Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Strong Language, Mild violence, Angst
“What in the hell was that!?” Renji growled as their pace slowed, Kagome's eyes flitting erratically around them.
“A pain in the ass,” Kagome sighed.
“You look pale,” Rukia said, staring at her.
“Well, I'd imagine I wouldn't look too cheerful. Even though I hate him, I really wish he'd just given up what he knew sooner, so I wouldn't have had to draw it out like that. Torture's definitely not my niche,” the miko sighed, her pace picking up as she picked up on Aizen's energy again.
“Not becoming of you at all,” Hiei agreed. “But then, this is war.”
“Not if I can help it,” Kagome growled. “If we get attacked by large numbers again, don't use the dragon. It's our ace in the hole in case whoever Aizen's friend is turns out to be more than we can handle.”
“Tch. I'm aware of that,” Hiei growled, glaring at her.
“Regardless, we're getting close. Will you be able to use that sword?” Kurama asked, a rose glowing in his hand.
“I took every ounce of energy I lost on that fight back… Of course, my transformation probably helped, too. You know, I don't know that I'm a fan being a guest in my own mind while my body moves of someone else's will, even if it was healing my arm.”
“You were conscious?” Rukia asked, eyes wide.
“Kind of. When his attack hit me, I went into shock from the sudden damage, and my Hollow just kind of… stepped in to heal me and keep me safe until I was able to fight again on my own.”
“An interesting ability,” Kurama mused, frowning thoughtfully.
“Yeah, I guess. I don't intend to do it, again, though… It was really creepy. He's close,” she said, body going tense as they existed the forest slowly, ready to pounce on Aizen…
Except Aizen was nowhere to be found. Instead, there stood a tall man, with black hair and a narrow, skull-like face, a torn Shinigami kimono covering his large frame. And behind him stood a gaping Garganta, surrounded by a barrier of golden energy.
“Hello, Kagome,” the man said, stepping forward as his Zanpakuto came out. “Hope you don't mind the rudeness, but I'm not stupid enough to let you take time and draw this out.”
With that, the man vanished, appearing just as Kagome brought her Shikai together in an X to block his strike.
“Aizen's through the portal. You guys try to break the barrier,” Kagome said as she pushed, lunging at the sliding Shinigami's form.
“Is that any way to greet your father?” the man asked, his face a mask of disappointment.
Suddenly, Kagome's momentum vanished, her foot giving beneath her and sending her sprawling in a desperate somersault to avoid the man.
“Come again?” she asked, getting back to her feet.
“Oh, don't tell me the fool didn't squawk like a parrot,” the man sighed. “I'm sure you were guessing at the truth.”
Kagome's grip tightened on her hilt, the others staring at the man in shock.
“So, you're really him… Kazuma Kuchiki… You died…”
“Well, that was a rather convincing play Aizen and I put on, I'll admit.”
Kazuma moved aside, batting Rukia's attack away like an irritating insect.
“Bakudo 99, Kin.”
Rukia let out a cry of pain as her body was suddenly wrapped and bound by tight, spiritual fabric.
“Bakudo 74, Jikiyamahan.”
The others were very surprised when a small, black pyramid of energy rose up around them, sealing their movements towards the portal, mere inches away.
“Regardless, small talk isn't really important right now. You really should hurry. We've already gathered quite a large army of B- and A-Class youkai, and our final phase is in motion.”
Kagome's eyes went to the portal, and a sudden shard of ice swept through her spine, her eyes wide and her heart beginning to race.
“Final phase?”
“Yes. Aizen's gone to retrieve the abomination. She'll actually have some use in her life, as a catalyst to increase our army's power. The fact that it will destroy the abomination is a bonus, as well. I can assure you, whoever is protecting your precious daughter won't be enough.”
Kagome stared unblinkingly at him, the others in various degrees of shock and anger.
“Hmm? Speak up,” Kazuma said, beginning to slowly tread towards her.
“How could you!? How could you so easily kill your own flesh and blood!?”
“It's simple,” he stated with a shrug. “I want the Spirit King dead, and the only way for me to break through and do that is to use the jewel. I'll admit, I am sorry that I didn't correct my mistakes. I should've killed the monstrosities I myself created… But I'll fix this problem now,” he stated, power flaring along the edge of his Zanpakuto.
“How did you fake the death?” Kagome asked, backing up.
“Now's not the time for questions. Rather, it's time for death to take his claim!”
Kazuma launched forward, his sword singing through the air as it traveled towards her throat.
She in turn dove away, connecting her knee with his chest as she passed.
With an almost Olympic acrobatic display, Kagome flipped through the air, coming to a stop with her swords stuck through Kazuma's barrier. Seconds later, there was a loud cracking noise, and the Kido shattered.
“Aizen's not here. We need to go,” Kagome said, striding towards the portal.
Seconds before she reached it, a large barrier built around it, the energies in it bursting outward as she dove away.
“Won't be that easy. It's been 16 years since we last saw each other, after all,” Kazuma chided.
“Kurama, Hiei, can you break it?” Kagome hissed, glaring at her father as Byakuya and Renji began valiant efforts to free Rukia from her prison.
“Tch. Of course, but we'll need some time,” Hiei said, drawing his sword.
“Will you need assistance?” Kurama asked, a concerned light to his eyes.
“No, I think I can handle it,” Kagome stated, power building along her frame.
“Oh? You think you can handle me?” Kazuma asked with amusement. “Well, let's see, shall we?”
Kagome launched into the air, away from her friends as Kazuma began to attack with a fast barrage of ruthless strikes meant for one-strike deaths.
“You know, Aizen and I were friends from youth, in the Soul Society. Aizen even helped me fake my death so I could escape that pitiful human that had outlived her usefulness,” Kazuma stated conversationally, obviously intending to distract Kagome.
“For what purpose? Why not just disappear?” Kagome grunted, blocking his next attack as her energy began to build more and more rapidly.
“Because that wouldn't be adequate. The Shinigami discovered my location, and I had to get them off me. So, Aizen faked my death with his illusions, and I made a very look-alike corpse of myself, so that I could gain information without the Soul Society noticing.”
“Why are you telling me all this?”
“Because you won't live through this,” he said with a shrug. “Admittedly, I'm not too thrilled by Sosuke's impatience. Had we waited the few weeks until June, we could've simply won the Makai and all its forces when we won the tournament and became the demon king… But, it's all unimportant, now. Hado 91, Senju Koten Taiho.”
Kagome's eyes widened, spinning and building a wall of youki around herself as the spears of energy shot. It wasn't strong enough to withstand the power, but it gave her enough time to dodge, just narrowly avoiding the resulting explosion.
“My, my, you are a fast one. I think the best part of this all has been the confusion and glorious anger. Especially when you saw the hanyo, alive and well again! It was so fantastic, I couldn't have written it better if I'd tried,” Kazuma sighed. “My darling Asakyohaku can instill life to people or beings with strong life forces. With Sosuke's ability for illusions and persuasion, it was a simple matter to bring the hanyo back and make him believe you slew his precious clay whore. Then, to put the icing on the cake, I'm the one that told him you would be helpless as a little puppy if you family were slaughtered, and it also fixed my little loose ends problem!”
Finally, his distraction worked, scoring a deep gash in Kagome's side.
She fell to the ground, not a sound leaving her.
“Have I finally struck a nerve?” Kazuma sneered.
Slowly, Kagome rose, her body flaring with an unholy corona of jet-black energy. Her head came up to reveal slitted, pure crimson eyes glaring at the man.
Slowly, her left arm came up, her Bankai wrapped around its length. Kazuma watched in shock as a mass of black and silver coalesced around her face. With the sound of a gunshot, the energy vanished, a pearl-white facemask covering from her nose to her chin, a depiction of fangs drawn in what looked like blood. Blood-red eyes glared at Kazuma, her Bankai coming up to bear. Around her, a twisting mass of youki built higher and higher by the second.
Suddenly, a hand gently wrapped around her left wrist.
“You must conserve your energy. The barrier is broken,” Kurama stated with a slight shake to his voice.
She ignored him, the power building even more.
And then, a blur of darkness passed before her, and Byakuya appeared, his eyes narrowed at her.
“We will handle the traitor. Your daughter is in danger,” he said, bringing up his blade as Rukia, now free, joined him.
At the reminder of her daughter, Kagome's crimson eyes widened, and she spun to the portal. Without a second more of delay, she took off, mask and Bankai still on as she disappeared into the Garganta.
After another second, Kurama, Hiei and the lieutenants joined her, Yachiro letting out a squeal of glee as she began falling…
(Jiki)(yama)(han)- Direct Mountain Seal (yes, it's another made-up Kido, but this one is actually based on Bakudo 73, which builds a pyramid-like barrier around the caster. I thought it would only make sense for there to be one that can go around an enemy or group of enemies)
Asakyohaku- Morning Star
Yes, the second mastermind is Kagome's supposedly dead father. I don't think I built it up enough, but I hope it still surprised at least a few people. Also, if you pay attention to my warnings and are wondering why I say strong language, it's what I use whenever I say either `fuck' or `whore' in the chapter. I don't use whore lightly, but when it comes down to it, that's what Kikyo is, in this story at least. As always, I hope you've enjoyed, and will give your thoughts, be they good or not. See you next time!