Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence, Language, ANGST
Shock to the System
Kagome landed at Genkai's temple, right under the Garganta. Her eyes widened at the sight of Vizards taking on hordes of B-Class youkai. Genkai was also there, taking on two youkai at once with almost comical ease, as if she was playing with them. Even more surprising was who else was there.
Also fighting the youkai was Uryuu, and a tall man with white hair behind him. And, across from them, Ichigo and a man who was clearly his father were also battling, slaughtering the youkai with ease.
As soon as she'd landed, youkai turned and immediately focused on her. Before they made much of a move, however, Zaraki and Hiei appeared, beginning to slaughter them without a single word to Kagome.
Using the distraction, Kagome took off, going after Aizen's energy…
But immediately, her eyes widened in abject terror as she realized what else was here. Or rather, what wasn't.
Immediately, Kagome went to the nearest person, pleading eyes focused on Uryuu.
“Where's the baby?”
Uryuu turned to her, eyes widening for a second before they narrowed, an icy chill crossing through his gaze.
“Well, you've certainly gotten less human in six months.”
“And you haven't gotten any stronger,” Kagome bit out. “Where is she?”
“Aizen took the brat, while we were all occupied by these things attacking us all. But don't worry, it was just some demon brat, anyway. Some freak of nature with albinoism without the red eyes. Aizen probably just took her for collateral against your new friends, whichever one she belongs too.”
Kagome's body began shaking, hair forming a cover over her tearing eyes. A loud roar brought her around, and the youkai that had been heading for Uryuu suddenly let out a scream as it ignited spontaneously in black flames, turning to ash instantly.
And then, Kagome turned back to Uryuu and, much to his surprise, her hand suddenly closed around his throat, eyes narrowed in raw hatred. Energy began rolling around her, his eyes beginning to dim as she rapidly began taking away his life.
“I'd advise you let my idiot son go,” the white-haired man said with a gravelly voice, a brightly glowing bow aimed at her head.
Before Kagome could respond, a loud yell filled the air, and a Shinigami suddenly appeared, swinging her Zanpakuto at Kagome with zeal.
Much to the Shinigami's surprise, however, the apparent youkai simply put her free, bare hand out and the woman went flying with no effort. Kagome then turned her attention back to the choking Uryuu, energy flaring in her hand.
Luckily, by this time Kurama had noticed Kagome throttling her ex-lover, and he gently applied pressure to her wrist, freeing the unconscious Quincy.
“What is it?”
Kagome simply stared at Uryuu, bloody tears leaving trails over her mask.
“This… piece of shit… let Aizen take Tsuki. His own daughter! Without so much as a fight!” she finished, sending a swift, bone-cracking kick into his side.
“Who exactly are you?” the white-haired man asked, glaring at her.
“I'm the mother of this bastard's child,” Kagome hissed.
“Really now? Well, that's certainly news. Not surprising the idiot would have a kid, though.”
“We never met, Mr. Ishida. I'm Kagome. I don't know how you feel about having grandchildren, but be assured that Uryuu will never see her again.”
“I would hope not,” he sighed. “So, you're a Shinigami?” he asked, taking in her energies and still-present Bankai and Hollow mask.
“I'm… not sure anymore,” Kagome admitted honestly.
“Well then, I think I can get along with you, Kagome,” he said, smirking. “But I'd imagine you're in a rush. Sorry I didn't protect her, but I got here a little late, because Isshin over there's always lazy,” he said, indicating Ichigo's father.
“I don't blame you… When he wakes up, tell him his neck's not snapped because I have to go save my daughter, and that if I ever see him again, I'll finish this next time. Kurama, I can't figure out where Aizen went. Can you?” she asked, turning back to the kitsune, her eyes still shedding red tears.
Before her eyes, Kurama's skin lightened, his hair lengthening and turning to the silver of moonlight. Eyes of molten gold focused on her, his nose twitching.
“Aizen's scent is close,” Youko said, eyes flitting to the sky.
With that, they took off, Youko putting a surprised Kagome on his back as he took flight on massive, demonic plant wings.
“Umm… I can keep up,” Kagome said with her metallic voice, a slight blush creeping onto her exposed face.
“I cannot ensure that I won't lose the trail. So putting our senses together is more advantageous,” Youko stated calmly, though she couldn't help noticing he was smirking.
Finally, they found a second Garganta, and Kagome's eyes narrowed.
“Aizen's ripping the fabric of the dimensions apart. This can't be good.”
“Indeed,” Youko murmured before they emerged on the other side of the Garganta.
They landed to find a person who looked vaguely like Aizen, but with charcoal-black skin and eyes the color of Hellfire. In his right hand was a long, curved scimitar of a Zanpakuto. In the other, Tsuki, wriggling around and sobbing uncontrollably.
Next to the man stood Kazuma, heavily bleeding and injured.
And on the ground across from them were Byakuya and Rukia, lying horrifically damaged and unconscious.
“You're too slow, bitch,” Aizen hissed. “Our army will be needing this battery now.”
As he began to turn, a strange light filled his Hellish eyes and a cruel sneer crossed his face as he turned back.
“Tell me, have you given any real thought to how your daughter became a living Shikon no Tama, when the real article was created by a powerful miko giving her life to defeat demons?”
Kagome, despite herself, shook her head.
“Not really important.”
At that, Kazuma's head tilted back, a chilling, mocking laughter escaping him. Seconds later, his mirth disappeared, and he too was sneering.
“Only one being could willingly change the genetics of a living being, shaping their destiny and making them into the Shikon no Tama. The actual jewel was created by a freak accident, after all. Can you guess who I'm referring to?”
Kagome's eyes narrowed, her focus solely on her crying baby.
And then, Kazuma dropped the other shoe, his sneer purely sadistic.
“I'm talking, of course, about the Spirit King Enma.”
Kagome's eyes widened, her entire body going cold…
What a twist! But I'm guessing that there are at least a few people reading who saw something along these lines coming. But is Kazuma serious, or is he lying? Keep reading to find out
Also, I'm not sure how well I handled the confrontation with Uryuu, and the introduction to his father, but I hope it came out well. I've always felt that, while Uryuu's father is cold as hell, almost killing his own son, he's only that way with Uryuu. And, with how I've portrayed Uryuu, it only follows that his father would show more humanity… I hope. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!