Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 45 ( Chapter 45 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Angst, Lemon
Kagome looked around the room, eyes wide in shock.
“Okay… Why does it look like someone cooked the room?”
“I believe Hiei's trained you very well,” Kurama said, a wince sounding.
Kagome spun around and her eyes widened in horror at his appearance, burn marks marring his arms and chest.
“Oh my god! Kurama!”
Energy began to build around her, and he quickly grabbed her, a soft smile giving her pause.
“You just woke up from almost dying, whether you realize it or not. I'll be fine, I assure you. Don't expend energy… Your incredible reserves are probably the only thing keeping you conscious right now, I would imagine.”
At that, Kagome's eyes drooped slightly, a frown forming.
“Damnit, Kurama… I wasn't tired until you mentioned it,” she said, a yawn accentuating the statement as a small smirk crept onto his lips.
“Rest. I'll explain what happened the past few hours when you're awake again… Entering your psyche used a lot of energy, and having you run yourself further down after that wouldn't be very polite.”
Smirking, Kagome leaned into him, curling into his wonderful warmth.
“Well, I wouldn't want to be rude… Before I fall asleep, though, can you please explain that part about going into my psyche?”
“I used something akin to the way Youko entered me as a baby. He held on so that I could bring us both back. I transferred youki in through close contact, and it carried my consciousness into yours… I tried to think of a better way, but between entering your mind and helping you or letting you die, I decided having your wrath later directed at me would be worth it, as it would mean you were still alive.”
“Huh… I don't really know how to feel about that, but I know you respect me, so I wouldn't get mad at you… I'm sleepy,” she yawned.
Gently, his rapidly healing arms curved around her, forming an unbelievably comfortable bubble for her. Just as the world went black, she could swear she heard him mutter something about it being much more than respect, but she had no idea whether it was a dream or not…
“What the hell happened here?” Yoruichi asked, eyes wide as she and Urahara entered.
“Kagome was attacked by that creature inside of her. Her Inner Hollow, if I remember correctly.”
At that, Urahara's eyes widened, looking around the room again.
“She was Hollowfying and this room's still intact? Well, Kagome's certainly full of surprises. All the other Vizards had to go through hell to regain control, and they wreaked massive havoc while doing it. We barely felt anything the whole time…”
“Whole time? It's only been an hour or so,” Kurama said with a frown.
“Are you kidding? It's been almost two days. The one time we tried to check, there was a barrier we couldn't get into.”
“That long? How's that possible?”
“Well, telling time here is hard… Since when can she suddenly start fires? A fireball or two wouldn't have done this,” Yoruichi said, staring at the blackened walls.
“She's picked up quite a few skills while she was training with us. Hopefully she'll make it the next week without being attacked again, be it internally or externally,” Kurama sighed.
“Agreed… But Kagome's kind of like a magnet for trouble. I'm sure you've noticed by now,” Urahara said with a smirk.
“True. But I really hope she gets a break. This was supposed to be three weeks without this level of stress and pain,” Kurama sighed.
“You know, you two make a cute couple,” Yoruichi said out of the blue, staring at Kagome cradled in his arms with a smirk.
“Beg pardon?” Kurama asked, heat rising to his face.
“There's not many people she'd be comfortable enough to sleep in the same room with right now, with everyone gunning for her, whether she likes it or not. That she can sleep so peacefully in your presence is truly impressive,” Urahara said, glaring playfully at Yoruichi.
“It's a good thing,” Yoruichi said, still smirking. “With how strong she is, and all the crap she's gone through, it's hard sometimes to remember she's fairly young. It's good that she's found someone besides us that she can trust with her life.”
“Well, this is getting too sentimental for my tastes,” Urahara sighed. “I don't think we're being helpful for her sleeping, either… We'll take Tsuki, so she doesn't have to worry,” he added, taking said child from the bed.
With a nod, he and Yoruichi left, Kurama's face slowly returning to its normal pallor. A smile crept onto his face as Kagome shifted, pulling his arms closer around her before settling again…
Surprisingly, it only took her two hours before she awoke, bright and chipper.
“Wow, I feel great,” Kagome sighed, stretching out.
When she heard a small groan, she realized that she was stretching out atop Kurama, and with a small squeak of surprise, she dove away, face turning bright red.
“Oh, god. Sorry, Kurama.”
“Don't be,” Kurama sighed before his eyes widened and he looked away, face becoming equally brightened.
“Umm… So, what happened, exactly? I remember coming back to the Makai, and then I remember talking to you, but everything else is blank.”
“I believe that all the youki you used to defend everyone may have awakened your Inner Hollow. When you fell unconscious, it attempted to gain control in self-preservation.”
“Self-preservation?” Kagome asked, frowning.
“Yes. You have an incredible talent for using exceedingly more power than you, by all logic, should have. This is speculation, but I'm guessing that it was afraid that you'll eventually push your body too far, especially with the display you put on at Genkai's.”
“It's not my fault!” Kagome cried defensively.
“Certainly not,” Kurama scoffed. “I don't think there's a single living being that has an idea as to the depths of your powers. You're not invincible, but you're probably close. If you don't know the limits of your mortal body compared to the depths of your energy, it would be almost impossible to know when to stop.”
“I'm going to need to know, though. I'm strong, but so is my father, and I'm not sure how much of his real power I fought against when he almost killed me and sealed me off from everyone. If I start going unconscious from my own power while I'm fighting him, then I will end up dying. And I've had enough of that for my apparently everlasting existence.”
“Don't think of doing anything for the next few days,” Kurama chided, gently clutching her hand. “You've already more than used up the stress you had left before the tournament.”
“I have to work on this, Kurama,” she complained, frowning.
“Agreed. But not now. You master things quickly, and we still have seven days left. More than enough for you to rest and still take control.”
Sighing, Kagome leaned back against him, his arm going around her waist.
“Sorry… Almost dying makes me a little skittish.”
“I would imagine it would be a very bad thing if you got so used to it that it didn't,” Kurama mused, smirking.
“Yeah, you're right about that. But I'm not even slightly tired. I need something to do, or I'll lose my mind… If I haven't already,” she added, sighing.
“You're hardly insane,” Kurama scoffed, caressing her arms slowly as she settled more comfortably into his side. “But, if you need a suggestion for something to do, I'm sure that Youko can provide a few.”
Kagome's face instantly went red, her heart starting a little faster.
“I'm sure he could. Well, I do owe you for the awesome date, even if it ended badly. Hmm…”
“I was joking, Kagome,” Kurama said, smirking.
“Maybe. But you know what? It's not really that bad an idea,” she said, making his eyes widen in shock.
“Are you sure?”
“How many times have you saved me since I've met you? I definitely feel that I can trust you… with every piece of me, mind, body and soul… Sorry if that's too deep,” she finished, blushing madly.
Her breath left her in a gasp as he suddenly lifted her onto his lap, his arms going around her waist and his lips pressing to the pulse point on her neck.
“It's very difficult to scare me, and if you were think that was the way to do it, then that admission was a very sad attempt, Kagome,” Kurama murmured into his kiss, sending a shiver through her.
“Then I'm sure,” Kagome said, face flaming.
Slowly, she turned, eyes looking everywhere but at his own as their lips met.
“I'm afraid I can no longer stop, then,” Kurama said before leaning forward, putting them flush against each other as they quickly began to feel their incredible controls slipping.
Kagome had the presence of mind to raise a large barrier around the room before Kurama's hands left her cheeks and began to roam downwards.
A gasp left her as, somehow in one motion, he managed to separate both shirt and bra from her chest. Warm air hit her exposed nipples and another gasp left her, her body reacting faster than she thought possible.
When the hand not playing with her rapidly expanding buds started to slide down her exposed stomach, her hand shot out, catching the wrist.
“Oh, that's hardly fair,” she said with a smirk before dipping forward, pushing him away slightly.
Before he could react, she had his shirt off, smirking as he gave a nearly imperceptible groan when her hands began to roam his solid abs. Her blush grew to an all-time high, and their eyes met, lust clouding both sets of orbs.
“Okay, I don't think I can take much more of this… Might as well take this as fast as everything else recently,” she said before slowly beginning to slide her skirt off.
A small smirk curved her lips as she found him staring in rapt attention as the fabric cleared her skin, revealing the very wet strip of fabric that lay beneath.
She gave a squeak of surprise when he suddenly moved, pinning her beneath himself on the bed. And then a moan when their groins rubbed together, her heated core going into overdrive.
Using every bit of her youki-enhanced speed, she had both their lower bodies naked in seconds, the garments in shreds around them.
And then, he was inside of her, and she lost all concept of time or the world around her beyond their skin pressing together…
Well, there's the newest chapter. I feel that the last chapter was lacking and definitely not to my usual standards, and I apologize for that. But, I hope this one makes up for it. Also, I don't do lemons very often (usually one per fic), so I don't know how well I handled it and would like some opinions on it. And as always, hope you'll leave your opinions, be they positive or not.