Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 32 ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: None
Temporary Peace
“So, what kind of place are we talking about? Some kind of secret, kitsune cave full of treasure or something?” Kagome asked curiously as they walked along the landscape.
“Nothing like that, I'm afraid,” he responded with an amused smirk. “I believe your view of the Makai is a bit… incorrect. It's not all barren landscape and forest.”
“I'm sure. Does that mean you have a home here?”
“Well, not in so many words. My home is in the Ningenkai, with my human mother. But Youko has quite a few locations he designated as `safe,' at least for a short time. One of them is rather close by, actually,” he stated, looking off into the distance. “We can reach there by nightfall, if we hurry.”
“Nightfall? I thought it was night,” Kagome said, glaring up at the dim red sky.
“No, this is about mid-afternoon, here in the Makai. So, shall we hurry? I'm afraid we won't be able to get much training today, but we do have three weeks.”
“Alright then. Do you want to run, Shippo?”
Alright!” he chimed happily, smiling.
“Then let us go,” Kurama said before he took off, Kagome and Shippo having no problem keeping up with his clearly inhuman pace.
“So what is this place we're going to?” Kagome asked, running at the redhead's side.
“A close friend lives in a youkai city that he built. I'm hoping he's returned from his hiatus training with his son and won't mind giving us some of his space.”
“Your friend built a city?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“Well, he had many followers to help. Of course, I haven't seen the city since Yusuke barged in and singlehandedly ended his power as a ruler of the Makai.”
“Wait! This friend of yours was a ruler of the Makai? One of the three who fought for centuries?”
“Well, yes, but I'm curious how you know of the rulers?”
“The same way I know about the tournament. My bastard of a father told me when he thought I'd be trapped in that bubble of his for all eternity,” Kagome growled.
“I see… He must have been very adept to hiding in the shadows to not be noticed by Enma, having that kind of information,” Kurama stated.
“I'm sure. He was good enough to have himself killed and even produced a fake corpse. I really wish someone had told me something. It would've saved me the surprise of finding out he faked his own death to get away from us and plot Enma's murder,” she sighed, her tone a tad bitter.
“You don't know anything of your father?”
“He was marked a traitor in the Soul Society. Even his name was taboo,” Kagome sighed. “But he's dead, so there's no point in dwelling on it.”
“Perhaps,” Kurama stated, eyes flitting to her for a second.
“Perhaps? You think my killing him's going to haunt me or something?”
“Killing someone you don't know tends to have less of an impact, but he was, technically, your father. And without knowing the circumstances as to why he was deemed a traitor, it's hard to guess as to what his real motivations were.”
“What're you talking about? He tried to use Tsuki to improve their army, and then tried to seal me away from the worlds in a barrier when it didn't work out. He was an evil, sadistic bastard, plain and simple. Can we get on another topic, please? He might not even be cold yet, and killing him once was enough.”
“Of course. But do keep it in mind. What would you like to talk about?”
“There's still some things I don't understand about this tournament. From what I heard, Yusuke's the one that started this tournament, and he fought to become the king. But why would he get involved in that at all, if he's meant to kill youkai? Even if he is a youkai himself?”
“Ah, that's a very interesting story. You see, there were the three rulers of the Makai, always fighting for control. The reason they fought was that one of them decided he no longer wanted to feed on humans, leading the Mazoku Raizen to begin to lose his strength over the decades. Raizen was Yusuke's father.”
“Whoa, hang on. So Yusuke's father was a centuries-old Mazoku? How's that work?”
“Well, he wasn't literally his father… Yusuke never mentions his human father, and I don't pry into those circumstances. But long down his lineage, there was a medicine woman who found a damaged and enraged Raizen, and the Mazoku fell in love with this woman who wasn't afraid of a youkai before the barrier was erected.”
“Wow. She must've been one hell of a strong medicine woman to stand up to a raging youkai in those times,” Kagome mused with a shudder.
“Yes. Eventually, they mated, though I, personally, didn't need nor wanted to know the circumstances of that… And the medicine woman gave birth. Supposedly, she gave birth to twins, but that's neither here nor there. From possibly one of her children came Yusuke's family. When he died a second time, after having gained incredible strength from his time as a Spirit Detective, Yusuke's Mazoku blood activated and he went to live with Raizen.”
“Wow… Don't know if you've ever had the pleasure, but I feel Yusuke's pain. Dying blows,” Kagome sighed.
“I would guess that when you became a Shinigami, you also activated your Mazoku blood,” Kurama mused. “Eventually, Raizen finally lost his war of attrition, and died. Immediately, Kagome traveled to another ruler's land and proposed the tournament, with Makuro and Hiei backing the decision. The tournament was then hosted, and Yusuke lost to a powerful, blind youkai who managed to beat him by a breath, his son's cry giving him strength. I don't know how it would turn out now, but it might be interesting to watch… We're almost there,” he stated, looking up as a large mass of buildings became apparent, a spire in the distance.
“So this is one of the youkai cities, huh? Pretty technological, isn't it?” she asked, disbelieving of how much like a modern city in the Ningenkai it was.
“Yes. It's certainly comfortable. But take heed, this is still a youkai village, and it can lead to some… unsavory elements.”
“Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully I won't have to find out.”
The rest of their run was short, their pace stopping abruptly before a large, elaborate castle.
“Wow… This guy took being a ruler seriously, huh?”
“I still do,” a deep voice said, making Kagome jump.
“Hello, Yomi,” Kurama said, trying to fight a smirk as the goat-youkai appeared.
“Good to see you again, Kurama. And who's this strange creature?” he asked, focusing his closed eyes on Kagome.
“This is… a close friend of mine, Kagome.”
“I see… She's not the average youkai, with all those mashed-up energies making up her body, is she? I take it you're here for the tournament?”
“Yes, I decided to give it another go.”
“I see… This is joyous news. So, let me be more direct. What are you?” Yomi asked, still focused on Kagome with a speculative quirk to his eyelids.
“Oh, this and that. I'm a lot of things mixed into one person,” she stated with a shrug. “I'm also here for the tournament.”
“I see… And given how closely your energies are twined, I'd say you two are quite close,” the goat-youkai stated, his head moving from Kagome to Kurama and back again.
“You… could say that,” Kagome stated, hoping that he really was blind to save her the dual embarrassment of this strange youkai seeing she was embarrassed.
“I see… Well then, can I take this visit to mean you're looking for a temporary and peaceful home until the tournament?” he asked, turning to Kurama.
“Indeed. Of course, I'd rather not impose, but-”
“You'd rather not live in a cave with children around,” Yomi guessed, again `looking' at Kagome.
Said miko gave a shudder at the feeling that this supposedly blind youkai really could see her, despite having his eyes closed.
“Well then, I'd be glad to let you stay until the tournament begins,” he stated with a broad smile…
There's the newest chapter for your reading enjoyment. I hope you're enjoying so far, and will continue enjoying. As always, leave your opinions, be they positive or negative. See you next time