Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 17: Bitter Regrets ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Yes it’s been a while. I must admit my school work is taking up a lot of my time. I’m taking advanced classes, so next year I’ll be able to take a few college courses.

*What Revenge Brings*

By: Kage Otome

Chapter 17: Bitter Regrets

Sweat poured down his muscled body. He pushed himself, over and over again, but he still was not good enough for them. He didn’t match them. He was the weakest link in their group. All the insults, the put downs, they made him so mad. They never put thought to what he did to help. All they saw were his faults.

“Why do you allow them to abuse you?” The soft honeyed voice of their hostess flowed through the dojo in the early morning hours.

“Kagome-sama?” His startled voice broke slightly high pitched.


“What makes you think they abuse me?” He shifted nervously.

“Abuse is not always physical, Kuwabara-san.” Kagome paused. “I may not like you, but I respect you. I certainly would not put up with that arrogant toushin. “

“Thanks, but why do you care?”

“Your friends and I do use the term lightly are cruel and cold in their actions with you. They treat you like a fool. If that is how they act, they are no friends of yours.”

“Yeah, but they’re just joking around. When it comes down to it they’re there for me.” Kuwabara defended his friends vehemently.

“And yet, they inflict much pain upon your heart. Which I admit is the purest I have seen in a very long time. You are still innocent in many way’s Kuwabara-san. Innocent enough to fall in love, to care for more unfortunate beings. Innocent enough not to let all the death you see effect you in your life, you do not let past scars effect your judgment. And for that you have earned my respect. “

“But Why?

“Because you have managed to do something that I could not.”


“Put the past behind you.”
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He wondered, to himself, why she paid attention to him. Why she noticed him. Nobody else did, nobody else cared about his thoughts or his feelings. She was right. Sure sometimes, most of the times he was a bit clueless but other times what he thought of was important. He was so easily dismissed and ridiculed. How come she who was so perfect noticed?

Kuwabara was troubled.

“Yo, Kuwabaka!”

He turned red, but before he could say anything a softer more feminine voice replied.

“Do not call him that boy.”

Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara turned to the speaker. Kagome.

“Oh yeah? Why are you defending him? Hm...He your boyfriend.”

“If he were, which he is not at least he’d be a better choice than you.” Kagome hissed, her displeasure obvious.

“Oh yeah?”


“Yeah, well, he’s an idiot!”

“The same could be said of you.” Kagome pointed out calmly.

Yusuke sputtered in indignation. “I’m smarter then him.”

“I highly doubt it.”

“Oh yeah well his IQ is like 2!”

“And I’m sure yours is negative 2.”

“Tch. That's where your wrong there are no negatives.”

“I’m sure in your case they’d make an exception.” Kagome snorted and turned her back on him walking out the door. However before she left she said one last thing.

“Kuwabara may not be the smartest person, but he has the biggest, most honorable and pure heart that I have ever seen. That’s more than I can say for you.”

With that she left, leaving behind a group of stunned people.

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Why had she done that?

Honestly, she didn’t know.

All she knew was that he didn’t deserve the treatment he received.


She went rigid. She knew that voice, she’d heard that voice for almost every day for a few years. And she vividly remembered losing control, almost killing him. And she regretted.


He was still bandaged and injured. But he was back to normal, under control. He kept his brown eyes averted. His dark hair fell over his face, keeping him from her view. Placing a hand under his chin, she tilted his chin up. He turned his face to the side, almost ashamed.

Wrapping her arms around his waist he went rigid. Unsure. Nuzzling her face into his neck and chin she rubbed soothing circles on his back. She didn’t want him nervous or scared around her. She’d never be able to live with herself.

“I’m sorry.”

All was silent before he grabbed her face in his palms and held the back of his left hand to her forehead. Kagome pushed his hand away.

“I’m not sick.”

“B-but you just said ‘I’m sorry’ “

“I seem to be doing that a lot.” Kagome sighed to herself.

Twice. She’d said those dreaded words twice. In two days. It must’ve been a record. At least. For her.

“But why?”

“I should’ve cleaned up before coming up the stairs, I shouldn’t have attacked you so fiercely.” She paused. “I could’ve killed you. I almost killed you.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I could have, I-”

“But you didn’t.

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“Tell me Kagome, do you believe in true love?”

“What?Didn’t you ask me something like this before?” She asked baffled.

“Yes. Do you believe in true love?”

“I believe in love, but I believe in hate too.”

“No, Kagome, do you believe in True Love?”

“True, unbridled love. The kind of love that many dream of and hopefully achieve. The kind of love worthy of fairy tales and stories. Love that is so beautiful and pure it lasts for an eternity. Love, that is indescribable by words. True Love.

“I used to believe. A long time ago. I used to believe.”

“And now?”

Kagome looked up at him, with watery eyes.

“How could I? How could I possibly, when all i’ve ever seen and known is hate, greed, cruelty, grief, torture, and pain. How could I? I can’t. I don’t believe in true love. I believe in puppy love, what we believe is love and I believe in lust. But I don’t believe in true love. Not anymore.”

He turned to leave, but stopped when he heard her last words

“But you know, some part of me--still wants too.”

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&# 8220;Hello Kagome.”


“Come, let’s take a walk.”

“Um, maybe I should...”

“Lets take a walk.”


------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

“I hereby sentence, Sakurai Meihou to--”

“Wait.” Kagome called from her throne. Miroku turned around startled, never had Kagome interrupted him.

“A favor, Miroku, God of Judgment.”


“Lighten his sentence.”

“Why? He murdered ten people.”

“Please.” Miroku paused trying to understand his majesty.

“Very well. Ten years in the secondary level dungeons. One year for each victim. Is that satisfactory my lady?”


The guests in Hell were quite confused as to why Kagome would ask Miroku to lighten this, this monsters sentence. Perhaps they’d been lovers? He certainly was pretty enough with long green hair and dark blue eyes.

As the doors closed Miroku turned to ask of Kagome why she’d done what she had. Even her brothers seemed slightly shocked.


“I’ll never forget what that man did. For that boy. He saved that boys life, and he gave that boy to Child Services because he knew he couldn’t take care of him, keep him. Even though he wanted so badly too. That boy meant the world to him. That boy showed him how to feel after his wife’s death. How to love, and how to let go. “

“Before his wife died, was murdered. That’s why he summoned me. To avenge his wife’s murderer, in exchange for his soul. She asked him about having a child. He said no. When I saw him with that boy, I saw regret. Regret that he hadn’t said yes. And the unbelievable happiness at perhaps having his chance, with a lingering pain, he knew he couldn’t keep the boy. He knew he’d have to let him go. And he did. He let that boy have his chance at happiness, at a new life.”

“What boy?”


“That boy was me.” Sensui Shinobu said standing up, holding his head high.


She nodded.

“That’s why you did it...You are in the same boat so to speak.”

Kagome flinched slightly.

“Do you regret, Kagome?”

She froze halfway across the room, to freedom.

“Regret what?”

“Not being able to have a child of your own?”

A bitter smile crossed her lips.


“Feh. All she has to do is fuck someone I’m sure she’ll get pregnant someday.” Kagome’s lip pulled back into a snarl as her eyes filled with fury.

“No. I can’t.”

“Yeah. No man would ever want you.” She took in one deep breath.

“Shut Up!” Hiten hissed, his anger getting the better of him.

“She can’t have children, even if she wanted to!”

“Oh, and why not.”

“Because when a child is raped, irreparable damage is also done to the body! Certain reproductive parts don’t work anymore, because at such a young age, they aren’t fully developed, nor are their bodies prepared for such trauma!” He snarled.

Kagome stood frozen.

Inuyasha sat down with a ‘thunk’.

“Is this true?” Inutashio’s voice was oddly gentle.

Kagome looked up at him with a bitter, haunted look in her eyes.

“Yes, it is.”

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A/n : Bet you didn’t expect that. Please review! It seems I’ve only been getting one or two reviews per chapter...Please? Anything I can do better? Improve on? Please let me know.