Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 55 ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: ANGST, Violence, Gore, Language

Kagome stared at the god in shock, every being in the area silent.
“You… Let. my. daughter. fucking. go,” Kagome snarled, flames the color of war and blood rising high above her with every word.
“Oh, like it would be that easy,” he scoffed. “Now, I gave you a very reasonable choice, Kagome. Which is more important? Your life, or those of all of these youkai you lost your status as a miko for?”
Kagome stared uncomprehendingly at him, youkai and Shinigami alike horrified by what he was saying.
“Listen to me, you bastard, and listen well,” she growled. “Every single one of these youkai, no matter how underhanded some of them may be, are more noble than you will ever be. Even the worst youkai I’ve ever met had some line that they wouldn’t cross, be it due to morality or lack of power to carry something out. Excluding maybe Naraku, but I’ve killed him, so that doesn’t seem relevant.”
“Yes, what a pretty speech,” he sighed, sounding bored, “but is there a point?”
“Yes. You let the Shikon no Tama be handled by Kikyo. You let Naraku taint the jewel. You fucked with my life from the day you stuck that jewel in my chest and gave me that bitch’s soul. And you even used my body, and the most innocent form of being to make your personal fucking weapon!” she snarled, the ground shuddering under the pressure of her hatred. “What’s to say that I kill myself and then you wipe them out anyway?”
“Nothing, really, beyond my word as a god,” he shrugged. “But then, if you don’t do it, there’s no chance I won’t,” he sneered viciously. “So again I ask; you or the youkai?”
“You bastard!” Hiei snarled, black flames rising as he launched for him.
“You’re not involved in this, whelp. Settle,” Enma growled, making a gesture.
Suddenly, Hiei’s eyes widened and he barreled backwards, body twisting and smoke coming from his chest.
“Pest. Now then, I’m growing impatient, Kagome. You’ve bored me enough. So choose. Or I will,” he snarled, beginning to squeeze Tsuki.
Kagome began to move when suddenly, Tsuki’s cries took on a far greater pitch. And the air around them grew unbearably heavy, brilliant silver energy rising in waves from the child’s body.
Kagome moved in an instant, her body a blur of dark energy that send the ground shattering in sheets in her path. In the exact second it took Enma to adjust to the child’s unbelievably strong burst of energy, she was on him.
She reappeared feet away the next second, the Tetsusaiga poised in one hand and a crying Tsuki clinging to her neck, her other hand comfortingly rubbing her daughter’s back.
And then, time returned to full speed, and Enma’s eyes widened in shock. A spray of black ichor filled the air, its heady scent making several youkai cringe at the sheer volume that appeared from the crescent-shaped indentation in Enma’s side that used to be his right shoulder and arm.
Blood dripped from the Tetsusaiga, and black flames rose up around Kagome, her eyes turning the red and black mixture of hellfire.
“You’re going to suffer,” she snarled, her voice filling the entirety of Makai with its fury. “Raikoho!”
As the lightning arced into the stunned god’s chest, she spun, energy leaving her as fast as it rose from the life around her, her fury making her a living power conduit to combat him.
A larger burst of electricity launched, and he began to writhe as the energy coursed through his form.
“Funny thing, Enma. Thanks to you, there’s no longer a need to hide what I’ve got in me. That means I can give you everything I’ve got! Rikujokuro! Sajo Sabaku ! Bakudo 99, Kin!”
Enma let out a snarl as black ropes of energy engulfed his form, effectively binding him in place as rods and chains of light surrounded him. Kagome went into a stance, power rushing up her form in waves large enough that the youkai and Shinigami went back, several barriers rising.
“Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired. Senju Koten Taiho!”
Spears of golden light smashed into the heavily bleeding god, and power rose from his body. And then, the power ignited, and the resulting explosion formed a crater in the ground, the god rising several feet away with a large portion of his body now bloody and broken, rage in his eyes.
The ground again erupted, and again Kagome appeared feet away from the angered god, her back to him. Again, more blood fell from her blade, and a large gash opened across his chest.
“The next one’s taking your head.”
As she disappeared again, his body ignited in golden flames, and she came out of her charge as the area around him began to smoke and boil. Before her eyes, his wounds again healed themselves, though the stomach-turning display had no effect on her, as enraged as she was.
“You can not kill me, mortal! I am a god! I’m immortal! And every time you’ve wounded me has further consigned your trip to Hell, youkai slime!”
Something moved behind her, and just as Kurama and her friends began to advance on the god, he snarled and a wall of golden flames launched across the ground, smashing them backwards and into the somewhat-recovered Shinigami.
Her senses filled with Kurama, and the Shinigami with actually impressive attacking him restlessly. With some sick satisfaction, she watched as her son joined the fray, using his kitsune-bi to distract the woman so Kurama could knock him unconscious.
Sounds of battle ensued once more, and youki took form at her side. Her eyes widened as Sesshomaru, Mukuro and Yomi appeared on her sides.
“Enma, this is an open declaration of war,” Sesshomaru growled.
“Who cares!? I can wipe you lot out in an instant! What do I care of the resistance of worms!?”
Energy bubbled up, and Kagome found breathing suddenly difficult, her body being enveloped in golden light. For an instant, she blacked out, but in that instant, Enma made his move, and Tsuki was glowing in his hand.
She launched forward, horror and hatred boiling together into a hard knot of wrath. She buried the Tetsusaiga in his throat, power rippling along both of their forms. As her sword bounced away, his wound closing, she lunged for Tsuki.
As her skin made contact, an unholy burning engulfed her entire form.
“I’ve already activated the Shikon,” Enma sneered, scratching at the reddish mark on his neck. “You have nothing left available to you. You might want to kill yourself, if you have delicate sensibilities, so you can avoid what comes next.”
Kagome’s eyes closed, blocking out the pain as she wrapped her crying daughter in her embrace. A scream ripped from her as her arms began to boil under the raw power of Tsuki’s body, and she landed on the ground with her entire body being ripped apart.
“Release your hold, or you’ll die!” Mukuro exclaimed.
“Alright, Enma, you win,” Kagome said, her voice ringing out and stopping the fighting once again. “Tsuki’s life is going to be used for your sick game. But I will not let her suffer alone, and I’m not letting her power be used to eradicate youkai.”
“What can you do?” Enma laughed.
Suddenly, her pained eyes opened, and Enma’s mirth died, the expression he saw that of complete defeat.
“If she’s going to be used for a wish, then I’m going to make it,” she growled, red tears falling from her eyes as her skin began to melt faster.
“You’re bluffing,” he sneered.
And the smirk was wiped off his face when she craned her neck and whispered into Tsuki’s ears, tears cascading from her form and power exploding outward…

A/N: I don’t remember what I’ve covered before
Ichor- the blood of deities in Greek mythology (don’t know how many people are mythology nerds like me)
Raikoho- Thunder Roar Sear
Hiryugekizokushintenraiho- Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon
Raikujokoro- Six Rods Prison of Light
Sajo Sabaku- Locking Bondage Strips
Senju Koten Taiho- Thousand-Hand Bright Heaven Culling-Sear
Kitsune-bi: fox fire
And so, the conclusion draws near! Man, Kagome had a lot of power I didn’t utilize before. I hope it’s exciting to the reader (you), as much as to the author (me). As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or negative. See you next time!