Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 9: Training Goku ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 9: Training Goku

Afternoon found Sephiroth in the gardens contemplating Kagome. She was a mystery. Sure he’d gotten her past from her father but there was so much more to her then just that. He knew that her past with Riku also helped shape her into the women she was today. He hated Riku with a passion. He hated him because he had something that Sephiroth so desperately desired, he’d had Kagome’s heart, her body, her love and care. And Riku so foolishly threw it all away.

He didn’t mean to accuse Kagome of sleeping with her general but he was jealous. ‘Damn Kagome...’ Sephiroth thought. ‘Look at what she’s doing to me! And she’s not even here!’ He was totally unaware of the approaching princess.

Kagome cleared her throat to get Sephiroth’s attention. He didn’t respond. ‘He can’t be angry at me, can he?’ Kagome thought. ‘I didn’t do anything wrong.’

“Sephiroth?” Kagome called, tapping him on the shoulder.

He whirled around startled at her appearance. Kagome blinked not quite sure of what to do at the moment. I mean it wasn’t as if she purposely startled him. She thought he knew she was there and was just ignoring her.

“Sorry for startling you but Lord Jigoku has decided to continue the meeting. He wishes you to be present.” Kagome said before excusing herself.

Sephiroth watched her walk away indecision in his eyes. He desperately wanted to talk to her and clear up the mess he made. He practically accused her of being a whore. He shook his head, silver hair swirling around him. It was time to concentrate on Naraku not on Kagome. Perhaps later when Naraku was dead and gone.
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He laughed, his eyes gleaming maliciously. ‘That’s right those conflicting feelings that you’re feeling will be your downfall my precious little Kagome. Those feelings will be your downfall once again Hell’s Angel. Just like with Riku. Those demon’s falling in love with you or at the very least lusting for you will be your downfall.’ You my dear, belong to me and only me.
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Walking down the hallways searching for her brothers, she found instead Sanzo, Gojyo, Goku and Hakkai. One perfectly shaped dark eyebrow raised as she observed what the four reikai tantei were doing. It seemed that Sanzo was hitting Goku and Gojyo with a paper fan? She couldn’t help but question the sanity of the sexy blonde haired monk. After all she did not know anyone that used a fan to attack people. Except Kagura, but her fan had a purpose.

Kagome walked up to the four cautiously, lest she be attacked by Sanzo and his killer paper fan. Glancing at Hakkai who was wearing dark brown baggy pants and a tight tank top, a lighter shade of brown. It suited him better then what he was wearing when they first met. Sanzo was wearing tan colored leather today, Kagome was sure that if she were anyone else she’d be drooling. He was hot. Gojyo was wearing an all black leather outfit today the exact same outfit Sanzo was wearing just different colors; tight leather pants and a tight somewhat shredded top. Goku was wearing a simple fighting gi.

Kagome winced as Sanzo’s fan made a particularly large bump on Gojyo’s head. She grabbed the fan before it could make contact with Goku again. She glared at the blonde-haired violet-eyed man and helped Goku stand. She couldn’t help but feel the need to protect the monkey-hanyou. She yanked the fan from Sanzo and decided to give him a dose of his own medicine and smacked him on the head with his own fan. Kagome then took the fan and Goku’s hand then proceeded to drag him to her room. And then, she slammed the door in the remaining reikai tantei’s faces.

When Kagome entered the room she made Goku sit down on her bad causing the monkey to blush. She examined the multiple bumps and bruises marring his head. She muttered something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘what is the world coming to?’ ‘people killing there own teammates with paper fans.’ He quirked a brow as she turned back to him. She placed her hands on each bump and willed the bruises and bumps to heal. They did.

“Why was he trying to kill you and Gojyo with his fan?” Kagome asked while working on his injuries.

“Gojyo and I were fighting about who got us lost and well...” Goku said scratching his head embarrassed.

“You were trying to find the conference room.” Kagome stated as he nodded.

“I will take you and your companions there.” Kagome said after nodding her approval of her work. “Come.” Kagome commanded and he followed obediently. She completely ignored Sanzo as she stepped out into the hallway. Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku followed her quietly, Sanzo on the other hand was quite pissed at being completely dismissed by her, but he knew better then to say anything to the young women who was probably decades older then he was.

Kagome opened the door to the meeting room without announcing herself and just strode in completely ignoring the questioning stares. The four reikai tantei that followed her, didn’t say a word as she escorted them to their seats. Sanzo was the last to sit down. Kagome put her mouth next to Sanzo’s ear as she placed the fan in his lap.

“I trust that you won’t abuse your teammates while I’m gone Sanzo. I’d hate for something terrible to happen to you because you didn’t listen to me.” Kagome whispered softly in his ear. He looked at her with sharp violet eyes and nodded.

“Good.” With that she turned and left the room without so much as a word to anyone else and a pat on the head to Goku. The monkey blushed at the attention she gave him. She was extremely affectionate towards him, well more so then anyone else at least. He blushed as everyone else stared at him. He was not used to so much attention.

An hour later Kagome burst into the room at Goku’s highly distressed aura. She examined the monkey king silently and held her hand out to his still, crumpled form on the ground and glared at anyone that dared say anything to her. He looked up at her with tortured golden brown eyes, Kagome’s face never wavered from it’s blank mask. She did however turn Jigoku and narrow her eyes as if blaming him.

“What happened?” She asked clearly annoyed. She was now missing her top and was in a sports bra and the same pants with no shoes or socks. Her hair in a high ponytail with some hair plastered to her neck, her skin had a glossy sheen of sweat on it, from training perhaps.

“I didn’t mean to.” Goku said, tears in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to do those bad things.”

Kagome cocked a brow not quite sure what he was talking about.

“Kougaiji.” That one name caused the said person to rise and explain what happened.

“Jigoku-sama showed everyone the “Monkey King” who was imprisoned for his crimes when he was younger. He showed us said crimes and Goku began to convulse and murmur to himself that he was sorry.” Kougaiji said to the princess. She frowned.

She glared at Jigoku and her eyes began to glow an eerie black in color, completely opposite than her natural gold. He fell to the floor holding his head in pain. Hiten and Bankotsu rose from there seats and they each placed a hand on her shoulders and told her to calm down, that killing him wouldn’t do any good.

“No, killing him won’t do any good, but it’ll make me feel better.” Kagome muttered glaring at the handsome ruler of hell. His red hair disheveled as he stared at his strong, proud daughter.

“Leave other peoples past alone, It’s their past and if you do something like you did today again, against their wishes I will not be so lenient. You forget Jigoku, where as you may be stronger then most, your not stronger then us.” Kagome said coldly picking Goku’s larger form in her arms and walking out of the room with her brothers at her side and Kougaiji and the other generals following behind, loyally.

“I lost control.” Goku said looking into Kagome’s eyes as they walked down the hall. “All those years ago, I lost control.” his eyes were regretful.

“Then I will help you gain control.” Kagome said startling almost everyone there. Kagome wasn’t known to give out favors or teach people anything; unless it of course benefitted her. How this would benefit her they weren’t certain.

“Really?” He asked turning hopeful eyes to her.

Kagome nodded ignoring the incredulous looks being directed her way.

He hugged her.

Kagome stopped dead in her tracks staring at the man who was hugging her.

Hugging her.

No one hugged her without fearing for there lives. In fact no one even lasted a minute in her presence without fearing for there lives. Unless they were hers. Only a few selected people can hug her, none the less touch her. Her hands twitched, she had to forcibly restrain herself from instinctively, automatically shredding the offender.

Goku pulled away from the smaller woman’s figure, feeling her tenseness and looked down at her. She stared at him with a perplexed and very shocked look as if she didn’t understand what he had just done.

“You just hugged her!” Jakotsu exclaimed not sure whether to be angry or astonished.

“Yeah, So?” Goku asked not quite sure what he was supposed to say. ‘I mean they’re acting like no one ever hugs her. I’ve seen Hiten, Bankotsu, Sirus, and Conri hug her.’ He thought to himself.

No one hugs Kagome besides a few choice people and lives to tell the tale!” With that said everyone turned to Kagome waiting to see what she would do. She stood there and did nothing at first before she simply gestured for Goku to follow her leaving a bunch of stunned generals and siblings in her wake. After all she did just let somebody who hugged her go unpunished. Unheard of.

It took Goku a moment for him to realize that they were headed towards the dojo that Jigoku had shown them yesterday. He really hoped that the training wouldn’t be physical. He’s already heard some tales about the people who trained with Kagome physically and well...let’s just say he did not want to be one of those people. Of course he didn’t want to train with her mentally or magically either. She was even more formidable in those areas.

“Don’t worry you will not be battling me, today.” Kagome said as if she’d heard his thoughts which he didn’t rule out of course. It wouldn’t be wise to underestimate her. Or anyone in hell.

“Kagome?” Goku called to her hesitantly.


“Why did you only tend to me, not Gojyo?” he was quite curious as to the answer.

“He’s a pervert.” was her bland answer, Goku sweat dropped at the answer.

Kagome slid the Dojo’s shoji door open and entered, followed closely by Goku who was just a little apprehensive. Kagome had to restrain the urge to cock a brow at the young man following her, he was very amusing. The dojo was being used by Yomi at the time and Kagome simply walked over to the other unoccupied side of the dojo and sat down in a meditative position and motioned for Goku to do as she was doing. Yomi had paused in his routine to examine their aura’s since he could not physically see them. Goku’s aura was nervous, apprehensive, anything but calm. Kagome however was the epitome of calm, collectedness.

“You have to calm down in order for this to work. I’m just going to enter your mind and guide you through this okay? But in order for it to work you must be calm. Something you are not now.” Goku looked sheepish but nodded his consent.

After five minutes of unsuccessfully trying to calm himself, Kagome sighed and stood walking up to him and sat in front of him using her mind to gently coax him into a state of serenity. By now it had attracted the attentions of Lord Touya and his generals Jin and Karasu. They were curious as to what she and the monkey king were doing.

“Goku?” Kagome called telepathically.

“Kagome?!” Goku called out surprised to hear her voice in his mind.

“Hai. Now I want you to focus on your powers.” Kagome said soothingly.

He was silent for a moment before he responded sheepishly.

“Uh...How do I do that.”

Kagome almost sweat dropped physically.

“Focus inwards, find that warm, soothing power inside you. It will feel comforting, familiar.” Kagome guided him.

“Okay. I got it, I think.” he said after a few minutes.


“Now I want you to push that power out of you towards me through your hands.” Kagome said.

“Okay.” He tried pushing the power out and after a few tries he managed to push a light beam of golden out towards her.

Kagome leapt out of the way as soon as she felt the power of the beam heading towards her. She landed in front of Touya, Karasu, Jin and Yomi but remained looking at her pupil. She nodded her head. ‘That was very good Goku.” She praised in his head. He smiled.

“Now I want you to use that energy to call upon your animal, the monkey. You being the monkey king should hold the ability to call upon the monkey whenever you wish, like I am able to call upon Nekos, my brothers can call upon dragons and wolves.” Kagome told him.

It took him a good hour before he could call the monkeys to him and when he did they all came rushing from the windows. Kagome’s eyebrow’s shot up as she watched them latch themselves onto Goku or at least attempt to. Kagome whistled loudly and two leopards stalked into the room.

“Defend yourself using your animal Goku.” Kagome said and gestured for her leopards to attack. Both were male, twins with luxurious black fur and gold eyes. Hiten commented that if Kagome were a leopard she would look exactly like them. Both leopard roared and charged in sync and they darted off to opposite sides and proceeded to circle the monkeys and stop them at all side’s without a way out. The roar unfortunately drew more unwanted attention.

Lord Ansem, Riku and Sephiroth had been on their way to the dojo when they heard the roar and they entered to see Kagome attacking Goku using her two leopards while he had some 20 monkey’s surrounding him squawking like birds. Or something similar to the sound. They watched as the leopards stalked their pray and Kagome watch with an unemotional mask on.

The roar had also drawn the attention of Lord Sora and his generals Cloud and Suzaku. Inutashio sent Kuronue to find out what the roar was about because he and his two sons Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were speaking with the Reikai Tantei and Koenma minus one Goku Son.

Kuronue met up with Sora, Cloud and Suzaku outside of the dojo, they walked in together and were attacked by one of Kagome’s leopards who turned his attention to them after sensing there determination. Seeing this Kagome tackled the leopard and hissed, growled her displeasure. The younger leopard, Kai, heeded her warning and went back to circling the monkey’s with his twin brother Kae. Kagome stood from her crouched position in front of Kuronue, Sora, Cloud and Suzaku, acknowledged them with a brief nod before dashing back to where Touya was standing. She stood in front of them in case her leopards should decide to attack them.

“Goku...concentrate on fending my leopards off.”

“Okay.” he said, voice clearly strained.

Goku willed his monkey’s to attack and restrain the two leopards. About five monkeys latched onto one and 6 onto the other. Kagome smirked. She was indeed a proud teacher.

“Good. Now lets try another one.” Kagome said softly in his mind.

“Kei.” A beautiful sleek female leopard entered the room. She had black fur with slight gray through it and light green eyes. It was easy to tell she was the mother of the two younger leopards. Normal leopards weren’t pack hunters they were solitary. But these were pack hunters, taught by Kagome and her brothers since they were cubs. They however remained there preference to hunt during the night, they’re nocturnal. Kei walked towards Kagome and kneeled her head in submission to her dominant. To her superior. Everyone watched this in fascination as Kagome nodded to the leopard.

“Defend yourself.” Kagome said to Goku as she motioned for Kei to attack him as well. It took 7 monkeys to restrain the proud leopard and even then she helped her kin to escape. Kagome motioned for another leopard to enter the room. This time there weren’t enough monkeys to restrain her leopards and Kagome called her animals off. This leopard however was not Melanistic (Black). Light tawny in color he had a lighter underside and was covered in rosettes. Sori was Kei’s mate, the father of Kai and Kae. The only had two cubs in that litter. (Black leopards can also be called panthers)

“You did very good for the first time.” Kagome praised softly as Goku nodded, sweating.

“That is enough for today. We shall continue your training tomorrow. You still have much to learn in order to control your beast.” Kagome said before leaving the room not even sparing a glance at the other’s that had gathered there. The four panthers followed her completely dismissing the slightly insulted demons in the room.

“What the fuck was that about?” Inuyasha who recently arrived with everyone else asked.

No one had an answer.