Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Gore, Strong Language, and Mild violence
Bad First Meeting
Kagome took in her supposed teammates' appearances, and found their energy to be unlike anything she'd felt before. Besides the Captains and Vizards, of course.
The redhead poured more youki into his rose, and he was suddenly holding a long, green, blade-like whip.
“Wow! That's a pretty cool trick!” Kagome explained, honestly impressed by him making something so small and beautiful into something so dangerous-looking.
He flicked his wrist, and Kagome jumped back, avoiding the whip. Which subsequently cracked the solid sheet of concrete beneath where she'd been standing.
“Hey! You were actually trying to kill me, weren't you!?” Kagome growled.
He began to swing the whip again, and Kagome once again avoided it with ease.
The other one pointed at her, and Kagome watched as a brilliant ball of energy formed on his fingertip.
“Could you put that… whatever it is down?” Kagome huffed. “I don't want to hurt you.”
The thug sneered, and the power on his fingertip grew larger.
“Yeah!? How you going to do that!?”
Suddenly, another explosion went off, and she watched as the orange-haired oaf fell to the ground, exclaiming in relief at not being hit by some miracle while the youkai simply launched over the wave.
Kagome craned her neck, trying to figure out what or who was throwing such dangerous attacks around. Whatever it was, their body was completely obscured from her vision.
As the black-haired youkai came down, another wave of youki shot up, and Kagome watched in horror as it hit. And blood sprayed everywhere, as he crashed into the concrete hard enough to send a crimson wave upward.
The distraction almost caused Kagome to get hit by the redhead's whip, and she turned on them with a growl.
“Hey! Instead of pissing me off, maybe you should go help your friends!”
They either didn't hear her or completely ignored her, because the redhead began to come at her more ferociously. And as the whip came at her more viciously, the other one reached his boiling point.
And a massive ball of blue energy came at Kagome, with so much speed that she only had enough time to throw her own hand up and push power through her palm.
A ball of fire blasted outward, and met the thug's attack dead-center. Her attack was weak, but it slowed his just enough for Kagome to disappear from the attack's path.
Yet another explosion went off, and Kagome watched as the wave of youki barreled toward the still-shaking orange-haired man.
The whip came at her once again, and Kagome cut it in half with her right blade without even thinking about it, her body already moving. Electric sparks built in her palm, and she threw her hand in an upward arc.
“Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle! Hado 63, Soren Sokatsui!”
The power surged from her hand, and the wave of youki was obliterated the second her attack hit. But she was still in motion.
Just as a massive blade came down toward the black-haired youkai who was trying to push himself up, her own blades came up in a misshapen X, blocking it. The force of her attacker's momentum pushed her downward, but the concrete cracked beneath her feet before her legs began to shake from the strain.
The youkai stared up at her in shock, realizing only after he looked past her that a sword would've cleaved him clean in two had it continued moving.
Kagome snarled, and pushed forward. The sword was thrown upward, and her attacker's stance came wide.
But, just as she was about to bury her sword into its chest, the moonlight finally revealed her attacker's identity.
Her eyes widened in horrified shock at the sight before her.
Long, silver hair that glinted in the moonlight flowed around a tall man, clad in red armor. Very familiar red armor. Her eyes traveled further heavenward, and found two malicious golden orbs glaring deadly down at her.
And the sight of so much hatred in the orbs, coupled with her enemy's inexplicable life, took every ounce of strength from Kagome.
“Inu… Inuyas… It's impossible!” she gasped.
Suddenly, his claw came downward, and she barreled backward, her nose broken and bleeding. She came down hard on the ground, swords forgotten as she instinctively wrapped her arms in a protective barrier around her stomach. Or, more importantly, her unborn child.
After three full rotations of smacking into the ground and bouncing high upward, she rolled to a stop, her arms torn from the sharp concrete.
She felt the hanyo's approach, and pushed herself shakily to her feet. She was still stunned, despite the agony she was now in.
Inuyasha. Alive and well. Perfectly hanyo, without any traces of the youkai domination she'd seen in Hueco Mundo. And, in his hand, was the perfect and unmarked Tetsusaiga. Both of which Sesshomaru had destroyed.
Inuyasha brought the Tetsusaiga over his head, a cruel sneer on his face.
“Fucking weak bitch. Figures you'll die such a pathetic death.”
“But… How… Sesshomaru killed you. What kind of bullshit is this!? I saw your corpse!” Kagome screamed, backpedaling.
The hanyo merely sneered, his eyes reminiscent of the same look Naraku had given her.
“Die. Wind Scar!”
He brought his blade down, and Kagome dove with all the power her Shunpo could muster.
The wave missed her by a long distance, but that didn't really help her. She immediately dropped to the ground, gasping and panting at all of the energy she was spending to keep her and her child alive despite the crushing power surrounding the hanyo.
She almost didn't see him coming at her. Inuyasha's speed was unbelievable. The only thing that saved her was Yoruichi's training over the past few months.
She avoided Inuyasha's blade, and spun. Her own blade came into his, and the Tetsusaiga was flung far into the distance.
“Heh… I'm almost impressed, bitch. But just knocking my sword away won't help you! Sankontessou!”
Kagome watched as Inuyasha's claws tapered into blade-like sharpness, and he lunged for her. And she saw that while one claw was going for her throat, the other was heading straight for where her child was growing. In the end, the choice was easy.
She swung her arms upward, knocking his attacks wide. But both sets of claws still sliced deep, almost taking her left arm off.
“Hahaha! Stupid bitch! You should just let go, and maybe you'll die quicker!”
Kagome didn't realize that they'd gone someplace, until suddenly the cold, unforgiving steel of the Tetsusaiga slashed through the air, heading for her chest.
And for the first time in a while, she acted completely on instinct.
Her Hollow mask formed the same second that her power rippled throughout the entirety of Tokyo.
Inuyasha, along with all of the other fighters nearby, stared in shock as the ground beneath Kagome literally vaporized, and the miko's silver and black eyes narrowed into angry slits.
Her hand shot out, and a massive surge of silver energy blasted outward from apparently nowhere. She stared in shock at the attack.
She'd heard of Ceros from the other Vizards, but she hadn't actually thought something so powerful and full of raw, powerful youki could come from her. The blast left her body, and came out as a massive array across the entire alley, its silver light igniting everything with brilliant light.
Inuyasha let loose a pained yelp as he was thrown backward, hurtling with the speed of a meteorite along the concrete. But she wasn't through yet.
She followed, her blades up and ready to strike a second time. But, just as she reached his limp body, power rushed through the air. And, right in Inuyasha's `flight path,' a jagged black scar formed through the air.
And then, the hanyo was gone, along with the Garganta. Kagome skidded to a halt, staring in shock at where he'd been. Her mask vanished along with her concentration as she thought over just what the hell just happened.
She only had a few seconds to process everything that had happened, however. Because in the next second, she was surrounded.
The redhead twirled his whip next to him, while the thug began building up another attack and the black-haired youkai drew his blade. The orange-haired boy simply stood there, staring at her as though he couldn't make some decision.
Kagome sent a sweeping gaze around her and sighed.
“Okay, what's the score, boys? My left arm's not moving, my face is bleeding, I may have a concussion, and I just used about thirty percent of my already-depleted energy trying not to die… You, on the other hand, are all perfectly fine. Why's that, again? Oh, yeah, because I saved your asses!” she yelled, glaring death at them for raising their weapons at her.
And then, she noticed that the thug's pointer finger was lower than her head, right around her chest. He blinked in surprise when a massive ball of fire formed in her hand, and she snarled.
“You, greaser wanna'-be! Point that thing any lower, and you won't have a fucking head!” she growled, power crackling.
“I'd advise you lower your hand, lest you die a rather uncouth death,” the redhead warned.
“Kind of uncouth for four… three guys to gang up on one girl, don't you think?” she sneered back, noticing the other one was definitely not looking to fight her.
“Perhaps,” he said, nodding. “But you don't seem particularly friendly, either.”
“Hmm… Fair point. How about I lower my weapons and you do the same?” she asked, turning her gaze to the redhead.
And that distraction was bad. The black-haired youkai suddenly attacked. Her injured arm and painful head combined into one massive hindrance for the miko. She spun toward the youkai, and let her spell go.
Unfortunately, he was too fast, and the attack disappeared into the distance. She saw his sword coming for her throat, and just let her instincts take over once again.
Her hand flashed with brilliant, silver power, and she ducked under his attack. The youkai never had a chance.
Her hand hit his chest, and he let out a very masculine, macho groan of pain before he flew through a building, silver smoke rising from his chest.
You people are supposed to be my teammates?” Kagome snarled. “Back the fuck off!”
She slowly sheathed her blade and turned back to the others, her body still shimmering with her miko qi.
“What did you say, bitch!?” the thug snarled.
“Yeah, I found out something I shouldn't have, and now I have to deal with you. Got a problem with it? So do I! Take it up with that bastard Enma,” she snarled, clutching her very heavily bleeding arm.
The redhead stared at her speculatively, while the thug drew back his lips in a very youkai-like snarl.
“If you'll excuse me, I have to go fix the several breaks in my arm that I got saving your dumb asses,” she grunted, beginning to stumble away.
She heard the whip coming, and stopped just as it hit the ground before her. Slowly, she turned to find the redhead staring at her, a deadly calm filling his features.
“If what you say is true, then we need to talk to Koenma.”
“I agree,” Kagome said, nodding. “But you should probably get your friend over there some help. I'd imagine there's some internal damage, and his body's probably burning inside.”
Their eyes widened, and Kagome grimaced when a new wave of pain surged through her entire body.
“Do whatever you want; I'm leaving. Oh, before I go, though, I'll give you one piece of advice. If any of you ever so much as think about attacking me, I won't hold back. And next time, I won't be missing a quarter of my body for fighting. As long as we're clear on that, then I'll be taking my leave.”
She began to walk away yet again, but the thug was persistent. She felt him coming, and snarled.
In one move, she spun around and brought her hand up.
"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudo 61, Rikujokoro!"
Suddenly, six massive thin, wide beams of light slammed into a the thug's midsection, and he snarled upon realizing he couldn't move. At all.
“What the fuck!?”
“Good. That'll hold for a while. For the record, if you couldn't even beat… that, there's no way in hell you could ever beat me. Now be a good boy and stew for a while,” she said, petting his head patronizingly.
The man snarled, obviously trying, and failing miserably, to move, even an inch.
“I'm gonna' kill you, bitch,” he snarled.
“First you have to be able to move… Don't worry, it'll only take about ten minutes after I'm gone.”
“This is an intriguing technique,” the redhead said, staring at the thug like a science experiment.
“Oi, Kurama, get me the fuck outta' here!” the man snarled.
To Kagome's surprise, the redhead actually laughed, turning to her with an amused glow to his gold… green eyes. Kagome was bemused by that sudden and random illusion, but shook it off quickly.
“How does it work, I wonder,” `Kurama' mused, turning back to the thug.
“Well, I'll be going then,” Kagome said, the twinge in her left side rushing up to remind her of their existence.
“Are you sure? You've lost… considerable amounts of blood,” he said, staring at the massive red puddle beneath her feet.
She followed his gaze and paled at all the blood she'd lost. And then, she could just barely make out the sound of police sirens approaching, and grinned despite her pain.
“Damn… I need to get home. You seem like a person that I can stand, so maybe I'll be seeing you around,” Kagome said, before vanishing.
The three remaining stared at each other in shock.
“Holy fuck! She's faster than Hiei!” their leader yelled.
“It would seem underestimating her would be most dangerous… Really, Yusuke, you're so rash,” Kurama sighed.
“Shut up! Just… get me the hell outta' here!”
An obnoxious series of laughs to their side brought their leader's glare to the orange-haired idiot.
“Oi, somethin' funny, Kuwabara!?”
“Oh, that's awesome! Urameshi got put in his place by someone half-dead!” the man said, still laughing. “Seriously, serves you right for attackin' a lady!”
Yusuke snarled, his eyes glowing dangerously.
“When I get outta' this thing, I'm gonna' kick yer ass! And then, I'm gonna' hunt that bitch! I'm gonna' kill her!”
With a sigh, Kurama smacked him upside the head, surprising the detective.
“Please be more civilized, Yusuke. You're stuck by your own fault. And you have a woman who, I'm sure, would be most upset if you were to die hunting another woman.”
And there was nothing the detective could say to that…
Kagome rushed through the Seireitei, her speed so great that the guards never even felt her presence.
In less than a minute, she'd crossed the entire distance, and slid into her housing without a single Shinigami noticing. Blood fell heavily from her arm, and she groaned as she plopped unceremoniously onto her bed.
A small squeal hit her ears, and she clutched her kit gently.
“Shippo, it's me. Sorry to wake you.”
She could feel the kit tense, and heard him sniffing the air.
“Momma! What's all that blood!?”
“I got hurt on Earth. I'll be fine, though. It's nothing fatal… Bur I'm too exhausted to take a shower right now,” she groaned, her entire body giving in to the various aches and strong jolts of pain.
She nuzzled him into her chest, wanting her kit to calm down, so she herself could be calm and sleep.
“Absolutely… Night, Shippo,” she whispered lovingly.
“Good night, momma,” he said, curling up and burrowing into the hollow between her neck and shoulder.
And, seconds later, Kagome fell into a strong semi-catatonia, darkness taking her away from the pain, exhaustion, and confusion of the day…
Shunpo- Flash Step
Sankontessou- Soul-scattering Iron Claws (Inuyasha's claw attack)
Shakkaho- Shot of Red Fire
RikujÅkÅrÅ- Six Rods Prison of Light
A special thanks to Bleach Wikia for the Kido incantations.
Hope you're enjoying the story! As always, leave your opinions, be they good or bad!