Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 16: Promise ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Well everyone, here’s another chapter of What Revenge Brings. Enjoy. I’m aware the link didn’t show up in the last chapter, but my profile has been updated with the link. So for those of you who want to read the lemon version of this story, the link is provided in my profile.

*What Revenge Brings*

By: Kage Otome

Chapter 16: Promise

Screams rang through the dungeons.

Blood sprayed the wall in colorful spurts coating cold limestone walls with life giving liquid. No emotion was visible in her honey colored eyes. This poor pathetic fool deserved what was being done to him. After all he’d done some pretty horrendous things in his life. A capital crime, the mortals called it, therefore it called for a capital punishment. Death. Of course this was not the mortal world, and he was not waiting for his execution in Death Row. No. He would be punished according to Hell’s law. And Hell held no mercy. This creature in particular was a mass murderer, a spree killer. He’d killed entire families just for their car. Or a few credit cards.

She held no pity in her heart for him.

Preparing for the next strike she lashed out at him with a beautiful Cat O’ Nine Tails whip. A beautiful piece it was. A multi-tailed whip, with nine braided leather thongs. Because it came down striking a person nine times rather then one, it did nine times the damage and brought nine times the pain then a regular whip. The whip was coated in blood. She brought it down harder tearing a hideous scream from her victim.

It was only a minute later when she stopped her torture. In Hell after you passed through judgement you were sentenced. If your good deeds evened out the bad you were passed onto the Archangels of Tengoku. They would then decide what to do with you. However if your bad deeds outweighed your good you were punished. Given your body and tortured in the dungeons. The screams were not uncommon. If your crimes were small you were given leniency. Sometimes. However if your crimes were especially evil you were tortured horribly, with different methods, for however long as the God of Judgement deemed.

Since in the Japanese celestial system there was no God of Judgement, one was appointed by Izanagi-sama (The First Man). Oddly enough the appointed “God” was in fact Miroku, when his mortality was brought up Izanagi-sama dismissed it, however there was nothing he could do about his curse. Besides being an advisor to Kagome’s father he was the one that sentenced the souls. Gesturing for a guard to take the body back to his place in the fiery seventh level of Hell, inescapable except by the royal family and who they wish to punish or release at the time. Though it is very rarely that a person from the seventh level is released.

The guard dragged the broken body of the male human away. A glint of white amongst the crimson was the answer as to why the princess cut her time short. She whipped through flesh to bone. His spinal cord was showing making even some of the more aged guards green, and not with envy. Kagome was coated with a fine sheen of blood, licking her lips absently she took her leave climbing the steep steps to the main level. Awaiting her at the entry to the dungeons was a very aggravated Suikotsu. He glanced up at her before he froze, Kagome paused wearily. Before hissing softly.

‘Oh, Fuck Me.’

Suikotsu lost it. First he killed the guards, then he grinned. Not his normal charming grin, a malicious grin filled with evil intent. He darted towards where he sensed people. Whenever he changed he killed, many. He lost all common sense, restraint. He did thing’s he would’ve never done had he been sane. It was only after the second turn did she realize where he was headed. The dojo. Growling in annoyance. Hopefully if Suikotsu got there before her, someone could calm him, or knock him out.

Whichever came first.

Suikotsu sped up throwing something back at her. Darting out of the way to avoid it she was taken off guard by the other object. Dropping to the floor to avoid being stabbed she cursed under her breath. Lifting herself from the ground she darted to the left. Before she could make it to the dojo she heard a loud, high pitched shriek.

Too late.

Passing through the demolished doorway, she took in the seen with keen eyes. Not missing a single detail. All those going against Naraku with the exception of the lords and her father not to mention Jakotsu were present. Training. Apparently Suikotsu decided to attack an unguarded and unprotected Itsuki. Itsuki wasn’t a demon of battle. He didn’t have the instinct to avoid a surprise attack like this. Itsuki was the weakest link.

‘We have to change that.’ Kagome thought fleetingly.

Itsuki lay groaning on the floor holding his bleeding side. Growling angrily, Kagome leaped forward, in front of Itsuki taking the blow that would’ve most surely ended his life. Searing pain slashed it’s way through her body as Suikotsu’s steel blade claws raked down her back. Biting her lip, she realized that was probably the most horrible wound she’d received since being held captive. Fucking painful too. She panted, snarling in anger and pay. she turned around to face him, it was mighty luck that her wings had been retracted or there would’ve been a good chance, she’d no longer have them.

Unfortunately for her Suikotsu’s attack left her top bare for the world to see except for the indecent piece of cloth snaking across her breast, barely binding them. It was with great fear that she realized her concealment spell was slipping. Backhanding her she flew to the ground and her spell dropped completely. Scars, numerous, varying in degree, size, shape and ways they were inflicted were revealed. Enough scars to make even a war veteran shake with horror. Horror she could see in their eyes. Eyes so gold they were almost yellow flickered with some unknown emotion before they shut down completely.

Rising proudly to her face she looked upon Suikotsu, licking his claws clean and she lunged clawing, ripping shredding. Going in for the kill she dimly heard voices telling her to stop. Bankotsu yanked her back against his chest whispering sweet meaningless words.

“You weren’t supposed to know.” The voice was barely a whisper.

“You weren’t supposed to see.”

“Im sorry.”

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Eyes flickered open quickly adjusting to the darkness of the room. Scenting the air, she crinkled her nose. It was obvious where she was, in the infirmary. Strapped to the bed in the infirmary. Eyes widened slightly as she tested her bonds and then she growled deep in her chest. She hated the infirmary. Too many bad memories. Besides, drugs, and certain herbs made her odd.

Kagome’s ears twitched as she turned her head to the side briefly. What an uncomfortable position, flat on her stomach. Her dark gold eyes met with soft brown.


“Jak.” Her voice was muffled by the overstuffed pillow which she sank into.


“Mmph!” Turning her head gave her an aching neck so she remained face down.

‘Remind me to kill whoever put me in this position. If I were human I’d probably suffocate.’ Kagome muttered to Jak through there link, a smile broke over his handsome features.


‘Jakots u...I’m...Sorry.’

His eyes widened in the dark.

“For what?”

‘You were hurt. I-’

“That wasn’t your fault, I blocked you from feeling my pain and anger.”

‘Im your master, I should’ve protected you-’


“I did what I did because I love you, because your father has no right.”

‘He has every right, I’m still his daughter and he is still King.’

“It’s not fair.”

‘Nothing is.’

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I could’ve cried in joy. I was finally being released from that dreaded infirmary. Now don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love Kaede-sama but all that poking and prodding and touching was uncomfortable. Practically running out the door I was sure I made quite the site but did I care? Nope. Just that I was free! Yes a bit over dramatic. I know. But...

I hate needles.

I know, I know, me. Kagome who fears nothing fears needles. I had bad experiences with them while I was held captive. Naraku accidentally stabbed a needle in my stomach, filled with something. Something vile and green. It made me act oddly for a few hours. It dulled my senses and made me feel nicely drowsy almost drunk.

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Walking to her room, composed, Kagome opened the door to find Itsuki sitting on her bed near Jakotsu waiting for her. Blinking once she cocked her head. Itsuki was not one to leave his own quarters much. He preferred it there rather then near the others. He was a demon of solitude and secrecy, at least most of the time.


His voice was oddly tender. Wearily she cocked a brow.

“Thank you.” Kagome blinked in confusion.

Seeing her confused look he elaborated.

“You didn’t have to take the blow meant for me. You could’ve let me die. I am not worth of-”

“No. I couldn’t have. You’re mine Itsuki. Mine to care for, to protect.” Walking over to him she cradled his face in her smaller hands. Brushing a soft kiss against his lips she purred deeply drawing forth a soft sound of happiness from Itsuki.

“We will speak not of this.”

Nodding she dismissed him, watching him as he left the room teal hair swinging behind him. Sighing she joined Jakotsu on her large bed. Stretching out beside him, she just stared drinking in his beautiful features. Tracing her hands over his face, down his neck, over his chest to rest at his hip she held him close.

“You scared me.”

Jakotsu said nothing, he was too shocked. Kagome was not one to admit to being scared of anything. Most thought that she was unfeeling, cold, unbreakable. But the truth was she wasn’t. She was if anything extremely fragile. And unstable.

“I thought I’d lost you.”

“Promise me you won’t do something so stupid again.”


“Promise me Jak.” Looking into solemn honey eyes he nodded.

Pulling her to him he held her body close to his taking comfort in her touch. Brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face he whispered into her ear his promise. Through the night he held her and she him. Tracing the puffy pink skin of her healing wounds he promised to her, to himself to never leave her.

He couldn’t.

He loved her.

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A/n: So...What do you think?