Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 14: Threats ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Okay, there will be a lemon in the next chapter for those of you not on Fanfiction.net. My french isn’t excellent but I am trying to get the translations right. Excuse any errors in this chapters. English translations will be typed in the parentheses next to the french.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 14: Threats

Tense silence settled over the group of warriors, everyone’s gazes directed towards the kneeling woman on the ground. Gathering Yura’s remains she stashed them in an empty pouch at her side. She would give her sister a proper burial with these ashes. It was the least she could do.

“It wasn’t your fault.” Hiten tried again to no avail.

“And I ask again, How was it not my fault?”

Silence reigned once again and Kagome turned away from everyone a shiver running down her spine. Something was wrong, something was horribly wrong. Narrowed eyes gazed off into the distance, Bankotsu came to stand by her side feeling the disturbance as well. Both siblings inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to scent out what ever was bothering them.

“Gozu.” Bankotsu whispered.

“Mezu.” Kagome finished.

Both siblings exchanged uneasy glances before dashing off towards the gates of hell where the Guardians of the Gate of Hell stood, in statue form, forever guarding the gates. Gozu and Mezu. Both statues rose and bowed.

“Greetings Kagome-hime, Bankotsu-ouji, Hiten-ouji.” Both greeted.

“Greetings Gozu, Mezu, Guardians to the Gate of Hell.” All three siblings spoke in unison. Hiten slightly out of breath having been left behind. The others stayed a safe distance away having followed Jigoku at his order. Should there be any trouble the three may need more assistance.

“What ails thee?”

Bankotsu stepped forward.

“We felt a disturbance.” Short, blunt, to the point.

They had no time to waste.

“One of the generals has gone into a rage, due to a package from a hanyou.”

All three froze and whipped around glancing at Hell’s generals. All were present, except for one. Kougaiji. Kagome was gone, taking to the air with furiously beating wings. She would get to him in time, she couldn’t afford not to. If she didn’t...Kagome didn’t even want to think of the possibilities. Kougaiji was extremely unstable when he was in a rage, he lost all sense of anything. Except his anger and his rage, was normally drawn out by his pain, his fears.

Luckily he had just begun to rip his room apart, and a servant. There would be no saving that one, she was already dead. Kagome growled a challenge, deep in her throat. He stilled instantly, animal instinct dominated now. No thoughts, just instinct. The only most basic of instincts. The need to feed, survive and reproduce.

“Combattez-moi.” Kagome spoke in his native language, french.

‘Fight me.’ Kagome willed in her head repeating what was said out loud.

Snarling at her, he refused to move. This was the scene everyone else came upon. Both standing staring at each other, Kougaiji with blood red eyes and Kagome calmly standing before him.

“Je m'ai dit, combats!” Kagome snarled, baring her fangs, willing her eyes to bleed red, all the while keeping control.

--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

̶ 0;Uh, What’d she say?” Goku asked puzzled.

“Roughly translated she said, quote, I said, fight me! unquote.” Kuwabara said much to the amazement of the rest of them considering the astonished looks he was receiving.

Kuwabara offered no answer as to how he knew what she’d said. No one pushed the issue.

----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

“N on.”

“Non?” Kagome questioned.

“Non.” Kougaiji confirmed, saying no.

“Pourquoi pas, effrayé?” Kagome taunted.

“Translate for us.” Ansem said firmly to the young man who nodded his consent.

“Why not, scared?” Kuwabara answered.

Kougaiji’s fists clenched and unclenched in anger.

“Chienne.” Eyes narrowed in silent anger.

“I am no bitch.” Kagome hissed.

“Non?” His animal was taunting her! Her!

Of all people.

Well she’d show him.

She launched her attack at him quickly pinning him to the ground before he had the chance to defend himself. Fangs elongated and she sank them into his neck, where the shoulder and neck met, near the collarbone. Kougaiji froze in her arms instantly, submitting to the one with his life in their hands. Survival instincts.

“Kougaiji?” Kagome called hoping to get some semblance of an answer.

Nothing. She growled low in her throat and he responded with a soft whimper of submission. Red faded from her eyes as she rose gracefully, retrieved the cream colored package from the floor and sped out of the room with Kougaiji on her heels.
Throwing her bedroom door open she threw the cream colored package on the couch as he pounced. Tussling on the bed he growled as she elbowed him in his stomach. Grunting he attempted to subdue her, unsuccessfully. Kagome lodged her fangs into his neck once again, this time draining some blood, just enough to send him into unconsciousness.

“Pardonnez-moi, Kougaiji.” Kagome whispered, asking for his forgiveness.

(Forgive me, Kougaiji.)

------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------

Vig ilantly, she stood watch over Kougaiji’s prone form. Dark red locks fanned out over her silken gold covered pillows. She stroked a stray, rebellious hair from his eyes, tenderly stroking his left cheek, over his three stripes. An hour later found Kagome laying next to Kougaiji, curling up against his side, like she had when she was a child. Violet eyes fluttered open, his vision was murky and distorted.

“Êtes-vous bien?” (Are you all right?)

“Oui.” (Yes)

He muttered absently before realizing he was speaking in his first language. His father’s language. Eyes opened almost impossibly wide as he groped around for something familiar. And then her heard a soft oddly familiar voice whisper his name with a small chuckle.


“J'ai été inquiété.” (I was worried)

Kougaiji’s eyes widened as Kagome’s arms snaked around his rest keeping her close to him. Violet orbs closed content to stay in her arms. He certainly had no objections.

“Ne faites pas cela encore, Kougaiji.” (Don’t do that again, Kougaiji) Kagome continued, “Que vous a placé au loin?” (What set you off?)

He wouldn’t meet her gaze and that was enough to make her suspicious.


Understanding filled her eyes.

“He didn’t?”

“He did.” Tortured eyes met concerned ones.

“Did he send you a tape?”

“No, he sent still shots, pictures.” Kougaiji said motioning to the cream colored package. Kagome restrained him from going to get the delivered pictures.

“Non.” (No)



̶ 0;Pourquoi pas?” (Why not?)

“Assez de douleur, nous a laissés voient demain.” (Enough pain, let us see tomorrow) Her voice was jaded, weary. More so then usually and he found himself agreeing to view the pictures tomorrow.

“Très bien.” (Very Well)

Kagome smiled softly, laying a soft chaste kiss on his warm lips startling him.

“Sommeil.”(Sleep) Kagome whispered into his pointed ear.

Oddly enough he found himself drifting to sleep as she sang softly in french. Neither knew what had changed during this day, but they knew things would never be the same. Something happened between them, something that was just lust became a little more. A little tender. Kougaiji saw the look in her eyes and knew that she just may care for him as much as he for her. But for now he was content to be held in her arms. And let all his worries, all his fears, all his rage, the world just drift away.
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Leaving the room was the wisest decision she could make at the moment. She didn’t want to do something she would regret. She hated to see him in pain, his pain was her pain. Gods what was wrong with her? She had no clue, but she was uncharacteristically emotional. It was beginning to irritate her, luckily for her a distraction just provided itself in the form of Jigoku. He had just called for her presence in the meeting room. As she entered she was not expecting everyone to be there, she was quite uncomfortable.

“You have called for my presence, Lord Jigoku.” Kagome stated, directing his attention to herself.


“What can I do for you, Lord Jigoku?” She always spoke politely but she had a way of making it sound disgusted, insulting.

“Have sex with at least 12 of either the Reikai Tantei or Makai guests.” Jigoku said bracing himself for an attack. Kagome simply stood there, nothing showing on her beautiful face.

“I must have heard wrong.” Kagome continued. “I better have heard wrong.”

“Oh yes,” Kagome almost sighed with relief. “And 1 of Hell’s general.”

Kagome nodded her head seemingly agreeing to his request and then she pinned her father to the wall, dangerously close to killing him. Jakotsu and Suikotsu immediately restrained her, Jak pulling her rigid body into the curve of his own.

“What the fuck do you mean I have to have sex with 12 people I don’t know?” Kagome snarled angrily, hands twitching eager to spill blood.

“You will spend two weeks with each of them, at least, and during those two weeks you will sleep with them.”

Why?” Kagome growled.

“Because I said so.” He said sternly.

“Fuck you!” Kagome hissed continuing insult Jigoku as he spoke.

“You will do it or I will kill Hiten.” Kagome froze mid-insult

Raising her fiery now red orbs to her fathers tarnished and serious eyes, she snarled in rage. Not quite believing that he had just threatened his eldest sons, his heir’s, her brothers life. He wouldn’t, would he? Tension was so thick through the air everyone stayed completely still and silent, not wanting to bring any attention to themselves.

Seeing the truth in his eyes, she kept her eyes downcast.

Looking at Hiten who lay prone at Lord Jigoku’s feet she whispered her consent, agreement to bed at least 12 men by the time the year is over. Why he was doing this she had no idea, no one did. Storming from the room before she did something foolish, like kill someone she stomped towards her room. Angry and hurt.

‘Did her that bastard think her some kind of slut. Well if she had to be a whore to save her brother then so be it.’ Kagome wanted to cry at the injustice of it all. But she refused to be seen as weak.

What she didn’t know was that Jigoku was looking out for her best interest, all he hoped was that she would fall in love with one or at least open up to one of the 12 males she chose to bed. And that was the first step to her true, full recovery. Maybe someone could love her, and someone could be loved by her.

To bad he didn’t know just what the future would hold.