Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.

Kagome’s eyes slid open, her entire body protesting and creaking as she stretched. Multiple popping sounds went across her body, and a warmth filled her at the sense and scent of Kurama where he stood to her side.
As soon as she turned towards him, she was swept off of the warm bed and she blushed as he pressed onto her.
“Well, this is a nice way to wake up,” Kagome said with a stupid grin.
He pulled back, and her entire body went limp as their lips met, their bodies pressing into the bed.
Her eyes widened at the amount of emotion that went into the kiss, and by the time they broke off for air, Kagome blushed at the realization that her legs had wrapped around him, pressing them as together as possible.
“Mmm… I take it I’ve been asleep for a while?”
“It’s been two weeks, and if not for your energy and heartbeat, I’d have thought you dead with how little you’ve breathed or moved the entire time,” he stated, caressing her face.
“Two weeks? Are you serious?”
“Quite… You scared me, Kagome. I ask that you not do it again,” he sighed, pressing their foreheads together.
Memories flooded to her mind, and tears rose, pressing into him for whole new reasons now.
“Koenma let me come back. I’m… I’m really alive, aren’t I?”
Kurama nodded, planting kisses along her jaw and forehead before their lips met again.
“And Tsuki and Shippo?” she asked during the next break.
With a smile, Kurama pointed, and Kagome craned her head. A smile broke across her face, warmth filling her at the sight of Shippo lying on a large couch, Tsuki lying on his chest and resting peacefully.
“He will be a very good big brother, I think,” Kurama mused. “The only time that he’s let her go was when we were feeding her.”
“I think so, too… We?”
“Kisuke, Yoruichi, and I,” Kurama shrugged.
“Okay… Another question. Where are we?”
“We’re in Sesshomaru’s castle, right now.”
At that, her eyes widened.
“Yes. When you fell unconscious, he and his wife brought you and Shippo here. I’ve been told to inform you, when you woke up, that you can become a tactical advisor to him while he rules, along with myself.”
“Really?” Kagome asked, eyes wide. “Man, I’m just getting job offers all over the place.”
“So it would seem,” he laughed. “So Koenma also asked you to stay on as a detective?”
“Yeah… We had an interesting chat, before I came back to life,” Kagome said, thoughts of the conversation flooding her with warmth.
“Really? How so?”
Smiling, Kagome pulled him down and their lips met once again, this time going until they were both lightheaded.
“So it was something good, I take it?” he mused, panting.
“Very,” she sighed. “Or maybe not. I’m still not sure. I guess I have to discuss it with you… But right now, I need a shower,” she said, making a face when her nose caught what was coming from her body.
He merely pointed at a door and as she rose, her hand wrapped around his wrist.
“You’re coming with me,” she said with a smirk as they disappeared into the room…

“Oh, man… That felt good,” Kagome sighed, dropping onto the bed.
Smirking, Kurama lay down at her side, a hand stroking up and down her side and sending tremors through her.
“So, what’s this that we have to discuss, Kagome?” Kurama finally asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Well… It’s definitely big,” Kagome stated, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“Oh? My interest is piqued, I must admit.”
“Okay. Well first, it turns out that with all of my energy and power, I’m technically on the level of a goddess.”
“Really? Well, that’s interesting, indeed.”
“Yeah… Koenma offered me the chance to become an immortal after I died… But I turned it down, so right now, I honestly don’t know how long I have to live… I’m sure you heard me, but I gave up a third of my life to beat Enma…”
His eyes widened, suddenly completely intent on her serene face.
“Neither Koenma nor I know. It’ll still be centuries longer than a human, but I decided that being immortal would be entirely too painful… So instead, he worked magic on me when he sent me back.”
“Oh? What kind of magic?”
“The life-altering kind. Apparently, as a Mazoku, I started out being close to immortal, and then I added the whole Shinigami aspect, and I would live until the end of time. As long as you’re my mate, my life is directly connected to yours… So, you can make it go either way.”
“Make what go which way?” he asked, confused.
“Lifespans… You can choose how it goes, as long as we’re mates and we love each other… Koenma made it so either I can die when you do, or you can grow to have my lifespan as well… But the choice is yours. Living so long might not be such a good thing.”
“That’s quite… heavy,” he stated with shock-widened eyes. “You’re saying that Koenma made it so I can be immortal.”
“Well, as close to it as possible without being a god or goddess,” Kagome said with a shrug.
“Well now, I think that decision will take a long time to decide… Though I’m glad it also relies on the love in the relationship. That should avoid any complications, though I for one doubt that any would arise.”
“Well, hold that thought… There’s another piece of news I have to tell you…”
“Oh? That sounds… foreboding…”
Slowly, she grabbed his hand and placed it over her bare stomach, still staring up at the ceiling. Golden power suddenly flooded from her palms and rose into his. And when it did, his eyes widened to saucers.
“I… feel something…”
“It’s not very far along, but what you feel is something growing in me.”
His eyes widened even further, her own finally meeting his gaze.
“I’m having another child,” she said, definitely not repeating past mistakes and cutting to the chase. “It’s yours… if you want it. And me. Still,” she stated, eyes locked with his shocked ones.
And then, emotion rolled across his face in waves, and she was pressed against him, warmth flooding her.
Suddenly, he laughed, and her eyes narrowed playfully, though she was entirely to happy to let it get to her.
“What’s funny?”
“It’s just the situation. This whole thing began when you were given new life as a Shinigami. And it ends with the new life of our child. It seems someone other than Enma has a sense of irony, and theirs is much less cruel,” Kurama laughed.
“Raising three children will be a challenge,” Kagome said, smiling brilliantly.
“Indeed. But I believe we’ll manage. You have many friends. More than I think you realize,” he said with a smile.
And then, Kagome was laughing too, the sight of her awakening children and her mate’s arms around her filling her with untold joy…

3 Months later

Kagome rolled out of bed, groaning as a ringing filled her senses.
When she picked up the phone, her tired bad mood evaporated on word one.
“Hey, sis!”
“Hey, Souta,” she said, brightening. “How’s the training going?”
“Great! Master Genkai is teaching me how to blow stuff up with a look!” her brother exclaimed excitedly, ignoring his sister’s groan.
“Great. Just what I need. My little brother running around seeing what’s hardest to make explode.”
“Hey! You can do it, and you don’t run around doing that!” he cried indignantly.
“Yeah, but I’m older and wiser,” she scoffed. “So, what’d ya’ call for at oh-dark-thirty in the morning?”
“Oh, right! Well, Genkai heard about you from Yusuke. Looks like you’ve been having fun in the Makai,” he said, his voice making Kagome groan again. “So, when’s the newest mini-Kagome coming around?”
“Don’t know, yet,” Kagome sighed. “Sesshomaru’s been keeping me so busy lately I don’t even know what day it is anymore. And when he’s not, Koenma’s got some youkai on the loose that Yusuke’s too slow to catch,” she groaned.
“Hey, at least you’ve got cool jobs! When Master Genkai’s not training me, she makes me do all kinds of shopping and chores for her. I miss Yukina!” he sighed.
Kagome smirked, bringing the phone back to bed.
“Yeah, I guess it can be worse, huh, shrimp? And there’s the fact that I can work with my husband on both jobs, too.”
“Yeah! So you’ve got nothing to complain about!” he grumbled. “So how’s my niece and nephew doing?”
“Well, Shippo’s been busy trying to flirt with Rin. It’s actually really funny to watch,” Kagome laughed. “I don’t think the poor boy knows she’s on to him. As for Tsuki, she’s been… active…”
“What’s up?” he asked, hearing the wistfulness in her voice.
“Well, let’s just say she’s keeping Yoruichi busy. I still feel bad about her not being able to go back, but she seems to enjoy babysitting. Treats Tsuki like her own.”
“That’s good… Oh, Genkai’s coming! Gotta’ go!”
The phone clicked off, and Kagome smirked as she went about changing for the day.
Power suddenly pulsed in the room next door, and suddenly her door flew open, followed by blurs of white and purple.
The blurs stopped moving just as Yoruichi launched at Tsuki, catching her with a lot of luck and skidding to the wall.
“Hey! You might be faster than your mom, there, kiddo,” the ex-Shinigami said as Tsuki burst into giggles.
Smiling, Kagome watched as the two left, and she took off for Sesshomaru’s antechamber.
A problem had risen since the day that she’d destroyed Enma. The hole he’d ripped open had stayed open, despite Kagome having apparently sealed it. And it was opening up at various places, so far only within Japan.
As liaison to both Koenma and Sesshomaru, she fought on both sides of it, trying to seal the hole and keep the S-Class youkai that slipped through out of the Ningenkai. With the help of several others, from the Vizards, who Koenma had made his new personal guard when he became the king, to the Spirit Detectives, Genkai, and even Ichigo, when the problem went their way.
She just hoped that the problem would stay in Japan, until they sealed it for good. And her sense of optimism had gotten increasingly large from the time Kurama had asked to make their relationship official in both human and youkai customs.
Smiling, she looked down at the ring on her finger before rubbing her stomach, now feeling a very faint heartbeat within. With a smile, she went to Sesshomaru’s antechamber to discuss the problem at hand…

And so, the story comes to a close, the story longer than any I’ve written before. I hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed yourselves, as I have, and that you’ll read my other works as well if you enjoyed this. Thank you all for reading my work and commenting, and please, as this is the finale, be sure to leave any and all opinions on what I did right or, even better, critiques of what I didn’t, so I’ll know on my next story (whenever I begin it) and won’t repeat mistakes. Thank you for reading. I bid you all adieu!