Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 54 ( Chapter 54 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language, Violence

“Oh my god! That’s Enma!” someone screamed, the crowd rapidly growing restless again.
“Attack,” Enma hissed.
Instantly, the Shinigami moved. Kagome had both blades out, power surging around her.
“Come on, now. Sending in more cannon fodder isn’t going to work,” she growled. “Bakudo 62, Hyapporankan!”
The attacking grunts were unanimously blasted backwards, rods of light pinning them to the ground.
“So, let’s see… Soi Fon, Byakuya, Hitsuguya, Hiyori, a ton of foot soldiers… They don’t have Rukia, Ichigo, or the other Vizards, though. Hmm… It might be hard to get to him like this,” Kagome sighed.
“Leave the weaklings to me,” Hiei said as he appeared next to Kurama.
“You pathetic scum actually believe you can beat me!?” Enma laughed.
“Ladies and gentlemen… I think something bad’s about to happen. It appears that King Enma, along with an army of youkai-slayers, has entered the Makai! And, even more shocking, it looks like Kagome and these people have history! This looks like it will get very ugly!” Koto exclaimed.
“I will finish this,” Kagome snarled. “I’ve killed Kazuma, and while I despise him, I agree on one thing.”
“You killed the fool? Oh, do tell me, how did it feel to end your own father’s life?”
The crowd went into stunned silence, all eyes on Kagome, whose grip on the Tetsusaiga tightened until her muscles creaked.
“Not as bad as you’d think. It felt only slightly less good than it will when I see you take your last breath, I’m sure.”
“You traitorous bitch!” Soi Fon snarled.
Suddenly, youkai stepped up, making Kagome’s group much larger.
“Hey, we going to stand around and talk all day, or are we gonna’ brawl?” Yusuke quipped, his energy building.
“Enough,” a deep voice growled.
Sesshomaru appeared from the crowd, Kagura and Rin at his side, the Bakusaiga in his grip, and a look of death personified on his face.
“So you’re the new ruler of the Makai,” Enma sneered.
“Indeed. And, as the new ruler of the Makai, this Sesshomaru would simply hate for this to be considered an open declaration of war. I assure you a painful death if you so much as look wrongly upon my vassal or her friends,” the inu growled, stopping next to Kagome.
“Hey, you did really good, Kagome!” Rin exclaimed, holding tightly to Kagura’s hand.
“Thanks, sweety. Enma, leave, now, and take your toadies with you,” she yelled at the king.
“You lot can do nothing, filthy youkai scum,” Enma hissed.
“So, your enemy is Enma, then? Quite impressive,” Mukuro stated from Hiei’s side.
“Don’t think there’s safety in numbers, Kagome,” Enma snarled. “More allies just means more corpses!”
Kagome stepped forward, the ground shaking as her remaining power began to boil to the surface.
“I don’t want my friends dead, nor do I want to kill Shinigami. This is between you and me, Enma. So stop the bullshit and act like the god you supposedly are!”
“It may be between us, but you stand for every darkness in these worlds. And so it’s only right that every Shinigami get a shot at you. But you appear to be considerably weaker than last time, Kagome. It seems that you’re a bit worn down,” he sneered.
“I think even we could take you just fine, right now,” Hitsuguya added. “Howl, Hyorin-”
A pulse of energy filled the still-remaining crack in the air, and Kagome tensed, the same as the rest of them in the clearing. Slowly, sources of power fell into the Makai. As soon as the sources hit the ground, several shadows took form between Enma and Kagome.
“Bakudo 99, Kin!”
The Captain’s eyes widened as his body was bound, one of the shadowy figures glowing with power.
As soon as she saw blond and orange heads of hair, she relaxed somewhat, the youkai at her sides following suit.
“Good to see you, Shinji,” Kagome sighed. “And Ichigo.”
“Like I’d miss this,” Ichigo laughed.
“Kurosaki, what’s the meaning of this?” Byakuya demanded.
“Well, funny story. I was stayin’ outta this whole mess. But then, two days ago, some bastard showed up and threatened my family. So when a big hole in the sky opened, I just couldn’t resist following the Vizards.”
“Oh, so my messenger wasn’t appreciated,” Enma sighed. “Well, that’s just a shame.”
“When it’s between the Soul Society or Orihime and my sisters, I’ll choose them every time,” Ichigo said as his Zanpakuto cleared its wrapping. “And I don’t appreciate some being that thinks he’s a god sending flunkies to my home, to openly threaten my pregnant wife. So I’m pissed, and I came here to take it out on you,” he snarled.
“You have on chance to back down, and then I’ll destroy you,” Enma snarled.
There was a collective gasp as power surged through the air. On inspection, the god’s eyes widened.
Kagome’s eyes were narrowed slits of darkness, a wall of black flames rolling in waves up her body. Slowly, she raised the Tetsusaiga, and the Vizards dove out of her path.
“Mother fucker! Adamant Barrage!” she screamed, bringing her glowing blade down.
And Enma’s arm hit the ground in the next second, massive shards of burning diamond stabbed deep into the ground behind him.
“You involved more innocent people in this! Hiei, Kurama, Sesshomaru, I leave the others to you.”
And with that, the ground exploded upwards in a cloud of debris, and Kagome was gone.
The next time she appeared, she had a fist in Enma’s face, her body pulled into a spin.
Her right foot connected with the surprised god’s throat, and both Shinigami and youkai alike stared at her vicious assault in shock.
“I’m going to break a bone for every person you’ve involved in your twisted game, Enma. Starting with my innocent daughter,” Kagome snarled, her other leg connecting with his stomach.
As she was spinning back, a fist connected with her face, and Kagome went skidding backwards in a cloud of dirt and blood.
“Don’t be so arrogant, mortal! That’s twice now you’ve wounded me. I have more power than you can comprehend! Do you think you’re so great, simply because you guarded the Shikon no Tama!?”
“The Shikon is all-powerful, right? That’s why you fucked with my daughter’s genetics to recreate it, isn’t it? Then consider this, Enma. How powerful a human do you think it would take to contain it?” Kagome asked, rising. “You may be a god, but you’re not unbeatable.”
“You are an abomination of nature. Even if you are on my level, you’re not a goddess.”
“I don’t claim to be. I have too much blood on my hands, and I’m not nearly that arrogant,” Kagome snarled, wiping the blood from her split lip. “Wind Sc-”
Her attack was suddenly cut off as Shinigami surrounded her, blades pressed to several points on her back and neck.
She spun, fire pouring off of her and the attackers going down, screaming in agony.
As they fell, more came, and she let out a guttural snarl, the sound shaking the ground. Just as the new attackers would’ve come at her from all sides, movement came from behind her.
And then, she was surrounded, the Shinigami writhing on the ground.
“Well, this is a hell of a fight!” a voice laughed, booze filling the air.
“Fighting a bunch of stupid Shinigami should be fun,” another voice laughed, Rinku hanging from Chu’s back.
“I don’t know what’s goin’ on, but seems to me you should be fightin’ the head hancho, you should,” Jin added, wind building around him.
“So, these are the help you got… Thanks, Kurama,” she sighed, his familiar warmth sending electricity up her spine.
“Stop the small talk. The faster their leader’s dead, the sooner we can end this,” Hiei growled, Mukuro standing at his side.
“Yomi and Touya are helping Urahara,” Kurama added, sensing her tension. “Focus on Enma. We’ll cover the rest.”
With a nod, she launched, going in an arc over the Shinigami and heading straight for the king.
Just as she reached him, his body pulsed, and she watched as his arm rebuilt itself with incredible speed, her stomach turning at the display. Because she was distracted, she didn’t hear the distant cry of protest until it was too late.
And when she did notice, Tsuki was already in Enma’s hands, a barrier trapping Urahara and the others.
Her heart dropped as her daughter squirmed, crying in terror.
“I believe this is your weakness. Now then, you lot have a choice. You can kill yourself, Kagome, or I can use this abomination you’ve created and wipe all of your kin from the face of this planet. What do you think?”

And the drama builds! I seem to have a lot of these moments… Well, anyway, hope you’ve enjoyed. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!