Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 11: What is Love? ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 11: What is Love?




They were in the dojo, training for the upcoming battle with Naraku. There was no doubt in any of their minds that Naraku would resort to attacking them before the appointed 12 months was over. Attempting to weaken them by killing a few of them off before the final battle. Determination drove them to train as hard as they did. Revenge is what drove some. Most.

Yet, none of them could beat the three siblings yet. The subordinate’s, the royals of makai and the spirit detectives along with the lords watched, fascinated. Attacking over and over again, their defenses did not fall and were not hindered. Flesh hitting flesh, blood being spilt and still the generals were not any closer to defeating the three siblings. It was amazing. Beautiful. The way the fought was not like any fighting style any of them had ever seen. It was more like a dance. Dancing around their opponents, cutting them off at every turn. Combining many fighting styles into one unique one. Like they knew what each other was thinking.

Maybe they did. It was hard to tell.

Avoiding an attack from Kougaiji, Hiten slashed Suikotsu as Kagome covered his back. Bankotsu did a back flip landing next to Kagome fending off Jakotsu as he came for her side with Jakotsutou. Jakotsutou, the snake bone sword was just about to slash through Bankotsu’s armor when Kagome knocked Suikotsu into the blades path. Jakotsu quickly and efficiently stopped the attack. He had great control over his weapon. Even while others couldn’t control it and didn’t know how he did it. It was after all his weapon.

Sango came from above them with hiraikotsu and Kirara hurling fire balls at them. Glowing Kagome redirected the fireballs toward Kirara and Sango. Trying to dodge her own projectiles proved difficult and she was brought down with a particularly large fireball. Taking Sango with her. Bankotsu blocked the blade coming towards Kagome from Kashaku. Sniper shot three marble like projectile’s at the three siblings. All three of them dodged while striking, in unison Sniper, knocking him unconscious. That left the other seven generals.

They were tiring of the game they were playing.

Shizen summoned his thunder abilities but they were hindered by Hiten’s stronger abilities stopping him. Shooting out a bolt of thunder with his thunder pyke it was quickly surrounded by Kagome’s flames, hitting Shizen head on. He was out for the count. Two down six to go.

Freezing Sango, who after laying the injured Kirara a safe distance away, was simple. She did after all try a full on frontal attack with her katana. Needless to say it didn’t work seeing as her feet were now frozen to the ground. Even as the others tried to help her out she was unconscious within a minute, the hilt of Kagome’s sword making contact with her skull. She didn’t even have time to blink. The now conscious Sniper and Shizen watching with stunned awe.

Kagome appeared in between her brothers, they nodded simultaneously and charged. Hiten and Bankotsu leaped up while Kagome slid underneath Kougaiji. Her brothers came down hard striking a blow to each shoulder while she delivered two blows to the back of his legs sending him to the ground hard. Kougaiji was pulled away by Kashaku. Kagome attacked Jakotsu with her two wakizashi’s. Blocking his attacks with ease, she went in for the hit. Slashing him across the stomach as her brothers fought on either side of her. Simultaneously blocking attacks from the other generals they fought with surprising ease and grace. She twirled gracefully and threw her two wakizashi’s at the incoming generals, attempting to attack her brothers. Pinning one to each wall by their clothing. Kashaku and Shippo blinked before attempting to remove her short swords from there clothing. Glowing the swords refused to allow them back into the battle. They sighed, knowing they’d been defeated.

Using the shadows to her advantage she came behind Jakotsu, without his knowledge and pressed the pressure point on his neck knocking him out. But not before she was cut on her abdomen with a hidden dagger on his body. Bankotsu was fighting Suikotsu and Hiten was fighting Kougaiji. Bankotsu delivered a blow to Suikotsu with banryuu. Suikotsu returned the blow with his own attack startling Bankotsu. Suikotsu went wild trying to take Bankotsu down, Kagome growled softly sweeping his feet out from under him. As he fell to the floor Bankotsu knocked him out with a dart.

Kougaiji was hit with a bolt from Hiten. Retaliating he summoned five demons to attack Hiten from all sides. Both Kagome and Bankotsu appeared all three standing in a triangle, killing off the demons in no time. Kagome moved to the shadows along with Bankotsu. This was Hiten’s fight. But if he got into any trouble they’d help. Both of them drew swords and began to dance the dance of swords. At the end of the battle Hiten had his sword pointed at Kougaiji’s neck and Kougaiji’s sword at Hiten’s groin.




Those words certainly explained the three heirs fighting. They were great together. Working together, protecting each other. Team fighters. Individually they were probably just as dangerous. But together, they were damn near fatal even when they weren’t fighting. They were just too damned intimidating.

You wouldn’t ever want to meet them in a dark alleyway at night. Or even in a lighted public place. They just screamed danger. The three looked completely composed, unmoved by what they’d just accomplished. Eight generals, eight of the best fighters in Hell were just defeated by them and they didn’t even break a sweat. Generals, eight of them, defeated, like they weren’t even a challenge. Maybe they weren’t. Barely bleeding and wounded, not even drained just a tiny bit. Who couldn’t help but be intimidated?

“You didn’t even try, did you?” Kougaiji panted not really caring which one answered his question. He was to exhausted to care, he just wanted an answer.

“Honestly?” Bankotsu asked.

“Yes, honestly.”

“No, we didn’t.” Hiten filled in.

Everyone else exchanged weary looks. After all they looked almost exactly like they did before they went into battle. Unchanged by the world around them. Perfect. Kagome walked up to Shippo first and unpinned him from the wall before doing the same to Kashaku. Examining her blades, she deemed them worthy condition for now. Making a mental note to sharpen them later she sheathed them.

“We will now train five hours a day, seven days a week. In stamina, strength, speed, technique, magic, you name it.” Kagome began, “We can’t afford weakness like this in the battle with Naraku. If you can’t even match us blow for blow or at least give us real wounds then there is no way that we can beat Naraku.” She finished firmly leaving no room for objection.

Nodding they proceeded to disperse to there own chambers. She turned to the reikai tantei and the royals and generals of makai. Stating she expected the same dedication and training time from them. Neither of the siblings would accept anything less then perfection. After all they were all perfection personified. Granted they did have flaws, the only thing was that no one could find them. Only they knew of each others flaws and it would stay that way because that’s how they wanted it.

As the three walked down the hall they were unaware to the curious gazes of Karasu and Kuronue. Who had decided to follow them. Simply out of curiosity. Not because they wanted to get into the princess’ pants. That would have been just stupid. Of course neither one of them would object to having sex with her. She was, after all, a very attractive woman.

Her brothers, however might not see it that way. Kagome had been with a few people in her life. She enjoyed sex, that much was true, the only thing was that she rarely found a male that met her standards. And those standards were high. Luckily for them they met her standards. But she was not interested in sex at the exact moment. She was more interested in improving their forces to defeat Naraku. After all revenge was all that mattered.

Kuronue’s dark violet eyes and Karasu’s dark ebony colored eyes followed the slight sway of Kagome’s hips and stayed glued on her firm and luscious looking rear end. They were held captivated until someone cleared there throat, drawing their attention from the tasty morsel that was Kagome to a very pissed Kougaiji. Behind him stood everyone else except the three siblings. Kuronue and Karasu remained impassive. Everyone had just been called to the meeting room to meet with Jigoku when they stumbled upon the two perverts.

“Were you just staring at Kagome’s ass?” Kougaiji hissed.

They were silent.

“Yes, were you just staring at my ass?” Kagome drawled from behind the two startled youkai. Next to her stood Hiten and Bankotsu glaring daggers at the two youkai males that had the nerve to stare so inappropriately at their sister.

“No.” They said in unison. Before they were smacked by her two brothers.

“Lying isn’t good for your health.” Kagome said softly, eyes narrowed.

“Perhaps.” Changing their answer and at the same time not really giving an answer.

“Do it again and I’ll make sure your stay here is most unpleasant.” Kagome spoke quietly, warningly.

She hated when people stared at her ass.

It annoyed her and an annoyed Kagome was never good. Never.

Suddenly Kagome’s eyes began to change, darken and she dropped to the ground gasping. Visions. Pain. Blood. Past. Torture. It was her past she was seeing. Why of all times did she have to have a vision now. And not only a vision. But a vision of her own past. A past she’s tried to block, to just let be. She did not want to relive it again. Once was painful enough. Damaging enough. Only one person would sent her such a vision. Naraku.

Jakotsu rushed to her side, concerned. Of all the generals Kagome knew besides Kougaiji, she was closest to Jakotsu. Calling out to her, he was terrified when she did not respond to his calls. Letting out a loud bellowing cry of fear she finally snapped out of it hearing the cry. Blinking rapidly, trying to find focus, her vision was distorted. She recognized that cry. Jak.

“Jak.” Kagome called for him.

Looking at her, he launched himself into her arms. Whimpering against her, he snuggled into her as much as possible. She stroked his back doing her best to soothe him. His fear and nervous tension radiated off of him causing her to feel a light pang. Guilt, after all it was she who caused his distress. If there was one woman Jakotsu could love it was her, she took care of him and healed him. When he first bared his soul, his past to her, he was afraid of rejection. Although having her own tortured past she understood. Affection was strong between the two. They were like siblings, best friends.

“Kagome.” Hiten called cautiously.

She raised darkened amber eyes to his own crimson and nodded. That was all he needed to know. He growled low in his throat, Bankotsu following his lead. Both stalked off to discuss how to deal with Naraku. Only Naraku would do something so cowardly as to attack her mind with something so horrible that would leave such pain in her eyes. Such hate. The only thing they knew of that could do that was her past and what he’d done to her.

Kagome’s eyes closed of there own accord as she rocked Jakotsu back and forth in her slender arms. Relieved. He was so relieved that she was all right, that she hadn’t suddenly gone crazy. That would have been very bad. What would have been worse was if she had gone into a blood rage, blood lust. A true rage. Most can’t or don’t comprehend what a rage was. True unbridled rage takes time. It stems from pain, from fear. And he knew how deep her rage ran, how dark it was and how much fury there was. At least he thought he did. But he had no idea...No idea and just how deep, how dark and how much there really was. But he would find out. They all would in given time.
_________________________________________________________________ _

They shouldn’t have been watching. They should have stayed away from that damned screen that would show them where Kagome was and what she was doing. But they couldn’t. They had to know. Even if it wasn’t right and it wasn’t honorable.

They couldn’t help it.

______________________________________________________________ ____

“You loved him, didn’t you?” He stated more than asked.

Kagome turned giving Itsuki an inquisitive look.

“I have no idea what your talking about.”


Gold eyes flashed in the darkness.

“What makes you think that?” Kagome asked calmly.

“The way that whenever you do look at him your eyes flash with pain. Regret.”

Her eyes closed. What could she say?

It was true, after all.

“At one point in time Itsuki, I thought I understood what love was. What it meant to love someone was. I thought that true love could bring no harm, no pain, no hurt and certainly no regrets. But what I had with Riku was not true love. It wasn’t even love. A likeness perhaps, even lust. Certainly not love.” Kagome paused in her speech.

“I don’t know what love is, honestly. If it is the willingness to do anything to make a person happy, content. If it is dying to protect them. Leaving to save them. If it is listening and comforting, holding and cuddling, protecting and teaching, then I do love people. Hiten, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Kougaiji, Yura, Kashaku, Shizen, Suikotsu, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Conri, Sirus, even you to a degree. But the love you speak off I am not sure what it is.” She was unsure of something, that was new.

“Is love gentle, kind, caring, understanding? Is it fear, sorrow, pain, anger? Is it a mixture of frustration and acceptance, love and anger, kindness and sorrow, pain and healing, understanding and misunderstandings, is it patience and hope, or promises and pretending? Do you yourself understand what love is? Does any one who has never been in love understand it? I don’t believe so.” Kagome said looking carefully into Itsuki’s contemplative eyes, so similar in shade to her own.

“Can you tell me what love is?”