Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 37 ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Angst
Surprise Guests
Kagome stared at the ceiling as Kurama lowered her onto her bed, careful of any wounds that he didn't notice on her exposed flesh.
“What happened?” he asked, sitting beside her, gently caressing her forehead and non-wounded cheek.
She began to tell the story before her body started shaking violently, and he gently pulled her up, wrapping his arms around her form.
“Breathe, Kagome. If you wish not to tell me, I certainly won't force you.”
In response, Kagome leaned her head back against his chest, her shakes subsiding slightly in his hold.
“I… I was looking for a mason or swordsmith when a youkai came to me and told me that he knew where to find Totosai…”
“The old swordsmith? He's still alive?” Kurama asked, eyes wide.
“Yeah. Barely looks older than when I last saw him, too. I was friends with Totosai in the Feudal Era, and because I was lacking my instincts, I followed the youkai… Right into a trap. There were ten youkai there, and they attacked me at the same time. I killed two before I was knocked unconscious, and I woke up chained dressed like this to a stone wall in a cell underneath a brothel.”
Kurama's arms tightened slightly around her, and her eyes slid closed, gently nuzzling a squirming Tsuki's neck to calm her.
“Totosai, believe it or not, actually showed up. They asked if he could fix my Zanpakuto. Then, this hideous… thing came in, wanting to… sample me before making a purchase,” she stated, bile rising at the thought.”
What?” Kurama growled, face contorted in rage.
“Totosai fixed my Zanpakuto, and I broke free… I was so full of anger. I slaughtered them like it was nothing.”
“Given what they did to you, mercy or pity weren't warranted.”
“That's not the problem. Despite being so full of youki and demonic power, I still have this miko blood in me, and…”
“What is it?” Kurama asked, gently caressing her cheek, which began to give off a soft bone.
She gave a small whimper as the bones in her cheek reconnected, wincing as they sealed shut more and more with each of his caresses.
“Every time I kill a youkai using my miko powers, I wonder if I'm really as pure as everyone thinks… What if I really am just a mindless killer?” she asked, frowning.
“Kagome, you are most certainly the purest being that I, for one, have ever known,” he said, tone soothing yet chiding. “These youkai deserved painful deaths, nothing more, nothing less. Don't think on it too much.”
“I know I shouldn't but… I can't help it. You'd think being a Shinigami, killing Hollow constantly, I'd be less affected by some filthy white slaver youkai that were going to sell me, but… you didn't see it in there, Kurama. It was like all that training was useless. I was right back to when Inuyasha attacked. My anger took over, and I used every reserve of energy in me.”
“Indeed, it would appear that way. And yet, you walked from the depths of Yomi's city to here, surrounded by youki. You have more energy than you realize, Kagome.”
Kagome gave a nod, and suddenly twisted in his grip, burying her head in his chest as sobs took her.
“I'm sorry, Kurama! I should've listened to you. I should've taken you with me,” she said, the horror of what she'd almost had done to her, and what she had done hitting her hard.
In response, Kurama's arms closed around her back, holding her shaking frame in his warmth.
“Do not apologize, Kagome. There's nothing here to forgive. I… I'm just glad you're alive and well, relatively speaking,” he stated, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
With his admission, the tension left Kagome. Slowly, she twisted back around and stretched away from him.
“Thank you… Kurama. I just realized I smell like Hell. Yomi wouldn't happen to have showers-”
In response, Kurama simply pointed behind her, to the door indented into the wall, painted so well she almost missed it. She quickly crossed the room and pulled the door open, letting out a delighted yell at the sight of the immaculate bathroom within, complete with any supplies she could possibly need.
“Wow! Why's Yomi have something like this?”
“Well, he did have a considerably sized force under him not so long ago. Though the supplies are my design. I thought you'd want them, so I made a quick run to the Ningenkai… I'm afraid to admit it was partially to keep my mind off of what may be occurring to you,” he said, glaring at the ground. “Had I known, I would have followed-”
“I know, Kurama. You've more than proven that you can and will protect me when I need it. But you really didn't have to run to the Ningenkai just for me. But I'm glad you did,” she added before slipping inside.
In no time flat, she had the bath filled and slid in, Tsuki squealing in delight at the warmth of the water.
As she washed her daughter and herself, her mind began to wander. Thankfully, it didn't go to her day, but rather a slightly less depressing thought. She began to wonder whether she'd ever see her friends again, and then became more and more sure that she never would as she bathed.
Finally, she finished, and got dressed in Kurama's other gift; a new set of underwear, which made her blush from head to toe, as well as a set of unbelievably comfortable jeans and a black, ruffled shirt. Just as she finished pulling the shirt on, she heard and sensed a commotion outside.
Quickly, she took her leave, Tsuki riding on her back and squealing in joy as she ran.
She came to a stop outside Yomi's castle, where a group of youkai were surrounding two obscured figures.
“You shouldn't have dared to step foot in the Makai,” one of them sneered at the figures.
And then, Yomi appeared, his closed eyes somehow still conveying his glare as a frown curled his lips.
“What's going on here?”
“Look what we have, Lord Yomi! Two Reapers had the stones to come into the Makai, right up to your castle!” another of the youkai sneered.
“We're not interested in killing youkai,” a deep, male voice sighed, making Kagome's heart stop. “We just heard a friend of ours was staying here.”
At that, the group of youkai turned as one toward Kagome, and she finally saw the two. There stood Urahara and Yoruichi, the latter sporting a nasty-looking gash to her left arm.
“They're Shinigami, but they're not a threat to you.”
The youkai simply turned back, youki flaring.
“Like we're gonna' believe the hanyo!”
And they attacked as a singular unit, aiming for the wounded and sword-lacking Yoruichi.
Kagome's power flared, and she appeared between the four youkai, her claw and the Tetsusaiga holding all four off as her youki flared.
“Think you're tough, bitch! How about I eat that kid hanging on your back? See how tough you really are?”
Yomi acted then, stepping forward.
“Let them pass. They're no threat, as my guest you're currently threatening stated,” he bit out, his tone making the youkai dive to the ground and beg for mercy.
Without a word, Yomi turned, making a `come here' gesture with his finger before walking off. Kagome quickly herded the Shinigami inside, following Yomi right into a large council room, where Kurama was already sitting.
As Yoruichi and Urahara took seats, Kagome quickly disappearing before returning seconds later, Tsuki not in tow.
“I'd like an explanation,” Yomi started calmly, “as to why a friend of Kurama's would also be friends with youkai-slayers.”
“While Shinigami slay youkai, they didn't actually know that until very recently,” Kagome stated. “They kill Hollows, but they didn't know they were youkai to begin with.”
“I see…”
“And they were just about to tell me why they're here,” she added, turning her attention to the two.
“Well, funny story, actually,” Urahara stated, giving a nervous laugh.
“Not so funny, really. We're refugees,” Yoruichi stated, meeting Kagome's shock-widened eyes…
I told you the Shinigami weren't done yet! As always, hope you've enjoyed, and will give your opinions, be they positive or not. I'd really appreciate feedback from any and all readers, especially concerning how I handle character development and romance aspects of things, as this is the longest fanfic I've written. See you next time!