Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Gore, Strong Language, and violence
Inuyasha glared up at her, blood bubbling from his mouth as he clenched his teeth.
“I'm… not… tellin' you shit!” he coughed, his remaining claw remaining. “You killed Kikyo.”
“No I didn't,” Kagome stated, her tone still the eerie calmness.
Slowly, her friends gathered, though they gave her and the hanyo their space.
“Lying bitch,” he snarled, eyes hateful slits as he regained his ability to speak through the agony.
“I didn't kill her. But she was an evil, reanimated corpse, and she was working with Naraku, so I'm actually regretful that I wasn't the one to do it.”
“You're lying,” he hissed. “You were always jealous of Kikyo. How dare you slander her purity with your lies!”
“You're an idiot,” Kagome sighed. “But this is all besides the point. Get to telling me how you're alive, and I'll let you get on with your afterlife in Hell.”
“Tch. Bite me, bitch.”
“Wrong answer,” Kagome said, her tone suddenly Arctic as purifying energy leapt from her dagger.
He let out an agonized scream as his left arm turned to ash and she rose from him, palm still pointing down.
“This is cruel. Just tell me already,” Kagome said, her tone truly filled with pity and self-disgust as she spoke.
“Just… kill me,” Inuyasha gasped.
“I can't. If I do, then I'll have no idea what we're up against. Was it Aizen's buddy?”
“Y… Yes… All I know is his name's Kazuma,” he bit out between pained gasps.
“Why're you working with Aizen?”
“He killed Naraku,” the hanyo responded, his body beginning to shake and shudder violently.
“You're an idiot. I killed him, not Aizen. Aizen was Naraku's partner after he got here.”
The others began to close the gap between them, intending to urge Kagome onward after Aizen when she spoke next, stopping them in their tracks.
“Why'd you do it, Inuyasha? Why would you attack my innocent, harmless family?” she asked, a slight quiver to her voice.
“Ha! It was only fair. You took my love, so I took something important of yours!”
He let out a series of cruel, icy laughs before pain and coughing overtook him.
“You know, I only destroyed your house after reveling in taking the hags' lives. I couldn't find the brat so easily. But oh, the look on your face was worth the pain.”
Suddenly, Kagome's body went rigid, silver flames exploding into existence around her body.
“Yer getting' boring, Kagome. I've seen this trick already,” Inuyasha snarled, eyes wide.
The others saw it coming from the almost poisonous energy rolling off Kagome in sheets. She grabbed her dagger from the ground and viciously rammed it into Inuyasha's chest, right next to the still burning Tetsusaiga.
A pained scream left the hanyo with a spray of blood as a wall of silver energy enveloped him.
Spirit Reflection Blast!
A loud grunt of pain came through clenched teeth as slowly, the youki coursing through Inuyasha's body was siphoned away, draining into Kagome's open palm and engulfing her in a bright aura.
And then, yet another scream left him as white energy poured into him, every remaining ounce of youki in him being used to destroy itself by Kagome.
Slowly, his hair darkened and his body grew feebler by the second, his supernatural energy vanishing.
That done, Kagome drew her blades, leaving large, gaping wounds in his human torso.
“You deserve worse. You should suffer. Suffer for being just like Naraku, if not worse for destroying innocent people. But I've gotten my revenge, and you have nothing left in you. So it's over, Inuyasha. You can suffer for the rest of your very, very short remaining life in the Makai.”
“I've been cruel enough. With this, I'm officially done with you, Inuyasha. I'll never see you again, and you'll suffer for eternity in Hell for what you've done, right alongside your whore. So, I'll be going now. And I'll be taking this,” she added, hefting the Tetsusaiga as she pulled the sheath out of the ground beside him.
“Wait!” Inuyasha panted as Kagome began walking away.
“We should hurry,” she said to her group, ignoring the hanyo. “Sorry if I got a little wild.”
“Then let's hurry,” Hiei stated, beginning to walk as well, Kurama taking quickly to Kagome's side.
“Please! Kill me!” Inuyasha raged.
Without responding, Kagome slid her new blade into her belt loop, feeling its power humming and beginning to wrap her in its cocoon of energy.
“Goodbye, Inuyasha.”
With that, she took off, the youkai and Shinigami quickly following in her wake as she followed a faint trace of Aizen.
Well, there's the next chapter. I'd really like to hear what you, the readers, thought of how I handled this fight as well as Kagome's developing character and how you're enjoying my story so far. Hope you're enjoying and will keep doing so. See you next time!