Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Strong Language, Violence, Gore, Angst
Hell's Wrath
Kagome stepped out of the Senkaimon, a pair of massive doors before her. And then, the doors were no more, blown inward as she strode through to find Enma, sitting on his throne and looking unimpressed.
“Have you come for congratulations on a job well done, then?” Enma asked condescendingly before snapping his fingers.
And then, a smack army of armed soldiers appeared, surrounding the silent miko…
Koenma stared at the debris of his father's doors, a frown on his face. And then, Kurama and Hiei appeared, and they looked none too happy.
“What in the hell is going on!?” Koenma growled. “Where'd you guys come from? There was an explosion before,” he added, glaring at the missing doors.
“That's a good question,” Hiei stated. “You seem to know the answer, Kurama.”
“That Shinigami told her Enma changed Tsuki's genetics to make a living Shikon no Tama for later use as a weapon,” Kurama said, glaring at the empty doorframe as Tsuki squirmed in his swaying arms.
With that, Koenma took off, running into the room with the youkai close behind. And they all stared in shock at the scene before them upon entry.
Kagome stood in the center of Enma's court, blood covering almost all of her body. Around her were more than 100 of Enma's soldiers, in various degrees of slaughter and death. And around the small miko's body, black fire wrapped like a snake trying to coil around its master.
“So, is it true?” she asked, staring at him.
“Is it true? Of course it's true. Why else would I allow you and that monstrosity live, beyond using you? But your purpose is over now, so I'll end this,” he stated, receiving a chorus of screeches from said baby, writhing in Kurama's gentle grip.
With a growl, Enma stepped off his throne, face contorted in anger. Power rapidly build in the air, a mass of attacks surrounding Kagome and waiting for the King to pull the trigger.
In response, Kagome's body flared with red energy and she let out a completely inhuman snarl that reverberated around the room.
“You know what, Enma?” Kagome stated, the snake around her getting more massive by the second. “You should've picked a weaker mortal to fuck with!”
And then, the power around her exploded, her right arm becoming engulfed in a mass of black flames while her right ignited in brilliant silver. And, to top off the intimidation factor, massive cracks of black electricity began arcing around her body, snapping with sounds like gunshots.
“You can't kill a god,” Enma sneered, his power still building.
“There's your other problem, you bastard. You should've picked someone who's afraid of dying!”
Enma's eyes widened as the flames took on decidedly alive, dragon-like forms.
“Dragon of the Darkness Flame!”
The black flames shot forward, engulfing the Spirit King before the shocked eyes of the Spirit Detectives.
“And here's the finisher! Spirit Crush!”
The silver flames launched forward then, the air darkening as it passed. And, very surprisingly, there wasn't a sound from within the explosion of the flames of purity and Hell themselves meeting. Her power flooded the room, shattering all before her.
When the smoke cleared, the Spirit Detectives were stunned to find the throne, as well as the entire side of the building behind it, nothing more than ash. Enma lay on the floor, writhing in agony, clutching where the ashes that used to be his left arm were. Blood coated the floor around him, his eyes wide in shock and pain.
“How do you like my new technique? It's a nice little trick I picked up mixing all of the pure energy in my body and the Spirit Wave,” Kagome stated, walking slowly toward him. “If you ever try to play with Tsuki's life, I swear I'll come back. And I don't care if you are a god; I'll slaughter you, without hesitation. I'll never let even a single more soul of someone important to me be tormented.”
“You won't live another night,” Enma snarled. “And I'll use that jewel with your blood to do it!”
“Maybe you're right. But I hear the Makai's having a tournament in a few weeks to pick the next ruler down there. And I'll be there,” she stated, making his eyes widen to saucers. “And when I win, I'll make sure that I keep the youkai that joined Aizen and my father on tight leashes. In return, you'll never do anything that will make me come back here, dead or alive, and slit your throat. You've brought the wrath of Hell's fury down on your own head by screwing with my family. Are we clear?” Kagome asked, her eyes a bright shade of silver.
“I won't allow you to leave here!” Enma snarled, standing up.
“You can't do anything to stop me,” Kagome sneered. “You're the one that shaped all this. You gave Kikyo the jewel. You reincarnated Kikyo in me. You didn't stop me from coming back from the dead, or becoming a Mazoku, or any other of the dozens of options you had to stop this. You shaped me into a monster, so a monster I'll be, if it means my loved ones don't get screwed with by you like I have.”
With that, she turned, and a Senkaimon opened. Quickly, she departed, the stunned Spirit Detectives quickly giving chase, following her through a series of gateways that she made just before they closed, as though she was letting them follow.
Finally, they came out of the newest portal to find Kagome in a room full of Shinigami, Byakuya and Rukia on her back.
“Aizen and Kazuma Kuchiki are dead. They need medical treatment immediately,” she stated to the room as a whole, giving her sort-of-brother and sister to Unohana when she appeared.
“Kazuma Kuchiki's been dead,” Yamamoto growled, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Yeah, turns out he hasn't,” Kagome sighed.
“Explain at once,” the old Captain stated with a booming voice.
“It turns out that Sosuke Aizen and Kazuma Kuchiki were friends from childhood. My so-called-father's death was a ploy set into motion years before the Vizard incident. Between Kazuma's ability to reanimate the dead and Aizen's ability to make illusions, it was easy to fake his death,” Kagome stated, sweeping her gaze across the room.
“How did Kazuma die this time, then, that you're sure he's dead?” Yamamoto asked.
“I hit him with an explosion, into his body. There was nothing left.”
Yamamoto remained silent for several seconds, and then his eyes narrowed.
“I see…”
And then, Kagome's eyes widened in shock as several Shinigami drew their blades, aiming right for her…
Dundundun! What's happening now, after Kagome literally just saved the world and threatened god (sort of)? Well, keep reading to find out!
I didn't realize how much of a badass I've made Kagome in this story until just this moment, and I hope you're all enjoying it. As always, I hope you've enjoyed and will continue to do so, and will leave your opinions, be they good or bad. Sorry the chapters of late have been so short, but I hope the content makes up for it. See you next time