Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 38 ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: None
“Refugees from wherever Shinigami live, hm? And how do you know my guest?” Yomi asked, his closed eyes still somehow getting across his suspicious glare.
“I'm… Sorry, I was a Shinigami,” Kagome stated, bringing his attention to her. “These two are my friends, confidantes, and mentors, and I would trust them with my life. If you're concerned that they're homicidal, youkai-slaying maniacs, I can assure you they're not. Now then… could you possibly elaborate on that refugee bit?” she asked, turning back to said Shinigami.
Urahara straightened, eyes glaring a hole in the table.
“When you left, the old man went ballistic,” he started.
“Yeah, I'm sure. Yamamoto's not exactly the forgiving type,” Kagome scoffed.
“Yeah, you're right about that. But I mean he's really pissed. He said that Ex-Captain Kagome Higurashi will be the last traitor to the Soul Society, and immediately began preparing an assault team to come and kill you.”
“Really? Wow, I didn't know I was so dangerous,” Kagome murmured.
“This is serious, Kagome. When they thought I'd turned Shinigami into Hollows, they were going to execute me. For you… Let's say that death would be the better option.”
At that, Kagome tensed slightly, meeting his darkened gaze.
“What, exactly, are they planning for me?”
“Well, with two botched executions in a row, they've upped their game. The old man says he's developed a special Bakudo just for you, that'll… you really don't want to know. Just trust me. You don't want to go back there any century soon.”
“I… see… And how'd you get that cut?” she asked, turning her attention to Yoruichi, who was obviously fighting not to pay attention to said wound.
“Well, since I'm not the most loyal Shinigami myself, it shouldn't surprise you that I'm your friend first and part of the Soul Society politics second. So, I tried to get some information out of Soi Fon, being the head of the Assassins Corps, and all.”
“Soi Fon attacked you?” Kagome asked, eyes wide in shock.
“Yeah… Much to my surprise, she realized it when I was trying to get her to slip some information about when or how they'll attack you while we were… otherwise occupied,” Yoruichi stated, eyes quickly flitting from Kurama to Yomi and back to Kagome. “Not surprisingly, she wanted to know why I would care when or how they'll attack `the traitor.' I told her that if you attacked Enma, there has to have been a good damn reason behind it,” she stated, eyes getting dimmer in anger.
“I did…”
“While we're on the subject, why did you attack the King?” Urahara asked, noticing Yomi's eyelids rise in surprise at what he was hearing.
“That… Would you believe me if I said I did it just because?” Kagome asked, almost sounding hopeful.
“No. I know you too well. Thankfully, there are some other Shinigami who agree with me, but they're…”
“A minority,” Yoruichi sighed. “If you'd rather not talk about it, that's fine. Let's get back to how we found ourselves running to a world full of creatures that, in all likeliness, would rather see us dead. When I told her that you had a good reason, Soi Fon got pissed. She accused me of cheating on her… with you… then called me a traitor and a conspirator, and attacked. I feel bad, but… I had no other choice then to stop her I got away, but only after she gave me this,” she said, raising her arm, “as a parting gift with her Zanpakuto.”
“Oh, I'm so sorry, Yoruichi. Looks like I screwed up yet more peoples' lives,” Kagome sighed, letting her energy out in calming waves, hoping that she'd picked the trick up from Kurama well enough.
“If you'll all excuse me, I believe that these are personal matters. We'll talk more later, Kagome. Kurama.”
With that, Yomi rose and left, and Urahara continued on without missing a beat.
“Meanwhile, I was in the medical tent, helping Retsu out with Hitsuguya. Seems electricity and ice don't mix well,” he added, smirking. “You know, he's pissed at you royally, for that. It doesn't even look like he's pissed about you being a supposed traitor, just that you took him and his Bankai down with one shot.”
“I had no choice. I didn't want to paralyze him,” Kagome said defensively.
“I know that. Don't think it really matters to him, though. While we were working on him, I absentmindedly mentioned that it's clear you could've killed every one of the Shinigami who attacked you if you'd wanted, and that alone should make it obvious that you're not another Aizen in the making.”
“Let me guess. Unohana attacked you for it,” Kagome mused.
“Actually, no, she agreed with me,” Urahara stated with a smirk, her eyes widening in surprise. “It was Hitsuguya that attacked. Right after we'd finally healed him, too. Naturally, I'm too brilliant to be hurt by an angry, pint-sized, juvenile Captain like him, so I got away without a scratch… And I found Yoruichi, bleeding, heading for a Senkaimon as I left. I wasn't sticking around to see what was about to happen,” he finished.
“We left together, and went to that old psychic's. Actually, there were a few other people there, thinking you'd maybe be staying there.”
“Really? Please tell me that Genkai and Souta are safe,” Kagome sighed, weariness creeping into her tone.
“Oh, yeah, they're fine. Lisa and Ryuken were there, asking if you were around.”
“Ryuken? Uryuu's dad?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“Yeah. Seems that he completely disagrees with what Uryuu did.”
“Yeah, when I met him, that's how it came off to me, too,” Kagome said with a nod. “Why were they looking for me? I mean, you did find out, right?”
“Yeah. You won't believe this. Don't think you're the type of person who would understand the saying `misery loves company,' but looks like Uryuu's a bastard in all parties, now,” Yoruichi said, meeting Kagome's gaze.
At that, Kagome sighed, glaring at the ground.
“He cheated on her,” she stated, no question in her tone.
“Yeah. And she met Ryuken while she was on her way to Genkai's, hoping you were there so she could tell you she's extremely sorry, and that she should've taken note of the fact that cheaters tend not to stop at one. When she found out we were coming to look for you, she asked me to tell you that,” Yoruichi sighed.
“Huh… I really hoped that she'd be happy with him.”
“See? That's it, right there. Your boyfriend cheats on you with a close friend, and instead of being murderously pissed, you want her to be happy. You're not some kind of Aizen copy. Why the hell can't they see that!?” Yoruichi snarled, glaring at the table.
“Because they've got their heads up their asses,” Kurama stated, making them jump in surprise when the Shinigami realized he was still there.
“Yeah, there is that little problem,” Kagome said with a nod, giving a grateful squeeze of his hand under the table before returning her focus. “So why was Ryuken there?”
“He wanted to talk to you about Tsuki. And I quote, `Even though Uryuu's an idiot, I'd like to get to know my granddaughter, and her mother as well,' end quote.”
“I'll have to meet with him… assuming I ever go back to the Ningenkai, that is… So, I get why you're not in the Seireitei, but why'd you come here? Why not stay in a safe haven, like your shop, Kisuke?” she asked, turning to Urahara.
“Oh, that's the best part of this story. We got to my shop, and found it burned down. There was a patrolling Shinigami nearby, too. Ichigo said that that Shinigami with the afro apparently got orders, and burned it down.”
“Ichigo's okay?” Kagome asked, hope creeping into her voice again.
“Oh, yeah. He's just fine. Much like yourself, there aren't really that many Shinigami who could fight him. He's a strong kid. And there's Orihime, his sister, and those kids on the way to give him extra motivation should they try anything. He told me that a Hell Butterfly was sent to him, telling him that if he saw you, he should immediately get word to the Soul Society.”
“Ichigo's not the type to listen to orders,” Kagome scoffed.
“Exactly. It's a chancy shot at best. Especially considering the fact that he told me about it. He says that Orihime's doing well, too, but she's worried about you,” he finished.
“I'd be more surprised if she wasn't. I can't believe how many people I've screwed over because I just let anger take control of me.”
“And, we're back to why, exactly, you attacked the King,” Urahara stated. “I'm not on their side, but knowing why you'd attack what's essentially a god would be nice,” Urahara stated.
“It's Tsuki,” Kagome sighed.
“What about her?” Yoruichi asked, mind again off of her wound.
“That son of a bitch… He played with her genetics. She's a living Shikon no Tama. The thing that I suffered to destroy, and he made another one on a whim, with my child as the makeup of it…”
“He what?” Yoruichi snarled, eyes wide.
“If that's true, and I have no doubt that you wouldn't just make something like that up, then attacking Enma's not the worst thing that would have been expected of you,” Urahara stated, also surprised.
“Yeah… I didn't kill him. I could have. I think he knows that, too. So instead, he got word out as quickly as possible, trying to isolate me and throw me off my game so that whatever assassin he sends would be able to kill me when I slip up.”
“I see… From the talk we heard when Genkai was informing them of why you were in the Makai, there's a tournament coming up. I take it that becoming the ruler of the Makai is your counterattack, then?” Urahara asked.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Nice plan. If you win,” Yoruichi sighed.
“Yeah… Sorry for screwing up your lives, too,” Kagome sighed.
“We're friends,” Yoruichi said, her tone flippant and easygoing as a wide grin crossed her face.
“Yep. And you should feel better knowing this; we're not the only ones who were… under suspect,” Urahara said. “Even if you're branded a traitor, there are a few who know better, and are still your friend, even if they're going to act cold and indifferent in the coming meetings.”
“Huh… You wouldn't be able to mention a few of those, would you? Ask Kurama. Since I got here, I've been more and more depressed. It'd be nice to hear there are a few others who don't hate me.”
“Well, there's Momo, of course. She's once again temporary 5th Division Captain. Mayuri and Ukitake, as well as Renji, Nanao, Rangiku, Rukia, Kenpachi, the Vizards…”
“Wow, that's a lot of people,” Kagome said, eyes wide.
“Yeah. Of course, I could be wrong, since they didn't say it, and they'd be stupid if they did, but the look in their eyes while discussions of your assassination told volumes. I think even Byakuya might be a bit… unexcited at the prospect of killing you.”
“Yeah, but if it comes down to it, he'd do it, enthusiasm or no,” Kagome sighed.
“I don't know about that,” Yoruichi stated, still smirking. “You seem to have had an effect on lil' Byakuya, just like Rukia.”
“And onto the other reason we're here, specifically,” Urahara stated, breaking the companionable mood.
“Please tell me I don't have more complications in my life? There's three weeks until the tournament, and I'd like to get as much rest and peaceful training done until then.”
“It's nothing immediately urgent, but I thought you might want to know,” Urahara said, his tone grim.
“Know what?”
“Kagome, do you want to know why, exactly, Kazuma Kuchiki was exiled?” he asked, making her eyes widen in shock…
Ryuken is Uryuu's father, for anyone who doesn't know.
Well, there's another chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it As always, hope you've enjoyed, and be sure to leave your opinions of my work, be they positive or not. See you next time…