Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Mild Language and Violence
Second Encounter
“Captain Higurashi!”
Kagome turned, staring in amusement as Momo stopped next to her, out of breath.
“Nanao said she was looking for Captain Kyoraku, and she wondered if you might know,” Momo sighed, looking apologetic.
“Hmm… He's probably at Ukitake's,” Kagome said with a shrug. “That's where I'm pretty sure he's been hiding lately.”
She began walking, and Momo hurried to keep up with her Captain's unnaturally fast casual pace.
“Are you going somewhere, Captain Higurashi?”
Kagome groaned, and put a hand on her Lieutenants head, a chiding smirk on her face.
“Momo, it's been more than a year, already. I told you, I hate that formality stuff. I'm Kagome, okay?”
“Y… Yes, Capt- Uh, Kagome,” Momo said, face a bright shade of red.
“Good job. And to answer your question, yes. I'm going home for a little while. I promised my mother I'd stop there for my birthday.”
“Today's your birthday?” Momo asked in surprise.
“Well, no. My birthday's in a few days. But with all the paperwork and recent increase in injuries, today seems like the only time I'll get a chance to visit. So, can you hold the fort for a few hours?”
“Of course, Capt- Kagome!”
Kagome giggled, ruffling the embarrassed girl's hair.
“Thanks, Momo. And you'll get the hang of it, I'm sure. Well, then, I leave things in your very capable hands.”
Kagome nodded, and she was gone in a flash…
“Well, Kagome, this is certainly a surprise!” her mother exclaimed.
“I told you I'd visit. Don't be so shocked,” Kagome said, frowning.
“Oh, no, dear! It just seemed that being a Captain would keep you busy,” her mother sighed.
Kagome groaned, dropping into a chair.
“It's not really bad. No matter how much work and fighting I have to deal with, I have so many excellent times. It took a while, but I've gotten some very good and loyal friends.”
“I see… I'm glad,” her mother said, a warm smile on her face.
“I left things in my Lieutenant's hands, so I can spend some time with you. But, as busy as I always am, I still feel like I see you more than I did with the jewel still broken.”
“I'm sure Souta will enjoy the surprise.”
“Yeah… Speaking of which, where is Souta?”
Kagome's mother suddenly started giggling, and Kagome found herself unusually curious.
“He's on his first date! He looked so adorable!”
“Really? Wow. I thought he'd take at least a little while longer. Hmm… I'll have to torment him a little when he gets back,” Kagome said, smirking.
“Now, be nice,” her mother giggled. “That boy's growing fast. Something you both have in common,” she added, smiling as a dreamy look glazed her eyes.
“Yeah. Well, you set a very good example for being mature,” Kagome said, smirking.
“I suppose… So, how's Shippo?”
“He's doing well. He and Yachiru are constantly up to no good,” Kagome sighed.
“Yeah, they've been playing some rather… unpleasant tricks on the Captains recently. It's really funny, though. I wonder if maybe Yamamoto or someone else put them up to it.”
“Why's that?” her mother asked, very amused.
“Well, they do these things and then run around until the people they annoyed have exhausted themselves. It's like they're trying to get people in shape.”
“And have they done anything to you?” her mother asked curiously.
“No. Shippo's too affectionate to do anything to me. And Yachiru knows I'd catch her. It's the same reason they don't do anything to Yamamoto or Yoruichi.”
“Sounds like you've been having quite a good time, recently.”
“I have… When I was pulled through that well, I certainly never saw this happening in my life. And it turns out that I might be more like a Shinigami then we thought, because it seems that my lifespan will be like theirs.”
At that, her mother gaped in shock.
“You mean you're immortal?”
“Well, I don't know about that. I don't think any of them are immortal, but Yamamoto's at least 2,000 years old. So, I guess you could kind of call it that.”
“Oh, my!”
“We don't know, for sure, though. I'm an abnormality in all fields of study. Present day mikos are usually cheap hacks with no real skill or abilities. Ichigo's the only other half-Shinigami, and neither of us is exactly willing to undergo Mayuri's `experiments,'” Kagome said, shuddering at the thought. “And, as Vizards go, I'm abnormal, even to them. It's really kind of depressing,” she said, planting her head on the table.
“That's not all that's depressing you, I take it,” her mother said, making Kagome blink in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
“Have you told him, yet?”
And all semblance of a happy façade died with those words.
“No,” Kagome groaned. “I love Uryuu… I think… But I'm not sure how he'd take the news.”
“You know you should tell him,” her mother chided.
“I know,” she said, nodding in agreement. “But we've only been going out for a few months. I'm really not sure how he'd take that kind of sudden commitment being forced on him,” she sighed, rubbing her stomach absentmindedly.
“Well then, you should've used some caution,” her mother growled.
“Hey! In my defense, we were both kind of… not thinking straight…”
“You mean you were drunk,” her mother said, giving her the same disappointed look she'd given her daughter when Kagome had informed her that she was, indeed, pregnant.
“Well… yeah,” she said, blushing in embarrassment. “It's not like I'm not going to tell him. I am. I just… don't know how, yet…”
Her mother let out a heavy sigh, and they sat there in silence for several moments. And then, a loud, obnoxious ringing filled the air, and Kagome literally jumped.
She quickly fumbled for the device, and let out a quiet sigh of relief at the way out.
“There's a Hollow-”
“Go,” her mother sighed.
Kagome made for the door, but suddenly stopped and turned around, a thankful smile on her face.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” her mother asked, honestly baffled.
“For treating me like a normal, irresponsible teenager. It's refreshing… Tell Souta I said hi!” she said, vanishing before her mother could respond…
The second she reached the spot where the Hollow supposedly was, a massive fist swung at her face. She quickly dove back, and took in her opponent with a lot of surprise.
This was not a Hollow. It was a tall, bona-fide oni. And it looked angry. At her.
It continued swinging, but Kagome found that its massive body made it even slower than expected. Suddenly, a strong youki entered her senses.
Before the oni could react, she'd brought her dagger out and it was in pieces on the ground. The pieces then ignited in white fire, and vanished.
Suddenly, the presence reached her. And there stood the black-haired youkai from last time. After casting a gaze around, he glared at her.
“Where's that damned weakling?”
“Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Youkai,” Kagome said wryly.
“Hn. Where is it, onna?”
“I killed it,” she said with a shrug.
His eyes widened slightly, then he returned to his glare.
“And who are you?”
“Hmm… Well, there are a lot of ways I can answer that… Let me think…”
Suddenly, the youkai drew a sword, and he was growling.
“Do not play a game with me, onna. You won't like the results.”
“I see… You're not nearly as scary as you think you are,” Kagome quipped. “As for who I am… I'm just your average, everyday half-Shinigami.”
The youkai's expression became one of thorough confusion, and Kagome smirked.
“Well then, goodbye, Mr. Youkai.”
And then, she was gone, with unbelievable speed.
The Senkaimon finished opening just as she made it through, and she went right to the Research Institute.
The second she got inside, Ukitake and Urahara turned from their work and took in her exasperated expression.
“What happened?”
“I got attacked by a youkai again.”
“Really?” Urahara asked, eyes glowing with his interest.
“Yeah. You know, for an extinct creature, there are an awful lot of youkai showing up recently…”
Well, there's the newest chapter! As always, be sure to leave your opinions on my work, be it good or bad!