Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 47 ( Chapter 47 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language, Violence, Gore
As Kagome left the castle, she felt as though the entire Makai was humming with excitement.
“Ready?” Kurama asked, putting an arm around her waist as they walked, a smirking Urahara and Yoruichi trailing behind.
“As I'll ever be. Shall we go, then?”
With a nod, the mates took off, Shippo clinging to Kagome's back and the Shinigami struggling to keep up.
Almost an hour of running passed before they stopped, in a massive collection of youkai.
“Certainly took you long enough to get here,” a deep voice rumbled.
Smirking, the two turned to Hiei, a small woman at his side.
“Yeah, well I slept in,” Kagome said. “So, you must be Mukuro,” she added, turning to said youkai with a smile.
“Yes. And you are…?”
“I'm Kagome. It's very nice to meet you. It must be hard to deal with such a negative person for three months,” she added, smirking when Hiei sent her a glare.
“I hope you've done more with your time than working on your comedic skills, Kagome, or you're going to end up hurt.”
“Oh, let's leave that as a surprise. Isn't Yusuke here yet?”
“Tch. He was the first one here. Don't think the good detective appreciates all the youkai eyeing his wife,” Hiei mused, smirking.
As though on cue, a loud squeal filled the air and a burst of energy filled the air seconds later, a massive mountain of muscle and scales landing behind their small group with smoke rising from its chest.
“I think you're correct,” Kurama mused.
Seconds later, Yusuke appeared, an arm around a blushing Keiko.
“Well, you're energetic this morning,” Kagome said, smirking.
“Good ta' see you again, Kags. You've gotten stronger. I didn't think that was possible,” Yusuke said, grinning.
“Shippo has, too,” Kagome responded, the kit leaving her back and gently taking a sleeping Tsuki from her arms.
“I'm going to be guarding her while momma's fighting,” he said proudly.
“Man, you have bulked up, squirt,” Yusuke said with a smirk. “You must've been torturing the poor kid, Kurama.”
“Hardly. He's a very fast learner,” Kurama responded with a shrug.
“So, you two seem closer,” Keiko mused, smirking as Kagome and Kurama blushed, having forgotten the arm still around her waist.
“You can say that.”
“So, you're Kurama's mate, then,” Mukuro mused. “And who're you two?” she asked, looking at the Shinigami standing back.
“I'm Yoruichi. He's Kisuke,” Yoruichi said with a smirk.
“Oh? You're not youkai,” Mukuro stated, an uninterested tone in her voice.
“Nope. Ex-Shinigami,” Yoruichi said with a smile.
“Huh… Don't let the others around here hear you say that.”
“Oh, don't worry. I figure if we're hiding, we might as well enjoy the benefits.”
“You entered the tournament?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“Oh, I'm staying out of it,” Urahara said with a smirk.
“I had Yomi help me with entering,” Yoruichi added. “I haven't been in a good fight in a long time.”
Kagome was about to respond when suddenly, a loud squeak of feedback filled the massive clearing they were in, and she turned to see a small, lithe cat youkai standing with a microphone in her hand.
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I'm your lovely hostess, Koto, and welcome to the second annual tournament for the ruler of the Makai! We have an incredible turnout this time around, with an unbelievable 7,350 entrants!”
“7,350?” Kagome asked, eyes wide as saucers.
“Quite a large turnout indeed,” Kurama mused.
“We're still having groups of 49 fighters for the preliminaries, so for those of you who have trouble with math, that means there will be 150 different fighters in the first round! So, let's start drawing numbers, and we'll get this gory party started!”
The massive group of youkai began to draw numbers from a large box, and after over half an hour, every one of them had a number.
“Okay! So, before we get started, King Enki would like a word!” Koto exclaimed before handing a massive, red mound of muscle the microphone.
“Hello, all! I won't take up much time. Let me just say that I agree with Mr. Urameshi's theory, so I think that it would be better if there were few deaths in the fights so we can all live to have fun another day! With that, I'll be seeing you in the fights!” he yelled, a loud roar of cheers sounding in response.
“Okay! With that, let's get this party started! All contestants should go to the island with the same number as the one they drew now!”
“Well then, I think that's our cue,” Urahara said, stepping up next to Shippo. “We'll see you later then. Good luck,” he called before he and Shippo took off, Tsuki barely making a sound as they went.
“Hmm… Well, I guess I'll see you guys in the first round,” Kagome said, giving Kurama's hand a quick squeeze before disappearing into the masses of moving youkai.
Finding the particular mushroom-like island she was on was surprisingly easy, as she followed the other youkai with her number, and she smirked at the competition she found. And then she frowned as Chu, Rinku and Touya appeared, the former two grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh, yes! I think taking you down a peg'll be good, girl,” Rinku said with a grin.
Chu took a slug of his large bottle of whiskey, smirking.
“Make sure it's a good fight, eh, sheila?”
“I have to ask you the same thing,” Kagome said with a smile.
“I won't take you lightly. You're obviously hiding power, and that you're Kurama's mate means you're not stupid,” Touya stated.
“That's okay. Hey, do you think it'd be okay if I got warmed up on the other 44 of these youkai that are planning on teaming up on me before I fight you guys?” Kagome asked, sweeping her gaze around the clearing full of leering youkai. And the one female youkai staying oddly out of the way, also staring at her.
“Oh, 44 on 1's hardly fair odds, there, sheila,” Chu said, eyes wide.
“Less weaklings to distract us from the fun, the better,” Rinku said with a shrug.
“Okay! Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the tournament to get under way!” Koto's voice exclaimed. “Let the carnage begin!”
Suddenly, Kagome tensed, claws unsheathing from around her fingernails. And then, the rest of the variably pathetic or weak youkai were on her, and a feral smirk crossed her lips.
When they reached her, she shocked the others by not even flinching as she took on a surrounding group of enemies with killing intent using just her bare hands.
“C'mon, I need a warm up,” she complained as she easily dodged the attacks coming from all sides.
Another youkai fell to the ground, bleeding claw marks on her face as she writhed, taking down five others with her blind rolls.
Suddenly, a blade made itself known on her left shoulder, and the youkai wielding it was very surprised as it snapped on contact, Kagome's fist hitting the same second she felt it. This youkai was the reason for ten other youkai being taking down as he was thrown easily into the charging crowd.
“Hado 4, Byakurai,” she whispered, pointing at the others.
A bolt of lightning launched from her hand and seconds later, the clearing was covered with twitching, unconscious bodies.
“How do these people think they can rule an entire land?” Kagome sighed, stepping over a blackened youkai and turning to the other three. “So, shall we get started? You better come at once.”
“Not my style, foxy,” Chu scoffed with a hiccup.
“I'll be first,” Touya stated, stepping up. “Let's see how you can handle the cold. Frozen Hell!”
As if accentuating his point, a wave of cold rose from his feet and launched outward, turning the ground under their feet to ice.
“Well, that's cold,” Kagome mused. “Alright, if it's this way, let's see what you've got.”
Touya's hand came up and several balls of blue light formed above his hand.
“Shards of Winter!”
A barrage of spiky ice shards launched forth, heading for Kagome rapidly. Surprising to Touya, she simply sighed and pointed.
The ball of flames launched forth, and Touya's eyes widened in shock as his attack turned to steam.
“Fire and lightning? Quite an interesting pair of abilities,” he mused.
“Look, can we hurry this up? There's really only two things I came here today to do. Settle a score and win the tournament, and I don't have a grudge against you.”
Touya's eyes narrowed, and a blade of ice took shape around his arm.
“Then let's not waste more time.”
He took off, the icy ground giving him a boost of speed that made the impact of him slamming into her feel like he were a speeding truck. Despite the unbelievable force driving into her, she planted her feet, the ice cracking beneath her and his blade caught off to the side in her left hand.
As it broke in her grip, her other hand shot forward, and he was sent flying across the ice, twitching.
“Holy crap! I've never seen someone hit him that hard!” Rinku exclaimed, eyes wide.
“Which one of you is next?” Kagome asked, turning to the others.
“She's feisty alright!” Chu exclaimed, laughing.
Several objects flew into Kagome's view from either side of her, and she brought her claws up, dozens of strings becoming visible as they wrapped around her arm, something round on the end of the string that began to smack her in the face as it went.
Finally, the object stopped coiling, and Kagome stared at her hand as it began to go numb.
Another object began to repeat the process on her other arm, and she sighed, watching as her other arm became ensnared.
“Sorry if it's a little cheap, but I like my face together,” Rinku smirked. “So, how do you like my yo-yos?”
“Hmm… Nice trick, but there's a slight problem.”
“Oh? What's that?” he asked with a smirk, her binds moving and pressing her into herself.
“If you're holding them to hold me, then that means they're attached to you. And it's one huge energy conduit.”
“Oh shit,” he said with wide eyes as he began to release his weapons. A second too late.
Energy lanced down from the sky into Kagome, and it quickly followed along the line of the yo-yo strings. Rinku let out a gasp of pain as he was electrocuted, his body flying backwards through the air and landing limply a dozen feet away.
“My, my, you're a right strong one, ain'tcha? Well, I ain't goin' down that easy, there, foxy,” he stated before taking a long drag from his beer bottle.
“Just show me what you've got. You're on a whole other level than them, and I'm kind of curious to see what you can do,” she stated, claws sharpening.
Chu's head tipped back, laughs shaking his body for several seconds before he began to sway on his feet.
“I like you. Shouldn't you be worrying about the other sheila watching? Oh, hold it just a tick. Is that you, Natsume!?” he called, staring at the only other conscious youkai remaining.
“Oh, god,” the woman sighed, stepping into the clearing and staring from Chu to Kagome. “Why'd I have to deal with a moron like you, again?”
“Good ta see you, too,” Chu laughed. “Just hang on a tick while I take little Kagome `ere outta' the tourney, then we'll pick up where we left off, eh?”
“I don't know how likely that is,” Natsume said, staring at Kagome with a cold, calculating gaze that made her shiver. “But if you want to get it out of your system before forfeiting again, be my guest,” the brunette added with a smirk.
“Alright, there, foxy, let's give it a go, eh?”
Slowly, he began to move towards Kagome, his body swaying more and more violently. And then, his sways grew faster, and he was practically blurring before her eyes, his drunken swagger bringing them together faster than the man's state should've allowed.
He brought a leg up, swinging for her head, and Kagome blocked with her left hand, the force of his strike sending a numbing shockwave through her entire arm as she skidded backwards.
“Well, that's a hell of a kick you've got,” she muttered, shaking her hand out to force feeling back down.
“Yeah? Then you'll love this!”
Slowly, energy began to take shape at Chu's foot, and Kagome tensed as it began to shimmer with a purple glow.
“Sui Ken!”
A ball took form, and Kagome dove to the side as he launched it, the ground breaking under the energy's weight.
Kagome swung her arm up during her descent, and the fireball launched at a bewildered Chu. All the same, he moved, and she grudgingly had to admit, if only to herself, that she was impressed when he simply kicked the attack away.
“Not that easy, eh, foxy?” he laughed, charging at her as she came up.
She brought her arms up, just in time to block a kick that he shot for her face. The impact definitely shattered at least two bones this time as she skidded backwards, dust and dirt kicking up in her path.
“And now I'm warmed up,” she stated with a grin. “Let's see how you can handle this. Sokatsui!”
Chu's eyes widened as a blast of energy left Kagome's hand, and smoke rose from his charred left side as his sideways dive came to an end.
“Well, that's right powerful,” Chu said, rising with a wince as the smoldering flesh stretched.
“I'm impressed you're still standing,” Kagome admitted, eyes wide. “You've got one hell of a pain tolerance to stand with your entire side cooked extra crispy like that.”
“Heh. Well, let's get this done, eh? Sui Ken!”
Another ball formed, and this time he threw it with his still-functioning hand, wincing as his weight shifted onto his burnt side. Naturally, the attack went wide, and Kagome simply smirked, rolling under the energy and coming up inches from him.
“We should do this again some time,” she said with a grin before taking into the air, her foot spinning out and into the side of his head.
As she landed, his eyes rolled upwards, and he was down for the count, his body making an unexpectedly loud crash on impact. Slowly, Kagome turned to the smirking woman, who was obviously amused by Chu's pain.
“Good to see someone other than the Urameshi brat crack that numbskull of his. So, what's say we cut all the semantics and you just give up for me?”
“I like your attitude. But sorry, no can do. I've got an old bastard that I need to slaughter, and I don't think I can do that if I'm not in the same round as him.”
“Well, alright then. Thought I'd save myself some energy,” Natsume sighed.
Suddenly, youki flared around the unimposing youkai, and Kagome's eyes widened at the wave of power that washed over her.
“A little… No offense, but you don't look all that impressive. Then again, neither does Hiei or Kurama, so I guess it's par for course.”
“Ha! And you just took down the rest of them by yourself. Don't pretend to be so humble. It doesn't suit you.”
“I like people who don't sugarcoat things. Let's have a good fight,” Kagome said with a smile.
Natsume's smile was a bare flash before the youkai's entire body vanished like a mirage. Power surged through the air, and Kagome's smile twisted, turning to a smirk as she tracked the incredibly fast youkai's movements.
“Nice speed. Too bad I'm faster,” Kagome sighed, ducking just as a hand shot for the back of her skull.
Natsume's eyes widened as Kagome reached up and grabbed the attacking arm before her other hand shot out, Kagome's claws heading for her abdomen.
Natsume kicked and dove backwards, blood falling as she tripped and smacked backwards into the ground.
Natsume stared with wide eyes up at her, shock in her gaze.
“What… you're not just any youkai, are you?”
“No. I'm all kinds of genetically mixed. Still, you're pretty fast.”
With a wince of pain, Natsume rose, blood slicking her hand as she pressed it to the wound.
“I see… So, are you a mazoku, then?”
“Yeah, how'd you know?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“That was something that Raizen would've pulled,” she winced, pressing harder on her side.
“Raizen… Yusuke's dad?”
Natsume simply vanished, but the wound was slowing her down, and Kagome brought her leg up, taking the unwounded side with a powerful kick that knocked Natsume on her ass with a yelp.
“Man, that's at least three broken ribs. Sorry,” Kagome apologized.
“You're very odd,” Natsume winced, forcing herself back up. “You should've killed me.”
“But that's no fun. It'd take more energy I'll probably need to kill that old bastard with, and you seem like we could get along great,” Kagome said with a shrug.
“Damnit… You hit more than my ribs,” Natsume said, eyes suddenly widening.
“Guilty as charged… That you're still conscious right now is incredible on its own, with the damage I did to your kidney…”
Suddenly, Natsume's eyes rolled back into her head and she went down, clutching her side.
“And winner of match 136, the mysterious hanyo Kagome!” Koto's voice exclaimed.
Slowly, Kagome knelt at Natsume's side and she let energy flare under her fingertips. Said youkai jerked when Kagome's fingers touched her, and a warm blue glow went over her abdomen, slowly knitting her bones back together. Sure the youkai would wake up in a few minutes, perfectly fine, Kagome took off from the island.
When she arrived, she found all her friends staring strangely at her, Sesshomaru and Mukuro included…
Sokatsui- Blue Fire, Crash Down
First, an apology. I just recently found out that I've been misspelling Mukuro's name. Besides that, it's back to the action! I hope you've enjoyed, and will leave your opinions, be they positive or not. Hope you've enjoyed the preliminaries of the tournament! See you next time!