Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 15: Tender Touch ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Long time no see! For those of you who do not wish to read the lemon that will be present in this chapter you can just skip it, there will be warnings or you can now go to Fanfiction.net to view the clean version. The link is:


*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 15: Tender Touch

Making no move to keep her rage a secret, she stormed down the hallways growling at every person she passed, who shrunk back and scurried away as quickly as they could. Never could they remember a time when Kagome was so mad, so terrifying. Normally, she was a quiet, deadly beauty. Now, she was a terrifying one. They dare not get in her way and pity the one that does.

All her anger was abated though as she stood in her doorway and gazed at Kougaiji. He sat there on her bed shirtless staring at her with a soft wondrous look on his face. How could she stay mad? How could she possibly stay mad when he was there, not showing any signs of fear, just a tenderness she hadn’t known existed.

Kougaiji rose slowly from the bed and approached her, trustingly. He knew that she wouldn’t hurt him, she couldn’t. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, whether she knew it, she cared too much for him. Wrapping his arms around her she instinctively snuggled closer, returning the favor, rubbing her cheek against his bare chest. Inhaling deeply she took in his comforting scent, mumbling incoherently under her breath.

“What’s wrong?”

“Lord Jigoku is making me sleep with twelve of our guests. And I don’t mean a slumberous rest.” Kagome ground out between clenched teeth. Kougaiji’s reaction was instantaneous, instinctive. The anger and rage emanated from him was almost as great as Kagome’s had been and it was justified. Jigoku knew how much Kagome meant to her subservients. And they to her. And Jigoku knew that her submissives were likely to be just as mad as she was about this new development.

“Why would you do as he demands, you can take him.” Kougaiji spoke vehemently.

“Because he threatened Hiten’s life. And if that weren’t enough I know he would threaten Bankotsu’s life as well.” Kagome spoke softly, knowing her father had found one of her weaknesses; her brothers. She would do anything for them, even give up her body to complete strangers. Of course Jigoku said she’d be ‘getting to know them’ so they wouldn’t actually be strangers. Like she would ever ‘get to know’ them. Come on it was, her. Kagome. Not some friendly, chipper little woman named Bunny.

“I hate that man.”


“For hurting you.”

Kagome stroked his cheek, all gentleness. ‘What have I done to deserve you?’ This was a question she asked herself about all her subordinates when she was with them. For the life of her she could not figure out what she did right to deserve them. Not that she was complaining. Never.

“Kagome?” Kougaiji called bringing her out of her thoughts.


“Did he say who you had to bed?”

She paused.

‘Did he?’ Kagome thought. She didn’t know, not really considering she sort of tuned everything else out after he’d told her what he did, and threatening her brother, she was too lost in her anger.

“I don’t think so.”

“You don’t think so?” Kougaij was a bit shocked, it was not everyday that Kagome did not pay attention to what was going on around her. But then again it wasn’t every day that Lord Jigoku announced Kagome would have to sleep with 12 different, unknown people.

“I was a bit distracted.” Mumbled the young woman.

“Well it could be worse.”

“Don’t say that.” Kagome spoke softly.

“Why not?”

“Things may very well get worse.” Kagome paused. “Murphy’s Law.”

“Murphy’s Law?”

“Yeah, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

“And I’ll be damned if it gets any wronger then this.” Kagome muttered.

Brilliant golden eyes raised at the sudden sound of a knock on the door and she cocked a brow. Who the hell would be knocking on her door now? No one as far as she knew, everyone would have been to damned terrified. But there it was again, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Cocking a brow Kougaiji turned to answer the door.

“Lord Kougaiji? Is Lady Kagome in?”

It was a healer. This could not be good news. Curse that stupid Murphy’s Law crap. Her day had better not get any worse then it already was.

“I am here.” Kagome spoke softly from behind Kougaiji.

Beckoning the elderly healer inside Kagome almost smiled. Lady Kaede, had been a healer since she was but a child. Taking care of her injuries and scars, not to mention creating amazing remedies when she had been ill. Kaede had been, perhaps, one of the only people who saw her on a regular basis when she had first returned from captivity.

Her gray hair tied up in a makeshift ponytail. She was fast reaching her 2nd century with the underworld. Being cursed as far as she was concerned was not a curse but a blessing. Kagome took great lengths to make sure she was more than comfortable.

“Kaede-sama.” The elder healer who was a cursed miko smiled fondly at the beautiful princess, the distinguished crows feet by her eyes becoming more prominent as she smiled.

“Kagome, child, I bring ye bad news, I’m afraid.”

Kagome’s expression was somber instantly. She’d had a bad feeling that she wasn’t going to like what the bad news was.

“What has happened, Kaede?”

“Jakotsu attacked ye father and-” Kagome was gone before Kaede could finish. Darting down the hallway. Panic was quickly rising inside of her. Jakotsu was her submissive, he had probably stood up against what her father was making her do. As she entered the healers quarters she barely noticed her other submissives gathered in the far left of the room.

Jakotsu was in bad shape.

Very bad shape.

Gently stroking some stray bangs away from his forehead, she laid a kiss upon the bleeding surface. His face was almost unidentifiable. His nose had been broken and his face adorned other various wounds. It looked like someone took a cheese grater and ran it down the side of his face. A hole was being patched on his stomach along with other smaller wounds all in various places of his body. Why didn’t she feel his pain? Why didn’t he call her? She would’ve come. She should’ve known something like this would happen. She should’ve protected him. What kind of master was she?

Kissing him one last time she rose, face unreadable and hands clenched. Miroku who had just entered grasped her wrist in a firm but gentle grip. He knew that she would blame herself for this as she had blamed herself before. But he also knew there was nothing she could have done. Jakotsu didn’t call for help, in fact Miroku was almost positive he blocked the bond between himself and Kagome so she would not interfere. But the question was, why?

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes, it was, he was my submissive and I failed him.”

With that she left the room, stalking down the hallways to the meeting room, which she had left minutes ago. Slamming the door open in a rare display of anger she growled, a sound that reverberated throughout the whole room almost shaking it. Her eyes were narrowed as she scanned the room looking for the one who hurt Jakotsu, even if it was under her fathers orders.


He must die for touching what is ours. Her instincts howled at her.

She agreed.

“Kagome.” Jigoku started.

“Shut up!” She snarled angrily, delivering a swift backhand to his face as he fell to the floor. Oh yes, she was very mad. Mad didn’t even begin to cover it.

Pinning the quivering guard to the wall, the very guard that was supposed to protect her father from harm. She looked him over with a critical eye, an eye that spoke of her hate towards this nobody guard.

And she spoke in barely a whisper.

“You hurt Jakotsu?” This was more of a statement then a question.

The pathetic creature nodded fearfully.

“Did you enjoy it?”

It nodded again, Kagome figured it didn’t deserve even the title of he or she.

Just it.

“Well, I’m going to enjoy every minute of torture I will be putting you through. You will feel every bit of pain that Jakotsu feels and felt tenfold. And if Jakotsu dies, which you better pray to whatever deity you believe in he doesn’t, so do you. But you won’t just die. You’ll suffer.”

“And when I’m through with you, death will be your only remaining wish.”

----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

& #8220;Lady Kagome.” Kagome’s head rose from it’s spot next to Jakotsu.


“I’m afraid you need to leave. Jakotsu will be undergoing reconstructive surgery on his face and his wounds need to heal completely.”

Kagome rose and walked towards the door, however she paused by the door and turned back to face Kaede.

“If he awakens, tell him, I’m sorry.”

Kaede was shocked. Kagome had never apologized for anything, for she never did anything that she wasn’t sorry for. Well not as far as she knew.

It seemed the lady still had a heart.

It was just buried deep.

Perhaps now she was learning to love again?

----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Opening the door to her room she wasn’t surprised to see Kougaiji waiting there for her. She was however surprised to see Sensui. She had not been expecting him. Gold clashed with a solid chocolate brown, a brown so deep it was almost black.

“Sensui.” Her voice was almost hesitant.

“What are you doing here?”

He said nothing. Instead he rose from his position on her couch and walked in front of her. Trying to hide her confusion she looked up at him wondering what the hell he was doing. His long arms snaked around her and pulled her close to him in a hug. Sensui was hugging her. Well. This was new.

“I’m sorry, Kagome.”

“For what?”

“For not stopping that guard. I should’ve stopped-” Kagome placed her pointer finger against his lips silencing him. Brushing her lips against his throat she whispered softly in his ear.

“There was nothing you could’ve or should’ve done. He’s my responsibility not yours. But I appreciate the sentiment.” Sensui sighed softly stroking her cheek softly before bidding her goodbye.

Kougaiji approached her cautiously, like one would a trapped animal. Kagome looked up at him with blank eyes.

“I should’ve saved him.”

And he threw all caution to the wind.

Wrapping his strong arms around her slender body he was tempted to kiss her silly. But now was not the time. Now she needed comfort. Kagome attempted to push him away, but he just held on tighter even as she beat against his chest with her fists. Not enough to hurt him but enough to make him wince. Just a little bit.

“Go away Kougaiji, I need to be alone.”

“No. You need someone to hold you.”

Startled Kagome looked up at Kougaiji’s stern face. Not once had he disobeyed her orders. Seeing that he wasn’t about to release her anytime soon she buried her face in his shirt and just cried. Was it wrong to cry? No. But sometimes, recently she’d been getting the feeling she was becoming soft. Surely not.

Closing his dark violet eyes he simply held her in his arms, like she needed to be held. It had been so long since she had let herself cry. Just cry. It was a release, something had been building up inside her for such a long time, she just had to let it go. If only for a little while.

“Kougaiji.” Kagome’s voice was soft and pleading.

“Kagome.” He softly nuzzled her ear.

“Let me love you.”

She paused for a few moments.

“Love me.”

And he did.


Kissing her gently, caressing her lips hesitantly with his tongue he drew forth a deep purr from her. Approving his actions Kagome responded with gusto but was held back by Kougaiji.

“No Kagome, we do things right.”

Confused but willing to indulge him she obeyed. Wrapping her arms loosely around the handsome demon, she let him lead not quite sure what he wanted her to do. Kissing her once more, Kagome allowed his tongue to enter and explore her mouth. Being careful of her sharp incisors he used his tongue to caress the sharp points bringing forth a moan from her. Her canines were extremely sensitive.

Both pulled apart, in need of air, panting and flushed. Kagome nuzzled the small sensitive area of his throat, tearing a gasp from his throat as she nipped at the sensitive skin, soothing it with her tongue. Pulling his vest from his body Kagome began to trail soft kisses and little love bites down his body, paying special attention to the erect nipples and his belly button. However as she got the the waistband of his pants he stopped her, pulling her up to eye level.

Confused Kagome just sat there, not understanding why he stopped her when he was so obviously enjoying himself. It was odd to say the least. Most would have just let her continue on, content to be pleasured. She frowned softly, unsure of his actions.


“This is all about you Kagome, you.” And he kissed her again trailing soft kisses down her cheek, jaw, neck and shoulder, removing the restraining cloth that held her skin from his view. Crying out when he hit a particularly sensitive spot on her stomach, her back arched instinctively against his. Kougaiji looked up from lapping at the small area into hazy gold eyes.

Gods she was beautiful.

Divesting themselves of any left over clothing they sat before each other, naked as the day they were born and they were breathless. Sitting before him, she didn’t know how to begin. With all her other partners it was just sex. Plain and simple. There were no emotions involved, except perhaps lust. Sex had always been a form of relief, or punishment for her. Never for pleasure.

Kougaiji sensing her insecurity made the first move pulling her softer, toned body into his hard masculine one. Rubbing his head softly against hers he began to murmur soft words of love and devotion that made her want to cry. Knowing she was still keeping her true self from him he rubbed her back gently placing kisses on the open skin, tickling her with his breath, fingers caressing her.



Laying her down on the bed he leaned over her paying special attention to her breasts, her nipples were erect begging to be worshiped. And worship them he did. Nibbling one between his teeth softly, careful of his fangs, his right hand squeezed and tugged at the other mercilessly before switching his attentions. Kagome’s hands clenched into fists in his hair as he tortured her senseless.


A moan, from who, no one knew.

Her hand lay against his hip bone, before slowly journeying towards his groin, determined to bring him some pleasure. Quicker then he thought possible Kougaiji found himself on his back with Kagome on top of him stroking his hard member, straddling his legs. Smirking wickedly at him she lowered her face taking him into her, all hot and hard. He growled before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Surprisingly he didn’t thrust into her mouth he just lay still, enjoying the sensations of her gentle bobbing. He was quite large so it was difficult but manageable.

“Ka-go-me.” Panting, he knew he was about to come.

And come he did, expecting the shot of warm liquid she was prepared, just not for the large quantity of said liquid. A thin trail of cum leaked from her closed lips, instinctively she licked it up, pulling forth another groan from her partner. She smiled softly before stretching her small body over his larger one, content for the moment. Kougaiji however would have none of that. Flipping their positions, he reached in between her legs and slid one finger into her tight passage startling her. Feeling how wet she was he positioned himself at the gate to her opening.

Slowly, he pushed just the tip of himself in, causing Kagome to squirm, not used to sex being so gentle. And slowly but surely he began to enter her until he bottomed out tearing soft sounds from his lover and himself. Sounds he’d never heard from her. Never expected to hear from her.

“Kougaiji.” Kagome panted eyes unfocused and filled with something Kougaiji hoped to Kami was love.

Thrusting in and out of her, he was in heaven, never in his wildest dreams had he imagined something quite like this. Something so beautiful. Kagome pushed her hips eagerly against his. Raised above her on his elbows, he bent down and kissed her languorously. So engrossed in the kiss, Kagome forgot all about wanting him to hurry. His body, so hot and hard filled her up, so completely.

“Gods, Kagome.”

No more words were needed, they both knew that they loved each other, if only a little bit. In and out of her at a steady pace, he was in complete control at that moment and they both knew it. Occasionally he’d add in a slightly harder, or deeper, or faster thrust, but only when he wanted to. Torturing her with his tender touch, that was what he was doing. And she loved every moment of it.

Suddenly, without warning Kagome began to tighten around him, almost painfully squeezing his hard shaft. And she screamed, and screamed, and sometime during her screaming, his voice joined hers. Both screaming their lovers name as his seed poured into her womb, filling her, leaving her with a distinct, warm, comforting feeling as he removed his softening member.

Both lovers panted, hard and slick with sweat curled up against each other in a lovers embrace and as they fell into a blissful sleep Kougaiji could have sworn he’d heard her whisper ‘I Love You’.