Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Mild Language
Kagome gently laid Tsuki in her new bed, cooing at her beautiful creation and trying not to think about where her thoughts had gone.
“Shall we get back to work, then?” a voice asked, bringing Kagome's attention to her doorway.
As quietly as possible, Kagome slid out of her room, the now-familiar hum of her barrier rising against her skin as she exited and closed the door.
“You seem rather disturbed, I believe,” Kurama mused, eyeing her critically.
“Yes, you do look like shit,” Hiei added, smirking.
“I thank you for your oh, so gracious generosity,” Kagome grumbled. “Why would I be disturbed? Aizen wants my daughter for his unholy army, some kind of necromancer stole a graveyard, and Aizen's going to attack and try out his newest world domination scheme in six days. Yep, nothing too worrisome.”
“If this is an average situation for ya, I really wanna' know what you've gone through the past six months,” a deep voice grumbled, making Kagome jump.
Slowly, the three turned as one to face a small group of people appearing just as a gateway vanished. And in front of the group stood a tall, pale man, his aura screaming with death and chaos, his non-covered eye focused with laser intensity on Kagome.
“Wha… Umm, hi, Zaraki,” Kagome said, eyes wide. “What're you doing here?”
“Ha! Don't look at me, the old man just wants me along in case somethin' shows up,” the mountainous man said, smirking. “And who're yer new friends, Kagome?” he asked, his focus changing to the youkai.
“Who wants to know?” Hiei growled, hand going to his sword's hilt.
“Relax,” Kagome sighed, hand trapping Hiei's arm before it could complete the pull. “He's a Shinigami. Guys, meet Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, the most aggressive Shinigami I've ever met. And these are my friends and mentors, Hiei and Kurama,” she added to the Shinigami, smirking.
“It's good you've made strong allies in your absence,” a cold voice said, bringing their attention to a much smaller Shinigami with long, flowing black hair.
“And you're here, too, Byakuya!” Kagome said, her excitement rising. “Two Captains here, along with a few Seats. What's going on?”
“We were sent here to set up a base of operations in the Living World. And we were told to work with your new group, under orders of the Spirit King.”
“You're mad,” Kagome mused.
“He's too proud to admit it,” a low, bell-like voice said, bringing Kagome's attention around. “But I'm pretty pissed.”
“Kagura, too? Okay, well, this is getting a little crowded. Why don't we all go sit, and we'll figure everything out,” Kagome sighed, heading for Genkai's house with Hiei and Kurama close behind.
“So these are all friends of yours, Kagome?” Hiei asked.
“Well, sort of. I'll make the introductions once we're situated.”
“I'm sure this'll be a great story.”
Kagome jumped, turning to find Genkai glaring at her.
“I know, I know, you hate all these people showing up at your house. It's not like I'm doing it.”
“Yes, well, tough for you, isn't it?”
Finally, the procession was situated inside Genkai's home, all of the Shinigami but the messengers outside.
“Okay, so… No offense, but why are you three here?” Kagome asked, eyeing the three sitting directly across from her.
“Cause we wanna' help,” said a small, cheerful-looking girl oozing high levels of youki.
“And since it turns out youkai have existed this whole time, there was a lot less resistance than expected,” the tall woman to her side said, smirking. “And you know, you could've taken the time to tell us where you were. It's been six months, Kagome,” she chided, glaring at the squirming miko.
“You're right. I'm sorry. I'll make it up later, okay? But right now, the burning question. Why are you all here, specifically, and not Karakura Town?”
“We owe you no explanations,” a woman with long, shining black hair growled.
“Oh, come on, Soi Fon. Aizen's on the move, and we don't have time for all the bullshit right now,” Kagome said. “Normally, I'd be a lot more pleasant about all this, but a Shinigami who can raise the dead working with Aizen just stole a graveyard, and we've got more important things to worry about.”
“Well, let's go from there, then. Who can raise the dead?” Soi Fon said, eyes wide.
“He's one of your lot,” Hiei said, stepping in. “Tall, black hair, a sword that can bring up an army of the dead, if the prince is right.”
“That is intriguing,” a tall man with white hair said, glaring thoughtfully at his side.
“It's on a whole other level from the Tenseiga, Sesshomaru… It's what brought Inuyasha back,” Kagome said, meeting the surprised youkai's eyes.
“I see…”
“Inuyasha? Isn't that the half-breed you two offed last time?” Soi Fon asked.
“Yeah. Evidently, even ashes and broken pieces of scrap metal are enough material… And no, I refuse to let you,” Kagome added suddenly, eyes still locked with Sesshomaru.
“Nobody refuses this Sesshomaru,” he growled haughtily.
“Yeah, well, tough. If you're all here, it means we're splitting our forces. And it wouldn't be tactically smart for you to break off, when you could be defending the Soul Society from whatever Aizen throws at it. Same goes for you two,” she added to the women at his side.
“Aww, but I wanna' help,” the girl said, pouting.
“I know,” Kagome said, smiling softly. “But you'll be more help on familiar grounds then an entirely new world. Plus, you could get to play with Yachiro and Shippo.”
At that, the girl's eyes lit up, her head whipping side to side.
“Where's Shippo?”
“He's outsi- Wow, she's fast,” Kagome said, staring at the cloud of dust where Rin had been.
“Yeah, she gets it from Yachiro,” Zaraki said, smirking.
“Huh… Well, back to business. I haven't made the introductions yet. So, Hiei, Master Genkai, and Kurama, meet Captains Zaraki, Soi Fon, and Kuchiki, Lord Sesshomaru and Kagura,” she said, pointing each one out in turn.
“More demons, I see,” Soi Fon quipped.
Kagome was about to respond when her ears suddenly picked up a low cry in the close distance, and she was gone like a flash. Before anyone present could think to respond to it, she was back, a gently crying baby girl in her arms.
“I know how you feel about youkai, Soi Fon, but play nice,” Kagome said, gently rocking the girl. “Turns out I'm one, too… sort of.”
At that, the assembled went silent, the youkai at Kagome's side eyeing the rest for reactions.
“Well, that explains a few things with yer powers, huh?” Zaraki quipped, smirking.
“You? A youkai? I thought your family was a long lineage of mikos and priests,” Soi Fon added, frowning.
“So did I. Turns out I'm not the only one in my family who sees youkai as people, too. Stronger, faster, more lasting people, sure, but they're all still capable of good and evil.”
“Yes, you do have a rather interesting outlook on things,” Kagura mused. “So who's the girl?”
“Oh, this is Tsuki… my daughter,” she said, smiling down at the once again sleeping beauty.
Once again, all present not in the know were struck speechless, staring at Kagome in shock.
“Daughter,” Byakuya finished, he and Soi Fon exchanging stunned glances.
Ha! Who knew the Quincy had it in `em?” Zaraki laughed, voice shaking the long table between them.
“The Quincy? But how is that possible? She has silver hair and tanned skin, which neither of you have,” Byakuya asked, eyes flitting to Sesshomaru.
“You know, I'm not entirely sure, myself,” Kagome said with a shrug. “All I know is that she's mine, and she's beautiful.”
“Actually, we came up with a theory… though you won't like it, and we'd rather it not be true,” Genkai said, eyeing the miko.
“Later, then. Right now, we need to get done what you came here to do… Which is what, exactly?” Kagome asked, returning her attention to the Shinigami.
“We're here to bring your group back to Soul Society. We need to formulate, and your group comes into the plans now, as per the Spirit King's orders,” Soi Fon said with a scowl.
Kagome couldn't help notice all the times they'd said her group, not their group, and she was beginning to get a very bad creeping sensation.
“Well, let's get going, then,” Hiei said as he rose. “I'll go get Yusuke.”
“Can I assume that going to your home will not cause us any trouble?” Kurama asked, also standing.
“I don't care what you all do. Just do it out of my house,” Genkai grouched.
“We're going, we're going… We still need to work on some things when I get back,” Kagome sighed, rising as well. “I'm just going to go put Tsuki in her bed for the night.”
And she was gone in a flash, Hiei vanishing almost as quickly.
“So, what kind of youkai are you?” Kagura asked, eyeing Kurama skeptically. “I can't sense any youki.”
“But that's the trick, isn't it?” Soi Fon asked, openly glaring at the redhead.
“I take it you're not a fan of youkai, Miss Soi Fon?” Kurama mused.
“Until yesterday, we believed all of you were dead, and that's the founding of Soul Society. So no, I'm not a fan of your kind,” Soi Fon growled.
“But you'll deal with it, because we've got bigger issues right now,” Kagome said, making the stoic captain jump at her sudden appearance. “Besides, I thought Rin and Sesshomaru have proven that simply being a youkai isn't a bad thing.”
“Damnit! Lady Yoruichi's taught you too much,” Soi Fon growled, glaring at the smirking miko.
“Maybe… Shall we go?” Kagome asked, a Senkaimon appearing behind her.
“Damnit, why couldn't thisa' waited til' tomorrow? Keiko and I were just in the middle of somethin',” Yusuke's voice growled, preceding his entrance into the room.
“Yeah, I'm sure she'll take it out of your hide later, but we've got doomsday things to worry about right now,” Kagome sighed. “So just get through the gate, Yusuke.”
“Don't think I'll forget this when we're training later,” the Spirit Detective growled before jumping through the portal, an amused Hiei close behind.
Slowly, the Shinigami went through as well, until only Kurama and Kagome were left, leaving together.
As soon as they came out, they found themselves in a room full of surprisingly negative emotions.
“Hello, Captain Higurashi,” Yamamoto's grizzled voice bellowed, bringing their attention to the old man at the front of the assembled.
“Hello, Head-Captain Yamamoto. So, this is a war council, then?”
“Exactly right,” Urahara said, smiling.
“Let's begin,” Yamamoto growled, glaring at Kagome's companions.
“Who's the old guy?” Yusuke asked Kagome, a little too loudly.
Eyes wide, Kagome smacked him upside the head, practically hissing at him.
“Show some respect for once, Yusuke!”
“Moving on, we need to figure out how to break up our forces,” Urahara sighed.
“Well, that shouldn't be too hard. Aizen's a smart tactician, but he is kind of…” Kagome trailed off, struggling for an appropriate word.
“Predictable?” Yoruichi quipped.
“Yes. He's a megalomaniac with delusions of world domination and grandeur. After last time, I'd be very surprised if he didn't try to build up his forces as much as possible.”
“Yeah, we figured the same thing.”
“Since you know about youkai and the Makai, I'm sure you're all aware of the barrier keeping higher level youkai from escaping into the human world. I'm almost positive that the first course of action he'll take is to break that barrier and try to wreak as much havoc as possible in the Ningenkai.”
“A barrier? No, we didn't know anything about that,” Urahara mused. “So, what's it take to break this barrier?”
“Not a lot,” Hiei sighed.
“It's strong, but it was broken before,” Kurama added.
“And I'm sure that Aizen can break it again. He's had the Hogyoku this entire time. If he's going to use its immense power, it'll be now,” Kagome said quietly.
“So, we know the agenda. How're we going to work this?”
“Got any suggestions, Kagome?” Yoruichi asked, eyeing the miko as all stares turned to her.
“Yeah. I've actually been trained by a tactician, so I can probably come up with a decent plan. We need to do the same as last time. Set both offensive and defensive parties. While the Reikai and Soul Society aren't necessarily in danger, there's no way we should take that chance, in case he assumed we would. So we should split the 13 Squads into protection of here and the Reikai. While doing that, Yoruichi and Urahara will run the defense for the Ningenkai, with the Vizards' help. Yusuke can probably help, as well. Meanwhile, Kurama, Hiei, Captains Kuchiki and Zaraki, their lieutenants, and I should run the Makai party, and take down Aizen and any budding army he's got.”
“Well, that is a good strategy,” Urahara commended.
“Of course, you forgot this Sesshomaru,” Sesshomaru added, glaring.
“I didn't forget. It'd be better if you were here, though. We need to split our forces at least somewhat evenly in power,” Kagome replied.
“This sounds like a good plan,” Ukitake said, standing tall.
“All Captains in opposition, say so,” Yamamoto growled out.
After several moments of silence, Yamamoto's cane hit the ground, the bang resounding in the large room.
“It is decided. In six days' time, we will launch an all-out assault on Aizen, his forces, and any youkai, Hollow, or Arrancar that gets in our way!”
With that, the Spirit Detectives vanished from the room, Kagome's expression grim as she left for possibly the last time…
Well, there's the newest chapter. Sorry I didn't have the chance to update at my usual rate, but I've been a little distracted this weekend. Either way, hope you enjoyed. As always, be sure to comment, be your thoughts good or bad. See you next time