat the inner organs of others to survive. Not usual in Makai, but very normal in Hell. Kagome would have preferred they came under either her or her brothers wing, so to speak. They were two of the few who were against what Naraku had done all those years past. They were two of the few who stood up to Naraku. Regardless of how much power he had over them. For that they had her respect.

Name: Kouga, Taiyoukai of the Eastern Lands

Age: 26 demon years, 260 human years

Physical Features: 5’9, black waist length hair in a high ponytail and blue eyes

Mate: Lady Ayame

Relatives: None

Demon Type: Animal; Canine; Wolf

Class: 7

Disposition: Loud, Expressive, and Arrogant

Kouga had once tried for Kagome’s hand and that got Hiten’s displeasure directed his way. Kagome and Kouga remained acquaintances but she couldn’t stomach being anything more. He relied too much on his speed in a battle, no one really liked that. Bankotsu was good friends with him, they got along because Bankotsu’s animal was wolves. At least that was Hiten’s view on it.

Name: Ayame, Lady of the Eastern Lands

Age: 23 demon years, 230 human years

Physical Features: 5’7, shoulder length auburn hair always in pigtails and green eyes.

Mate: Lord Kouga

Relatives: None

Demon Type: Animal; Canine; Wolf

Class: 4 1/2

Disposition: Outspoken and Arrogant

Ayame was pretty enough by wolf standards with a slender rather than curvy body like Kagome’s. But Kagome had big problems with her. Ayame had insulted her and had paid for that insult with blood and flesh, Kagome made sure it was extra painful. Since then they’ve hated each other. Ayame because she was humiliated, Kagome didn’t appreciate being called a self-centered lesbian. She certainly was not lesbian nor self-centered. Not that she didn’t appreciate female beauty, she’s just never taken a female to her bed. Kagome was much better at pretending Ayame didn’t exist than Ayame was at insulting Kagome.

Name: Ginta, General of the Eastern Lands

Age: 20 demon years, 200 human years

Physical Features: 5’8, dark gray and black hair and brown eyes.

Mate: None

Relatives: Hakkaku (brother)

Demon Type: Animal; Canine; Wolf

Class: 7

Disposition: Funny, Silly and Friendly

He and his brother were a constant source of amusement, kind of like Bevis & Buthead or Dumb & Dumber. Not that they were stupid or anything, they were actually quite intelligent.

Name: Hakkaku, General of the Eastern Lands

Age: 20 demon years, 200 human years

Physical Features: 5’8, black hair in a mow hawk and dark gray eyes

Mate: None

Relatives: Ginta (brother)

Demon Type: Animal; Canine; Wolf

Class: 6 3/4

Disposition: Amusing, Clumsy, and Friendly

The two brothers were possibly the nicest demons you would ever come across, everyone didn’t believe it when they first met them. Everyone of the royal court of hell thought they were scheming, trying to outwit them. Distract them. But they weren’t, they really were as they seemed, no falsities. No lies.

Name: Touya, Taiyoukai of the Southern Lands

Age: 24 demon years, 240 human years

Physical Features: 6’1, ice blue hair with three green spikes framing his face, blue eyes a shade darker then his hair

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Elemental; Ice

Class: 8 1/2

Disposition: Cold, Calculated and Intelligent

Touya was an excellent fighter, exactly the kind of fighter they would need in the upcoming battles. But so were many of them. Touya was an interesting character, not many people knew anything about him, but Hell had there own resources.

Name: Jin, General of the Southern Lands

Age: 22 demon years, 220 human years

Physical Features: 6’3, spiky red hair, blue eyes and a horn on the middle of his forehead.

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Elemental; Wind

Class: 8

Disposition: Funny, Friendly, Silly at times, and Tricky

Jin used his friendly disposition to sometimes deceive people into believing he would be an easy target, easily defeated. But he like Touya was a Shinobi, Touya the Ice Shinobi and he was the Wind Shinobi. He was smarter and more clever then most people ever got to see. Well see and live. He prefers flying on his cloud to walking or running on the ground to travel.

Name: Karasu, General of the Southern Lands

Age: 26 demon years, 260 human years

Physical Features: 6’3, black hair and eyes, hair turns blonde when using a powerful attack, and wears a mask over the lower half of his face

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Animal; Winged; Crow

Class: 8

Disposition: Seemingly Emotionless, Cold, Calculating, Smart

Neither one of the siblings of hell had ever met him or any of the southern land’s people, including the Taiyoukai. But they hadn’t met the centrals, or westerns generals. From what they rated him, they must’ve figured him to be quite powerful.

Name: Inutashio, Lord of the Western Lands

Age: 50 demon years, 500 human years

Physical Features: 6’6, knee-length silver hair in a hightail, golden eyes, crescent on his forehead and two jagged magenta stripes on his cheeks and twin tails.

Mate: Senya(Sesshoumaru’s mother, 1st mate, deceased), Izayoi (Inuyasha’s mother, 2nd mate, deceased)

Relatives: Sesshoumaru (eldest son), Inuyasha (youngest son)

Demon Type: Animal; Canine; Dog

Class: 9

Disposition: Fair and Just, Loyal, Honest, Ruthless in battle, Sorrowful

Inutashio, had been in great depression after he’d lost not one but two wives. He loved them both and the loss of them was a great blow to the great taiyoukai. The only thing that stopped him from following them to the land of the dead was the fact that Inuyasha couldn’t have survived without him.

Name: Sesshoumaru, Prince and Heir of the Western Lands

Age: 27 demon years, 270 human years

Physical Features: 6’5, silver knee-length hair, golden eyes, violet-blue crescent on his forehead, two magenta stripes on each cheek and a fluffy tail.

Mate: None

Relatives: Inutashio (Father), Inuyasha (Half-brother)

Demon Type: Animal; Canine: Dog

Class: 9

Disposition: Cold, Somewhat Emotionless, Strategist, Intelligent, and Deadly

Hiten, Bankotsu and Kagome had only met the ever elusive Sesshoumaru once when they were children. He completely dismissed them as not worth his time. That did not leave them with the best impression of him, of course, now they dismissed him as powerful, but not as powerful as them. He would however be a good ally. They were more alike then they thought. Neither Hiten, Ban, or Kagome gave a shit what anyone else thought of them, most of the time. Like Sesshoumaru. Hiten was the most sensitive of them all surprisingly.

Name: Inuyasha, Prince of the Western Lands

Age: 23 demon years old, 230 human years old.

Physical Features: 5’11, waist length silver hair, golden eyes, and in place of human ears there was puppy ears on the top of his head.

Mate: None

Relatives: Inutashio (Father), Sesshoumaru (Half-brother)

Demon Type: Half-Human, Half-Animal;Canine; Dog

Class: 7

Disposition: Arrogant, Foolish, Protective, and to some degree Innocent.

He was born of a human mother and his demon father. Inuyasha fancied himself in love with the 15 year old Kikyo when he was 11. He still believes his love was returned, she used his affections for her to use him. And those affections he had towards Kikyo caused him to be disliked greatly by Kagome and her brothers.

Name: Kuronue, General of the Western Lands

Age: 26 demon years, 260 human years.

Physical Features: 6’3, thigh-length black hair with a violet sheen, violet eyes and bat wings.

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Animal; Winged; Bat

Class: 9

Disposition: Clever, Sneaky, Can be Playful and Dangerous

Kuronue had been a thief with Youko Kurama as his partner until Inutashio caught him and offered him a choice, to die or to join his army. He chose to live. A demon grows at a normal human pace for the first 10 demon years of their lives and if they can survive they mature by the time there 14 and stop aging. Kuronue had been with Youko since they were young, just born, there parents had been friends, but they’d been killed.

Name: Yomi, General of the Western Lands

Age: 28 demon years, 280 human years.

Physical Features: 6’0, hip length black hair with some brownish-blonde, scarred eyes, and six ears.

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Unknown

Class: 9

Disposition: Cold, Highly intelligent, and a Strategist.

No one knew much about Yomi, he was a very secretive youkai. It was rumored that he’d lost his vision during an attack on him by a demon assassin, said to have been sent by his partner Youko Kurama. No one could prove these rumors though and Yomi didn’t believe Youko would do that.

Name: Sora, Taiyoukai of the Central Lands

Age: 19 demon years, 190 human years

Physical Features: 5’7, spiky brown hair and blue eyes

Mate: None

Relatives: Kaii (father-deceased), Hana (mother-deceased)

Demon Type: Elemental; Wind

Class: 7

Disposition: Gentle, Courageous/Heroic, and Silly, sometimes

Succeeding to the throne when he was 13 he was the youngest Taiyoukai and still is the youngest now that he is 19. Sora is still innocent in many aspects but he knows the horrors that Naraku breeds. He’s seen them done, but never to himself. But he’s seen the result of the tortured victims. And it’s not a pretty sight.

Name: Suzaku, General of the Central Lands

Age: 20 demon years, 200 human years

Physical Features: 5’7, golden blonde hair cut short with red locks framing his face and bright emerald green eyes.

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Elemental; Thunder

Class: 7

Disposition: Secretive

Not much is known of Suzaku, just that he one day came and asked to serve under Sora. He likes keeping his past a mystery and have people guess.

Name: Cloud, General of the Central Lands

Age: 24 demon years, 240 human years

Physical Features: 5’11, spiky silver hair and blue eyes.

Mate: None

Relatives: Unknown

Demon Type: Elemental; Wind

Class: 8

Disposition: Smart, Strong, Powerful, and Clever

“Lords Ansem, Kouga, Touya, Inutashio and Sora. Lady Ayame. Princes Sephiroth, Riku, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha. Generals Kageromaru, Juuromaru, Ginta, Hakkaku, Jin, Karasu, Kuronue, Yomi, Suzaku and Cloud. Meet the Reikai Tantei and Prince Koenma, The Grim Reaper Botan. The Reikai Tantei are: Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku.” Jigoku said introducing the two different groups that were settled on opposite sides of the room completely unaware of the group sitting in the middle and slightly to the side of them both.

“Where are your heirs Jigoku?” Ansem asked mockingly.

“They are preparing for the upcoming war.” Jigoku answered unaffected by Ansem’s sneer.

“And that slut of a daughter?” Ansem asked wanting to push Jigoku’s buttons.

“Kagome is my only daughter. The Hells Angel is not a slut. No need to use such vulgar language because she would not accept your suit. It was also not her fault that she believed your son loved her when he did not and she slept with him. It was all planned out by you to get her back. To hurt her. Well guess what she’s fine and both her brothers as well as Sirus and Conri make sure it stays that way.” Jigoku said his voice warm with the beginnings of anger.

“Oh really so what happens when she goes into heat?”

“Conri and Sirus are more then happy to please her.” Jigoku answered not even blinking an eyelash at the blatant lie he just told Ansem. It was a well known fact that Kagome refused to take any man to her bed while she was in heat and very rarely took one to her bed at all. She rarely went into heat at all, the times she did she showed great self-restraint.

“Who are Conri and Sirus?” Riku asked finally getting tired of the conversation.

Jigoku glared harshly at the demon that broke his baby’s heart and said, “Conri, Sirus come here.” They stepped out from behind him and Botan gasped. No words were needed to describe them except the three lettered word going through Botan’s head;Hot.

Conri’s hair was still in cornrows but he had no shirt on now exposing his chest. And what a nice chest it was, his dark skin was stretched over muscled abs and chest. It also showed off his silver nipple rings. His pants were leather and slightly darker then his skin. His dark brown eyes were cool and spiteful towards Riku. He knew all about what had happened as did Sirus which is why Sirus was glaring.

Sirus had long platinum blonde hair and piercing crimson eyes. His skin was a shade darker then Kagome’s own pale ivory. His long hair was in a loose braid down his back. His chest was muscled slightly but not overly so. He wore no shirt and tan leather pants. Both he and Conri were panther youkai. He growled softly at Riku. Wanting to do so much more then just growl, wanting to see blood spill and flesh fly.

“That’s enough Sirus.” Jigoku commanded. Sirus stopped out of instinct. He knew that he was no match for Jigoku, but he also knew that Kagome wouldn’t let Jigoku harm him.

“These two are Conri and Sirus.” Jigoku said to Riku.

Riku nodded not daring to show how he truly felt. After all it wasn’t his place to, Kagome wasn’t his, not anymore. ‘I never meant to hurt her, I didn’t want to.’ He thought to himself, ‘I loved her, hell, I still love her, she was my everything. If it hadn’t been for father i’d still be with her. Holding her, loving her. Father manipulated me into telling him things that I swore not to tell, but I guess I only have myself to blame now, I could’ve just made something up, but I didn’t and I broke her heart. I wish, I wish I could make things right between us, make things the way they were.

They felt it first, Kagome, Hiten and Bankotsu in the shadows,someone watching them, reading them. Kugutsu. Naraku’s kugutsu. Eyes began to bleed pure gold in color, pupil and whites engulfed in the beautiful golden glow of her eyes. What a fool, using their element to hide from then? Was he daft?Or just stupid.

‘Kugutsu, Sirus, there’s a kugutsu nearest to you, in the shadows. Draw it out towards us. Be careful my little panther.’ Kagome called telepathically.

‘As you wish Kagome.’ Came Sirus’s soft reply.


“Sirus will draw it out, then it’s ours.” The nodded in satisfaction.

As they turned there attention back to the taiyoukais again, Sirus’s pained cry reached there ears. Kagome whipped around and was off the cushions before either of her brothers could comprehend what was going on. Using her demonic strength she yanked the huge spider demon off of him snarling. By now everyone’s attention had been directed to them. Hiten and Bankotsu began taking out the smaller demons, allowing Kagome more room to fight.

Circling the spider she launched herself under it with an extra burst of speed from her wings, used the wall to push herself over it onto it’s back and severed it’s head from the spine in one swift motion with elongated claws. The other demons began being electrocuted, burnt and frozen to death at the command of the three siblings.

Crouching protectively over Sirus’s prone body she berated herself. ‘I shouldn’t have missed it. Three Kugutsu, not one. Because of my mistake my little panther is injured.’ Growling low in her chest her body tensed in preparation for attack. Hiten and Bankotsu exchanged glances and erected barriers around everyone else in the room. Tentatively Hiten wrapped his arms around her stomach gently licking at her cheek calming her. Wings unfurled spread about her protectively made his job a bit hard but manageable. Watching as gold receded into it’s normal look, cold, dispassionate.

“Calm down Kagome, no one else will hurt him.”

“I missed two.”

“Two?” Bankotsu inquired.

“Three kugutsu, not one.” Kagome clarified.

“Where’s the other two?” Kagome grinned a very evil grin. When you saw that grin, if it was directed at you, you best run and pray to whatever deity you believe in to kill you rather then let Kagome get to you.

“There.” And she was gone.

When she reappeared her fist was buried in a baboon clad figures midsection. Hissing she ripped it’s head off. She hated those things. Disintegrating with her powers Kagome began to hunt the other one. She’d have her fun with this one. Tossing him onto the floor, backhanding him to keep him down she asked her question.

“Why are you here?”


“Why did you hurt my panther?”

No answer.

A whip materialized in her hand and she brought it down in an arc over and over again. The mass of flesh that quivered before her still refused to speak. Kagome bent down to what used to be it’s ear and hissed, “No one takes what belongs to me.” Latched onto his throat with larger fangs she ripped it all off taking his voice box with it.

Tossing the remains to the floor she licked the blood from her lips ripping what was left of his mangled head and tossing it to Hiten’s dragons. They did love brains. Hearing a whimper from where Ansem sat she raised glacier like eyes to meet his shocked ones. And was tempted to smile and hunt him. Her gaze fell to Kageromaru who stared at her with starved, wild eyes. Motioning him toward her with narrowed eyes she watched him like a hawk. He offered his neck, like he was taught to do, sniffing at his neck she gave a small lick as he let out a tortured whimper. Kagome was puzzled. Her teeth sunk into his neck and he went limp in her arms. Removing her fangs from her lips she snarled angrily at Ansem.

“You’ve been starving him.” It was a statement, not a question.

Next her eyes found Juuromaru she repeated the process with him and with what she found she was tempted to rip Ansem’s head off and let them eat his organs. Heck, she’d join them. Tearing open the body she mutilated she ripped it’s intestines out, held some in each hand and offered it to them.

Shocked eyes turned up into her own unaffected ones.

“Take it.”

They did as told and began feasting on it’s organs. As Kagome turned away to help her panther they stopped her.

“Thank you.” They said it with such genuine thanks she couldn’t stop the slight warmth from entering her eyes.

Simply nodding would have to do.

“Why help them?” Kuwabara asked, disgusted, confused.

“They were fatigued, weakened. They would have been worthless in battle.” All warmth gone from her icy eyes.

Sirus’s breathing was shallow, she was aware of everyone’s gaze on her and didn’t really care. It’s not like any of them meant anything to her. The only one’s who meant anything to her were Conri, Sirus, Hiten and Bankotsu along with there animals. Everyone else could just drop dead for all she cared, but she did need them to beat Naraku. She knew her limits and knew she couldn’t kill him and his army alone.

“Kagome?” Jigoku called to his daughter.

“What?” Her voice came out even, calm and a bit irritated at having been interrupted with what she was doing. Which at the time was sucking poison out of Sirus’s collarbone wound. It looked kind of like she was trying to give him a hickey which she wasn’t. Golden eyes glowed as she looked up to where her father and the makai royals and generals sat. Her eyes were filled with a coldness, a calm blankness, an emptiness that startled them. When some of them had met her years and years ago she was more open about her emotions. Now it was like looking at a shell of what she used to be.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m sucking out the poison.” Kagome replied back her voice muffled from Sirus’s flesh. The two tigers that were with her stood on either side of her guarding her. Hiten and Bankotsu stood to her sides as well with there animals. She continued taking the poison into herself and out of Sirus, healing his minor wounds at the same time. The larger wounds would have to wait until she could concentrate fully on them.

“Kagome...” The voice came out surprised.

Kagome didn’t acknowledge the voice, she just continued to tend to Sirus. Once the poison was all out Kagome washed her mouth out with the water Conri brought her. Poison left such an icky aftertaste. Proceeding to heal his other wounds she positioned her hands over his chest and shoulder. Glowing the color of her eyes the wounds stitched themselves back together before there eyes until it looked as if he’d never been injured in the first place. She nuzzled him and rubbed her check against his in an attempt to wake him. He groaned finally regaining consciousness. Kagome gave a soft purr of happiness.

“Are you all right?” She asked stroking his loose blonde hair.

Smiling sleepily he nodded laying a gentle kiss on her cheek and whispering a soft thank you in her ear. Resting his head in her lap he was asleep instantly, knowing he was safe with her. Picking up the larger man with ease she laid him down on the cushioned throne that was visible for all to see, her wings settled against her back.

“Kagome...You don’t remember me do you?” The Taiyoukai of the Central Lands questioned.

“Sora. The bright blue sky after the darkness of night.”

He smiled. “Hello Kagome, the shadowed flames of darkness, the Hell’s angel.”

Kagome’s left eyebrow kicked up and a smirk tugged at her lip.

“You’ve been keeping tabs on me.”

“And you on me.”


“Why did you save me all those years ago? You could have let me die. What made you come back and save me?” He inquired suddenly. Kagome stilled and everyone was interested now.

“It was my duty to-” Sora cut her off. “Duty did not demand you come back and save me when my parents finally freed you from your imprisonment.”

“Your parents had no choice but to listen to Naraku. Your parents were weak. You are not. You were not. You fought against him with everything that you had. You did not deserve to die just because your parents died by Naraku. “

“That’s not answering my question.”

Kagome’s eyes narrowed, “You helped me...I helped you. That’s all there is to it. You did something that no one had done before then...”

“I helped you?” He asked confused.

“No...You protected me.” Kagome clarified. “Before Naraku I was not protected to a great degree. I had not come into power until Naraku, I was not hurt before Naraku and you protected me against Naraku when many others would not have. For that I protected you. You do not bite the hand that feeds you as you do not let die those that protect you.” Kagome said to him before turning away to look into the shadows where the Kugutsu came from. Across from Hell’s throne.

“My honor demanded it of me. Before I came into my power I was just in the way, a liability should anything go wrong.” Kagome paused and continued on, “I was a submissive with no dominant and in Hell that is not a good thing. You need to be a dominant and have power. I could fight yes but in a battle with powers I was as good as dead. You have to understand the only reason I wasn’t killed was because i’m royalty. Normally the stronger a persons power is the later it comes. But my power was long overdue so we pretty much lost hope. A submissive can’t survive in hell too long, unless they find a master or a dominant to take them in and extend there protection. Unless they find a dominant to there submissive.” Kagome explained staring at the wall parallel to her.

‘There will be hell to pay.’ Kagome thought, ‘I will not rest until you are dead Naraku...No one touches what is mine....No one...I will not rest until I have my vengeance. My vengeance will only be fulfilled with your eternal death and eternal suffering. You messed with the wrong bitch this time, this bitch will kill your ass over and over and will enjoy every minute of torture you go through. It’s time Naraku that you get what you deserve. It’s time you pay for all your sins and pay repentance for those you have harmed...’ Kagome thought as a silent wind swirled her loose ebony hair around her form.