Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 31 ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: None
New Journey
Kagome was staring at the sky, a far-off look in her eyes as the others got through the portal, Kurama going to her side in an instant. Kagome found, much to her surprise, Sesshomaru, Kagura and Yusuke with them as well.
“How'd you get here?” she asked, eyeing Yusuke.
“Ya left a whole bunch of gaping doorways,” Yusuke growled.
“I have to ask,” Koenma stated, staring at the miko. “Were you serious about fighting in the Makai tournament?”
Kagome returned her attention to the Prince, a smirk playing across her lips.
“Well, I can't go back to the Soul Society or Ningenkai, so the Makai's the only option left. And it's guaranteed that, once youkai find out that I, the Shikon no Tama's guardian miko, is here, they'll come running. So yes, I'm going to fight tooth and nail to become the ruler, to ensure the safety of my children,” she stated, taking the writhing Tsuki into her arms as her smile grew warmer on contact.
“That sounds very good, but there's more to it, isn't there?” he asked, frowning.
“I won't pretend otherwise,” she said with a shrug. “If I become ruler of the Makai, Enma won't be able to so easily kill me and my friends, because I'll be the other side of the fence, keeping the youkai he can't in line. It's not because of any ulterior motives beyond self-preservation. But with how many youkai I've fought, it might give me some insight that really could help.”
“This is all assuming that you win,” Hiei stated.
“Yeah, well, right now, I just need to focus on that. If I lose, then… well, it's not a pleasant thought,” the miko said with a shudder.
“You won't have it easy. Rest assured of that,” he responded, a cruel smirk curling his lips.
“I take it you'll be participating again as well?” Koenma asked, turning to Kurama.
“I wouldn't dream of missing out,” the redhead responded, eyes flitting to Kagome for a brief second.
“And, since it's my tournament, I'll have to join again, too,” Yusuke said with a brilliant smile. “I'll have to make sure Keiko's good with the kids for a few days, though,” he added as an afterthought.
“This tournament sounds intriguing,” Sesshomaru stated, bringing them all to the large inu taiyoukai.
“Well, you've got power. You can join, too, if you want,” Koenma sighed.
“Well, we can't exactly go back there,” Kagura stated with a sigh.
“But this place smells funny,” a young voice chirped, making Kagome jump as she discovered that, somehow, she'd missed Rin's presence with her parents.
“Sorry for making you guys lose your home,” Kagome sighed, slowly pulling the Tetsusaiga from her belt loop. “And here you go, Sesshomaru, just as promised.”
“Then the filth is dead?”
“Yes. The fang no longer has a rightful owner,” she stated, placing the sheathed blade in her hand for him to take.
“I wouldn't say that. It seems to have a liking for you,” he stated, staring at the blade. “Have you used it, then?”
Kagome's eyes slid to the ground, a sad gleam in her orbs.
“Yeah. I used the Wind Scar to blow Inuyasha apart from the inside out.”
Really? This Sesshomaru would much rather that fang be in a worthy hand than the filth's.”
“I'd say it's in good hands,” Kagura added, smirking.
“So, you're all going to be in the tournament, then?” Koenma asked.
“Well, I don't have the power I once did, and she might get carried away, so we'll probably be a spectator,” Kagura stated, patting Rin's head.
Aww! I wanted to play, too!” Rin complained, bringing a smirk to the ex-witch's lips.
“It's been a long time since this Sesshomaru faced a worthy opponent. Perhaps this will be a good opportunity. Perhaps I can even enjoy a rematch with that fox,” he added, eyeing Kurama.
“Perhaps,” said kitsune responded, unconsciously moving towards Kagome.
“So then, we'll all be in the tournament,” Kagome stated with obviously fake enthusiasm.
“I believe we should be taking our leave, then,” Kurama stated. “The tournament begins in three weeks time, though if you're in the Makai, I'm sure you'll keep hearing about it,” he added to Sesshomaru.
“We shall meet again then, Kagome. Fox,” the taiyoukai stated before he turned and took off, Rin hanging from his shoulders and Kagura clinging to his side.
“And you'd better keep yourself sharp, Kagome, so that it won't be boring when we meet,” Hiei added, disappearing in the next breath.
“I sincerely doubt that I'll be welcome back at dad's, especially since I don't disagree with what you did,” Koenma sighed. “I'll probably be one of the spectators, so be sure you're still alive then.”
“Ya need to crash at my place again?” Yusuke asked, smirking.
“I'd rather not, but I don't see any other options than to impose on you again,” the Prince sighed.
“Well then, we'll meet again, Yusuke,” Kurama said as he and Kagome took off, Shippo clinging to Kagome's side and Tsuki gently encircled in her arms.
“So, think you could give me some training until the tournament?” Kagome asked, eyeing the kitsune.
“With pleasure… But given the recent events, I would advise it wise to take a portion of the three weeks for rest,” Kurama stated.
“That would probably be a good idea,” Kagome conceded. “But I'd rather be able to use this sword comfortably, if Sesshomaru's entrusted me with it,” she added, the Tetsusaiga a comforting weight at her side.
“So, that's a youkai blade? I've actually never seen one before, believe it or not.”
“I can tell you the story, if you don't mind me talking to get my mind off of where my life is currently at,” the miko stated.
“It's called the Tetsusaiga… Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's father was a great dog taiyoukai, who used his fangs with the swordmaker Totosai to create two youkai blades. The Tetsusaiga and the Tenseiga, swords that were made respectively to take 100 youkai lives in a single strike and save 100 lives from the pallbearers of death.”
“From what Youko says, Sesshomaru's not the type to need a blade to save people,” Kurama stated with a frown.
“Well, he's not wrong. At least, not completely. He was injured on his first attempt to kill Inuyasha, soon after we'd begun looking for the jewel, and was tended to by a young human girl named Rin. Rin was then chased down and killed by demon wolves, and Sesshomaru used his sword for the first time to bring her back to life.”
“That was that girl with them?”
“Yep. She's such a precious little girl. Part of the wish I made to get rid of the Shikon was that she got to spend a long life, happily, as a demon with the youkai she'd come to know as her father. And then, Kagura met them in the Soul Society, and Rin was overjoyed at how she'd gone from being a miserable orphan to having a family, being happy.”
“I see… That sword at his side didn't appear to have an ability like what you're describing.”
“That wasn't the Tenseiga… I'm getting to that part. It was pretty far into my journey in the Feudal Era when Sesshomaru broke the other youkai sword he'd crafted fighting one of Naraku's minions, and Totosai quickly appeared to fix the Tenseiga. When he got it fixed, it became capable of ripping holes in the fabric of space. As it turns out, the Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga were originally the same blade, split by their father as he saw something far down the road. Inuyasha broke the Tenseiga and the Tetsusaiga gained its ability to open the Meidou, and Sesshomaru gained his own blade. That one at his side's called the Bakusaiga.”
“Quite a story. You really have been through a lot,” Kurama mused.
“You could say that… But this feels like a whole new journey's beginning. I also have to worry about the little fact that I don't have a place to reside in this world,” she sighed.
“I can probably arrange something,” Kurama stated with a mysterious smile…
Okay, so, there's the newest chapter. As you can guess, there will be plenty of character development coming up, so stay tuned! As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time