Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 30 ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence, Language, ANGST
Unholy Retribution
“Umm… What the hell's this about?” Kagome asked, staring at the swords.
“Kagome Higurashi, you are hereby stripped of your rank and authority, and are to be executed for the crime of treason,” Yamamoto growled, slamming his cane down with a resounding crack.
“What're you talking about?” Kagome asked, just as confused as the Spirit Detectives behind her.
“You made an attempt on the Spirit King's life,” Hitsuguya growled, his Zanpakuto beginning to glow.
“I didn't try to kill Enma,” Kagome said with a frown. “He'd be missing more than an arm if it had been meant as more than a warning,” Kagome stated absentmindedly, frowning.
There was a sharp, collective intake of breaths from the various Shinigami around her, various stares of disbelief and horror all focused on the miko.
Hitsuguya growled, along with several heavily cloaked Special Ops Shinigami. They launched at Kagome, power flaring around them as their intent to kill become instantly obvious.
“We really don't have to fight,” Kagome sighed, taking a step back as they charged. “And I don't think stepping in would be wise, either,” she added to the tensed Kurama and Hiei behind her.
The Shinigami were on her then, Zanpakutos rapidly coming from every angle for her head.
Everyone present watched as, with disturbing ease, Kagome fought back, knocking the ten Special Ops officers to unconsciousness without a weapon herself.
Kagome turned to find Hitsuguya flaring with power, the air drastically chilling around them.
“Kagome Higurashi, prepare to die!” he snarled.
Kagome simply sighed, staring at him with what looked unmistakably like amusement as a dragon of ice began to take form.
“Toshiro, I really don't think it's smart to do this,” Kagome stated, eyes wide. “We don't have to fight.”
“All traitors must be killed,” he growled out before launching at her. “Guncho Tsurara!”
Kagome dove to the side, the Spirit Detectives ducking as well on instinct. Which proved to be a good thing, as seconds later the air became littered with jagged, icy spears.
Kagome spun around, power flaring around her arms as Hitsuguya followed through.
“Hado 63, Raikoho!”
The Captain's eyes as a blast of lightning escaped Kagome's hand, smashing into his chest with incredible force and shattering his Bankai in a single strike.
He fell to the ground, twitching and writhing as arcs of electricity left him.
“Damnit, I warned you,” Kagome growled, her arms slowly lowering.
“Why the hell would you attack our king!?” Soi Fon asked, bringing Kagome's attention away from the Shinigami.
“Why'd I attack him? He had me under threat of death from the time we met. And even though Kazuma was a bastard, he wasn't lying… I have no loyalty to a so-called-god that would curse an innocent child with the power of an accursed item like the Shikon no Tama, simply so he could have a weapon at a later date,” Kagome stated, glaring at the ground.
“That has to be a lie,” Ukitake said from nearby.
“I wish. It'd have been better if I had been wrong. But he… King Enma openly admitted in our `meeting' that I was correct, right before he tried to kill me. I realize that, no matter how much I love all Shinigami and souls in the Soul Society, I don't belong here. I probably fit in better with those ruthless, cutthroat youkai in the Makai than any other living being. I can't serve a being, god or not, that's more cruel than any youkai I've ever met.”
“You can't leave here alive,” Komamura's voice growled out, bringing Kagome's attention to the massive, fox-like Captain.
“I… realize I can never show my face here again. I knew that coming here, though I didn't expect Enma to be so quick getting word through… It's sad, but it's also inevitable,” she stated, a quiver to her voice.
All gathered watched as she fought against her body's building tremors, blood-red tears slipping past her defenses.
Slowly, several Shinigami surrounded her, but her eyes were now focused on a truly heart-breaking scene. To the edge of the room stood Urahara, Yoruichi, and Momo, all giving her confused and almost painful stares.
“I… can't die. The entire reason for attacking Enma was that he put my children and loved ones in danger… I can't let you kill me, and it's as simple as that… In a single hour, I've mercilessly slaughtered my first love, thousands of youkai, and Shinigami alike, including my own father… Don't think that I'll take it lying down,” she said, hand going to the blade at her side. “I don't want to hurt any more of my friends tonight, but I'll blow this entire building down around us.”
“Well, you've suddenly got a flare for the dramatic,” Kagura stated, appearing with Sesshomaru at her side.
Kagome, despite herself, smirked. The others stared at her in shock, the absolute determination in her voice mixed with the obvious, reverberating pain and sorrow leaving a heavy impact on them.
Without another word, she turned away, a portal open before they even had the time to take their next breaths.
The Spirit Detectives, Koenma included, as well as Sesshomaru and Kagura quickly took off after her. When they came out, they found her striding to Genkai's house. Instantly, she was surrounded by Shippo, Ichigo, and the Vizards.
“So, yer back. What the hell happened?” Shinji asked, eyes flitting across the people behind Kagome.
Kagome simply lifted her head, revealing her bloody tears and painful, pseudo-smile.
“In an hour, my life's gone to shit,” Kagome said with a slightly manic laugh.
“Want to elaborate?” Lisa asked, her face furrowed in concern.
“I brutally destroyed my resurrected first love, and then I just left him in the Makai to die a slow, horrific death without his youki. I almost got killed getting my daughter back from Aizen. I killed my father, who wasn't actually dead. And, oh, this is the good part. I not only busted down King Enma's door, but I then proceeded to blow the left half of his body off,” Kagome blurted out, staring at the ground.
Slowly, she turned to her concerned son and brother, kneeling down in front of them.
“Things are really bad, guys. We don't have a home in the Soul Society anymore, and living in the human world could mean anyone I come near will die… So, we're going to the Makai.”
“The demon world?” Shippo asked with curiosity.
“Yes… I don't want to make your lives bad, guys, but it's dangerous.”
“Not for your brother,” Genkai stated, bringing Kagome back up.
“Come again?”
“It'd be more dangerous for Souta in the Makai, where the air is poisonous, as he doesn't even come close to mastering his powers yet. I can fix that, if you want.”
“You're saying you'd train him?” Kagome asked, eyes wide in surprise.
“What can I say? When some kid decides to use a spell he doesn't even understand to save my maid from a youkai, he grows on me fast,” the elder psychic said with a smirk.
Kagome looked down to find her brother blushing bright red, and she let out a little laugh that quickly broke her negative mood for a second.
“Go Souta! So… what do you want?” she asked seriously, staring at her brother.
“I want to go with you, sis! But… I don't want to be a hindrance,” he added, staring at Genkai. “So, if Miss Genkai will take me, I'll train my hardest, and then meet up with you!” he declared, puffing out his chest.
With a small nod, Kagome stood back up, her eyes brimming with red tears.
“Looks like I'm where you guys were to begin with,” Kagome said to Shinji, who smirked.
“Oh, hell no! We got turned into monsters. You tried to take out the great psycho in the sky himself,” Shinji quipped.
“Thanks for that,” she said with a smirk. “So… I guess this is goodbye. At least for now, Master Genkai,” Kagome said with a deep bow.
And then, another portal appeared where the previous one had closed, and she slowly went through it with possibly final farewells to her friends.
As she disappeared, they saw her give one long, painful-looking shudder before her body was no longer visible, Shippo also gone. The Spirit Detectives, as well as Kagura and Sesshomaru, quickly followed as well…
Guncho Tsurara- Icicle Flock (one of Daiguren Hyorinmaru's attacks)
Well, there's the newest chapter! I don't know which ones yet, but rest assured that there are at least a few Shinigami still on Kagome's side. As always, hope you've enjoyed, and will continue enjoying, and will leave your opinions, be they good or bad. See you next time