Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 57 ( Chapter 57 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence, Angst, Language

Kagome’s eyes slowly opened, the expected pain not anywhere in her body. She practically jumped when she found a pair of big, brown eyes staring down at her.
“What the hell!?” she yelped, rolling into a crouch.
When she saw the rest of what was connected to the eyes, her heart clenched, tears forming.
“I guess this is it, then…”

Kurama stared down at Kagome’s body, his body slowly filling with tremors.
Soon, there were many others joining him at his side, staring down at the pale, rapidly cooling woman.
A sound caught his attention, and he found Yoruichi and Shippo both fallen onto their knees, tears streaming in rivers down their faces.
Slowly, the kit crawled next to her body, hugging her chest.
“Momma? Momma, wake up,” he said resignedly, gently shaking her.
“Damnit!” Yoruichi howled, smashing the ground with her fist in an explosion of power.
A person took form behind them, and Kurama tensed, eyes narrowing.
“Drop the woman. She has to be destroyed, or there’s a chance the Spirit King’s son will return her back,” a masculine voice growled.
At that, his eyes widened, and youki began pouring out of his body.
Kurama’s head whipped around as Yusuke stalked towards a small, blue-haired boy, his face contorted in a snarl of rage.
“You little bastard! You actually have the stones to say that to us!? She was just killed, fighting a power-hungry bastard who turned her daughter into a fucking weapon! You have exactly five seconds for all of you motherfuckers to clear out of the Makai, or I’m going to start killing,” he snarled, youki and reiki flaring around his frame.
“Unhand me, youkai,” Hitsuguya growled. “She just killed our king. I don’t give a shit what he did. His word was law.”
“You bastard!”
Yusuke began to swing his fist when suddenly, a mass of thorns rose up, catching his fist.
Both Yusuke and the Captain turned in shock as youki exploded from the rising redhead, his entire frame giving off sparks of silverish energy.
Shippo buried his head into his mother’s neck and hugged his sister as the redhead slowly turned, his power giving rise to a feeling of foreboding.
And then, Hitsuguya’s eyes widened as a long whip of thorns took form around his throat, lifting him gasping off of the air. He stared into the molten, infuriated gold-flecked green eyes, terror rising quickly in the Captain.
“My mate didn’t have to die,” he growled, his voice deep and guttural.
Youki rose in waves from Kurama as he stepped closer to the Captain, the ground vibrating beneath his feet.
“Kagome died because your king turned her innocent child into a weapon of mass destruction and she didn’t appreciate the fact. And then, to make matters worse, after she’d beaten your long-time enemy for you and fought against her own father, you all turned on her, trying to kill her. I’m not normally a violent man, but you’ve all incurred my wrath. This is your one offer. Leave the Makai now, or I’ll snap your neck and devour all of your kin with everything that lives beneath the soil we all stand on,” Kurama growled, tremors in the ground growing increasingly violent by the second…

“So, I’m dead… I really died. For good, this time,” Kagome stated, tears rolling.
“It would appear that way. Did you expect to survive, pulling that on my father?” Koenma asked, eyes sad.
“I had hoped… So I finally made a world where Tsuki and Shippo and Souta can safely live in, without fearing death every second, and now I can’t live with them in it,” Kagome said, tears rolling more heavily as sobs took her.
“And I’m afraid that it’s not over yet. The Shinigami aren’t pleased that their king was just killed…”
Kagome’s legs turned to jelly, and she stared at him in horror.
“Please… Please tell me that Kurama and everyone will survive,” she choked out.
“I believe so, but… it looks grim,” the demigod stated sadly.
She stared down at the ground, shaking violently as the teenager-looking prince walked over to her side.
“I can give you another option. But it won’t be pleasant. Especially going through all your damage in reverse.”
“What? I can live again? I can help them?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“Well… maybe. You can return to the land of the living. And your body will gain back its vitality… but you’ve already used a third of your life energy to beat dad, and there’s another matter that you may have to deal with, should you accept this option.”
“Another matter?” Kagome asked, eyes wide as a strange feeling filled her…

“You’ll release him now,” a black-haired woman growled, stepping forward.
Suddenly, a man appeared before her, a hand barring her stride. The man met Kurama’s enraged eyes, his grip on the sword in his hand tightening.
“If you’re going to protect the traitor to the Kuchiki bloodline, I will have to dispatch you,” the man stated.
And then, Sesshomaru was between the two groups, his eyes bleeding red and the women at his side growling.
“This is enough,” he snarled, sword coming up in his hand.
“This is the Makai. This is now my land. And you no longer have your king on your side. If you do not leave at this instant, I will take my rage at the loss of a friend out on every last one of you.”
“There are many more of us than you,” Soi Fon scoffed.
At that, Kurama’s youki flashed, and suddenly the ground shook as though the planet were splitting. And billions of sharp, jagged bundles of thorns rose around him, the rose around Hitsuguya’s throat tightening.
The ground rippled, and suddenly the thorns were whipping into the crowds of Shinigami. Surprisingly, the man across from him dropped his sword, and shards of blades suddenly took form, ripping apart his attack. But not before they’d taken a large chunk out of their numbers.
A glint of metal flashed, and Kurama dove away as the whip holding Hitsuguya’s throat was severed. The Captain landed, and he was gone in an instant, landing next to the other two.
“Senbonzakura,” the man stated calmly.
Glowing blades spread around them, and Kurama growled, his eyes flaring with his rising youki.
Yoruichi and Urahara stepped up, both wearing fierce expressions.
“That’s enough,” Yoruichi snarled. “Byakuya, call off your attack, and all of you go back to the Seireitei. Now!”
In response, Senbonzakura’s blades launched at her throat, and a wall of red energy formed, as well as a pair of tall demonesses knocking the ones that slipped past away…

Kagome stared at Koenma in shock, her breathing shallow.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“No, I’m quite serious. With all that you’ve done, I have the ability to turn you into a pure form of your goodness.”
“A goddess… You’re saying I could be an actual goddess,” Kagome said, eyes wide and unseeing.
“Correct. Or, a demigoddess, anyway. So knowing all of this, you need to make the choice. Do you want to go back?”
Kagome stared at the floor, eyes wide.
“With all due respect, Enma was a god, and look how that turned out,” Kagome said with a smirk. “The other news isn’t devastating, Koenma… And you’ve been-”
“Yes, but it can only last for so much longer. So make a choice. Live, take your place as a goddess, or go to Heaven, where your family will be waiting and your mate will eventually go. Which’ll it be?”
“Send me back, Koenma… Please. And please, promise me you won’t make the same mistakes as your father,” she begged.
“I won’t, I promise you. And please, do drop by when all this is settled. You won’t have to live in fear of going back to the Ningenkai, anymore,” he said with a wink.
Suddenly, she began to glow brightly, and Koenma nodded.
“This is going to hurt. And I reiterate, if too much time’s passed your body may not accept you back, so just hope. Sorry.”
And then, Kagome blacked out…

“We’ll eradicate you all,” a Shinigami growled, their forces moving on the youkai.
Several let out screams as more of Kurama’s thorns bit deep, cutting deep into their ranks.
And then, the charge stopped, the air turning heavy and a brilliant light filling the entire Makai.
All eyes turned to the source of the light, to find Kagome’s body flaring with light. Then the light was gone, and they waited with silent breath.
When she didn’t make any move and showed no signs of life, the Shinigami shrugged it off and returned to attacking.
And then, power flooded the air in waves of blue and silver.
“Bakudo 74, Jikiyamahan,” a voice whispered hoarsely.
Suddenly, a massive barrier rose up from the ground, engulfing the Shinigami in their entirety.
Slowly, Kagome’s limp body lifted, light rolling off of her to reveal slowly healing skin, her energy still dim but rapidly growing larger and Tsuki lying restfully in her cradled arms. The others turned, Kurama’s eyes wide and shock and relief rolling from him.
“You waited too long,” she coughed.
“You’re dead!” Soi Fon screamed. “Why the hell don’t you stay that way?”
“I have a difficulty accepting dying,” Kagome shrugged, letting her energies rise and twine with Kurama’s as she moved.
“But I can’t kill you all, because I still like some of you,” she continued. “And it’d mean more work for me when Hollows come to devour innocent souls if there are no Shinigami around to fight them. So here’s what’s going to happen,” she said, limping forward towards the rapidly angering Shinigami. “I’m going to throw you out of the Makai. You’re going to go back to the Seireitei, and we’ll never see each other again. In exchange, I get to live without fearing that my family will ever be in danger again from anything more than a wayward youkai that slips through while I’m working for Koenma.”
Before they could protest, she made a hand gesture, and power rippled through the air.
The barrier lifted, the Shinigami trapped within, and then it barreled through the crack in the sky. Which closed the second the last bit of it cleared.
A stunned silence filled the area as Kagome stood tall, her still-healing wounds decreasing in number.
The next thing she knew, she was on the ground, a comforting weight pressed to her chest.
“Momma! You’re alive!” Shippo exclaimed, crying into her chest and hugging her with bone-crushing strength.
“Well, alive’s a state of mind, and I’m too tired right now,” Kagome sighed. “I think I’m going to take a long nap,” she added with a kiss to her son’s forehead.
Just as she began to slip into hibernation, a pair of warm arms went around her, and a slow smile curved her lips. She was alive. And so was her mate. And she had a happy, eventful, long life stretched out ahead of her…

(Chi)(toge)(kujo)- Thousand Thorn Destruction
Rijekuto- Reject
So, the end has been reached! I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed! As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. Be sure to stick around for the epilogue :) See you next time!