Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Strong Language and violence
Kagome gently caressed Tsuki's hair one more time, her smile not reaching her eyes.
“Okay, baby. Mommy has to go save the universe. Be good for Auntie Yukina,” she cooed, smiling when the baby let out a high-pitched giggle in the ice maiden's arms.
“I'll keep her safe, I promise,” Yukina stated, gently caressing Tsuki.
“I know you will. After this, I think a trip to the spa is in order,” the miko sighed before turning to face her small group.
“Alright, let's get going,” Kagome said, a portal forming behind her. “Can I trust you won't try to kill Byakuya before this is over?” she added, glaring at Zaraki.
“We'll see,” he said with a broad smirk.
“Hehe! Kenny's gonna' have fun!” Yachiro exclaimed, hanging from his neck.
“We gotta' get goin' already,” Renji growled, Rukia in turn glaring at him.
“I'll lead the way,” Hiei stated, jumping into the portal. Quickly, the others followed, none of them seeming to notice that the miko and redhead linked hands before going together.
Kagome landed with a resounding thud, looking down to find the ground cracked all around her.
And, the second she touched down, she felt a very familiar youki rushing toward them, her Zanpakuto already in hand as she dove away from the others. Just in time, as it turned out, as a split second later, a massive wave of energy lanced through where she'd been standing, decimating the landscape.
“Oh, look, the hanyo,” Hiei said, drawing his blade.
Silently, Kurama turned, a massive, thorny whip sprouting as he went.
But neither got the chance to attack as they'd planned, Kagome appearing before them a second later, Shikai already swinging at the pissed-looking hanyo.
With his massive blade and sheer, brute strength, it would appear that Kagome would be at a disadvantage, but any such notion left all of her allies as she fought the hanyo.
“What the fuck!?” Inuyasha bellowed, backing away and losing his footing more rapidly.
With unbelievable speed and precision, the miko batted the hanyo further and further back, each of his swings offset by two of hers. It was disconcerting to realize the ease with which the tiny, previously timid miko beat back the mass of brute strength before her.
Finally, Inuyasha snarled, his arm bleeding from where she'd just dug both blades in before ripping outward. With an angry growl, he jumped high into the air, sword above his head.
“Kagome, watch out!” Rukia called, beginning to draw her Zanpakuto.
“Wind Scar!”
Much to the hanyo's surprise, when the dust cleared, Kagome was nowhere in sight. Which was explained mere seconds later as a sudden draft of wind hit his back, and he spun mid-air to find her blades coming down.
Unable to react, he hissed in pain as she smashed into him, rocketing them into the ground before spinning her blades and sending the Tetsusaiga flying.
“Goddamnit! What, no conversations? What happened? Didja' lose that annoying squawkbox in yer throat?” Inuyasha sneered, kicking upward.
Kagome landed just as the heavy, metallic scent of blood filled the air.
“Blades of Blood!”
Despite the possible danger in the attacks, Kagome actually seemed amused by the flying weapons. As the blades reached her, they cut through air, an afterimage vanishing from their path.
He reacted with a quick dive backwards, narrowly avoiding her dagger's deadly slash.
“Yer energetic, today, Kagome! Found a new puppet?” Inuyasha sneered, avoiding her barrage of slashes with increasing difficulty, despite his two-to-one advantage in weapons.
“What's wrong, Inuyasha? Can't kill me so easily this time?” Kagome asked, her tone extremely flat and uninterested-sounding.
Kagome dodged his claws, an actual sigh escaping her.
“We're wasting time here. Goodbye, Inuyasha,” she said, sweeping his foot from under him and following him down with her dagger poised for his heart.
And then, the sounds started. An unholy, horrific screeching and screaming that filled the air with promises of death and agony. Kagome fell to the side, caught off balance by the sudden pain, and the hanyo used the opportunity to get back up.
Kagome rose to find that the forest around them no longer existed, instead replaced with horrific nightmares in humanoid forms. Surrounding their group completely, human corpses oozing youki and the scent of death filled as far as the eye could see.
“Heh. Looks like Aizen's finally got his army mobile. Let's see what ya can do in 1-to-1 million odds, Kagome,” Inuyasha snarled.
Instantly, Kagome's dagger flared with energy, building into her two Shikai blades in seconds.
“There are a lot more here than one cemetery's worth,” Kagome said, backing up to her friends.
“More like an entire army of the dead. Looks like the prince was right, for once,” Hiei quipped, drawing his blade.
“What's wrong, Kagome? Weren't you just about to finish me?” Inuyasha mocked, glaring at her.
“In due time,” she growled.
She planted her right blade into the ground, power coursing through her entire arm.
The power continued to build until finally, she brought the blade up, sending a mass of dust and dirt into the air, covering a large portion of the army. And, as a result, putting a shadow over every single one of them.
Death throes filled the air as, faster than thought, the dust and dirt's shadow morphed, and shot billions of spikes downward. As the energy from her attack faded, there was an entire third of the `millions' of zombies left in tiny pieces.
The rest reacted as one, charging her from all sides. Acting quickly, Kagome left her friends, and the battle began from all sides. As her friends began cutting away at the distracted zombies' ranks, Kagome fought with all her might.
With just two daggers, she took down an incredible mass of their numbers, her entire body soon becoming drenched in their blood as she went.
Finally, the effort began to show, their sheer numbers, if not their unremarkable strength, beginning to take a toll on her energy.
Still, she was doing more than well enough against them on her own when she realized that she was, in fact, on her own. Sometime during her slaughter, youkai had shown up en masse. Powerful, high class youkai, and they were doing more than a good enough job keeping every one of her group's members busy, even Yachiro and Byakuya.
“What the hell're these things!? They won't die!” Renji growled, his sword glancing off the large humanoid youkai before him.
“They're low B-Class youkai. Try not to wet yourself,” Hiei stated, taking on his own opponent with considerably less difficulty as he slashed and hacked away at it.
“Heh! Yer all alone, Kagome,” Inuyasha hissed, sneering at her as even more youkai joined the battle, focusing on her with the very decreased ranks of zombies.
“Damnit,” Kagome snarled, fighting off two of her assailants at the same time, leaving herself open to several of the zombies' attacks that cut deep. “We don't have time for this shit!”
The attacking youkais' eyes widened as she jumped into the air, finger extended and pointing between them.
“Spirit Gun!”
The blast struck the ground, and the youkai and zombies released high-pitched screams and screeches as the force quickly tore them apart. And, once she landed, she realized the forest was, in fact, still there, but it had been covered by the sheer volume of distracting zombies.
Kagome sighed in relief as she landed, slowly turning to Inuyasha…
…who was glaring at her with unbelievable hatred, his fangs bared.
“Time to die, bitch!”
He launched, claws glinting in the light as they extended. He began slashing at her rapidly, scoring several deep gouges as she avoided.
“Hado 31, Shakkaho!” she yelled, jumping back as a fireball blasted at the hanyo.
In response, Inuyasha simply dodged, his claw coming dangerously close to her exposed throat.
“Heh! Is that all ya got!? All that fire seems to've left ya, bitch!”
Kagome ducked under his next attack, scoring a solid kick into his chest as she dove to the side.
“Hado 32, Okasen!”
The blast of energy hit him in the side, a loud grunt of pain falling from him as he shot through the air. Unfortunately, Kagome hadn't fully comprehended where she was pointing out, as she discovered the second he stood up, his face a mask of seething anger and the Tetsusaiga gleaming in his claw.
“Shit. Bankai!”
Power flared around her, her arm glowing with energy. As soon as the weapon was formed, her arm came up, power building rapidly.
“Stay down!” she snarled, loosing the mass of arrow-shaped energy.
It blasted toward the hanyo faster than her friends could comprehend. But, much to their collective surprise, the hanyo did react, swinging his youki-engulfed sword up to meet the attack.
Kagome's eyes widened as she realized her mistake, body instantly moving.
As the mass of angry, howling energy came at her, Kagome realized she'd made a truly stupid mistake indeed…
Okasen- Yellow Fire Flash
Well, there's the newest chapter! It's about to get truly gruesome and violent. Hope you enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy. As always. be sure to give me your thoughts, be they good or bad! See you next time.