Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence and Angst
“Wow… This is a big place,” Shippo said, staring in awe at the steps.
“Yes, quite. But it's merely the entrance. There's a forest up ahead that we must travel to get to Genkai's,” Kurama said, amused with the kit's wonder.
“Really? Well, we should get moving, then,” Kagome said, appearing at the top of the stairway in the next second.
“My, you're fast,” Kurama mused, quickly ascending the speed with his demonic speed.
“And so are you,” she responded, smiling.
“I take it your brother is in good condition?”
“From what Shippo tells me, he'll be perfectly fine. I'm so relieved… I don't think I could've taken losing any more important people to me… So, is Yusuke going to be waiting for us?” she asked, changing the subject.
“Maybe. If he's gotten here yet.”
“I thought he left two days ago,” Kagome said, frowning as they made their way into a deep, dense forest.
“Not quite… He first had to explain to Keiko where he was going,” Kurama said, smirking.
“Yusuke's wife.”
“He has a wife? Oh, the poor girl.”
“Not really. Actually, she's quite happy. As is he. You just caught us at some disadvantageous moments, I'm afraid.”
“Well, now I've got some questions. Does that mean that he's just brash and rude to me?”
At that, Kurama outright broke into laughter, clutching his side.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Compared to before he got his position back, he's downright hostile.”
“Job? He wasn't always a Spirit Detective?” Kagome asked, giving the kitsune a sidelong gaze.
“Ah, that's right. You don't know the whole story… Well, we've certainly got the time, if you want to hear it all.”
“Sure, why not?”
“Yusuke became a Spirit Detective when he was 14, after he died unexpectedly saving a child from being run over. He was brought back, and gained access to his spirit energy. This led to his first mission, which was chasing three thieves who had stolen precious items from Enma's vault.”
“Really? His first job was chasing people who got past superhuman guards?”
“Yes, well, Koenma chose Yusuke for a reason. He beat the thieves, with some help along the way, and in doing so also saved Keiko, his lifetime friend from being turned into a zombie by the Shadow Sword.”
“The Shadow Sword? Wait, isn't that what Koenma said Hiei did?”
“Yes. OF course, the first thief wasn't as lucky as he and I were.”
“What was the item you stole for?”
“It was a mirror called the Forlorn Hope. It had the ability to grant any wish its user had, and my wish was to return my sickly human mother back to health. Because Yusuke's such a rash but caring individual, I got out of paying the mirror's price, and still got the benefit.”
“What was the price?”
“The life of the user. But it recognized the purity of self-sacrifice, and thus I'm alive as is my mother.”
“That's great.”
“Yes. The next mission that Yusuke had was to train under Genkai, and in doing so, he grabbed an infamous, psychic-hunting demon named Rando. Again, Yusuke managed to pull a miracle and win, much like with Hiei.”
“Wow… He's like a smarter Inuyasha,” Kagome mused, gently stepping over a fallen tree in their path so as not to wake Shippo.
“So it would seem. Just as he got back from training with Genkai, there was an attack on the human world by four demons in the City of Ghosts and Apparitions, known as the Four Saint Beasts.”
“How can demons be saints?” Kagome asked, confused.
“They weren't. But they were revered by the inhabitants of the cities as such. Yusuke and his friend and long-time rival in violence Kuwabara both went, and then Hiei and myself were sent as well, as sort of a way to pay the Reikai back for the theft. And, yet again, after several fights Yusuke pulled off another victory over a considerably stronger youkai.”
“Wow. How many victories like that has he had?” Kagome asked, unable to hide her awe.
“Quite a few more. The next mission was to rescue a kidnapped Ice Maiden, who was being used and abused by a criminal syndicate and their hired strength. They quickly got through it all, and finally, they apparently beat a pair of youkai known as the Toguro brothers through a joined effort by Yusuke and Kuwabara, before they saved Yukina.”
“What do you mean `apparently'?”
“Well, a week later, the elder Toguro showed up near Yusuke, and challenged him to join the Darkness Tournament. It was a tournament of demons, held by underground groups of humans.”
“Wow. You guys have had some fun in the past, huh?”
“I suppose you could look at it that way,” Kurama said with a smirk.
“We're already halfway through this forest, and I need to know as much pertinent information as possible to work with all of you.”
“Very well. After the Dark Tournament, there was a group of psychics who attacked us all. The group was led by the second Spirit Detective, Shinobu Sensui. There were a lot of near-misses involving their group that almost got both Yusuke and Kuwabara killed, but finally, we reached Sensui… And then, Yusuke and he fought.”
“That sounds so foreboding with the tone you used,” Kagome said, eyes wide.
“Sensui was no longer a Spirit Detective for a reason. He was driven mad by a discovery of the horrors that humans have done, which is what he used to manipulate his group of followers. And it drove him to insanity, breaking his personality. Yusuke and he were on even terms for a while, but eventually, Sensui's experience showed. And he killed Yusuke.”
“He… He killed him?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“Yes. What he wasn't counting on was Yusuke's blood. We had followed him into the Makai, and he was just about ready to kill us all when Yusuke and Koenma showed up. He and Sensui then fought, and Yusuke decimated him with his awesome power. But, when it counted, Sensui's death angered Yusuke because his ancestor staked claim on his body and forced the shot which caused the victory.”
“Wow. His ancestor? But… doesn't the fact that he's an ancestor suggest he's dead?”
“He is, now. But the Mazoku don't die easily. They have obscenely long lives. After Sensui died, we returned to the Ningenkai, but Yusuke had a sort of death warrant on his head, as did Koenma, and Yusuke lost his title as Spirit Detective. After promising Keiko that he'd return by his 18th birthday and they'd get married, he left for the Makai, after his ancestor sent for him.”
“Wow. And I thought time travel was weird, but you guys have crossed whole dimensions.”
“Yes, quite. At the same time, Hiei and I also ended up getting invitations of sorts, from the other two kings of the Makai.”
“The Makai has kings?”
“There's only one, now, but there were three before. Raizen, Makuro, and Yomi. Raizen was Yusuke ancestor, while Yomi was a partner in crime of mine during my days as Youko. Makuro recruited Hiei due to his phenomenal battle prowess. All was going fairly well, with Yusuke training night and day to beat his ancestor, and I aiding Yomi come up with good battle strategies to win the war. And then, Raizen died, and Yusuke took his new command with fervor.”
“Whoa, hang on a sec. You're telling me that Yusuke's royalty?” Kagome gasped.
“Well, he was, sort of. But, within a day of his father's death, Yusuke went into Yomi's territory, and proposed a challenge. Instead of a war between kings, we would have a tournament with every youkai that wanted to enter, and the winner became the king of the Makai. There were quite a few fierce battles, but finally, an old friend of Raizen's by the name of Enki won. He made a law against youkai wreaking havoc in the human world… but there were quite a few youkai, of the higher B-, A-, and even S-Classes that escaped into the human world to kill and slaughter. It was around the time that they escaped that Enma ordered for the death of Yusuke and Koenma.”
“Wow, Yusuke's led quite an interesting life… But how is Yusuke still a Spirit Detective if he was ordered to be killed?”
“Well, it was several months after Yusuke's return from the Makai, and Yusuke and Keiko were finally married. It was certainly interesting, seeing Kuwabara and his sister get drunk. They've been enjoying it since then. But, about two months ago, there was a sudden, drastic increase in the appearance of those escaped youkai, as well as their weak pawns. Seeing that it was too much for them to handle, Enma removed the kill order, and brought Koenma back into office. Koenma, in turn, asked Yusuke to help. It's not that he's technically a Spirit Detective anymore, but we do basically the same thing for him that we originally did. Though I attend college, and Hiei spends a large part of his free time with Makuro.”
“What about Kuwabara?”
“He's in college, and doesn't fight any longer, though he certainly can.”
“But wasn't he the orange-haired guy there that day when I first met you all?”
“He was, but not on purpose. He just happened to be nearby when Inuyasha appeared. It's lucky he didn't get hurt, though.”
“Huh… Thanks for telling me all of this, Kurama.”
“Oh, it's no trouble. Better than walking in silence,” the kitsune said, smiling brightly. “Who knows? You may be able to meet Keiko and Yukina at Genkai's.”
“Cool… Do you feel that?” Kagome asked, suddenly feeling eyes on her.
“Yes, quite. It doesn't appear to be particularly powerful,” Kurama mused, casting his gaze around them for the source.
Suddenly, a blur of darkness launched out of the woods and suddenly, the steady weight of the sleeping Shippo was no longer resting on Kagome's shoulders, a startled yelp filling the air.
A massive bat floated within the clearing, sneering.
“The fools walked into Baldock's territory! Baldock gonna' take the little kit as a tasty snack, hehehe!”
And then, the bat disappeared into the woods, Shippo yelling for help.
Kurama was clearly not shocked when, after the temporary stun of the moment wore off, Kagome's eyes bled black, her jaw clenched in anger.
“I advise you calm down, Kagome,” Kurama said, watching as her every muscle tensed.
Kagome simply glared at the kitsune, eyes getting darker as her anger built.
“That's my son. And some damned bat just took him, right off my back… He said he was a snack.”
“Baldock isn't a particularly strong enemy. But even a weakling can kill you, if you let anger take over you. I can understand you've never had enough anger for it to be a problem, but you must realize this. The reason we're here right now is this anger,” the kitsune concluded.
“I know,” Kagome growled. “I fully understand that I need to calm down. But I don't know how,” Kagome said, eyes narrowed. “My son's in danger… Kurama, can you get him?”
“I… I'm afraid,” Kagome said, her voice slightly quivering. “If I act rashly like the last time, I could not only lose Shippo, but I could lose my other child… But I can't let him get away with my Shippo.”
Before Kurama could respond, Shippo's blood-curdling scream filled the air, and Kagome's eyes flashed pure obsidian. And then, she took a deep breath, and the color turned to an ash-gray. Slowly, she brought a dagger out from where it was strapped to her wrist, and she turned to the kitsune.
“Thank you, Kurama. I'm calm enough to not die, now… Kumori Suishou!”
Power exploded along her arms, and the Shikai formed, her body already in motion.
Suddenly, all of the shadows belonging to the forest around them seemed to waver before coalescing around the miko's body. And then, she swung her right-hand blade, and the shadows launched outward like a living spiderweb.
Seconds later, a loud squeak sounded, and the shadows reversed. Baldock appeared, trapped in the shadows. And, from another stream of shadows, Shippo appeared, safely cradled in the shadows and completely unscathed save for a small bite on his arm.
Without any further delay, Kagome launched at the bat demon, smashing and ripping him apart with her bare hands.
Finally, she smashed him into the ground, a hand wrapping around his throat while the other brought her blade to bare and a feral look on her face.
“Baldock sorry! Baldock sorry! Mercy! Baldock want to live! Please!”
Kurama tensed, eyes watching Kagome's body closely. After the last time she'd fought, he really didn't expect the miko to give the bat youkai any mercy. Which is why, when her weapons suddenly sealed, and she stood back from the pathetic creature, simply kicking him in the face before grabbing Shippo, Kurama felt a truly surprised look covering his face for the first time in a long time.
“You look confused,” Kagome said, turning to him as she gently brushed her terrified child's hair.
“Well, quite honestly, yes. Why didn't you kill him?”
“I wanted to… But I'm terrified. Terrified to allow myself to do it.”
“What are you talking about?” Kurama asked, frowning in confusion.
“I've been having strange urges recently. You know about it, since I told you before that I have no idea how to deal with anger. Ever since I found out Inuyasha is still alive, I've been feeling… strange. Not myself. Every time I've fought him, it's been like another person was taking hold of my body and mind… And the other night, I completely lost it. I almost leveled Tokyo with all the power my anger gave me…”
“But you didn't, which is a very good counterargument,” Kurama said, frown deepening.
“I'm scared, Kurama,” she said, finally meeting his eyes. “I'm afraid that I'll lose myself. That the next time, or the time after that, that I fight I'll lose myself to the power, and I won't come back,” she said, tears coming steadily as she cradled her unconscious son.
Kurama put a reassuring arm around her, smiling lightly.
“I seriously doubt you'd lose yourself. You've got to strong a will,” he said, smirking. “But, why are you telling me, and not a friend who would better understand?”
“I… don't know,” she said, leaning into his warmth. “It could be because you're the only one around to listen, but I don't think so… It's really confusing.”
“Hmm… Well, let's continue, shall we?”
Kagome simply nodded, and they took off, their pace considerably faster than before. In no time, they were out of the forest and in front of a temple.
And before them stood Yusuke, smirking. And to his side was a small, pink-haired elderly woman who was glaring at them.
“Damnit, dimwit. Why can't I just die of old age in peace?”
“Hey, don't look at me, grandma,” he said, raising hands in surrender.
“You seem too young to be worrying about dying of old age,” Kagome said, frowning at the psychic.
And, the elderly woman cracked a rare smile, her eyes wide.
“Well, I like you more than the dimwit already. Alright, looking at all the power you've already got, it might be worth it to help you after all. I'll tell you what. If you want me to train you, you're going to have to prove you can handle it.”
“Handle what?” Kagome asked, frowning.
“The pain and humiliation,” the elderly woman said, her smirk taking on sinister qualities.
“How will I prove that?”
“You need to hit me. You have five minutes to do it.”
“I can't hit you,” Kagome said, distraught. “No matter how much stronger than me you are, you're still my elder.”
“Oh? Well, aren't you the proper young lady?”
“Proper lady? Hah!” Yusuke laughed, glaring at Kagome.
“Regardless of your opinion, you came here for my training. So you can either hit me or you can die. Make the decision quickly!”
And, with astonishing speed for her build, Genkai launched, her body glowing with power.
“Spirit Wave!”
The miko dove to the side, watching as the ground where she'd been exploded. But she didn't have time to be afraid over it, though, because Genkai followed through, chasing after her.
“Hado 32, Okasen!”
A massive wave of energy exploded from Kagome's hand, launching at the now-surprised Genkai. Her surprise quickly vanished, though, and she simply smirked as, with a single hand, she brushed the arc aside and continued her chase.
“Not bad. Got any more tricks?”
The psychic closed in, sending her foot for Kagome's stomach. Kagome, in automatic response, brought her arms over it and felt incredible pain radiate from the point of impact all the way through her arms and down to her feet. She screeched to a halt from the strike, blood rolling from her left arm.
Kagome dodged the psychic's next lunge, barely avoiding her head being blown up, and she decided that respect was trumped by the survival of her child.
“Hado 88, Hiryugekizokushintenraiho!”
A massive, electrical blast of energy launched from Kagome's hands, and Genkai dove like her life depended on it. Which, as it turned out, was the right decision, as seconds later a massive crater was formed by the power exploding.
“Huh… That was pretty good. But you still haven't hit me, and it's the fourth minute in. Step it up, girl.”
Kagome brought out her dagger, snapping her fingers in the same motion. Genkai watched in wonder as a mass of energy took form over the miko's face before becoming an ornate mask, and power exploded around her body.
Kagome launched, swords ready for action. The psychic took to the defensive, blocking the miko's considerably faster strikes, her impression of the girl rising with every attack. And, finally, Kagome's foot shot out, and when Genkai jumped up to avoid it, it was over.
Kagome swung her foot and smacked the elderly psychic's body into the ground, her blades appearing above Genkai's foreheads. And then, Kagome's mask vanished, and she was grinning from ear to ear.
“Yes, you did. And in five minutes, too. And you've got a shattered arm and didn't even complain. I'll train you. I'm Genkai, and prepare for pain like you've never experienced before, Kagome Higurashi,” the psychic said, smirking.
Baldock- the name of the bat creature in Genkai's forest.
Okasen- Yellow Fire Flash
Hiryugekizokushintenraiho- Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon
There's the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed, as always! Be sure to review, be your opinions good or bad.