Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild violence, Angst
Kagome stepped out of the Senkaimon, her entire being somehow drained from the meeting.
“You're not getting away that easily, Kagome,” a voice growled behind her, bringing her attention to Kagura, Sesshomaru close behind.
“Okay, then. Come on, we'll talk in my room. We'll get to training in a bit,” she added to Kurama and Hiei.
As soon as the three entered Kagome's room, she gently lifted Tsuki, caressing her soft, velvety hair as all signs of stress vanished from her body.
“Okay, so fire at will.”
“You have a daughter. Which means you were pregnant the last time we saw you. And you didn't say anything,” Kagura growled.
“You're right… I tried to hide it from everyone until I told Uryuu. But now everyone knows, including Aizen.”
“So, where is the boy?” Kagura asked, looking around expectantly.
“I don't know,” Kagome said with a shrug.
“Well… it turns out he was cheating on me pretty much from the start. The bastard can rot in Hell for all I care,” Kagome said, not looking up from Tsuki.
“Really? Wow, and I thought that he was a smarter human than that from the times I met him,” Kagura mused.
“Yeah, well… There's the reason I didn't tell you guys. And I'm sorry about it, really.”
“Well, in light of that, it's fine. So, these new friends of yours are interesting.”
“Indeed. That red-haired one has a familiar scent to this Sesshomaru,” the taiyoukai said, staring at Kagome.
“Yes. He smells of a fox I was previously acquainted with. Before our paths ever crossed.”
“A fo… You can smell Youko in him?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“Ah, so it is Youko, then. Even this Sesshomaru has to admit that his disguise is quite clever. Even by kitsune standards.”
“It's… not a disguise,” Kagome said, wondering how much of Kurama's story was okay to share.
“Indeed. Youko was dying, and bonded himself to my soul when I was being born to survive,” Kurama said, making an entry.
“That's a convenient trick,” Kagura mused.
“I suppose so. Alas, I interrupted this meeting for a reason,” the avatar sighed. “The others believe that the one to tell you our theory of Tsuki's bizarre, albeit it beautiful, appearance should be one you most likely won't lash out at. And, of course-”
“You're the volunteer,” Kagome said, sitting straighter. “Why do I suddenly feel afraid?”
“It would be an accurate assumption. Of course, we could be wrong, but given the interest in her by all parties, it is the most likely explanation.”
“We should probably not be here for this,” Kagura said, rising. “Let's go see what kind of trouble Rin's getting into.”
“Indeed,” Sesshomaru said, following her closely.
“Okay… So hit me with it,” Kagome said as Kurama sat beside her on her bed, refusing to meet her eyes.
“I'll warn you, I believe you will not like the theory. But it would be uncouth not to tell you.”
“Get on with it, Kurama. You're really making me nervous,” Kagome said, her heart beating triple its normal rate.
“We believe that the color of Tsuki's hair and eyes, and even her pale skin, are a result of the absolute purity in her blood. I'm sure you've noticed the great power already inside of her… She was born of the blood of youkai, Shinigami, humans, mikos, and Quincy. All of that power, filtered with such purity through the blood of the Shikon no Tama's protector-”
“Stop,” Kagome said, eyes wide. “If you're going to say what I think you're going to, just don't. I've already considered it… Let me be ignorant,” she practically begged, staring at her now-sleeping daughter.
Kurama stared at the wall, a strange glow to his eyes.
“It's not my intention to instill fear. Neither Youko nor I will forgive ourselves for this, I'm sure. But, if Tsuki is, indeed, a living being with the same power and purity of-”
“I've already thought about it. Don't say it,” Kagome begged, tears running from her eyes. “Please, Kurama.”
“-the Shikon no Tama, and we ignore this fact, then every creature of darkness and evil in creation will come running and hunting, and you will be unprepared,” he continued, the sad glow to his eyes getting worse.
Kagome's eyes closed, her shoulders sagging in defeat.
“Goddamnit, Kurama!” she screamed, her free hand clenching the bed beneath her until the fabric began to rip apart. “Do you know what kind of hell that jewel caused!?”
“Yes… I'm truly sorry, but it's the only logical explanation,” Kurama said, glaring a hole in the floor.
“Why me? Why my daughter? Why did whoever manipulates our puppet strings decide it'd be fun to torment such a pure, beautiful creature!? Is all the pain and agony I've gone through not enough for her to live a happy life!? Wasn't the blood and horror enough payment for this pure creature?”
Slowly, Kagome's body began to shake heavily with sobs, silvery tears running burning trails down her face.
“I don't know. And I am sorry, Kagome. Nobody deserves the hand Fate has dealt you or Tsuki, but I will swear on my life that as long as this body draws breath, I won't allow any harm, be it from humans or youkai, to befall her,” Kurama stated, staring into her wide eyes.
“I can't ask you to put your life on the line for me, Kurama. I've had enough people die because of me,” she said, eyes downcast.
A sudden warmth engulfed her free hand, and slowly, her eyes rise, widening at the realization that Kurama was getting closer…
And closer…
And then, Kagome's eyes widened in shock as he leaned in, slowly, her body responding automatically to close the distance.
Her eyes, still flooded with tears, closed as their lips met, her breath leaving her. After a small eternity, he leaned away, eyes wide.
“I am sorry. That was inappropriate.”
“Ye… Yeah… Would you mind if I get some sleep and mull this all over, Kurama?” Kagome asked, her face a bright mask of red.
“I shall be going, then,” he said, getting up to make a hasty retreat before doing any more damage.
“And Kurama?” she suddenly asked just as he reached the door.
“Yes?” he asked, stopped by her strange tone.
“Thank you… For everything. And I mean that with all of my being,” Kagome said, gently swaying a peacefully sleeping Tsuki.
With a nod, the avatar disappeared, Kagome's heart and mind in a screaming deathmatch that lasted well into the night…
Well, there's the newest chapter! The entirety of Kagome's stay at Genkai's up to the war originally going to be one long chapter, but I decided to cut it into several smaller sections so it didn't take up a massive amount of time to load. From the plot I've written out, I'm still good for a lot more chapters, and this will be the longest story I've ever written without planning on publishing!
Anyways, hope you're enjoying, and hope that I'm doing well building up the suspense and drama without pulling random, sudden plot twists. As always, be sure to leave your thoughts, be they positive or not, as critiques are just slightly less important to me than writing stories for others to thoroughly enjoy! See you next time!