Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 56 ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.

Kagome pressed her face into Tsuki’s flowing white hair, tears falling as the excruciating agony continued to build on her every nerve ending and synapse.
“Shikon no Tama… I wish that you leave my daughter and let her live a happy life…”
The agony mounted onto, if possible, an even higher level, her skin beginning to peel away under the Shikon’s incredible power. But it seemed to make no response, and she fell to her knees, weeping.
“Please! I’ll take all of the brunt of this selfish wish, but please, I beg of you, don’t let my innocent daughter become a tool for mass genocide!”
Again, the pain ratcheted up to a new level, her body beginning to shut down to avoid the pure agony.
“I beg you! I don’t care what happens to me, but don’t let Enma use my daughter to wipe out an entire race of creatures just because he feels like it!” she screamed, the power boiling the ground beneath her. “I will give you my life in exchange, so please…”
She choked off, sobs of pain of several kinds filling her entire being.
She felt a strange awareness rising, poking and prodding at her consciousness with an almost physical effect.
“Even that which you once protected gives you no heed!” Enma sneered.
Tsuki’s cries rose into the still air, every being in attendance watching in various degrees of shock and horror at the scene.
The pain finally reached its peak, Kagome vision graying and her awareness of the world fading down to just her and the wonderful, beautiful, cursed child in her arms.
And then, Tsuki’s pale white eyes opened, and her small arms pressed close to Kagome’s face. In stunned awe, the demoness watched as her daughter wiped away her tears.
“I will grant your wish,” a deep, echoing voice of timeless power filled her head. “Your wish is the purest possible. But it is not within my power alone to end a god.”
And then, a black, hellish column of light engulfed Kagome and Tsuki, the scent of blood heavy in the air. The power built rapidly in torrents, and then a flash of brilliant light went off, blinding everyone present. The incredible power that they’d gotten accustomed to being near in the past few minutes suddenly vanished.
Slowly, youkai and Shinigami alike began to see again, every one of them expecting Kagome and Tsuki to be gone. But what they found was a surprise.
Kagome stood across from Enma, her body no longer having a scratch on it. Her destroyed clothes were replaced with a long, white robe. And around her and Tsuki, brilliant silver flames coiled into existence, wrapping around them both like holy snakes.
Enma took off, fury rolling off of him in waves.
And then he stopped and fell stiffly to the ground when Kagome pointed.
“Meimei Konbure-ku,” Kagome said, her voice whispering across the area and making a chilling wind that left not a single observer completely unphased.
Enma’s eyes widened in horror as slowly, a line formed down his arm. The line than flared, and slowly expanded to reveal a glowing line of black that leaked through him and turned the surrounding skin transparent.
And then, similar cracks began to take form all over his limp body, and he began to hyperventilate.
“What the hell is happening!?” he screamed.
“I’m killing you. Congratulations, Enma. You pushed me too far,” Kagome stated calmly.
“I am a god! I can’t be killed!”
“No, you’re right,” Kagome said, her voice still a chilling, even baritone. “You can’t be killed. But that’s not the same thing as being unable to be destroyed.”
His eyes locked on her, black light pouring out from the enlarging cracks.
“If you were a pure being, this wouldn’t work. And if you had even a slight iota of decency in you, that light would be light. What you’re seeing coming out of you is your soul.”
The statement made him begin to thrash around, the light growing more intense by the second and his entire lower body beginning to become connected by the cracks.
“Right now, you and I are on the same level, Enma,” she stated, her voice growing icier with his name. “More than that, this is divine retribution.”
“How is this possible!?” he snarled.
“You’re on a much higher level than Kazuma. Doing this before would’ve snuffed my life out. But the Shikon was too pure to let itself be used for your genocidal war. And so instead, I only had to give up a third of my life force, and the Shikon filled in the rest.”
He stared at her in shock, eyes wide as saucers.
“How are you doing this!?”
“The jewel gave me a temporary new life, giving me all of its power so it can never exist again. You are a twisted creature, Enma. And this is your end. I believe your son will be a much better being than you ever were,” Kagome stated, glaring down at him.
And then, he began to scream, and the cracks on his body exploded, his entire body beginning to glow with the hellish black light. An equally terrifying, yet completely silver light rose from Kagome, and the two masses of energy rose and intertwined.
Slowly, the energies rose, turning into brilliant white as it built.
All of the observers were stunned as slowly, the column of white began to change form. Before their eyes, the energies took on the form of a bird. And that bird grew rapidly, until it was the vestige of a massive, silver phoenix.
As soon as it took form, tremors filled the ground, sending shockwaves throughout the entirety of the demon world.
Kagome’s robe flowed on an unseen wind, and her hair slowly bleached silver like her daughter’s as the phoenix built.
And then, the phoenix roared. A deep, ageless sound of untold horrors and joys that made the ground beneath it and around Kagome and the glowing Enma to turn to a river of silver energy.
The phoenix exploded into a massive torrent of silver droplets of energy. The power rained down, and as it reached halfway to the ground, they exploded with light. When the lights were gone, there were millions of brilliant, silver rose petals flowing downwards.
And where there had been three, only Kagome and Tsuki remained.
And Kagome’s white robe ran with blood, covering the ground in puddles beneath her feet. The massive energy that had been within her was practically nonexistent, her energy practically vanishing and rekindling into a small silver flame with her every breath.
Her arms and legs were stripped to bone in some places, and bloody tears ran burning trails down her heavily bruised and cut face.
Instantly, Kurama moved, catching her and Tsuki in his arms as she collapsed.
“Kurama,” she gasped, blood running from her lips.
“Reserve your strength,” he whispered, his power flowing to visible levels around the two.
Slowly, her better-looking arm rose, gently caressing his cheek as tears continued to fall.
“Kurama… I love you. Please, make this all end with my death…”
His eyes widened in shock, Tsuki stirring in her arms.
“Kagome… You’re not dying,” he said slowly. “You’re close, but I assure you you’ll live through this.”
Sadly, Kagome shook her head, her body shaking with sobs.
“I… don’t know about that. Maybe. But I’m not going… to be much use… Please keep my children and friends safe…”
And with that, her eyes slipped closed, a sad smile on her face as she thought of waking up again in Kurama’s arms, this whole ordeal behind her, and honestly not knowing whether it would happen or not…

(Meimei)(Kon)(bure-ku)- Divine Soul Break
And so, I give you Enma’s death! Will Kagome live through this? I hope you’ve enjoyed up to this point, and will read onward to the grand finale of my genius (when it’s up). As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!