Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 6: Questions and Answers ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki, Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 6: Questions and Answers

She kept her emotions in check as she left the room walking quietly in the shadows. All that passed her felt her anger and wisely chose to stay quiet and leave the area quickly without disturbing the princess. It would not have be wise to interact with Kagome-hime when she was in a foul mood. Kagome made it back to her room with Sirus trailing behind her, silent. She opened the door but everyone present in the room including the slumbering Sephiroth could feel her fury, her pain, her hate.

“Bankotsu, Hiten, Conri, Sirus, please leave the room for now. I need some time alone.” Kagome said her voice barely a whisper. They stood and left taking one last glance at Kagome’s rigid form.

“Show me Kagome.” Jigoku whispered through his tears to the seeing glass displayed on the wall. It brought up the image of Sephiroth and Kagome in her room.

“Do you wish for me to leave as well?” Sephiroth croaked from the bed. Kagome turned to him gold eyes dark with something he didn’t recognize immediately.

“No. You are still injured. I still need to monitor you and make sure that you are all right.” Kagome said her voice soft.

Sephiroth nodded, his light green eyes curious but not impolite enough to ask. Kagome turned and walked to the window letting the cool breeze of the night bathe her in it’s embrace. Sighing softly to herself she removed the band that held her hair in it’s tight braid allowing her silky hair to fall in loose waves, dancing in the breeze. It fell around her, a curtain of darkness, and her pale skin glowed with an inner radiance some would call it. Kagome just called it power, because she believed herself to be far from pure.

“Tell me Sephiroth, why do people lie, pretend?” Kagome asked her voice inquiring, soft. Jigoku, back in the meeting room stiffened when he heard this.

“I don’t know.” He answered truthfully.

“Why must blood be shed? Over such silly and trivial things? Why do people hate? Why for that matter, do they fall in love?Why do we hurt each other?” Kagome asked her voice for once showing a slight vulnerability that was never there before. “Why do they cause pain to the one’s they love? If you love them you aren’t supposed to hurt them. Right?” Kagome asked her eye’s silently pleading for him to answer her, to tell her the truth.

“No. People shouldn’t cause pain to the people they love.” He spoke quietly, sensing her vulnerable state.

“What happened?” he asked his darkened eyes meeting with tortured gold.

“They now know of my past. If you really wish to find out what it is, ask one of the others, I do not wish to relive my past a second time in the same night.” Kagome said her voice controlled now, eyes chilly.

“You must rest if you are to recover to full health Sephiroth.” Kagome said turning away to look out at the dark abyss that was her world. Jigoku and the other’s watched with rapt fascination at the screen as Sephiroth cuddled into Kagome’s pillows giving her one last look before closing his eyes. Kagome stood from the window and tucked the blankets around him, checking his pulse, temperature and other vitals before standing and turning to her ‘entertainment system’.

“Show me Naraku.” Kagome said her eyes glowing.

“Ah, Kagome, my dear how nice of you to call.” Naraku purred his face appearing on the screen. The devastatingly handsome face wasn’t what any of them were expecting. They were expecting something a little more ugly, cruel. But here on the screen was a man no more then 29 with long wavy black hair and crimson eyes.

“This will all end for you soon Naraku.” Kagome said her voice calm, smooth not showing her true feelings.

“You’re wrong, I will have you again my little tama, I will have you and that precious jewel you carry deep within your body.” Naraku purred.

“I think not.” Kagome replied hissing, “You despicable coward, why did you want Sephiroth out of the picture that you bring back my own sister to do it?”

“Your sister is a wonderful lover but I do so prefer your body. Kikyo chose to get rid of Sephiroth not I. So what will you do Kagome? Will you kill Kikyo again to protect your new lover?” He sneered the last part gesturing towards the sleeping Sephiroth in Kagome’s bed.

“And if I do?” Kagome’s reply came quietly.

“So you don’t object to him being your lover?” Naraku asked quite surprised.

“No, but I don’t agree to him being my lover either. Besides what’s the point of denying that he’s my lover, hm, if I were to deny that he was my lover you wouldn’t believe me and if I deny even more then you will be more so convinced that he is in fact my lover.”

“That is true.” Naraku said contemplating something.

“Do you really think you can win?” Naraku asked truly curious.

Kagome smiled and she did not have to look in the mirror to know that it was not a nice smile. “I know I can win.”

“Oh?” He asked seemingly amused.

“Yes. Because you have everything to lose and everything to gain depending on the outcome of the battle. Where as I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You don’t seem to understand that I will give up anything for your demise with the exception of a few choice people and things. And even those exceptions can be changed. I will kill you for all the torment you’ve caused us all and the torment you continue to put us through to this very day, even if I have to die.”

“By we, you mean you and your brothers.” He stated.


“What if I said I could give you back everything you lost if you would join me would that satisfy you?” He asked.

Kagome’s eyes darkened, “You cannot bribe me Naraku. I will only be satisfied, my rage will only be abated when your blood has been spilt and taints the ground, when your soul has been broken, your mind destroyed and your physical body obliterated. Only then will I be satisfied.”

“I see my death in your eyes.” He said softly, sensually as if turned on by it all.

“And I see mine in yours.” Kagome said stiffly.

“Let the battle commence in 12 months time.” They spoke together before Kagome closed the link with her mental powers.

“Twelve months, We better be ready by then.” She spoke quietly to herself letting one solitary tear fall to the floor forming a light silver crystal as one name escaped her lips. “Yura.” They continued to watch in silence not even noticing when the four boys that left her room arrived along with hell’s generals to enraptured by what was going on.

“Kagome...” Kagome turned to face Sephiroth.

She raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“I didn’t know you had the ability to do that.”

“Everyone of my siblings has the ability to do that, It was an inherited ability from Jigoku. “ came her quiet response.

“Why are you so determined to get revenge?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“Is it really revenge Sephiroth. There is a fine line between revenge and justice. For example, Say a woman’s daughter is raped and murdered by a serial rapist/killer. She, witnessed this rapist/killer as he was leaving her daughters apartment. The police can’t find him, she knows this man, this person that hurt what was hers and she goes after him since the police don’t because all they have is her word. That’s hearsay in a trial, it can’t be held up in court. So when she finds him, she pulls a gun and kills him. Then she is arrested for murder, because she killed him in cold blood for revenge, they said. But she say’s “It wasn’t revenge, It was justice, that man killed my baby and you did nothing about it, he’s killed and raped so many and you never caught him or listened to me when I told you who he was, check his DNA and you’ll find it matches all those raped and murdered victims. It was justice because I was just evening out the score, and even now that he’s dead, It’s not gonna bring my baby back or all those other women back, but he will atone for his sins in death.” So tell me Sephiroth would that be considered revenge or justice?” Kagome asked.

He was quiet. He didn’t know. Kagome continued on, “It really depends on who’s point of view your looking from. The line between the two is a tricky one. So would it really be revenge if I simply killed all of my tormentors and Naraku? No. It would be revenge if I killed those who didn’t do me or mine any harm. But, I’m all up for revenge. Because what I intend to do will leave even Naraku begging for death. I intend to torture him with all the years of pain i’ve been through in just a few short moments and multiply it by 100 which will seem like an eternity to him and his mind, shouldn’t be able to take the pain, the fear, the despair and rage. Then he’ll crumble and his people and armies shall fall. And you know what? I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

Sephiroth could only nod his head in stunned, awed horror. “How will you do it?” He asked quietly. Kagome smiled bitterly. “Magic.”

“Normally I don’t use my magical, metaphysical abilities in a battle but with Naraku I can make an exception. Of course I will still fight my way to get there but once he’s on the ground in front of me battered in bruised then I’ll hit him with the attack.” Kagome said.

“I see.” Sephiroth said. “What happens if he finds out about what you’re going to do?” He asked curiously.

“I always have multiple back up plans which will cause just as much if not more pain.” Kagome said calmly.

“Only Kagome could think to do something like that.” Kougaiji stated. Everyone turned to him, he shrugged. “She’s to smart to reveal her true plan, She’s using that as a cover up, or perhaps she’s just trying to throw us all off and is really going to use that plan. She’s a tricky one.” he said violet eyes gleaming in amusement at the fiery vixen.

“She’ll make a great mate one day to some lucky man.” He said softly admiring her lithe form. It was a well known fact that Kougaiji had a ‘thing’ for Kagome even though he was beneath her station since he wasn’t a prince. Kagome didn’t much care for stations but she’s been chilly since the kidnapping. And not the chilly as in temperature. Kougaiji was one of the generals that wanted to go rescue Kagome and Yura but couldn’t since he was at the time bound to Jigoku. He was one of Kagome’s guards when she was younger but he and the other ‘bodyguards’ had been called away for a meeting on the day Kagome and Yura were taken. Damn convenient if he had anything to say.

Kagome never knew how he felt about her since she didn’t understand love. She couldn’t understand much of many emotions because she was so closed off. She didn’t want to let anyone become to close until Naraku was officially gone from the worlds. It was not in her nature to let herself fall in love before so because doing so would give Naraku the perfect target, the perfect place to hit her where it hurts; at her already torn heart.

They all turned there attention back to the screen when they heard talking start up again. Sephiroth was talking to Kagome who was checking the wound making sure it healed and also checking his vitals for any signs of further infection. She looked at his eyes to make sure his pupils weren’t dilated, they weren’t.

“What was your question?” Kagome asked careful not to hurt his sensitive ears considering she was right by his ear checking for swelling around the neck where her bite mark was.

“Why did your snake, Sei attack me?”

Kagome paused in what she was doing to look up at him. “I have no clue.” Kagome once again paused. “Naraku said it was my dead sister’s doing, which is a possibility if she was brought back to life by calling her soul back to another body made of her ashes, bones and such like that. It’s a form of necromancy I believe.”

“Can you perform necromancy?”

“I do not believe so, I’ve never attempted it. I’m not really worried about my ‘eternal damnation’ being the daughter of the ‘devil’ but messing with necromancy is not something one should take lightly and practically every religion has one main rule---don’t fuck with the gods. And doing black magic like necromancy, resurrection without permission is fucking with the gods. I’m not stupid enough to fuck with the gods. Although Naraku or whoevers working for him apparently is.”

“Ah...” He let out a sound of understanding.

“As pleasant as it is to talk to you I suggest you get some rest.” Kagome said before rising from the bed and leaving the room after shutting the lights off. The other’s in the meeting room were watching as she walked down the hallway to a solid silver door covered with chains and other such bindings. She waved her hand and the bindings disappeared. There was no sound from behind the door. She opened the door wide so that light shone into the deep room. It was formed to look and feel like a real cave. She narrowed her eyes and growled softly. Then a thing stepped into the light. A saber-tooth.

“Hello Saber.” The supposedly extinct giant cat emerged completely into the light his body the size of a small horse and his sharp fangs were a foot long and very dangerous. His fur was blonde and eyes black as a ravens wing. The cat growled something so low that it was hard to hear. Kagome growled back softly coaxing the giant cat out.

“Hunting.” With that one word the cat seemed to perk up and made it’s way to Kagome nudging his face into her abdomen seemingly whimpering.

“God.” Came the awed voice as Saber leapt towards the stunned general, Kagome caught the giant cat around the neck hefting him back towards her.

She turned cold eyes to the general. “Sniper.” He stood straight facing her his magenta eyes calm and collected yet his very being tense. “Why are you here Sniper? Should you not be with Kougaiji and the others?” Kagome asked the tense human.

“I’m sorry Lady Kagome, Itsuki asked me to come and get you so that you can form an opinion on his newest battle strategy.” Kagome inclined her head in acceptance of his statement.

“Tell Itsuki that I will be there in a few minutes. And Sniper, lets keep the fact that Sensui may be coming back a secret, eh? Because after the battle with Naraku Sensui will most likely be sent back to spirit world.” He nodded his consent and left a little shaken by not only the saber-tooth but Kagome’s calm demeanor around it. ‘How could anyone be comfortable around an extinct or what I thought was an extinct giant meat-eating cat.’ Was the thought running through the said humans head as he ran his right hand through his black hair.

“How could she bring back Sensui! I thought she didn’t practice that necromancy stuff!” Yusuke exclaimed angrily, after all the guy did kill him.

“Actually Yusuke Kagome would resurrect him. That’s different from Necromancy but she’s not resurrecting him, Reikai is. Kagome is smart. She wouldn’t bring him back for nothing. She either needs his power or believes that he would be a good ally and wouldn’t be fighting either of you because he’d be fighting Naraku.” Koenma said.

“But that still doesn’t make sense. Why Sensui of all people.”

“Because I need him.” Kagome replied as she stood in the door way with Saber.

“Why do you need that bastard? Do you need someone that’s just as cruel as you?” Yusuke asked bitterly. He was pinned to the wall by Kagome before he could even stop to breathe.

“Say that again pup and we’ll see how powerful you really are.” She hissed into his ear. His face turning blue from oxygen loss was a sign that he wouldn’t be conscious for long. Saber feeling his mistresses displeasure walked up to her and nuzzled his snout into her ribs.

Kagome released the toushin and walked back to the door after signaling for Kougaiji to join her and said. “I don’t need him because he’s as cruel as me. I need him because he’s just as smart, just as tricky, just as determined as me. I need him because he and I together are unstoppable.” Kagome said walking out of the room, Kougaiji at her heels.