Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 5: Dark Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki, Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 5: Dark Past

Kagome’s emotionless facade fell into place as soon as she stepped out of the her room and into the hallway. Sirus was the only one with her then seeing as the others were glued to the television. Kagome never did understand how people could sit in front of a television set for extended periods of time. She walked down the long dark corridors of her home with Sirus walking slightly to the right and behind her like some pillar of strength. ‘This is going to be hard to explain to father.’ Kagome sighed softly to herself. ‘He’s already going to be on my case about allowing Sephiroth to be wounded and poisoned, by my snake no less.’

Kagome was the epitome of grace when she entered the room. The soft murmurs and whispers died down to an eerie still silence as she entered the room her very presence exuding perfection, confidence, demanding respect. Her size was not a factor. She may have been petite but she was still a creature that people instinctively knew to fear and respect.

She was born 1/2 ochiru tenshi (Fallen Angel) and 1/2 kitsune youkai (Fox Demon). Her father was an ochiru tenshi and her mother was a kitsune youkai. A shadow kitsune. But she took after her father more than her mother. Therefore she did not go into heat, much. When she did go into heat, she took no one but herself to bed. Her self-control was legendary amongst the people of hell. Her mother’s race is naturally seductive and sensual. That is where Kagome and her brothers got their sex appeal, sensuality. Her father, Jigoku’s side however is where Kagome gained her beautiful black wings and deadly powers. Kagome was the only one to inherit the holy powers and magic from Jigoku besides Kikyo. All of the siblings inherited the Kitsune magic of illusions, control over plant life and shadows to some degree.

Kagome was known as the Enchantress of the Underworld. Her magic was unrivaled but she used it very rarely in offense or defense because she preferred to use her own skill and strength to fight. Hiten was the Playboy of the Underworld, naturally. He used his seductive charms and mannerisms to get what he wanted or the information he wanted. Bankotsu was the best swordsmen in the Underworld. His skill was unrivaled except by perhaps Kagome. Kagome pushed herself to be the best at everything she did. She was perfection personified. So were her brothers. But she still had flaws, they were just harder to spot, she still had weaknesses and she hated herself for them every day. But when she attempted to be perfect she gave up a part of herself.

She gave up the part of her that could interact easily with others. The part of her that cared about what others thought of her. The part of her that felt true emotions. The part of her the felt pure emotions. Like Love, Hope, Faith. In exchange for those emotions and pieces she became as close to perfection as possible. She hated it. But she knew what had to be done to get her revenge on the bastard Naraku. There was a time when she was a sweet innocent young girl, a girl who smiled, a girl who laughed, a girl who loved.


A 3 year old Kagome waddled her way over to her older sister Kikyo tugging on her hakama’s to get her to look down at her. When Kikyo looked down at her sister she smiled fondly at the chocolate covered faced that belonged to one Kagome.

“Kikyo-neechan!! Look what I can do!!” Kagome exclaimed a happy smile on her face as she performed a simple kata.

“Very good Kagome-chan!!” Kikyo said picking the chibi-Kagome up and hugging her. Kagome pouted and commenced to start a game of tag with her Onee-chan. After all her onee-chan was the best.

~!~End of Flashback~!~

‘I will not think of Kikyo like that again. She was never my sister. My sister would not have betrayed us like that. Would not have hurt us.’ Kagome thought angry at her traitorous thoughts.

Kagome raised a delicate, perfectly arched eyebrow in question. No one answered her. Kagome motioned for her father to join her. He slowly stood up and approached her. His eyes were burning in their intensity as she sensed his anger.

“What happened?” His voice but a deadly whisper.

“Someone let Sei out and commanded him to attack Sephiroth.” Kagome said rubbing the bridge of her nose closing her golden eyes. “They wanted him specifically out of the picture. Who did it? I do not know. A snake charmer or a group of snake charmers, but even that would be highly improbable. I created Sei. So unless...” Kagome trailed off letting her senses flare. She hissed one word. “Kikyo.”

“What about Kikyo?” Jigoku asked his daughter wearily.

“It was that damned bitch that let him go. But why attack Sephiroth...” Kagome muttered to herself, golden eyes troubled. ‘Kikyo...’Kagome thought ‘How is it that your back. I killed you all those years ago, you shouldn’t be here.’

“Feh. She would never do such a thing.” Inuyasha stated, standing up for his love.

“Shut your mouth hanyou. “ Kagome hissed her voice becoming heavy with anger.

“You have no idea what she is capable of.” Kagome said regaining her composure. Beautiful eyes darkened with anger at what her sister did 130 years ago. How she betrayed her own family for a dark hanyou none the less. Kagome normally had no grudge against hanyou’s but Kikyo and Naraku had helped build her dislike of them. Inuyasha was of no help either.

“Feh. What do you know wench. Kikyo was probably trying to help defeat Naraku all those years ago that’s why she was with him.” Inuyasha said confidently.

Looking at him like he was a fool which in Kagome’s opinion he was. “You’re a fool Inuyasha. She wasn’t helping to kill Naraku. She was helping Naraku to win.”

“What do you know?She died trying to help!” He sneered.

“No. What do you know. I was there. I killed Kikyo.” Kagome said her voice soft but carrying throughout the room. Inuyasha looked stricken, Jigoku and the rest were unmoved.

“She was your sister...” He said almost in tears.

“She was nothing. I wasn’t about to let her go without paying for her crimes. Because of her Yura and I suffered. If she hadn’t betrayed us we wouldn’t have been taken and tortured for 30 Fucking Years...” Kagome said the anger evident in her eyes as well as the pain.

“What happened Kagome? What really happened all those years ago?” Jigoku asked his still daughter. Kagome turned to face her father and the rest of the room. She kept her eyes locked on her father.

“It seems I have no choice now.”

“Yura was three at the time and I was five years old according to demon years. Naraku attacked us using our own strategies against us. The strategies that Kikyo gave him. Sora’s parents the lord and lady of the central land’s took us and brought us to Naraku. Against there will mind you.” Kagome said pausing to continue.

“Naraku chained us in his bedroom using chains hanging from the ceiling. At first he did nothing to us physically. He brought some children from Hell that we were acquainted with and he did things to them. Raped their minds and bodies over and over again telling them evil things. He tortured them slowly to insanity as Yura and I watched unable to do anything. I was able to stop Yura from seeing some of the more graphic parts. But after he’d torture them to insanity he’d kill them slowly.” Kagome said her voice shaking slightly eye’s closed, her face tense showing the strain.

“It wasn’t until about five human years into being captured did he start to do things to Yura and I. He started with just touching us. Whenever one of us recoiled from his touch the other was tossed around into walls, stairs. Naraku was going to rape Yura. “ Kagome forcibly made herself continue.

“I, I traded myself in her place. It kept her safe for another 5 human years from his love as he called it. Continuously raping me for days and when he wasn’t doing that he was torturing me. Yura was safe from him until her 4th birthday when he decided to bless her with one of his gifts as he said. He raped her and clawed her back up with his nails, then gave her to some of his allies. They raped her as well. I was forced to watch as Naraku took a burning poker and branded me as his he said. He gained pleasure from our screams. “

“We tried to fight back but neither Yura nor I had come into power yet so there was nothing that we could do. None of our inherited abilities could be of any help to us then and Naraku and the other’s were physically stronger then us. Sora tried to help us but there was nothing that he could do. He was still a little boy then. “ Kagome continued with her tale tears burned behind closed eyelids.

“This continued for another 10 years. Naraku and his people would gang-rape us. He was very inventive in his tortures but over the years Yura and I learned not to scream because that would only bring him more pleasure. He tried to make us believe that no one cared, no one would come and rescue us. We tried so hard not to believe him but it had been 20 years, 2 demon years and no one came to save us. Not one. What were we supposed to think.”

“Naraku loved to burn and cut our skin, then pour lemon juice over it. He would break our bones joint by joint if we so much as looked at him the wrong way. We would have to set our bones when he left so it wouldn’t heal that way. He would whip us daily or use bamboo silvers. He liked to use other toys or methods like the strappado. That is when he tied our arms behind our back and then he tied a large rope to our wrists and put the rope over a hook on the roof. Then he pulled on the rope until we were hanging from our arms causing our arms to occasionally be dislocated.”

“Or he’d put us on the rack. A rectangular, steel frame with a roller at one end. Our legs would be tied to one end of the frame and our wrist attached to the roller. He would slowly turn the roller so that it would cause tension on the ropes and our joints would slowly dislocate. This was his personal favorite. He would always heal us enough so that we would heal regularly after he’d, had his fun. “

“Mentally he tortured us, physically he tortured us and abused us. It seemed to bring him great amusement. After one of her encounters with the rack Yura asked me to do something for her. I had been secretly building up my inherited ability to kill someone in there sleep. Silently, painlessly. I had enough energy to kill one person. Yura wanted me to kill her. I refused. But then she told me that the miasma Naraku had injected into her was killing her slowly and painfully, she told me she’d rather die peacefully in her sleep then allow anything else to go on. She told me, she’d rather die by the hand of someone who loved her, then someone who’d kill her for their own twisted amusement. They broke her will to fight. She begged me not to let them kill her because they’d kill her painfully. So, I performed the spell and as she fell into a sleep that she wouldn’t awaken from she told me not to feel guilty and that she loved me.” Her voice was shaky as she said this.

“Naraku and Kikyo had found out what I did and Kikyo and Kagura one of Naraku’s offspring used the hilt of a sword and other such inanimate objects to rape m. Then they put me on the rack. They continually got new ideas of torturing me that I had learned to block out the pain or any feeling. Then on my 8th demon birthday about 30 years after they captured me, I came into power while Naraku was proceeding to carve his name into my skin. The power blew out of me in a wave of energy killing most of his armies and half of his body. He escaped with Kagura and a few of his offspring. Sora’s parents helped me get the power under control and Naraku had Kikyo kill them off. I turned towards Kikyo and I rushed at her, tackling her to the floor. She was stronger then me physically but my powers were untrained and angry lashing out and anything and everything. It consumed her. Burning her alive. I stood there and watched as she melted and screamed for mercy in front of me.”

Kagome paused once more glancing at Sora who had his eye’s closed. “The entire place was falling apart, I grabbed Sora and ran. Leaving that horrible place to burn and that was when I met up with Lord Jigoku and his mate. I watched as Lord Jigoku’s mate was impaled by a piece of flying debris from the once great palace. She pleaded with me to save her. But I did the same thing that she did when Naraku attacked taking us with him all those years ago. I turned my back and walked away. She didn’t deserve my pity or my help. I know that she stopped Lord Jigoku from coming to our aid right away and Yura’s blood is just as much on her hands as it is on mine. I hated her. And I trusted Lord Jigoku, my father to save us no matter what our mother did. He didn’t. He failed.”

Kagome finished her story with a hard voice her eyes were dark with a rage and pain that she carefully hid. Her face tense with the effort to keep it all at bay. When she composed herself everyone stared. Kagome raised a single calm eyebrow.

“Kagome, I’m sorry, I meant to come I really did it’s just-” Kagome cut Jigoku off.

“I don’t want to hear any of your excuses. Hiten and Bankotsu were going to come and attempt to rescue me had you not held them back for that I am eternally grateful for them not coming to their deaths. But don’t you dare ask me to forgive you for not coming. You were strong enough. They were children, like me. You had no excuse. I won’t forgive, not now, not ever. Isn’t that what you taught me father? Never forgive and never forget.

“Please Kagome give me another chance. Trust me.” Jigoku pleaded gold eyes searching for some sign of forgiveness in cold amber darkened eyes.

“I made the mistake of trusting you once do not ask me to make the same mistake again. I will not risk my trust being misplaced once again.” Kagome said softly her voice cold, detached as she turned away from the man who was her father.

Jigoku collapsed to the floor his head bowed. He raised his head silent tears trailing down his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you like that...I didn’t know...”

“It changes nothing.”