Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 53 ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language and Violence

Kagome left Kurama’s warmth, a sad sigh escaping her.
“When this is all over, and we go back to not living on adrenaline 24/7, I could definitely get used to that,” she sighed. “Well, wish me luck.”
“I didn’t think you the type to need luck,” the redhead quipped with a smile.
“You’re right,” she said, giving him a kiss before vanishing.
She landed across from Sesshomaru, who eyed her critically.
“You seem to have recovered quickly from those wounds, Kagome,” he quipped.
“Oh, I’m just that good. And I’ve got one hell of a good mate,” she added with a shrug.
“Ah, so then it’s true. I was wondering about that, truthfully. Well, hopefully you’re up to the task.”
Smiling, Kagome drew the Tetsusaiga, youki flowing around her.
“Oh, I think I can handle it. How about we play this seriously? I don’t want either of us to die, but I have to win this tournament. My family’s at stake.”
“Agreed,” Sesshomaru nodded, bringing the Bakusaiga from his side.
“And now, the grand finale begins! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Sesshomaru and Kagome. Let the fight begin!”
Cheers filled the air, and Kagome launched, her massive blade heading for Sesshomaru’s skull.
“So, this mate of yours is a healer?” Sesshomaru asked, parrying the strike.
“Kitsune, actually,” Kagome grunted, jumping back from his counterstrike.
He simply nodded in acknowledgment as the Bakusaiga went for her chest. Instantly, she brought the Tetsusaiga up, and the metal rang at the ground-shaking impact of the blades.
Kagome grunted under the force she was holding back, and she felt his youki building behind the blade.
She vanished from sight, the sudden shift of weight throwing his balance and guard off. The next instant, she reformed, fist heading for his face.
Just as it would’ve reached, he ducked down and his sword swept across the ground for her legs. The air screamed in protest as the edge went through, and she flipped high above the taiyoukai.
As she came out of her momentum, his sword was already going for her midsection. Her left hand left the Tetsusaiga, energy crackling along her fingertips.
The bolt of lightning sliced across the air, forcing Sesshomaru out of his attack. As it followed him, he flicked his claw, and the poisonous whip sliced through it like warm butter, the energy rapidly dissipating.
“That was quite a reaction,” Sesshomaru mused.
Kagome launched, the Tetsusaiga flying towards his side. Her eyes widened when he spun and his own sword met it. With enough force to throw her balance off and send the massive sword barreling into a tree.
“I hope you haven’t become dependent on it in such a short time,” Sesshomaru quipped before charging her with his blade.
“Like hell!”
Kumori slid into her palm, and the dagger went against his bone-shattering swing.
Sparks flew into the air around them as the metal of both blades screamed in resistance, bones creaking as they fought for dominance.
“Quite impressive. But no matter how strong you’ve become, you’re still lacking in experience.”
With that, Sesshomaru dropped down and his foot connected with her shins. As she toppled downwards, his hand shot out and she coiled around her stomach, hitting the ground several times as she went.
“It ends,” Sesshomaru growled, launching for her with his poisonous whip forming from one hand and his blade in the other.
“Damnit! Hado 32, Okasen!”
An arc of energy left her hand and, in the few seconds it took him to walk through the attack, she took off, clutching her stomach.
“Come now, Kagome. That was a weak attempt.”
Sesshomaru moved instantly, the Bakusaiga rising to block her fist. Just before she would’ve turned her hand to ribbons, Kagome vanished, afterimages surrounding the inu youkai.
His eyes narrowed as several deep cuts began to take form around his body, each strike just barely avoided before they came.
And then, a low growl left him, and his sword rang out. As soon as it met her dagger, he acted on her loss of speed.
His fist lifted her by her stomach, and then she felt an unbearable, fiery heat engulf her entire body.
“My poison will end this,” he sighed. “You put up more of a fight than I’d anticipated.”
Slowly, Kagome’s vision clouded, and her body went limp, eyes narrowed.
“Damnit… I can’t move,” she growled.
“It appears that Kagome’s been paralyzed. And, in a wonderful show of power, grace, and ability to kick ass and draw blood, our new king has been decided! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lord Sesshomaru!”
An explosion of cheers filled the air, and the inu gave a small, genuine smile.
“Good to be king?” Kagome quipped, glaring up at him.
“Indeed. Of course, did you really expect to win?”
“Don’t get cocky, fluffy. I came into this drained,” she sighed.
Slowly, her muscles began to respond and she pushed herself to her feet, tremors rocking her frame.
“Perhaps. Regardless, I think Rin might enjoy being a princess,” he suddenly added, his smile growing warmer and putting a temporary hold on her horror.
“Oh, now that I couldn’t take away,” Kagome laughed. “I could certainly have done worse than lose to you. But did you have to make me feel so weak? At least if you’d beaten me unconscious, I’d feel like it was out of my control, but I could’ve counteracted that if I’d been faster.”
“Perhaps. But a loss is a loss, and I suspect you’ll need to be conscious very soon. Do you need help walking?”
“No… Nothing permanent done.”
Slowly, she began limping off with the inu following closely behind. As she reached the edge of the island, she lifted her hand, and the Tetsusaiga barreled through the air into her grip.
Just as the two reached the crowd, the sound of billions of pieces of glass shattering filled the air. And the cheering in the crowd vanished.
Kagome’s heart skipped a beat as a large crack formed in the sky. Seconds later, people were coming through the hole en masse.
“What the hell!?” Koto’s voice boomed. “Does anyone know what’s happening?”
Kagome took off into the crowd, swords clearing their sheaths.
The redhead appeared at her side in an instant, face grim.
“If this goes badly, promise to keep my children safe,” she said as they continued moving towards the landing mass of bodies.
“I assure you that we’ll take the victory today. But,” he added, seeing Kagome’s expression, “I will swear that, in the event that I’m wrong, protect them with my life.”
“Th… Thank you, Kurama. Now let’s end this!”
And then, they were out of the restless crowd and power crackled in the air around Kagome.
“Hello, youkai slut,” a voice growled, bringing her attention to a glowering Soi Fon.
“Oh, good to see you again, Soi Fon. Enma, you son of a bitch, if you’re here, stop hiding so we can end all of this and I can go home,” she yelled.
The crowd went silent, staring at her in shock.
And their shock grew when a massive man stepped forward, a chilling sneer on his lips and a corona of energy wrapped around his body…

And so the victor is decided. I honestly couldn’t decide which one I wanted to win, but I thought this was the better way to go. Hope you enjoyed. And now, the grand finale begins! As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!