Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Gore, Strong Language, and intense violence
Kagome's friends stared in shock as the mass of energy that had literally appeared from nowhere struck her. Blood filled the air in a heavy cloud as she fell backwards, having just barely `escaped' the attack.
She smashed hard into the ground, her body shaking as blood flowed freely from where her left arm had been.
Inuyasha let out a loud, cruel series of bellows, the tone sending chills zipping along Kagome's spine.
“Wow! Yer so damn slow, Kagome. Bet fighting with two swords's gonna' be hard, huh?”
There was a strange moment where everything suddenly quieted, the very sky above them darkening to an almost blood-red color. And then, Inuyasha's mirth died as Kagome stood, her movements slow and not unlike a puppet's.
And then, power erupted around her, like a literal volcano of energy. Smoke and ash rose around the miko and Inuyasha, along with her friends, watched in stunned awe as slowly, her left shoulder began bubbling and expanding. Before their eyes, her arm reconstructed itself, slowly, the process horrific and stomach-turning even to Hiei and Zaraki.
And then, the power grew even more, and her entire body suddenly sprouted a massive coating of white, armor-like flesh that quickly covered her every inch of exposed skin.
“What the fuck!?”
Slowly, `Kagome's' head rose up, bloody eyes glaring death at a chilled Inuyasha, as even Zaraki took an involuntary step away from the power coming from her new, Hollow body.
“What the hell is this?” Rukia gasped, her entire body shaking at the power.
“She ain't a normal Hollow,” Renji growled out, his body shaking as well.
Massive, black strikes of lightning arched from her body as she rose from her extremely crouched position, the energy setting a large portion of the surrounding forest ablaze.
Slowly, `Kagome' straightened her new body, standing at a full foot taller than previously. A long, curling scorpion-like tail slowly stretched out behind her bone-white body. Over her face was now a completely round mask, a fanged hole for a mouth and three long, upward-curving horns extending from the crown of her head. Pure, blood red eyes glared out at Inuyasha, her bankai wrapped around her unmarred left arm while her right hand held a long, curved black blade.
“What the fuck!? Yer a demon now? Oh, that's great,” Inuyasha said, laughing despite his obvious horror. “How'd a miko become what she's supposed to hate? You're certainly a bitch through and through, aintcha? Kikyo'd never have been so weak. How you beat her's beyond me,” he snarled.
Kurama began to move on the hanyo's distraction when, much to his shock, Kagome turned and pointed at him with a long, bony finger. His eyes widened as a barrier rose, barring him from coming closer.
Her extended arm then twisted, her finger now pointed at Inuyasha. His eyes widened as a massive, crackling ball of red and black lightning took form before each of her extended fingertips.
And then, the attack launched, a wave so devastating the ground wasn't even ash as the wave passed.
With a curse, Inuyasha brought his blade down at the attack.
The reversed attack grew into a massive, mountain-sized vortex of youki and fire.
Ha! You're dead, bitch!”
The attack hit Kagome at the same time a second blast launched forth, the new Cero double the size of the attack that hadn't even scratched Kagome.
He dove aside, a mushroom cloud rising from where her second blast hit the ground, a massive crater standing where the rest of the forest had been.
Slowly, he rose to his feet, body visibly shaking and eyes wide.
“What… the fuck was that?” he asked to himself, staring at Kagome with newfound fear. “Keh! Fuck that!”
He launched, the Tetsusaiga hefted over his shoulder. He began a manic barrage of slashes, attacking the Hollowfied youkai miko with reckless abandon, not knowing how to deal with his new emotion.
It quickly became obvious that he was absolutely no match for her new power.
Just as she brought her long blade up, almost tearing him in two, Kagome's body ignited in silver flames, burning a corona into the ground in her shape. When the present could once again see, they found Kagome standing, perfectly sane and without a trace of Hollow on her body.
“Sorry about that. I had to get some rest while my arm healed. Hope I didn't get too boring,” Kagome said as she began to calmly approach the bleeding and cursing hanyo.
“The fuck-”
With incredible ruthlessness, Kagome swept her right blade down, cleaving his arm off in a single, smooth motion.
Inuyasha let out a loud cry of pain as his arm fell off, Kagome catching the falling Tetsusaiga with her now-empty left hand.
Using the momentum of her swing, she spun, the thin fang flaring with power mid-spin.
Inuyasha stood no chance as she took his feet out from under him, the untransformed Tetsusaiga burying itself deep into his chest. But Kagome's ruthless streak was nowhere near done.
Her eyes flared blood-red and Inuyasha let out a genuine, high-pitched scream as his body ignited in a massive curtain of black flames.
Slowly, Kagome released her grip on the small blade, her palm flattening out in the air over his face as she drew her dagger and buried it into his remaining arm with the other hand.
Brilliant, flaring white energy engulfed his entire body, flowing from her palm and dagger.
“This is the end, Inuyasha. But before I purify you out of existence, you're going to answer two very important questions.”
“Fu… ck… you… bi… tch,” he snarled, gasping for air and coughing blood between sounds.
Kagome leaned down, her face a mask of deadly calmness.
“How are you alive? And, more importantly to me, why did you attack me so viciously, and kill my family, when I've never done a thing to you? Answer quickly. Your body's starting to shut down already,” she stated, eyeing him calmly…
Well, there's the newest chapter! I know the gore may have been a bit much, but this is a war, and what better way to start then with Kagome closing a loose end with an unbelievable assault? Hope you've enjoyed to now, and will continue enjoying! As always, leave your thoughts, be they good or negative. See you next time!