Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Spin the Bottle: Part 4 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Inufox of an anonymous reviewer (all at fanfiction.net).
Kagome: It is...Sesshomaru's!?
Kilala Li Fang: Is he even playing?
Kenshin: He's in the circle, isn't he?
Kaoru: [to Sesshomaru] Sesshomaru, you're playing, right?
[In response, Sesshomaru grabbed the bottle and spun it around, surprising everybody with his actions. They waited for it to stop. When it finally did, it was pointing to Kagome!]
Inuyasha+Kouga: You can't kiss my Kagome!!!
Kagome: Inuyasha, I didn't know...
Inuyasha: [surprised] What?? I didn't say that! I mean...uh...
Botan: Just hurry up and kiss Sesshomaru, Kagome!
Kagome: Be pa-
[Sesshomaru kissed Kagome before she could finish her sentence. After two seconds, Kouga yanked him away with a violent motion.]
Kouga: [to Sesshomaru] Don't you EVER do that again!!!
Kagome: Calm down, Kouga. You can get one two.
Kouga: Huh? Really?
[Kagome nodded then smacked Kouga on the lips. After that, she also kissed Inuyasha so he would be jealous.]
Kagome: Happy now, guys?
Inuyasha+Kouga: Yep!
Aoshi: I think you beat some kind of record, Kagome.
Kagome: What do you mean?
Ayumi: He's right! You kissed three different guys in a period of less than five minutes!
Inufox: Maybe we should call up the "Guinness Book of World Records."
Kia: You can if you want to, but I don't partake in crazy activities.
Kuwabara: You came to this party, didn't you?
Kia: Oh, yeah...Crazy activities besides parties, then.
Misao: Speaking of crazy activities, let's get on with "Spin the Bottle."
Sanosuke: Whose turn is it?
Kagome: [reading off her list] Well, it would be yours. But since you were already kissed, it's Sango's turn.
Sango: Okay, I'm going.
[Sango spun the bottle around. A few seconds passed. The bottle stopped on Miroku.]
Miroku: What's wrong with me?
Shizuru: That's what we would all like to know.
Sango: I'd rather kiss Kuwabara!!!
Kurama: Now that's pushing it.
Kuwabara: You guys are so mean!
Yukina: [to Sango] I had to kiss Kouga, so you have to kiss Miroku.
Kilala Li Fang: It's the rule, Sango.
[Sango gingerly leaned towards Miroku. Closing her eyes, she kissed him. Although, surprising everyone, she didn't pull away after two seconds.]
Kenshin: [tapping Sango on the shoulder] Excuse me, Miss Sango...
Sango: [breaking the kiss to face Kenshin] What?
[Sango realizes what she was doing. She turns bright red and looks at the ground.]
Miroku: Sango, how about we get away from these people?
[Sango nodded and stood up. Then, she and Miroku walked down the hallway to the room where Yusuke and Keiko were.]
Kaoru: Is that officially the "Make-out room"?
Inuyasha: [with a sidelong glance at Kagome] I guess so, since that's what Yusuke and Keiko are doing.
[Kagome slapped Inuyasha in the face.]
Ayumi: That better be ALL that's going on in there!
Aoshi: Yusuke and Keiko are here?
Botan: Oh, yes, that's right! You weren't here when Sesshomaru tossed them in that room.
Inufox: Why'd he do that?
Kagome: Yusuke and Keiko were in a lovely kiss, and Sesshomaru was "disturbed," so he tossed them in the room.
Inufox: Oh, I get it. Inuyasha teased him about being disturbed, and that's why I had to stop Sesshomaru from cutting Inuyasha in half.
Kuwabara: That's pretty much what happened.
Inuyasha: [to Inufox] How did you know what I did!?
Kia: You are very predictable, Inuyasha. It was easy to guess what you did.
Misao: Whose turn is it in the game?
Kouga: Don't we have only about five people left who haven't been kissed?
Kagome: To be exact, eight people left that are playing. The girls are Ayumi, Botan, Kaoru, and Kilala Li Fang, and the boys: Inuyasha, Kenshin, Kurama, and Kuwabara.
Sanosuke: That's a coincidence that there's the same number of boys as there are girls.
Voice: Not quite.
[Peoples heads turned towards the door to the outside. Hiei stood in the doorway, being held down by a girl.]