Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Mild Language and Violence
A/N: If you're reading this, but you haven't read my fanfic New Life, do that, first. This is a sequel, and may not make complete sense to readers just starting in on this. Also, this starts two months after New Life ended.
Kagome rose from the ground, panting and gasping. Her eyes twitched at the laughter that reached her ears.
“What's wrong, Kagome!? You ain't done, yet, are ya'?”
“Sh… Shut up, Shinji,” she growled, finally managing to get to her feet.
Even behind the Egyptian pharaoh-like mask, she could see how amused the Vizard was.
“Ya' can still only hold the mask for fifteen minutes! Geez! It's been months, and ya' only got five minutes better!?”
“Maybe it's your fault,” Kagome quipped. “Ichigo got me from three seconds to ten minutes in just one full day.”
“Ha! Is that so?” he asked, head tilted. “I guess I'll have to go harder on you, then!”
And then, he launched, Zanpakuto raised over his head. Kagome had just enough time to snap her fingers and bring her own weapon, instantly in Shikai form, up before he was on her.
“Ha! You're slow, Kagome!”
The mask formed, and the next fifteen minutes were filled with the sounds of clashing metal and echoing, tinny- and metallic-sounding battle cries.
And then, Kagome's mask shattered, and Shinji's next strike sent her barreling almost half of a mile along the desert ground.
Kagome groaned, and began to push herself up again, just as Shinji appeared. He began to bring his sword down, just as a loud ring emitted from Kagome's pocket. With a sigh, she jumped back from his attack as she pulled out a cell-phone-like device.
And emitted another groan when she looked at the screen.
“What? Miss a date with yer Quincy?” Shinji quipped, his mask gone.
“You know what it is… Duty calls,” she sighed.
“Heh. See ya later, then, Captain Higurashi,” he mocked with an even more sarcastic bow.
“Heh. Yeah, sure.”
And then, she was gone.
She came into a surprisingly quiet Tokyo street, looking around for the Hollow. But, much to her surprise, she found something much stranger.
The man stood in the middle of the street, blood-red eyes focused on her like lasers. The man had no Hollow mask, which meant he wasn't an Arrancar.
And then, he lunged, with inhuman speed, and his power slipped out. And Kagome gasped, not having expected to be facing a youkai today. His hands exploded into razor-sharp claws, and came at her throat.
On instinct, she dove backward and reached for her Zanpakuto. But she never got it out of its sheath.
At that instant, a black blur came past her, and suddenly, the youkai was engulfed in black flames.
And when the dust settled, Kagome was met with an even stranger sight.
A man who was slightly smaller than her by several inches stood a little away from where the youkai had been. His raven-black hair stood up in a manner that defied all laws of gravity, a white starburst curving across it. A sneer curled his lips, revealing a fang, and his red eyes seemed to be mocking her.
“Got a problem?” she growled.
His eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure and turned around.
“Damned ningen,” he muttered, bringing Kagome's expression to one of thorough confusion.
And then, she was alone on the street. After several more moments of pondering just what in the hell just happened, she, too, got moving.
In no time at all, she'd opened the Senkaimon and returned to Seireitei. In a matter of seconds, she'd crossed over a great distance and came up short when she found Urahara and Ukitake, resting against a tree.
“Oh, Kagome! Hello,” Urahara said, staring at the panting Shinigami.
“Hey… Just got back from a call for a Hollow…”
“I see. And… you got hurt?” Ukitake asked, frowning at the way she seemed slightly pale.
“No. It wasn't a Hollow. Not even an Arrancar. It was a strange man.”
“Perhaps a new type of Hollow?” Ukitake asked, frowning when she shook her head.
“Well, don't keep us in suspense, Kagome,” Urahara said, smirking.
“It was a youkai. One in the form of a human,” she said, with absolutely no hesitation.
And now, they understood why she was so pale…
Okay, so here's the beginning of my new story! For everyone that posted on New Life, I just want to give you my thanks for reading my work and wanting more. So, here's the sequel! Also, this story was originally supposed to be a triple crossover, but about halfway through, I decided to clear out the Inuyasha plot before mixing in YuYu, so I wouldn't be overwhelmed. As such, the Inuyasha characters will still be in, but Sango and Miroku will most likely only be passive characters, as they have nothing to do with Aizen.
Seireitei- The part of Soul Society that the Captains live (no point mentioning it in New Life, as they didn't go to the Rukongai)
Ningen- an inhabitant of the Ningenkai (Human World)
Mayakashi- Deception