Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence, Strong Language
Second Chances
Kagome walked down the street, lost in thought as Tsuki let out continual squeals of delight.
“It would seem she enjoys Tokyo,” Kurama mused from beside her, a gentle smile on his face.
“Yeah. Hopefully, it will still be here when this is all through,” Kagome sighed.
“I believe it will all work out. These past few days, your power has done nothing but build to ever higher levels.”
“Yeah, and now I even know my limits again. Which, in five days, is impressive. But still, tomorrow's the attack, and I'm a little nervous,” she said, still refusing to make eye contact with Kurama since `The Incident.'
“Yes, well, so long as Aizen fails to persuade any A- or S-Class youkai, it will be little challenge to quell this war.”
“I guess… But I'm still concerned. I don't know why. You'd think with all this power I'd be thinking I'm invincible, but instead, all I can think about is what if I screw up,” Kagome sighed, glaring at the ground as they walked.
Just as Kurama was about to respond, their youkai-sensitive hearing picked up a small scream in the alley they'd just passed and, with a single look, they moved as one back to the opening.
Much to their surprise, they found a small girl, not possibly over 8 or 9, running and screaming her head off, a small group of much older men giving chase, weapons clear and in plain sight in their hands.
Kagome's already powerful maternal instincts kicked in, and she quickly stepped up, putting herself between the thugs and the girl, who clung for dear life to her leg.
“Do we have a problem?” Kagome asked, trying to look menacing with a squealing baby girl in her left arm and a hand protectively on the small girl behind her with her right.
“Outta' the way, bitch,” one of them snarled.
“She stole my wallet,” another added.
Kagome simply stared at their weapons skeptically as they advanced, her hand twitching to reach for her Zanpakuto out of instinct.
“I'd advise you turn around and leave, gentlemen,” Kurama stated, moving to Kagome's side.
And, despite his effeminate appearances and small build, the cold, steel-like look in his eyes made three of the five thugs stop dead in their tracks.
The other two, however, ignored it, their small black guns giving them false senses of security.
“Just give us the girl, and ya can both be on yer way,” one of them sneered.
“Yeah. We wouldn't want mommy there to accidentally get hurt. Who knows what could happen? My finger's been itchy all day,” the other added, his gun raised and aiming straight for Kagome's head.
Except he had clearly never handled a gun before, as it was shaking violently. Which put Tsuki directly in danger, and Kagome let out an inhuman snarl at the thought.
Before she could move, however, Kurama disappeared. She watched with the same shock as the thugs as the avatar reappeared halfway across the alley, his fist already heading for the thug's face.
The man let out a squawk of surprise as his body was flung like a ragdoll backwards the second Kurama's fist made contact with his face. He fell limply to the ground, face heavily bleeding as the brick wall he'd hit cracked around him.
“Son of a-”
Before the other thug could think to even raise his weapon, Kurama was again already in motion. With the grace of a professional dancer, the avatar spun on one foot, his other connecting solidly with the thug's chest with an audible snapping and crunching sound.
“Normally, I prefer more sophisticated methods, but it can't be helped. Take your friends and leave while you still have your lives,” Kurama said, turning to the others.
Their eyes widened in horror at the pure, horrific agony the look in his eyes promised, and they hastily dropped their makeshift weapons, turning tail and running and screaming.
Slowly, Kurama turned to find Kagome staring at him with shock-widened eyes, gaping openly.
“My apologies. Perhaps Yusuke has rubbed off on me more than I had thought,” he said, staring in wonder at the blood that colored his knuckles.
“That was… unexpected,” Kagome said after regaining her ability to speak.
“Thank you, mister! And you too, ma'am,” the little girl said, releasing her hold on Kagome's leg.
“Oh, it's okay, sweety,” Kagome said, bending down before the girl as Kurama moved back to her side.
“Those were bad men. I was on my way home from school when they suddenly started chasing me,” the girl said, eyes wide.
“I see… Well, it's okay, now. The bad men can't hurt you. So, how about we walk you home, just in case?” she asked, smiling softly.
“Okay! I'm sure mommy's worried cuz' I'm so late.”
“Well, let's go then, shall we?” Kagome asked, standing and offering the girl her hand.
With a small smile, Kurama joined her and they walked through the streets, Tsuki back to enjoying the sights.
“Is that your baby?” the girl asked in wonder, staring up at Tsuki.
“Yep. Her name's Tsuki Higurashi,” Kagome said, her smile brighter.
“She's so pretty! I wish my hair was like that! It looks like the big thing at night,” the girl said in awe.
The three made their way to the girl's home, the girls making conversation as they walked. More than once, Kagome spied Kurama staring openly at her, a very bizarre light to his eyes, though she tried to ignore it.
Finally, they reached the small building, and the girl quickly knocked on the door, a young woman appearing at the door with a worried frown on her face.
“Tebiki, where have you been!?” the woman squealed in distress, throwing the door open and wrapping the girl in her arms.
“I got chased by some bad men. But Kagome and her boyfriend saved me!” the girl, Tebiki, sighed. “Sorry for being so late.”
At that, the woman rose, staring at a heavily blushing Kagome and Kurama.
“Bless you! Thank you!”
“It was no trouble, I assure you,” Kurama said, smiling softly.
“We were glad to help,” Kagome added. “We were just wandering around, enjoying the day, anyways.”
“Well, thank you both very much, anyways… Come on, Tebiki, let's get you something to eat,” she said before disappearing inside with the girl closely behind.
After the door closed, Kagome sighed, smiling up at the sky.
“Well, today was more eventful than I expected it would be.”
Slowly, they began to walk away, the blushes still very obviously present.
“Thank you, Kurama.”
“What ever for?” the avatar asked, frowning in confusion.
“Everything… I know that you've been trying to talk with me this whole time, and I feel horrible for avoiding you. It's just… that kiss…”
“I am sorry for that,” he said, glaring at the ground.
“Don't be… I'm not,” Kagome said, blushing profusely. “But I've been seriously thinking this whole time. And I realize I've never truly thanked you, even though you went through all the trouble of helping me master that technique.”
“It's no trouble. I for one thoroughly enjoy spending any time with you,” he said, smirking as her face turned beet red.
“Th… Thanks, I guess… But, I'm not exactly comfortable anymore with my own mind, so hear me out and know I'll hurt you if you laugh.”
Kurama raised his hands in placation, his brows furrowed in curiosity.
“I… I'm really glad that I met you. And I realized, while I was thinking, that Youko was right all those months back.”
“He was? What was he correct about?” Kurama asked, confused.
“Before I started at Genkai's, Youko told me that not all men are scum… He was right. You just gave up your preferred finesse and subtlety, and became involved in an actual street brawl, to help a little girl you didn't know. And there are all the times you calmed me down after the stress of hormones and training got me going into outbursts. And there are a million more examples of how you've more than proved Youko right.”
“I see…”
“You also said that you'd be waiting… when I decided I was over my past trauma and heartache…”
“Yes, I recall him saying something along those lines,” Kurama mused.
“Was that just Youko, or you too?” Kagome asked, suddenly meeting his eyes with an incredibly intense stare.
“In truth, we were in agreement on that, though I would never be blunt enough to put anyone in such an awkward position,” Kurama grumbled at the end.
“I see… I… If we…”
Sighing, Kagome stopped walking, leaning against the nearby building, her eyes downcast as she collected her thoughts. Finally, her eyes rose and met his once more.
“If we live through the next day, would you be willing to give us a try? I have a lot of emotional baggage, I know, but I've never felt so… complete… around another person.”
Kurama stared at her, eyes wide. And then, she further shocked him, despite how impossible that seemed.
Slowly, she pushed off the wall, and once again, their lips meeting in a soul-searing fire that filled their very beings.
Finally, she pulled away for air, pupils dilated and breathing erratic.
“I would certainly like to give it a go,” Kurama finally said, smiling as she gave a relieved sigh.
After that, the day breezed by, the two much closer than before. And, as the moon rose and the sun completed its dip below the horizon, they ended the night with yet another kiss, a sudden determination and certainty of their victory unlike anything Kagome had previously experienced filling her as she went to sleep, her slumbering mind filled with dreams of crimson hair and green eyes…
Tebiki- Guide (don't know why, just felt like giving the character that introduces Kurama's dark side a name)
I'm not very experienced, either personally or literarily, with romance, so I'm not sure how this scene turned out, but if you liked it, there's more coming down the road, and if not, the violence starts soon!
Thanks to all my readers, and I hope you have enjoyed, and will keep enjoying my work. See you next time!