Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 43 ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Strong Language, Violence, Gore, Angst
Old Allies, New Enemies
Just as they reached Genkai's, a huge wave of power went off. By the time they reached the top of the stairs, the scene was not pretty.
On Genkai's temple grounds stood a large squadron of Shinigami and others that reeked of Enma. In their midst stood a wounded and growling Genkai, fifteen Shinigami lying dead at her feet.
“Get the hell off my property,” she snarled, taking a stance as her power began building again.
Kagome's attention was taken when she heard Souta yelping. When she looked over, she found Souta, two Shinigami knocked unconscious at his sides, and a black butterfly mark on his cheek. And Soi Fon was coming in for the second one, chasing the now-running child.
“How do we get into the Makai?” a Shinigami snarled, near Genkai.
“Go to Hell. Spirit Wave!”
There was a grunt of pain, but Kagome was focused on her brother, her body moving of its own accord.
Just as Soi Fon's Bankai would have gotten in its second strike, a blur shot into her vision. Her eyes widened in shock when she stopped moving and discovered that her Bankai was shattered. Moreover, the arm it had been on was no longer attached to her, and Kagome was standing between her and Souta, a feral snarl on his face.
“Don't you dare touch my family,” Kagome snarled, the sky darkening as energy began to rise around her.
All of the Shinigami, as well as Genkai, turned towards her as she began dropping the mask on her power.
“Get the fuck away from here,” she growled, her voice carrying with so much underlying power several of the Shinigami took involuntary steps back.
“Watch out!”
Souta's warning came just in time for Kagome to dodge attacks from both of her sides. Byakuya and Hiyori both charged as one, continuously attacking her as Soi Fon writhed in agony.
Kagome continued to dodge before she finally found herself at Kurama's side, her power rising more until lightning began to discharge from the sky in response.
“You have two options,” she said, her increased power giving her voice even more oomph, “leave here, and leave anyone on this plane that I care for alone, and drop the plan to get into the Makai.”
“And the other option?” Hiyori growled, grabbing her Zanpakuto hilt with a white-knuckled grip.
“I'll kill enough of you here to prove a point,” Kagome snarled, thunder and lightning accentuating her words and making her muscular build and intense face give her the appearance of an avenging angel.
At once, Byakuya, Hiyori, and Soi Fon began to attack together, charging the goddess. And it was obvious that the decision had been a mistake. All three were stunned as, with her bare hands, Kagome beat them back simultaneously, showing no effort in doing so.
“Do not fuck with me,” Kagome snarled as the three dove away.
“You're probably too much of a demon slut now to use your Zanpakuto, and you can only last so long, Higurashi,” Soi Fon sneered.
“Oh? Well, let's test that,” Kagome said, voice cracking like the lightning around them as she drew a black dagger from her sleeve.
All present were stunned and awed as, at the second the blade cleared its sheath, Kagome's power exploded, the air turning red and the lightning from above raining down manically in circles around her, the ground vaporizing with each strike.
And then, the shock turned to horror as the Shinigami looked up from the ground to find Kagome's eyes pure, crimson circles, her lips pulled back in a fanged snarl.
“This is your last warning. If you don't leave now, I'll stop holding back, and I promise you that the results won't be pretty,” Kagome snarled, her voice now rising like a tidal wave over the roar of the storm blackening the city's sky. “I don't want to take more Captains from the Soul Society, and I don't want to fight my own blood ever again, but by all the kamis, I will. So leave!”
In response, Byakuya released his sword, energy exploding around him, though everyone noticed it still paled in comparison to the angry goddess's.
Just as a large dome of blades began to engulf the two, Kurama took off, Youko's speed getting him inside before it closed.
“You will die here. Nothing as powerful as you should be allowed to exist, even if you are a Kuchiki,” Byakuya stated.
And then, the swords circling them launched, attacking the slowed Kagome from all sides.
Unfortunately for Byakuya, he hadn't noticed Kurama until he appeared at Kagome's side, eyes glowing molten gold as the blades were destroyed, one after another. Even Byakuya's eyes found tracking what was happening hard, but he vaguely caught the sight of a whip in the redhead's hands as more and more of his Bankai's blades turned to dust.
“Your logic's a bitch. If I'm too strong to be allowed to live, that means there's not a damn thing any of you can do, doesn't it?” Kagome mused before pointing her sword at Byakuya.
His eyes widened, but he had no chance to escape her attack. The Shinigami outside were stunned as a sound like a million gunshots went off and suddenly, they found Byakuya collapsed and unconscious at their feet, bleeding profusely, as Kagome and Kurama showed no expressions or injuries.
“You shouldn't have held back, Byakuya. You went with the second one, but your final Bankai might have had a little more of a chance,” Kagome sighed.
She then proceeded to block Soi Fon, who appeared out of nowhere with her remaining arm hosting her Bankai. Kurama also moved, blocking an attack from Hiyori that would've gone right into Kagome's shoulder blades.
“What the hell?”
“It would be uncouth to strike someone from behind and not give them a chance,” Kurama stated, knocking her back with his Rose Whip.
“Soi Fon, I'm serious,” Kagome growled, pushing the Shinigami back. “I do not want to fight any of you. But you're making that hard.”
“You're a traitorous slut that needs to be killed,” Soi Fon responded with a snarl, preparing to launch again.
“I didn't betray the Soul Society. And I'm not a slut,” she added with a growl. “I attaced Enma-”
“The reasons don't matter,” Soi Fon snarled, launching as power began to build along her entire frame.
“I did it to protect my family. My children,” Kagome snarled, easily blocking her strike. “I love the Soul Society and Shinigami, but if it's a choice between my friends and allies and my children and loved ones, I'm going to take their side. Every time.”
“I don't give a fuck!” Soi Fon snarled, smirking as she finally managed to get a strike into Kagome's face with her Bankai.
“Dageki, Kumori Suishou,” Kagome growled.
Soi Fon's second strike stopped in its tracks as Kagome's youki exploded, turning the ground around them to dust.
Soi Fon's eyes widened in horror as she realized she was completely immobilized, her body wrapped in thick, solidified shadows that were slowly creeping upwards to her throat.
“Your Zanpakuto's good for assassinations, but you have to hit your target twice. I don't. Shadows are everywhere,” Kagome stated calmly. “I have nothing against the Soul Society, and I'd hoped that there were at least some Shinigami who knew me better than to believe I'm some mindless butcher or a traitor like Aizen.”
“Fuck you,” Soi Fon managed to snarl through her paralysis.
“Not on your best day,” Kagome growled. “Now listen up, you arrogant bitch-”
Kagome's rant was cut off by a high-pitched, effeminate scream. She turned to see Yukina huddling against a wall, eyes wide in terror as a large Shinigami loomed over her, a ball of lightning building in his open palm.
Kagome took off then. The Shinigami was very surprised when the miko suddenly appeared at his side.
“Wrong choice,” Kagome snarled.
As her fist shot forward, she felt the Shinigami's life fade as it connected with his chest. She then turned back to Soi Fon, the Shinigami falling in a limp, lifeless husk to the ground before he erupted into flames.
“Now then, as I was saying, you're an arrogant bitch, Soi Fon,” Kagome growled once she reached the Captain. “You know, Yoruichi's really upset about your baseless, half-cocked accusations about her cheating on you. I can understand hating me, but goddamnit, she's a good person, and it pisses me off to feel such sadness from her. I'd thought that if there was one person that you'd listen to through that thick skull, it'd be Yoruichi.”
Soi Fon simply snarled, the shadows finally having reached her throat and seized her vocal cords. In response, Kagome shot her knee forward into her abdomen, knocking the Shinigami out cold in one strike. Just as Soi Fon fell, Kagome's senses tuned into a large blast, and she turned to find Kurama, bleeding and dodging as Hiyori launched Cero after Cero at him.
Finally, he slipped up and the Hollowfied Hiyori was on him, preparing to blast him point black with a massive red Cero. Kagome appeared then, blocking the blast with one hand as she finished landing between the two, simply knocking it upwards to fly into the sky.
Hiyori took a step back, eyes wide as all the surrounding Shinigami and Reikai minions were knocked unconscious by a large wave of youki-filled shadows. As soon as she realized she was the only one left conscious, Hiyori took back, snorting as her mask vanished. In response, the overwhelming energy began to dissipate from Kagome as well, rain falling from the massive imbalance in pressures around the area.
“Well, yer not too smart, attacking em all like that. But, whatever,” Hiyori sneered.
“Why are you here?”
“Oh, for the fun of it, bitch. The rest of em think we should spy and get information to ya, but I don't give a rat's ass what Shinji says. I want to kill you, and have from day one.”
“No kidding,” Kagome mused.
“Fuck you, ya arrogant bitch. You don't have any allies topside anymore, and the ones ya do have won't help.”
With a snap of her fingers, a Senkaimon opened. A massive, sucking gale formed, and all of the unconscious forces were dragged through, until only Hiyori was left.
“I don't care about all this cloak-and-dagger bullshit. I'll find a way to rip a hole right in that fuckin' barrier, and then I'll come to take yer head. But the hag an' yer brother should be safe, so you can focus on me, got it, bitch?” Hiyori growled, eyes narrowed as she slowly sheathed her sword.
“Fine. But why aren't you trying now?”
“If I get serious and these bastards die, then I won't get to piss off the old man, and that's too fun to quit. I'll be back, and you can be damn sure that they're goin' to come after you with everythin' they got, after this.”
With that, Hiyori spit at Kagome's feet and she too disappeared into the large Senkaimon, right before it closed.
Instantly, Kagome was moving, helping the staggering elder psychic.
“Genkai, are you alright?”
“Tch. I'm fine. That brat's really something. If there weren't so many, he could've lasted a while.”
“Yeah, well I taught him very well… Didn't think I was training him to fight my old friends, though,” she added, glaring at the ground.
“Yeah, well tough. They aren't getting in again, now that I have their energy signatures in my memory. I'll take care of the kid. You go before they send reinforcements to find a way into the Makai,” Genkai sighed.
“Okay… I'm sorry, Genkai. So much… Kurama, let's go,” she stated dejectedly, her voice suggesting she was on the verge of tears as a portal opened.
Taking her gently in his arms, Kurama took off through the portal. The second he hit the Makai's soil, Kagome let go, sobbing yet again.
“Goddamnit! What fucking sadistic bastard up in that sky thinks this is funny!? Three weeks, and I can't even go one before I end up having to kill more of my old friends and allies!? Why… Why can't all this shit just stop? What the fuck did I do to deserve this?” she hiccupped, beginning to break into sobs in Kurama's chest.
“You've done nothing, I assure you,” Kurama stated soothingly, his face a pure mask of anger. “And I must apologize. Once again, I failed to follow through on my promise to you.”
Kagome clenched his shirt, pressing herself as tightly into his comforting warmth as possible.
“Two weeks. I'm not leaving this place again until I'm the Queen Bitch around here and Enma can't do anything to me anymore.”
“I agree that that's the wisest tactic at this point. I apologize for advising such a risky plan,” Kurama sighed.
“Don't. I really enjoyed today. Until now. We should do it again, without leaving the Makai… And thank you, Kurama. You saved my ass again,” she murmured, tears beginning to dry as she fell soundly asleep in his arms, the massive use of energy finally hitting her with a vengeance.
Dageki- Strike
Well, there's another chapter! I really enjoyed writing this one. I don't know if it shows, but I love writing Kagome's badass moments, and this tops the list, I think. As always, hope you enjoyed, and be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or negative. Criticisms and critiques are as good of an author's friends as compliments are. See you next time!