Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 10: Submissives & Dominants ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Must I really say it? I own nothing except the plot and my original characters.

Kagome’s Harem will consist of:

Kurama, Hiei, Gojyo, Goku, Sephiroth, Touya, Karasu, Sesshoumaru, Kuronue, Cloud, Sora, Conri, Sirus and Kougaiji.

Those up for debate of joining her harem are:

Koenma(teenage), Yusuke, Sanzo, Hakkai, Riku, Kageromaru, Juuromaru, Jin, Yomi, Suzaku, and Sniper. I’m welcome to suggestions.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 10: Submissives and Dominants

She stood to the side, watching silently as the recently resurrected Shinobu Sensui, Dark Angel examined his body with a critical eye. Almost snorting when he saw her again, he had a stunned completely flabbergasted look adorning his handsome face. Something she certainly never expected to see on Sensui’s face. Disorientation she would have understood, but shock, from him. Nothing ever shocked that man. But it was understandable. He had after all been dead for a couple of years.

“Sensui.” Greeting him as she did before, unattached.

“Kagome?” He asked still not over that fact that he was alive again.

“You know, most people would be happy to be alive.” Kagome said offhandedly.

He blinked and narrowed his dark eyes.

“You insolent-”

He never got the chance to finish.

“Now, now Kazuya, let Shinobu out so we can talk.” Kagome said to his other personality. Kazuya snarled at her. He did not like the princess one bit. Shinobu on the other hand positively adored her. She too did not like humans much. She could tolerate the stronger ones, the smarter ones but the weak ones she absolutely detested. Besides she was cute. Not that he would ever let her know that. She’d rip him a new one if she ever found out he called her cute. She positively abhorred being called cute.

“Kagome, how, why am I alive?” He asked curiously.

“Because I wish it so.” Kagome stated gesturing for him to follow her.

“I gave my soul to Itsuki for safe keeping.”

“Do you truly believe that he could hide something like that from me? I just needed Reikai to bring you back in body. I took your soul from Itsuki. Without his knowledge mind you.” Kagome spoke softly.

“What do you want?” He knew she wanted something with him otherwise she wouldn’t have brought him back. There was always a catch with Kagome. Otherwise she wouldn’t be Kagome. And that just wouldn’t be any fun now would it? Do note the sarcasm.

“I need your help.” Kagome stated bluntly.

He blinked unsure of what he’d just heard.

“Help you?” Wondering if he heard correctly.

“Yes. Defeating Naraku. I need someone with your expertise to help me.” Kagome said before continuing on. “You will be rewarded.”

“What will I be rewarded with?”

Kagome paused. “What do you want?”

“To stay alive after this ordeal is over, if I am still alive by the time this war is finished.” Sensui stated.

“I will speak to Koenma and the others of this.”

“All right.” He said knowing that was all he would get out of her for awhile.

Holding her hand out to him he took it cautiously. Then they were gone. When they appeared again they were in the meeting room where everyone else was gathered. Itsuki’s eyes widened as he took in Sensui and Kagome standing their side by side, holding hands. As far as he knew the two had never been intimate. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Koenma, Kurama and Hiei were uneasy about having him here. Sensui’s eyes narrowed. ‘The Spirit Detectives.’

“Sensui.” Kagome warned.

He nodded, understanding that they would be allies. For now.

“Everyone, Sensui Shinobu.”

“Sensui, everyone. If you wish to know their names you may ask them. We will talk later.” Kagome said, turning on her heel and leaving the room. Animosity was strong and she needed to hurt something. She didn’t want to do something she would regret. Like killing that stupid majin or the baka. Both seemed appealing at that point. They just would not stop glaring at not only Sensui but herself. It was getting quite annoying.

The next few moments were tense before Sensui also left the room eager to talk to Kagome about this Naraku. He’d never heard of Naraku and was somewhat eager to find out more of this person. After all it was not every day that the princess of hell was so worked up over someone. Not that he would ever betray her, he had more honor than that. He soon came to an elaborately carved cherry wood door. Decorated with cats of all shapes and sizes. Knocking twice, briskly, he waited.

Kagome glanced at the door knowing who was on the other side at once. Sensui. There was so much about him she wanted to know. He was a mystery to her. A very sexy mystery. He was smart, powerful, strong, dangerous and wore leather. What more did she need? ‘Security, Love.’ Kagome shook her head of silly thoughts.

“Come in Sensui.” She called while nursing a Bloody Mary.

Sensui sat across her on the couch. Kagome met his dark eyes with her own golden orbs. He admired her. He admitted that. There was no other person that could outwit him, beat him in almost anything except her. He couldn’t help but admire her. Admittedly there was a time he would have said he was in love with her. On a mission he was saved by her, he couldn’t help but be attracted to her. Otherwise they would have been great friends and allies. Perhaps he was getting his second chance now?

“Kagome-” He started.

“You have to choose if you would like to be a dominant or a submissive.

“Dominant or Submissive?” Confusion was an emotion he did not like.

He clearly had no idea what she was talking about.

___________________________________________________________ _______

“Jigoku.” Koenma called out the fallen angels name.

“Yes Koenma?”

“Can we see what they are doing?”

“Yes.” And he showed them.
_________________________________________________________________ _

“Dominant or Submissive?”

Kagome sighed.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Bloody Mary.” Kagome poured him a glass of the batch she just made.

This would take a while.

“Yes. Dominant or Submissive. In hell you either have to be a dominant or submissive with a dominant otherwise known as a master to survive. I’m a true master. A true dominant. I have ten subservients under me. “

Before she could continue on with her explanation he asked a question on most peoples minds. “Who are they?” Kagome paused.

“Kougaiji, Conri, Sirus, Jakotsu, Shippo, Sango, Suikotsu, Kashaku, Shizen and Itsuki.” Kagome stated.

“Itsuki?” Sensui asked, interested.


“How come your generals are submissives?”

“You asked who my submissive are, Sensui. My submissive are still dominants, they just chose to stay with me after they became dominants. Therefore they are still my submissive but dominants to everyone else. “

“So, how many are true submissive?”

“None of them.”

“What about all those people in the conference room?”

“They will be placed as submissive underneath Hiten, Bankotsu or myself.”

“What is a dominant?”

“A dominant is someone who can defend and protect themselves and others under them. Someone who can protect themselves from other dominants who wish harm on them or their submissives. If you become a dominant you must protect those under your care and keep them happy. Content. To be a dominant you have to defend, protect and kill those who pose a danger to you and yours. As a submissive you place your trust in your master, your dominant. If you do not please your master your punished.” Kagome paused at Sensui’s strange oddly perverted look.

“Not like that. Pervert. As a submissive you must find a dominant who will take you in because otherwise your everyone’s meat. To do with what they will. It’s not a pleasant life unless you have your master. Then your master will protect you. After all it is there job. “

He once again had a question.

“How do you know?”

“You mean besides the fact that I am a royal of hell?”


“I was a submissive.”

Shinobu Sensui stayed silent for a few moments, before making his decision.

“I want to be a submissive.” he stated.

Kagome’s brow rose, she expected him to want to become a dominant.

“Under who?” Suspicion was rising.

“You.” Kagome’s eyes widened marginally.

“Kazuya is not going to like this.”

“No he won’t.”

“Are you sure under me?” Kagome couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m sure.”

“All right, if your sure.” Kagome said skeptically.

“So is this like BDSM?” Kagome sweat dropped.

“NO! This is not Bondage & Discipline/ Sadism & Masochism! This is no god damned sex thing! Is that all you can think about? I mean honestly I’m not going to tie you up and fuck you Sensui! I should hurt you. “ Kagome cried out in frustration.

“I can deal with pain during sex but BDSM is just not my thing.” Kagome muttered more to herself then anything.

“You are such a pervert.” Kagome told him.

“Sorry.” He murmured not really meaning it.

“Many of our subservients, our submissives lacked the ability to defend themselves, stand up for themselves. They are unsure and easily hurt. They show many signs of being physically, sexually, and mentally abused in the past. Their masters and dominants are a source of comfort and protection. Of safety and security. You do realize that if you become my subservient then you will be made to act like so if we are outside of the palace walls, don’t you? “

“I understand. “

“How does one become a true master, a master or a dominant?” he asked curiously.

“There is a test. If you can defend both yourself and a submissive than you pass the physical part. You have to be able to offer comfort and soothe your submissive, make them happy. Your supposed to be able to defend their interests and your own. You will be tested on your intellect. Keep your emotions in check and I have to stress the fact that you must be able to take pain.”

“Why?” Now he was confused.

“If you anger another more powerful dominant by law they can punish you with anywhere from 30 to 300 lashes. Even more under certain circumstances. Or if you choose to stay under your master than they can also punish you if you do not please them. Remember this is not Ningenkai, Reikai or even Makai. This is Hell. Meaning their laws don’t apply here or to our people. “

“30 to 300 lashes?” He must’ve heard wrong.

“Yes lashes. With a whips, bamboo slivers that kind of stuff; if you can’t beat them in a fight. Either physical, metaphysical with magic or mental.” Kagome clarified.

“Damn.” He cursed.

“If you past the test you can choose to break off from your true master or stay under them. If you break off then you lose any protection and if you stay you continue to get their protection, even if you anger another dominant. Then it becomes your true master’s duty to protect you and fight the angered dominant.”

“What’s the difference between a true master and a dominant/master?” Curious one he was.

“A true master is someone with dominant’s under them, like Hiten, Bankotsu or myself.” Kagome responded.

“I see, but this does not change my decision. I still wish to be your submissive.”

Kagome said nothing, after all she had nothing to say.

Back in the meeting room they all sat their wondering who they would be put under. After all it wasn’t every day you were informed that you’d be subservient to one of the three royal heirs of hell. The generals of hell and the royals rose and left, probably to Kagome’s room.

“Will we get to pick our dominants?” Kurama asked quietly breaking the tense silence that settled over the room.

“No, they will choose you.” Jigoku answered in response to his quiet question.

“When?” Yusuke questioned.

“Now.” Hiten answered from the doorway.

The first person up was Ansem. Kagome was tempted to take him in just so she could hurt him. Although she wasn’t sure if he’d enjoy it, knowing how twisted he was, he probably would. She bit back a snarl and turned away, dismissing him. Her brothers did the same. No one would take him, Jigoku figured he would have to take a few of them in as his submissives.

“I’ll take him.” Jigoku said resigned, he knew none of his children would take him, and truth be told, he didn't’ want Ansem either.

“Prince Riku.” Jigoku called.

Kagome turned away, she wouldn’t take him as one of her own if his life depended on it. Her brothers also turned him away. Riku stared at her, willing her, pleading with her using his eyes. Wanting her to forgive him. She did nothing. She didn’t love him, need him. He meant nothing to her. Just like she meant nothing to him years ago.

“I’ll take him as well.” Jigoku said.

“Prince Sephiroth.”

“I’ll take him.” Hiten said.

Sephiroth was a bit put out that he wouldn’t be under Kagome’s care again. But walked over to Hiten silently. After all he wouldn’t make a scene.

“General Juuromaru.”

“I’ll take him.” Kagome spoke.

Juuromaru was thankful he wouldn’t have to be with his lord any longer. No matter how grateful he was that he was in fact saved, his lord was a cruel one. Besides Kagome didn’t mind his eating habits. In fact they were accepted in hell. He could certainly get used to living here.

“General Kageromaru.” Kagome was going to let one of her brothers take him but Juuromaru tugged softly on her arm. Separation from his brother would have been hard on him. Kagome’s eyes softened momentarily. She certainly didn’t want to be without her brothers.

“Kageromaru.” Kagome called to him. Relieved Juuromaru waited for his brother to come over. Kageromaru whispered something softly in Kagome’s ear as she nodded to him. Asking her to protect them after this whole ordeal was over, to keep them from going back to Ansem. She would do it. She wouldn’t want to be under Ansem’s care. In fact, she was surprised they lasted as long as they did.

“Lord Kouga and Lady Ayame.”

They couldn’t get one without the other. Seeing as how his siblings didn’t look eager to have either as there submissive he took them. He knew Kagome didn’t like Ayame and Hiten despised Kouga with a passion. Besides, he was good with wolves. Hiten wasn’t. And Kagome would probably kill Ayame.

“General Ginta.”

Bankotsu accepted him as well.

“General Hakkaku.”

And him. Accepting many more would hurt him considering he already had many submissives. The only one who had any true submissive besides himself was Hiten. Kagome could take the most since all her submissive were dominants.

“Lord Touya.”

“I’ll take him.” Kagome said after Hiten shook his head.

Touya walked over to his new ‘master’. Standing next to the other two that were chosen, he was just a tad bit uncomfortable. After all he knew not one of his new fellow submissives or his master.

“General Jin.”

Touya hoped she would take him in as well. He needed someone to talk to after all. His wish was granted, she took him in as well. Jin nudged him in the arm and winked suggestively at Kagome. Kagome turned and glared. Jin stopped. Instantly. Definitely intimidated.

“General Karasu.”

Kagome gestured him over. She had a feeling they would get along very well. Apparently he had the same thought as he came over and stood next to the other chosen submissives almost eagerly.

“Lord Inutashio.”

After a few moments Hiten decided to take him as his submissive. Inutashio strolled over to Hiten, in no hurry. Hiten didn’t seem to mind, both men were fairly laid back and would have no problem with each other. Hopefully.

“Prince Sesshoumaru.”

Both her brothers looked at her and Kagome nodded.

“Sesshoumaru.” He came over glaring at her the entire time.

Probably because of the lack of suffix after his name. Giving him a glacial look in return he settled, slightly. Good. Because otherwise they would most definitely have problems. Having a feeling that he wouldn’t take to being a submissive to a woman or anybody really, she’d watch her back.

“Prince Inuyasha.” Kagome glared and turned her head.

She would most certainly not take him under her wing. He was foul mouthed, arrogant, cocky and stupid. Bankotsu sighed seeing none of his siblings taking him in, decided to take pity on him. As soon as Inuyasha was over he and Kouga got into a fight. It seemed in the presence of each other those two were combustible. Bankotsu sighed at his horrible luck and whacked both of them on the head, hard.

“Shut up.”

They wisely did as they were told seeing the glares from Bankotsu, Hiten and Kagome. Well it seemed they weren’t that stupid.

“General Kuronue.”

Kagome inclined her head and motioned him over. She would take him in. He was a past thief, which could be put to good use. Not to mention he appealed to her. He was after all very sexy not to mention, he could use a scythe and pretty good from what she had seen. She hated the scythe, it was not her choice weapon and she wouldn’t use it in a battle if she had a choice.

“General Yomi.”

Taking him in also, she was okay with that. He after all had to be good with a weapon and his senses to be a general and blind at the same time. Feeling his power and testing it to be quite high she figured he wouldn’t hold her down. It did help his case that he was highly intellectual.

“Lord Sora.” Hiten decided to take him in.

Although Sora was also disappointed Kagome didn’t take him in. Wanting to speak with her about the past could have been why she didn’t want him. After all she had tried desperately to keep her past buried. Even after some of it out she still tried to hide what was left hidden.

“General Suzaku.”

Suzaku was strong and clever but Bankotsu was already pushing his limits. Hiten took him. After all he would be a good ally, probably not so good at submission but he could always be trained.

“General Cloud.”

“I’ll take him.”

Kagome. The handsome wind demon walked over to his new temporary master. She was beautiful in his eyes. As she was in most. Picking him for his swordsmanship and agility. Not his looks and for that he was thankful.

“Prince Koenma.”

Desperately he wanted to be picked by Kagome, but seeing this Hiten took him. Trusting Koenma with his sister would be risky and he didn’t want to risk that. She meant the world to him and no one would touch her without passing his approval and probably Bankotsu. Kagome didn’t mind her brothers doing this, she knew they were just trying to protect her from being hurt.


Bankotsu got him. He knew Kagome would not take him, she did after all have serious control issues around him. Such as holding herself back from castrating him, or just straight out killing him. The poor thing. Always angering her, it was almost as if he had a death wish.


All three turned simultaneously to their father wondering if he’d gone nutty. Absolutely not. His gaze was stern. One of them had to take him. Ban and Hiten turned to their sister at the same time giving her their infamous puppy eyes. Her jaw twitched, her brothers were just evil. Pure evil.

“Get over here.” Kagome muttered defeated by those eyes.

Kuwabara looked at her with stars in his eyes.

“Don’t even think about it.” Hiten growled.

He took his place by the other submissive not noticing the slight twitch of her eye brow. She took a deep breath turned to her brothers and smacked both of them on the top of their heads. Giving a small cry of pain, both pouted.

She shook her head.


Kagome gestured him over knowing how much Hiten would have enjoyed having him as his submissive. Their was no doubt in Kagome’s mind that Youko the spirit inside of Kurama was a playboy. Besides the look Kuronue gave her was enough to make her take him under her wing. It was obvious those two were partners before and close friends. Youko was a calculated and somewhat cold youkai if what she heard was right. But he was also a womanizer.


Hiten had the perfect way to get Kagome back and got Hiei. Kagome looked completely unaffected. Hiten would have problems with Hiei, after all he was submissive to no one. She could see it in his eyes. He would not be treated below any one else. Wishing her brother luck with him, she almost couldn’t contain the smirk that wanted to make itself present on her face. He would be the hardest to convince to play submissive.


Bankotsu decided to take him as a submissive.


Hiten took him, the two would get along grandly. They both drank, and loved women. Rolling her eyes was tempting, those two would be horrid together. Two lecherous hentai working together, womanizing women all over. There wouldn’t be a pretty woman safe. She could just see it now.


Kagome called him over. After all he was her student and she liked him. A lot. His innocence called to her. Innocent yet tainted at the same time. It’s hard to come by such a combination. She was sure Kougaiji would treat him like a kid brother considering he acted a lot like Lirin.


Hiten turned away. Hakkai’s past words still ringing in his ears. ‘Barbie in bondage.’ Hiten thought hmphing. Kagome smirked shooting him a look. Amusement was a clear emotion in her eyes. Pure amusement. Bankotsu caught the look and sent a corresponding smirk.

“It’s so nice to know I have such caring siblings.” Hiten sarcastically remarked.

“You know we love you.” Kagome said.

Bankotsu chuckled.

“Hmph.” Turning away, Hiten stuck his nose in the air.

Kagome and Bankotsu’s eyebrows kicked up.

“Hakkai.” Kagome called him over. Taking pity on her brothers.

Hakkai walked up to her. At least his taste in clothing improved. Polite, smart and calm. He would do well with her submissive. Well, her previous submissive. It would take her a while to get to know her new ones. He would get along with Suikotsu. At least when Suikotsu wasn’t a bloodthirsty, merciless assassin. So, as long as he didn’t see blood or any form of violence. Otherwise things could get very messy, very quickly.

Now, everyone had their own ‘masters’. Under Jigoku there was Ansem and Riku. Bankotsu had Kouga, Ayame, Ginta, Hakkaku, Inuyasha, Yusuke and Sanzo. Hiten had Sephiroth, Inutashio, Sora, Suzaku, Koenma, Hiei and Gojyo. Juuromaru, Kageromaru, Touya, Jin, Karasu, Sesshoumaru, Kuronue, Yomi, Cloud, Kuwabara, Kurama, Goku and Hakkai were Kagome’s.

Now came the hard part.

Getting to know, and trust them.

This was going to take some time.