Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 46 ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
New Acquaintances
Kagome curled into the bed, basking in the warmth surrounding her. As she moved, a slight wince left her as her entire lower body ached, and a brilliant, stupid grin broke over her face.
Kurama smiled as well, trailing a hand along her exposed side that sent shivers throughout her body.
“Mmm… Good morning,” she purred.
“Very good. I could certainly get used to waking up like this,” he said, pulling her into a kiss.
“I would like it if we continued… But I have to tell you something, so you understand what you're getting into,” she added, turning to stare into his eyes.
“It's unlikely you'll frighten me, so speak what's on your mind, Kagome,” he responded with a smile.
“I… I know that it's obvious neither of us wants to stay at friendship, but… I feel something deep in my heart. And I've felt it every time I've been with you for a while now…”
“What?” he asked, quickly becoming concerned.
“I… I love you, Kurama,” she practically whispered, eyes downcast as though afraid of his response.
So it surprised her very much when suddenly, he leaned forward, and fiery passion unlike anything she'd experienced before swept through her, charging her blood with electricity as their lips met.
When he finally pulled away, his eyes were practically glowing with enough emotion to make Kagome's breath hitch.
“I'm generally not a very emotional creature by nature, but I must admit, I've been quite lost to you for a while now,” he mused. “It's good that this is finally out in the open.”
“Yeah… How many days has it been, anyway?” she asked, feeling a slight throb on her exposed skin as a whole.
“I believe it's been close to one.”
“Just one? Man, I could definitely get used to this,” Kagome sighed as she sat up, lips still tingling from the kiss.
While stretching, she sent her awareness out of the room until she found Tsuki's peaceful energies next door.
“I think this was the best distraction ever created. I think I'll spend the day with Shippo and Tsuki, today. I think three days will be enough to get my powers under control.”
“I see you're confident again,” Kurama mused, smiling.
“Nothing like really amazing sex and some romance to give a girl a confidence boost,” she murmured, lying back as her face went ablaze.
Chuckling, he pulled her onto his lap, making her face burn brighter.
“That's certainly good to hear. I believe a few days of actual rest would be a very good thing. That gives you three more days.”
“Oh, that's a lot of free time,” Kagome said, smirking. “I really need to take a shower, then I'm going to go get Shippo… wherever he is,” she added, standing and walking towards the bathroom.
Just as she reached the door, a mischievous smirk crossed her lips and she turned, arcing an eyebrow inquisitively.
“You coming?”
With a smirk, he followed her. It was nearly an hour before they came out again…
As soon as the barrier dropped, Shippo appeared, staring at her curiously.
“Good morning, momma! Where've you been?”
“I've been here. The better question, I think, is where you've been, dear kit,” Kagome mused, making him gulp. “I've barely seen you since we arrived here. Where've you been?”
“Umm… Sorry,” he said, smiling sheepishly. “I've been playing with Shura!”
“Shura? Who's that?” Kagome asked, kneeling down and meeting his gaze.
“He's a little boy that lives in the castle. He's really funny,” Shippo said, smiling brightly.
“There's another child here?” Kagome asked, looking up at a smirking Kurama.
“That would be Yomi's son,” Kurama stated. “He generally avoids people, staying down in the basement.”
“Well, I'm glad you've been having fun, at least,” she said, running her hand through his hair.
“Yup! But how come I couldn't feel you here?” he asked, eyes wide in confusion.
“I had to rest very badly, so I raised a barrier so nobody could disturb me. Sorry, Shippo,” she said, kissing his forehead before standing up. “But, how does this sound? You, and your sister and I are going to spend the whole day together.”
Instantly, he was in the air, arms around her neck. His eyes narrowed in concentration for several seconds and then widened, looking over her shoulder and back again.
“Why do you smell like Kurama?”
And, unfortunately, he'd asked this question just as Urahara and Yoruichi were exiting their room, smirks instantly forming as Kagome turned red.
“Yes, Kagome, that's a good question,” Urahara mused.
Glaring, Kagome took a squirming Tsuki from Yoruichi.
“We were curious about the barrier,” Yoruichi said, eyes glinting in amusement. “So, you were in bed, then?”
“Was it relaxing?” Urahara added, also smirking.
“Oh, I feel absolutely incredible,” Kagome said defiantly, blushing madly. “So, what do you want to do today?” she asked the kit on her shoulder…
Kagome laughed, watching as a large, Miroku-shaped plant grew from the ground, right next to the one shaped like Sango. As it finished sprouting, she clapped avidly, Tsuki giggling in her arms.
“That's incredible, Shippo!”
“Thanks,” the kit beamed. “And that's not all. Look what else Kurama showed me to do,” he yelled before pointing at the statue of vines.
To Kagome's amazement, the Miroku statue's hand went forward, and as soon as it pressed to the approximation of Sango's behind on her own statue, she spun and her plant arm hit `Miroku's' cheek.
Wow! It's so life-like, Shippo!” Kagome giggled. “All we need is for a yell and it'd be almost like they were here.”
“I take it these are your friends from the Feudal Era?” Kurama mused, smirking as the plants slowly dissolved back into the ground.
“Sango and Miroku… I miss them. I would've gone there in refuge, but I doubt that my home will go unmonitored, and I might put them at risk… When this is over, I'm definitely going to visit them,” she sighed.
“Well, you won't have to wait long,” he mused, draping his arm around her waist.
Kagome leaned against him, their backs pressed to one of the side walls of the castle.
“Yeah. I think you'd probably get along very well with Kaede.”
“I look forward to it,” he said with a smile.
Suddenly, Kagome tensed, eyes flicking to the forest.
“Something big's coming,” she said, reaching for Kumori as a startled Shippo ran to her side.
“Several something's, actually,” Kurama stated as they stood.
Slowly, a rustling sounded, and several youkai appeared. The youki coming from the group was incredible, and Kagome became tenser by the second as they approach.
“Well, ello' there, foxy,” a tall man slurred, the air around him reeking of booze.
“Umm… Is he talking to you?” Kagome asked, looking at Kurama.
“I don't believe so,” he responded, looking amused.
“Hello, Kurama,” a smaller youkai said, staring curiously at Kagome and Shippo.
“Good to see you again, Touya. I see Chu's started early today.”
“Started early? He never stops,” a small boy scoffed, smirking as the tall, mohawked man gave a glare in response.
“So what brings you all this way?”
“Oh, right! We be hearin' some rumors, so we came by to check them out, we did,” a small, redheaded youkai said, his Irish accent making Kagome's head hurt.
“Rumors?” Kurama asked, frowning.
“We heard there's a miko in the Makai,” the small, blue-haired youkai stated. “And that they had stormed Yomi's castle.”
“Really? Where'd you hear a rumor like that?” Kagome asked, wide-eyed and fighting a smirk.
“And who might you be, eh? Ya' feel a bit like Urameshi,” the redhead mused, floating uncomfortably close to her and staring intently at her.
“This is Kagome. Kagome, these are Jin, Chu, Rinku, and Touya,” Kurama stated, pointing each out in turn.
“Kagome, eh? Well, that's just ripper!” Chu laughed before a booze-scented hiccup left him.
“When did you have a kit, Kurama?” Rinku asked, drawing the group's attention to a squirming Shippo.
Instantly, Kurama's face flushed red, and Kagome laughed.
“No, no, Shippo's mine,” she stated, gently caressing Tsuki as she said it.
“Huh… So then, you're a kitsune?” Touya asked, frowning.
“You certainly don't have the aura of one,” Rinku sneered.
“No. It's a long story… And I don't know you well enough to tell it,” Kagome mused. “But, as for the rumor about a miko, there's nobody storming the castle.”
“You sure? I was lookin' for a good fight today,” Chu slurred.
“Sorry,” she said, shrugging.
“So, if you don't mind me askin', what exactly are ya'?” Jin asked, eyeing her curiously. “Ya don't feel like much, but there's definitely more than I'm sensin' to ya'.”
“Oh, that secret I'm keeping until the tournament,” Kagome said with a secretive smile.
You're entering the tournament?” Rinku asked. “No offense, lady, but I barely feel anything coming from you. If all you've got is that sword and some claws, you won't get very far.”
At that, Kagome knelt down, smiling mischievously as she met his eyes.
“You let me worry about that, `kay?”
“Hey, just tryin' to be helpful to Kurama's friend,” he said with a shrug.
“I'd appreciate you not agitate her,” Kurama sighed. “She can be…”
“Very volatile,” Kagome supplied, still smiling. “Trust me, you should be more concerned for whoever has to fight me.”
A sudden whoosh sounded in the air and Kagome's hand shot out, her dagger easily slicing through the jagged icicle that had shot at her from thin air. Standing, she glared at the short ice youkai, who was eyeing her calmly.
“Good reflexes,” he stated offhandedly. “Better reflexes than your hanyo aura would suggest possible.”
“You know, that's right! We heard that there's a dangerous hanyo in the area, too,” Rinku said, eyes wide. “Apparently it's a woman with a sword that blew apart an entire brothel and walked away like it was nothing.”
“Well, I'm not a hanyo, so that wasn't me,” Kagome stated. “So, thanks. We'll be sure to be on the look out.”
“She's feisty! I like `er!” Chu laughed.
“As do I,” Kurama mused, smirking.
“Oh, so she's your girlfriend?” Rinku asked, smirking. “I was wondering why there'd be a pushover hanging around with Kurama.”
“Mate, actually,” Kurama stated, making their eyes widen.
“Really!?” Shippo asked, eyes wide.
“Yes… If you're okay with it,” she said, kneeling down to his level.
In response, the kit simply leapt forward, wrapping around her neck and making happy noises.
“Who knew ya' had it in ya'? Well that's just ripper!” Chu exclaimed, laughing as Kurama and Kagome both began blushing.
“And more reason to wonder how much power you're hiding,” Touya added.
“Ah, I say who be carin' bout that? We'll be seein' it at the tourney, we will,” Jin scoffed. “If we be gettin' into it, I'll be gettin' you to try, I will.”
Grinning, Kagome met his stare.
“You've never had problems making friends as a kid, huh?” she mused.
“How'd you know that?” he asked, eyes wide in curiosity.
“Just a lucky guess,” she said, shrugging.
“Well, this is getting boring,” Rinku sighed. “I'm heading back. See you guys later.”
And he was gone the next second.
“Well, he's no fun!” Jin complained, frowning.
“Bloke's got a point, though. We're interruptin' their family time. I'll be looking forward to playing with you at the tourney, sheila” Chu said, laughing before he followed Rinku's example.
“Well, he's right about that. We'll leave you lovebirds alone,” Jin said with a broad grin as he began to float after them. “Be sure ta be gettin' Urameshi here. I be wantin' a rematch, I do,” he said before he too was gone.
Touya simply turned and began walking away after a nod to Kurama. Kagome's arm shot out as a large spike of ice suddenly took form, inches from her head and moving fast. As soon as it came into her range, it was gone, and Touya laughed as he disappeared.
Very good reflexes. This'll be fun.”
“He's a jerk,” Kagome huffed.
Chuckling, Kurama rapped his arm around her waist, her head leaning against his shoulder.
“Only to people he finds interesting. So, what do you think of the competition?”
“Well, if they're all like those guys, I'm not afraid of getting killed unless it's because I'm an idiot…”
“So, since when were you two mated?” Shippo asked, making them both blush as memories came rushing back.
“Umm… A while now, I think,” Kagome stated, smiling at Kurama.
“Quite. Sorry for leaving you uninformed, Shippo,” he added, ruffling the kit's hair.
And after that, the following days only got better, even when Kagome was training rigorously with her new mate…
As admissions of love go, it seems a bit understated and fast, but I was never for overly dramatic moments when it's obvious from pretty much the start of a story how things will go, though I tried to apply some suspense… Don't know how I did, but I hope you enjoyed. I also don't know how I handled the youkais' speech patterns, but this is how I remember them from the anime, so I hope I did well. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!