Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 33 ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: None
“I have a room you can use on the second floor, if you want to. And a room next door, as well, so you may share them as you like,” Yomi stated before disappearing into the castle.
“Wow… Not very social, that one,” Kagome mused, making Kurama laugh.
“Yes, well, he has his reasons… Shall we go see the state of where we'll be living until the tournament, then?”
With a nod, Kagome took off for the elaborate, grand staircase, Shippo and Kurama both matched in her leisurely pace.
When they found the rooms, it was obvious as they were the only two rooms not locked.
“He's kind of paranoid,” Kagome said with a frown.
“Well, he was a thief. Thieves are generally the most paranoid of society, as it's only natural.”
“I guess… This room's big enough for two people, so how do you want to do this? I'm sure Shippo wouldn't mind having a room to himself.”
“Why, Kagome, are you asking me to sleep with you?” Kurama asked, his tone and face so angelically innocent Kagome took a few seconds to ponder on it before smacking his arm.
“No, and I miss when you were less like Youko,” she growled, seething as a smirk crossed his lips.
“Well, it's only natural. While Youko and I are, in fact, two separate beings, we do share certain… tastes,” he stated, the sudden heat in his gaze making Kagome gulp and turn bright red.
“A… Anyways, Shippo, what do you think?” the miko asked, forcing her attention away from Kurama.
“This castle's so big! I think I'm gonna go exploring,” the kitsune enthused before vanishing in a small cloud of dust a second later.
Kagome blinked at where he'd been, eyes wide as she followed his trail.
“Man, your training's made him way faster than I thought,” she mused absentmindedly.
Kagome then turned and walked into the room, settling Tsuki gently on one of the large, ornate beds within.
“So… this is my new, temporary home, huh?” Kagome asked, looking around the room. “What's a youkai that lives alone need all this space for?”
“Well, there are others who live here. Mostly his previous chief advisor and his son, though. But keep in mind that he did have an army at one point.”
“Good point…”
“Are you alright?” Kurama asked, bringing Kagome's attention back to him.
“Yep, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?”
“Well… you're crying,” Kurama stated, making Kagome's eyes widen.
And, sure enough, she felt the telltale wetness on her skin, and quickly got to work scrubbing the tears off with vigor. When she was done, she looked up to find Kurama inches from her, a gentle warmth in his laser-like stare.
“I'm… fine. Really,” Kagome said, her body beginning to rock with small, ever-building tremors.
“No you aren't,” Kurama sighed, his arms gently curving around her shoulders.
With a small, almost inaudible hiccup, Kagome pitched forward, knocking them both onto the other, empty bed. She quickly buried her head in his chest as sobs began in earnest.
“I… I'm sorry… But… it's the adrenaline… It's finally fading,” she said between sobs.
“Just talk it through, like those hormonal outbursts at Genkai's,” Kurama stated, his entire manner of speech changing to warm, comforting tones.
“I… just realized my situation,” Kagome gasped. “I knew it, but with the need to run and live, I could ignore it… But now there's nothing holding it back! I've lost my family, my friends, my home, and my only available option is to fight in a tournament for youkai to protect my family. A tournament which I was told about by a bastard of a father who tried to kill me, which I might get killed during… And if I die, I'll end up leaving my children unprotected, which was the whole point of warning Enma in the first place.”
“There, there. Take heart, Kagome. While you may not win, there's less a chance of you dying than if you were to do anything else right now. And there are several youkai who would help you solely based on your purity and being friends with Yusuke.”
“Shh,” he whispered, gently pressing a finger to her lips. “I will promise you this, again. As long as this body draws breath, I will not allow you or your family to suffer, so long as I can stop it.”
Kagome's breath left her in a whoosh at the pure, warm tone in the usually stoic kitsune's voice.
“Tha… Thank you, Kurama.”
Before the avatar could respond, a shrill wailing filled the room, and Kagome's sorrow vanished in an instant, replaced by motherly instinct. Before Kurama could even blink, the miko was across the room, gently cooing and swaying the crying Tsuki.
“There, there, Tsuki. I promise you have no reason to be sad,” she cooed, planting a kiss on the quieting baby's forehead.
Simply amazing,” a deep voice mused, making Kurama give a start.
Instead of responding, the redhead simply nodded, a gentle smile on his face.
“I really wish I'd had more time,” Kagome sighed, bringing Kurama's attention back to her. “I didn't get a chance to grab all of Tsuki's supplies before leaving Genkai's.”
“I see… Well, that can be a problem. If you need something, you should make a list. I'll get it in the Ningenkai, as I'm very good at hiding when I wish not to be found.”
“Thank you, Kurama… And I'm sorry I endangered you, as well, with my stupid, unbelievably reckless plan.”
She gave a bitter little shrill of a laugh, glaring at the floor while simultaneously comforting her child with incredible warmth.
“I'm such an idiot… I attacked Enma, and openly threatened him. I should've taken my time, thought things out more. Now I've not only screwed myself and possibly my children, but even Yusuke, Genkai, and you…”
Kurama didn't say a word as she went back to relaxing Tsuki, who finally fell back asleep and was once again wrapped in the warmth of the light blanket over the bed.
“Yes, Kagome?” he asked, surprised by the sudden break in silence.
“Why… Why are you helping a pathetic wretch like me, when I've done nothing but cause you problems from the time we met?”
Kurama's eyes widened in shock, crossing the room and wrapping her once again in his arms in a second.
“Where did you get that idea?”
“All the chaos with the Hollows, Shinigami, and youkai started because I was an idiot. I should've kept my mouth shut. I shouldn't have mentioned seeing a youkai,” she growled to herself.
“I don't see it that way at all,” he stated, gently caressing her crossed arms.
“You're not at fault for the madness. Rather, if it weren't for you, the Shinigami would, in all likelihood, have died due to being unprepared for Aizen and Kazuma. You're not a plague, but a cure, Kagome,” he added, nuzzling her neck.
“You're too kind,” Kagome sighed, glaring at the floor.
“Perhaps, though I'm more a realist than anything… Now, you should get some rest. I believe depression isn't your style of choice, and you're not the type to let things keep you held down for long.”
At that, Kagome twisted around in his arms, putting their faces inches apart, a brilliant blush blossoming across her face.
“You're right, Kurama… Thank you.”
And then, she leaned forward, placing a nerve-awakening kiss on his lips. After several breathless seconds, she broke it off, panting for air as she fell backwards onto the bed, arms going automatically around Tsuki.
“I think I'll take you up on that sleep thing. I'm drained… Good night, Kurama.”
“Good night,” he stated, a hint of amusement in his tone that made Kagome blush even brighter as the world faded away…
Oh, things are getting interesting, ne? Hope you're enjoying, and will continue to enjoy. My break ends tomorrow, so my upload rate may not be as high as it's been the past week, but I'll still be sure to give you the future chapters as they're finished. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!